Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Again. You’re too stupid to know how stupid you are
Nope it's 13 minutes later and America is still a Republic. Actually according to the U.S. Government it's a Constitutional Federal Republic
No dumbass you're leftist indoctrinated it's not your fault. I'm here to help correct you.
If you cannot distinguish between your Republic of China and your Republic of the United States, Sweet Pea, let me help you.

The later is a democratic republic, and the former is most definitely not.
If you cannot distinguish between your Republic of China and your Republic of the United States, Sweet Pea, let me help you.

The later is a democratic republic, and the former is most definitely not.
Strawman since China is a Republic in name only
So, you still are unable to admit that the United Stats is a democratic republic?

Well, I tried.
No you're the one unable to produce one shread of evidence from America's founding documents that shows the founders created a democracy
If you cannot distinguish between your Republic of China and your Republic of the United States, Sweet Pea, let me help you.

The later is a democratic republic, and the former is most definitely not.
He’s not real bright
He’s not real bright
You're the one mistaking America as a democracy but can't provide proof from the founding documents that the founders created a democracy. Show me the word dumbass
You're the one mistaking America as a democracy but can't provide proof from the founding documents that the founders created a democracy. Show me the word dumbass
Try “elections”

When there are elections there is democracy
Try “elections”

When there are elections there is democracy
Ok not a problem
. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
Do you deny that we have elections?
. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
No you're the one unable to produce one shread of evidence from America's founding documents that shows the founders created a democracy
What the Founding Fathers created is a democratic republic.

They made it quite clear that they did not desire the federal government to be a pure or direct democracy (nor a monarchical republic.)

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The United States government is a complex entity known as a democratic republic.​
This essentially means that the government operates on the principles of both a republic and a democracy. In other words, the nation functions upon principles that are common in both republics and democracies... The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

Direct Democracy Versus a Representative Democracy
Although we hear often that the US is a democracy, it is not fully a direct democracy in the purest sense. ...[A]t the federal level, the US is a representative democracy. Many aspects of the United States function as a direct democracy such as local elections for mayor, city council and school board members. State governors are another well known example; in each of the fifty states the governor is elected by popular vote.
Constitutional Democracy
Having said that, like many large entities, it is difficult to find one term to define the US political system. For instance, in many cases the government is described as a constitutional democracy because governmental power is defined, limited, and regulated by a constitution and the electorate (General voting populace)...
I'm not saying liberals are any worse than modern conservatives - especially Trump style conservatives - when it comes to dismissing the Constitution. But liberals consistently lean on the "will of the people" as though it's sacrosanct.
Again, when you complain about the will of the people I have to wonder what the alternative is.
Democrats want more democracy, and most of them will admit it. If you won't, that's fine.
I admit I want an end to the electoral college, other than that I don't know what wanting more democracy even means.
Why shouldn't we? The electorial college gives voice to smaller populated states things you see in a Republic. Protection of rights for individuals
Why should votes in one State count more than another? I want everyone's vote in this country to be equal.

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