Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

The Founding Fathers did not create a direct democracy, nor a monarchical republic.

They founded a democratic republic - or a "Representative Democracy" if you prefer Hamilton's words.

What Is A Representative Democracy?

Representative democracy is a government system that creates an extra stage between public votes and law creation. Instead of voting for laws, citizens elect officials to craft, debate, and sign laws. The idea is that citizens trust those elected politicians to carry out the will of those that elected them.
This is the most popular way of governing, with 60 percent of nations using representative democracy with elected officials. The United States is a prime example, with its houses and political parties.
The United Kingdom is similar in that it elects representatives for constituencies and they vote on laws in parliament. The UK has the difference of being a monarchy but the monarch has little political power.
The idea of representative democracy for the United States came from the framers of the Constitution. They didn’t approve of giving the public greater powers and feared a “tyranny of the majority.” The belief was that by bringing in elected officials, individuals had a better chance of being heard over a majority with extreme views.
The concept of bringing in elected representatives then came into law via the constitution. The framers agreed that these elected representatives would be able to select the president and that there should be a Supreme Court to uphold the constitution.
It was also decided that those elected to the House of Representatives would serve two years terms. However, they were not elected by citizens through public vote until 1913 and the 17th Amendment...
You still can't produce one thing that shows the founders tried to create a democracy
Because it's accurately defining the Republic
More accurately described as a Republic, you dumb Bingo. Just like those things driving around on the roads can accurately be described as trucks and cars but more accurately described as Fords or Hondas or Toyotas. Try not to let this simple concept break your Bingo brain. 😄
Democrats advocate that every time they call for abolishing the electoral college…
You claim “everything” subjected to majority rule
Electing a President by popular vote is not everything
More accurately described as a Republic, you dumb Bingo. Just like those things driving around on the roads can accurately be described as trucks and cars but more accurately described as Fords or Hondas or Toyotas. Try not to let this simple concept break your Bingo brain. 😄
So your proposing we inaccurately define the Republic?
The Founding Fathers did not just try, they succeeded in creating our representative democracy.
They didn't create a democracy they did everything they could to prevent it. They created a Constitutional Federal Republic
They didn't create a democracy they did everything they could to prevent it. They created a Constitutional Federal Republic
Of course they did not create a direct democracy. They created a representative democracy.

This may help you:

"Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy where elected delegates represent a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy. Nearly all modern Western-style democracies function as some type of representative democracy...
Of course they did not create a direct democracy. They created a representative democracy.

This may help you:

"Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy where elected delegates represent a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy. Nearly all modern Western-style democracies function as some type of representative democracy...
They didn't create a democracy period. If they did you'll be able to find the documents showing they want to make America a democracy.
Nope. I'm saying it can be accurately described as a democracy and more accurately described as constitutional federal republic. Learn to read you illiterate bitch. 😄
Yes that's what you're doing you're suggesting that we be less than accurate

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