U.S. House passes "Protect Life Act"

Is this ANOTHER abortion bill Republicans say they are not passing, but do?
Fulfilling a campaign promise to the people who voted for them. Used to be that was considered a good thing in a politician.

You DO realize this isn't the only thing they're doing, right? They can and do multitask on Capitol Hill.

Fulfilling a campaign promise is great. I dont recall anyone campaigning on it do you?

The Pledge to America is a list of proposed legislative items that the Republican Party promised to pursue in the 112th Congress if Republicans gained a majority of the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in the November 2010 election.

In the pledge, Republicans call for:

Extending the temporary tax cuts passed under President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003 for all taxpayers, including those for those earning over $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples).
A tax deduction for small businesses on up to 20 percent of their business income.
A hold on all unspent funds authorized as part of 2009's stimulus bill or the 2008 TARP legislation.
Roll back government spending to 2008 levels, to save $100 billion while exempting "seniors, veterans, and our troops" from cuts; this would entail cutting 21 percent of the $477 billion budgeted for domestic discretionary spending.[4]
A hiring freeze on all federal agencies except those necessary to national security.
A repeal of the 2010 health-care reform bill.
Reform of medical liability and health insurance practices.
A permanent ban on any federal funding for abortion.
A requirement that Congress post all bills online three days before a vote.
A requirement that lawmakers cite the specific constitutional authority that enables the legislation.
A ban on trials on U.S. soil for detainees currently held at Guantanamo Bay.

Pledge to America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, I do. What campaign were YOU watching?

There is ALREADY a ban on federal funding for abortions. Why do they have to keep beating a dead horse when the country needs jobs more than anything?
Just sayin.


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They were electd on a jobs mandate, did nothing about jobs, and nearly collapsed the government economically. End of story.

No they weren't elected to do any such thing. They were elected to STOP obama from expanding government beyond the next ten generations to pay the debt. They are doing that admirably too.

Thank you so much. I'm doing cyber cartwheels thru the house.


You are both wrong, guys, and no amount of cartwheels will correct that.

The Tea Party and GOP were elected to get jobs going. They, along with the Dems, failed miserably. That is what folks will vote on, among other items, one of which, the debt, is going to bite the Tea Party in the ass. Hard.
Just sayin.
But the government IS involved. Obama and his doe-eyed supporters got that.

Isn't it amazing that the government saying they will not spend money on something is getting involved, but the government spending money on something, and attaching gazillions of strings and conditions to that money, is them not being involved? That part always confuses me because I think it works the other way around.
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It's just you and si modo confused is all. Nothing more.
I hope you can tell me it's true - that Obamacare is not really passed.

But, last I heard, it was. And many supported it. Too bad many didn't know what came with that - government involvement in health care. Seems rather obvious to the rest of us, but so are many things obvious but the o-bots seem to miss.
Wow, progressives are pissed because abortions are not free..

Can't say I'm shocked the little baby killers are pissed - to them baby killing is a right.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyC6ieSFOFM]Dr. Ron Paul: Protect Life, Protect Liberty - YouTube[/ame]
Just sayin.
But the government IS involved. Obama and his doe-eyed supporters got that.

Isn't it amazing that the government saying they will not spend money on something is getting involved, but the government spending money on something, and attaching gazillions of strings and conditions to that money, is them not being involved? That part always confuses me because I think it works the other way around.

Yes, but that's because, unlike BDB, you actually DO think.

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