Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

What the Founding Fathers created is a democratic republic.

They made it quite clear that they did not desire the federal government to be a pure or direct democracy (nor a monarchical republic.)

The United States government is a complex entity known as a democratic republic.​
This essentially means that the government operates on the principles of both a republic and a democracy. In other words, the nation functions upon principles that are common in both republics and democracies... The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

Direct Democracy Versus a Representative Democracy
Although we hear often that the US is a democracy, it is not fully a direct democracy in the purest sense. ...[A]t the federal level, the US is a representative democracy. Many aspects of the United States function as a direct democracy such as local elections for mayor, city council and school board members. State governors are another well known example; in each of the fifty states the governor is elected by popular vote.
Constitutional Democracy
Having said that, like many large entities, it is difficult to find one term to define the US political system. For instance, in many cases the government is described as a constitutional democracy because governmental power is defined, limited, and regulated by a constitution and the electorate (General voting populace)...
I'm not the one who's confused. You're the one seemingly unable to answer.
Yes you are. Maybe to show you aren't confused you can produce something where the founders said they created a democracy
Yes you are. Maybe to show you aren't confused you can produce something where the founders said they created a democracy
We were talking about the electoral college dummy, which by the way is only for our presidential elections. All other elections the person who wins the majority wins the election.
We were talking about the electoral college dummy, which by the way is only for our presidential elections. All over elections the person who wins the majority wins the election.
Ok very well the U.S. Government defines a republic as
A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
U.S. Government
A Republic and a democracy are not the same not even a democratic republic
Ok very well the U.S. Government defines a republic as
A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
Which sounds an awful lot like a representative democracy, don't it?
U.S. Government
A Republic and a democracy are not the same not even a democratic republic
Is that the same link that says that America is more accurately defined as a Federal Republic than a Democracy? 😄 It doesn't say that it's inaccurate to describe America as a democracy does it?
Which sounds an awful lot like a representative democracy, don't it?

Is that the same link that says that America is more accurately defined as a Federal Republic than a Democracy? 😄 It doesn't say that it's inaccurate to describe America as a democracy does it?
Nope no word with democracy
That link is the U.S. Government link
You seemed even more confused.
Nope no word with democracy
That link is the U.S. Government link
You seemed even more confused.
And that link doesn't say America is inaccurately described as a democracy, does it? It says its more accurately described as a Republic, which means that describing it as democracy is still accurate just not as accurate as calling it a Republic. Learn what words mean you dumb Bingo. 😄
And that link doesn't say America is inaccurately described as a democracy, does it? It says its more accurately described as a Republic, which means that describing it as democracy is still accurate just not as accurate as calling it a Republic. Learn what words mean you dumb Bingo. 😄
"the United States is more accurately defined "
So you want to be inaccurate
So you want to be the opposite of accurate. Got it
More accurate doesn't imply the other is inaccurate you illiterate moron. 😄

Let me try to explain it to you as simply as I can you stupid stupid Bingo.

Democracy is a more general term and Federal Republic is more specific. There are many types of democracies with a federal republic simply being one of them. You can have a democratic monarchy or you can have a democratic republic that isn't federal (comprised of different States). It's like the difference between calling that tall leafy thing with coconuts hanging from it a tree or a Cocos Nucifera. Cocos Nucifera is more accurate but calling it a tree isn't inaccurate. Everyone except you stupid stupid right wing Bingos understands this simple concept and we're all pointing and laughing as this goes right over your heads. 😄
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More accurate doesn't imply the other is inaccurate you illiterate moron. 😄

Let me try to explain it to you as simply as I can you stupid stupid Bingo.

Democracy is a more general term and Federal Republic is more specific. There are many types of democracies with a federal republic simply being one of them. You can have a democratic monarchy or you can have a democratic republic that isn't federal (comprised of different States). It's like the difference between calling that tall leafy thing with coconuts hanging from it a tree or a coconut tree. Coconut tree is more accurate but calling it a tree isn't inaccurate. Everyone except you stupid stupid right wing Bingos understands this simple concept and we're all pointing and laughing as this goes right over your heads. 😄
you're wanting to be the opposite of accurate
Great way to lose
The Founding Fathers did not create a direct democracy, nor a monarchical republic.

They founded a democratic republic - or a "Representative Democracy" if you prefer Hamilton's words.


What Is A Representative Democracy?

Representative democracy is a government system that creates an extra stage between public votes and law creation. Instead of voting for laws, citizens elect officials to craft, debate, and sign laws. The idea is that citizens trust those elected politicians to carry out the will of those that elected them.
This is the most popular way of governing, with 60 percent of nations using representative democracy with elected officials. The United States is a prime example, with its houses and political parties.
The United Kingdom is similar in that it elects representatives for constituencies and they vote on laws in parliament. The UK has the difference of being a monarchy but the monarch has little political power.
The idea of representative democracy for the United States came from the framers of the Constitution. They didn’t approve of giving the public greater powers and feared a “tyranny of the majority.” The belief was that by bringing in elected officials, individuals had a better chance of being heard over a majority with extreme views.
The concept of bringing in elected representatives then came into law via the constitution. The framers agreed that these elected representatives would be able to select the president and that there should be a Supreme Court to uphold the constitution.
It was also decided that those elected to the House of Representatives would serve two years terms. However, they were not elected by citizens through public vote until 1913 and the 17th Amendment...
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More accurate indicates degrees of accuracy not the opposite of accuracy you stupid stupid Bingo. As I said, learn what words mean. 😄
So you like to be the opposite of accurate
How leftist of you.

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