U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.
This is what happens when you say you're going to veto a whole bunch of bills and use his pen.
He wants to play hardball, expect hardball back.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.
It's always a good thing when Emperor Obama Bin Laden is cut down to size!
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

America has been fighting Islamic terrorist long before Israel came into existence.

Islamic pigs have been enslaving and killing all throughout the Mediterranean Sea for well over a thousand years.

It really wasn't until the end of the Barbary Wars that Muslims were put back in their place and free trade could occur without fear of Islamic pirates looting ships and ransoming or enslaving ship captives.

But I suppose somehow the Jews are responsible for Muslims obeying their book of lies.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

America has been fighting Islamic terrorist long before Israel came into existence.

Islamic pigs have been enslaving and killing all throughout the Mediterranean Sea for well over a thousand years.

It really wasn't until the end of the Barbary Wars that Muslims were put back in their place and free trade could occur without fear of Islamic pirates looting ships and ransoming or enslaving ship captives.

But I suppose somehow the Jews are responsible for Muslims obeying their book of lies.

No more than the Jews, and your right about that, the Jews taught them their book, the Jews and the Arabs are so intermarried its hard to tell them apart except of where they scattered to. The Jews , whoever they are, lived with the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula for many years.
This is what happens when you say you're going to veto a whole bunch of bills and use his pen.
He wants to play hardball, expect hardball back.

Well since the Reps refused to even acknowledge his existence for so long, I hope he ignores them back. They have been refusing for 6 years, and Boehner appears so utterly jealous of Obama its sad to watch.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

America has been fighting Islamic terrorist long before Israel came into existence.

Islamic pigs have been enslaving and killing all throughout the Mediterranean Sea for well over a thousand years.

It really wasn't until the end of the Barbary Wars that Muslims were put back in their place and free trade could occur without fear of Islamic pirates looting ships and ransoming or enslaving ship captives.

But I suppose somehow the Jews are responsible for Muslims obeying their book of lies.

No more than the Jews, and your right about that, the Jews taught them their book, the Jews and the Arabs are so intermarried its hard to tell them apart except of where they scattered to. The Jews , whoever they are, lived with the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula for many years.

"No more than the Jews"? Haha. That is all you have? Jews may have their flaws and their own agenda, but at least their religion doesn't dictate to them that they should enslave and murder whoever isn't one of them.
I'll take a Jewish neighbor over a Muslim any day.
This is what happens when you say you're going to veto a whole bunch of bills and use his pen.
He wants to play hardball, expect hardball back.

A pen and a phone countered by inviting someone to speak. Priceless.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.

No one should have Nukes, esp . Israel , who is trigger finger happy. The Jews love to fight and Bibi will make sure he is the one to take down or attack Iran. Putting more sanctions on Iran why, oh because Israel and SA want Iran to disappear. Back in 92 Iran , according to Israel was going to have nukes in a couple years, not happened yet. Iran is not a threat except in the pocket book.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.

No one should have Nukes, esp . Israel , who is trigger finger happy. The Jews love to fight and Bibi will make sure he is the one to take down or attack Iran. Putting more sanctions on Iran why, oh because Israel and SA want Iran to disappear. Back in 92 Iran , according to Israel was going to have nukes in a couple years, not happened yet. Iran is not a threat except in the pocket book.

Israel is not the one who is always breaking the peace agreements.
I expect Israel to smack Iran down. I want them to. We are too corrupt to do it.
U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu, Obama blindsided

WASHINGTON Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51pm EST


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem January 18, 2015.


(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting President Barack Obama, and a White House spokesman questioned whether protocol had been violated.

An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol."

Boehner announced the invitation the morning after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto any legislation passed by Congress to toughen sanctions against Iran while Washington and other powers negotiate with Tehran over its nuclear program.

Asked by a reporter if inviting Netanyahu without speaking to the White House was a "poke in the eye" to Obama, Boehner, a Republican, said, "The Congress can make this decision on its own. I don’t believe I’m poking anyone in the eye."

Lawmakers trying to amass enough support to override any veto by Obama are developing several pieces of Iran-related legislation, including a bill to tighten sanctions if a final nuclear agreement is not reached before the end of June.


U.S. Congress invites Netanyahu Obama blindsided Reuters


Looks like Congress has had a bellyful of Obumble's kid-gloves treatment of Iran and his slap-downs of Israel.
I heard Obutthurt crying that Congress overstepped their authority. What an idiot, he does it all the time.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.
You are sooo wrong you are stupid. Go Boehner.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.

No one should have Nukes, esp . Israel , who is trigger finger happy. The Jews love to fight and Bibi will make sure he is the one to take down or attack Iran. Putting more sanctions on Iran why, oh because Israel and SA want Iran to disappear. Back in 92 Iran , according to Israel was going to have nukes in a couple years, not happened yet. Iran is not a threat except in the pocket book.
Go Israel, Iran sucks.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia...
...the Jews and the Arabs are so intermarried its hard to tell them apart except of where they scattered to. The Jews , whoever they are, lived with the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula for many years.

:lmao: Priceless. I tell ya, you can't by the kind of stupidity Pene brings to this board except maybe at Walmart.




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Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

America has been fighting Islamic terrorist long before Israel came into existence.

Islamic pigs have been enslaving and killing all throughout the Mediterranean Sea for well over a thousand years.

It really wasn't until the end of the Barbary Wars that Muslims were put back in their place and free trade could occur without fear of Islamic pirates looting ships and ransoming or enslaving ship captives.

But I suppose somehow the Jews are responsible for Muslims obeying their book of lies.

No more than the Jews, and your right about that, the Jews taught them their book, the Jews and the Arabs are so intermarried its hard to tell them apart except of where they scattered to. The Jews , whoever they are, lived with the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula for many years.

"No more than the Jews"? Haha. That is all you have? Jews may have their flaws and their own agenda, but at least their religion doesn't dictate to them that they should enslave and murder whoever isn't one of them.
I'll take a Jewish neighbor over a Muslim any day.

Now why it is nothing is said about SA, this is not about any terrorist attacks which I believe most are caused by Israel Mossad and even our CIA, but its all about land, water and oil. The Israel government is not a democracy, and is spread thought-out every country, Divide and conquer.
Oh yes the master of terrorism, who really invented islamophobia. Boehner is a war monger who wants to be a hero to Israel and attack Iran. Sick. I wish the scumbag PM Bibi would not be allowed to set foot in the US.

Nice to know you would like Iran to get Nuclear and give it to jihad terrorists to blow up a whole bunch of innocents in many countries, including us in America.

No one should have Nukes, esp . Israel , who is trigger finger happy. The Jews love to fight and Bibi will make sure he is the one to take down or attack Iran. Putting more sanctions on Iran why, oh because Israel and SA want Iran to disappear. Back in 92 Iran , according to Israel was going to have nukes in a couple years, not happened yet. Iran is not a threat except in the pocket book.
Go Israel, Iran sucks.

American first, after Israel hey!

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