Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Said the cuck who unwittingly advocates for minority rule because he's in the minority.
No said the U.S. Government. I realize you're slow but at least when an actually authorities source is used act like an adult and not a childish brat.
No said the U.S. Government. I realize you're slow but at least when an actually authorities source is used act like an adult and not a childish brat.
That was supposed to mean something right?

Care to tell us what?
The fact remains that we are a republic AND a democracy

How do we elect our Governors? Direct democracy

How do we elect our Congressmen? Direct Democracy

How do we elect the President? Indirect democracy

How do we pass laws ? Our democratically elected representatives (because we are also a republic) do that for us
The fact remains that we are a republic AND a democracy

How do we elect our Governors? Direct democracy

How do we elect our Congressmen? Direct Democracy

How do we elect the President? Indirect democracy

How do we pass laws ? Our democratically elected representatives (because we are also a republic) do that for us
A republic and democarscy cannot coexist
Trump is taking us that way. He promised to jail all his opponents. He wants to create a gulag and you cheer?!?!
Trump is talking like the Progs rule. And you do know he mouths off as it is used against him. The young people I should feel sorry for.
Of course they can. Why would they not? I already illustrated how they do.
And proved yourself wrong in the process
A republic is governed by a constitution a democracy is governed by the will of the majority.
Written Law vs Mob Rule
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And proved yourself wrong in the process
A republic us governed by a constitution a democracy is governed by the will of the majority.
Written Law vs Mob Rule

You seem fixated on pure or direct democracy.

We do not have that .

But attacking that straw man is the only way you can win the argument.

As noted above, I have given numerous examples of democratic elections in our republic

We are BOTH a republic and a democracy whether you like it or not

You seem fixated on pure or direct democracy.

We do not have that .

But attacking that straw man is the only way you can win the argument.

As noted above, I have given numerous examples of democratic elections in our republic

We are BOTH a republic and a democracy whether you like it or not
You are fixated on being wrong.
Even the U.S. Government has stated America is a constitutional federal republic.
Of course they can. Why would they not? I already illustrated how they do.
They can not. The first reason is we have a Fiat Currency system. As of now we vote for people who rule over us with an iron hand. Mostly in Prog areas. They legislation makes voting for other ways more difficult to get around. An example is our education system has been changed.
They can not. The first reason is we have a Fiat Currency system. As of now we vote for people who rule over us with an iron hand. Mostly in Prog areas. They legislation makes voting for other ways more difficult to get around. An example is our education system has been changed.
Our currency had nothing to do with whether we are a democracy or not
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.
You sound like a pissy White dude when you spout your political prejudices in your need to denigrate those who do not kowtow to Trumpery.

The Loser argued that his losing the 2016 election "allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

If the Sexual Abuser/Fraudster's having repeatedly spewed about democracy and threatened to revoke the Constitution upsets you, just stop listening to his inane ravings.

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"More than any country in history we've made gains toward a democracy
that is enviable throughout the world."
Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 3.50.41 PM.png
"This election will determine whether we're a free nation
or whether we have only the illusion of democracy..."
Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 3.50.41 PM.png
"Every time voter fraud occurs, it cancels out the vote of a
lawful citizen and undermines democracy..."
Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 3.50.41 PM.png
"This election [2016] will determine whether America is a free nation
or whether we have only the illusion of democracy..."
Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 3.50.41 PM.png
"The criminal conduct of Hillary Clinton
threatens the foundations of democracy."
(The Loser and his bum kissers failed to ever contrive any actual charges against Clinton.)
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"Erasing national borders does not make people safer
or more prosperous. It undermines democracy ..."

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