Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Again, when you complain about the will of the people I have to wonder what the alternative is.
The alternative is the will of the individual. In most cases, it's best to let people do their own thing. Most problems we face in society can be resolved without forcing everyone to conform to the will of the majority.
I admit I want an end to the electoral college, other than that I don't know what wanting more democracy even means.
The electoral college rules, and the many other elements of our government designed to protect minority interests, were necessary to convince rural, less populous states to sign off on the Constitution. They're still necessary. Without them, people and states who always find themselves in the minority have very little incentive to play along. And many of them won't.
The alternative is the will of the individual. In most cases, it's find to let people do their own thing. Most problems we face in society can be resolved without forcing everyone to conform to the will of the majority.
I generally greed. Again who in reality is arguing otherwise?
The electoral college rules, and the many other elements of our government designed to protect minority interests, were necessary to convince rural, less populous states to sign off on the Constitution.
Let's be honest. Its not that they were less populated, it's that a large portion of their population were non voting slaves.
They're still necessary.
They really aren't. We no longer need to protect the voting interests of slavers. In fact we never did. The Founders chose to because they were despicable people.
Without them, people and states who always find themselves in the minority have very little incentive to play along. And many of them won't.
Play along in what? They have State governments. They get two Senators just like California no matter if they're a fraction of the size. Why should one person vote count more than someone else depending on where they cast that vote? I understand the reasoning behind the electoral college during slavery, what's the reason for it now?
Again who in reality is arguing otherwise?
I'm not playing the denial game with you. If you can't acknowledge that liberals want more majority rule and less protection for minority interests, there's not much point in discussing the matter with you.
I don't think you do agree, and I'm not playing the denial game with you. If you can't acknowledge that liberals want more majority rule and less protection for minority interests, there's not much point in discussing the matter with you.
What do you mean by that specially though other than the electoral college that you don't seem to even be able to defend?
. If you can't acknowledge that liberals want more majority rule and less protection for minority interests, there's not much point in discussing the matter with you.

You mean like with gays and Transexuals?
You mean like with gays and Transexuals?
That's part of it, yeah. But, it's a much broader concern that impacts all of us.

Modern liberals seem to take it as an article of faith that the majority will always be on their side. But that's changing. And when it does, liberals will find new enthusiasm for what they're now calling "minority rule". (and rejoice in the fact that they didn't kill the filibuster).
That's part of it, yeah. But, it's a much broader concern that impacts all of us.

Modern liberals seem to take it as an article of faith that the majority will always be on their side. But that's changing. And when it does, liberals will find new enthusiasm for what they're now calling "minority rule". (and rejoice in the fact that they didn't kill the filibuster).

Liberals have always stood up for the minority

The only minority Conservatives stand up for are the wealthy
That's part of it, yeah. But, it's a much broader concern that impacts all of us.
Liberals what majority rule for transsexuals? How so? I'm okay letting individual freedom reign here. If doctors and patients want to seek trans care then isn't it you trying to gather a majority to stop it?
Modern liberals seem to take it as an article of faith that the majority will always be on their side. But that's changing. And when it does, liberals will find new enthusiasm for what they're now calling "minority rule". (and rejoice in the fact that they didn't kill the filibuster).
What else other than in trans care where it's actually the right wing who wants to use majority rule over individuals? 😄

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