Two Ways to Help Stop Mass Shootings

Define Assault Rifle and tell us how an AR15 fits that category.
Define the true origin of the 2nd Amendment and tell us how it relates to today's gun culture. Answer my question and I'll answer yours.
Define the true origin of the 2nd Amendment
The right of free people to keep and bear arms appears to have originated in the Germanic tribes of the pre-Roman Iron age.

and tell us how it relates to today's gun culture.
It prevents you from violating people's civil liberties.

You waited too long. I don't feel like answering your question now. Have a nice day. :smoochEE:
If you can't define a weapon then you have no business calling to ban it.
Define the true origin of the 2nd Amendment and tell us how it relates to today's gun culture. Answer my question and I'll answer yours.
Oh I'm not into hanging my hat on any legal formality. As far as I'm concerned, my right to defend my home against an invader is unquestionable and not up for argument. Some would rather I duke it out with a criminal or two, but that would make me a victim of their hysterical logic, and that would be foolish of me.
Define the true origin of the 2nd Amendment...
The entire bill of rights, including the 2nd amendment, originates from a deal made between the federalists and anti-federalists to get the constitution ratified, with the promise of certain changes (the bill of rights ) to be added immediately after,.
OK - your turn.
The entire bill of rights, including the 2nd amendment, originates from a deal made between the federalists and anti-federalists to get the constitution ratified, with the promise of certain changes (the bill of rights ) to be added immediately after,.
OK - your turn.
This is the best answer I've seen so far.
The right of free people to keep and bear arms appears to have originated in the Germanic tribes of the pre-Roman Iron age.

It prevents you from violating people's civil liberties.

If you can't define a weapon then you have no business calling to ban it.
An AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle with a large capacity magazine. The bullets leave large holes in the body when they exit. That is why the children at that school in Uvalde, Texas couldn't be recognized. Their bodies were blown to pieces.
Did you hear Matthew McCounahay talking about the little girl who could only be identified by her green Converse shoes?
An AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle
OK up to this point.

with a large capacity magazine.
Not exactly. Like other rifles that accept detachable magazines, it will accept detachable magazines of any size, including detachable magazines that only carry five rounds.

The bullets leave large holes in the body when they exit. That is why the children at that school in Uvalde, Texas couldn't be recognized. Their bodies were blown to pieces.
Such wounds are typical of all long guns (with the appropriate ammo anyway).

Did you hear Matthew McCounahay talking about the little girl who could only be identified by her green Converse shoes?

I don't know who that person is, and I am not paying much attention to this incident.
OK up to this point.

Not exactly. Like other rifles that accept detachable magazines, it will accept detachable magazines of any size, including detachable magazines that only carry five rounds.

Such wounds are typical of all long guns (with the appropriate ammo anyway).


I don't know who that person is, and I am not paying much attention to this incident.
It's too bad you're not paying attention to this "incident". I think anyone who cares about this country and the children of this country, would be paying close attention to this horrific tragedy.
But, some people only care about children when they are still in the womb. Once they are out of the womb, they are on their own.
No, my definition is good enough.
/———/ No it’s not. Now accurately define an AR15 and why you think it’s an assault rifle.
Then list manufacturers who make “assault rifles.”
Then list military that issues “assault rifles” like the AR15.
Then link to the government classification of an “assault rifle.”
We’ll wait while you gather your notes.
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It's too bad you're not paying attention to this "incident". I think anyone who cares about this country and the children of this country, would be paying close attention to this horrific tragedy.
But, some people only care about children when they are still in the womb. Once they are out of the womb, they are on their own.
/——/ I agree, teachers should be armed and crazy people should be put in the loonie bin.
No, my definition is good enough.
You defined an AR-15. You didn't define "assault rifle" which is what you were asked.

And your definition of AR-15 was lacking. An AR-15 does not have to have a large magazine attached to it.

Any gun that accepts detachable magazines, can accept detachable magazines of any size, large or small.

Rounds that are fired from an AR-15 are no deadlier than rounds that are fired from any other long gun.

If anything the AR-15 is underpowered in the damage that it does, when compared to many other long guns.
/———/ No it’s not. Now accurately define an AR15 and why you think it’s an assault rifle.
Then list manufacturers who make “assault rifles.”
Then list military use issues “assault rifles” like the AR15.
Then link to the government classification of an “assault rifle.”
We’ll wait while you gather your notes.
Hold your breath while I gather my notes. Thank you.

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