Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Less accurate doesn't mean inaccurate you Bingo. We are generally a democracy and more specifically a federal republic. Federal Republic is a type of democracy like a Mustang is a type of car. Why are you still crying over this? 😄
Yes less accurate means inaccurate
Damn you're stupid
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.
Of course what you really prefer is Fascism, which your beloved candidate has promised to put into effect when he steals the 2024 election.
They didn't create a democracy period. If they did you'll be able to find the documents showing they want to make America a democracy.
The malcontents who are in denial about our representative democracy also deny democratic elections when the People reject their candidate.

All advanced nations today have settled upon various forms of representational democracy, of course.

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Only to a Bingo like you that doesn't seem to realize a constitutional federal republic is simply one type of democracy. 😄
Only a moron would accept less than accurate as acceptable.
Really? The Roman Republic did not elect Senators
Roman wasn't a true Republic
The malcontents who are in denial about our representative democracy also deny democratic elections when the People reject their candidate.

All advanced nations today have settled upon various forms of representational democracy, of course.

John Adams (1735-1826) was prompted by John Taylor’s book An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (1814) to defend his idea of democracy:

You say, sir, that I have gravely counted up several victims “of popular rage, as proofs that democracy is more pernicious than monarchy or aristocracy.” This is not my doctrine, Mr. Taylor. My opinion is, and always has been, that absolute power intoxicates alike despots, monarchs, aristocrats, and democrats, and jacobins, and sans culottes. I cannot say that democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, than any of the others. Its atrocities have been more transient; those of the others have been more permanent. The history of all ages shows that the caprice, cruelties, and horrors of democracy have soon disgusted, alarmed, and terrified themselves. They soon cry, “this will not do; we have gone too far! We are all in the wrong! We are none of us safe! We must unite in some clever fellow, who can protect us all,—Cæsar, Bonaparte, who you will! Though we distrust, hate, and abhor them all; yet we must submit to one or another of them, stand by him, cry him up to the skies, and swear that he is the greatest, best, and finest man that ever lived!”
Of course what you really prefer is Fascism, which your beloved candidate has promised to put into effect when he steals the 2024 election.
No being a fascist is and will always be a democrat thing hell they fought to keep their slaves.
Only a moron would accept less than accurate as acceptable.

Roman wasn't a true Republic

John Adams (1735-1826) was prompted by John Taylor’s book An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (1814) to defend his idea of democracy:
Our democratic republic is under attack by sore losers who can't handle the results of democratic elections when the People reject their candidate.

Representative democracy shall endure.
Our democratic republic is under attack by sore losers who can't handle the results of democratic elections when the People reject their candidate.

Representative democracy shall endure.
And it's getting worse and worse. Russia, Russia, Russia turned into 2000 Mules. Makes me wonder what excuse the next loser will resort to. I honestly don't think the next election will resolve peacefully. Whichever side of the duopoly loses will melt down into full blown denial. Wailing and gnashing of teeth. The whole bit.
Our democratic republic is under attack by sore losers who can't handle the results of democratic elections when the People reject their candidate.

Representative democracy shall endure.
We don't have a democratic anything someone lied to you. We have a Constitutional Federal Republic. The institution the founders created and you want to bastardize to fit you bullshit.
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.

"... democrats hate using the word Republic."

Please name the Democrats who told you that they "hate using the word Republic,"

It has been my experience that most Americans, Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike, are aware that the nation is a democratic republic.

Virtually all advanced nations are.
"... democrats hate using the word Republic."

Please name the Democrats who told you that they "hate using the word Republic,"

It has been my experience that most Americans, Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike, are aware that the nation is a democratic republic.

Virtually all advanced nations are.
All those who wrongly call America a democracy. You for one who has been shown their error but continue to whine like it's going to change the fact America is a Constitutional Federal Republic.
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All those who wrongly call America a democracy. You for one who has been shown their error but continue to whine like it's going to change the fact America is a Constitutional Federal Republic.
You haven't shown any error. 😄 America is a type of democracy more actually described as a constitutional federal republic.
Only a moron would accept less than accurate as acceptable.

Roman wasn't a true Republic

John Adams (1735-1826) was prompted by John Taylor’s book An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (1814) to defend his idea of democracy:
How was Rome not a true republic?
Democrats always say BSwe are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their
BS. A republic is defined as a representative democracy.duhhh....
All those who wrongly call America a democracy. You for one who has been shown their error but continue to whine like it's going to change the fact America is a Constitutional Federal Republic.
So, you claim that "democrats hate using the word Republic," but can't actually name one, nor sight any quote?

Of course, the United Sates is a democratic republic.

Power is held by the people and their democratically-elected representatives and president.

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