U.S. Kills Family In Syria...

Bet this helps terrorist recruiting.

Hell ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims that should up the recruitment way more than the deaths of five idiots in a war zone.

Those Muslims they killed weren't the right Muslims. So recruitment should hit the roof.

Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
Bombing and killing innocent women & children could cause others to feel the U.S. is a 'terrorist ridden' country. Something most Americans won't dare contemplate.
Yes. Much of the world sees US military actions directed by our idiotic and corrupt politicians, as acts of terrorism and war. But as you say, many Americans consider such talk as blasphemous and anti-American. Those Americans who see the truth and speak out, are ridiculed and condemned. Other than Ron Paul and maybe a few other national figures, no one is willing to speak the truth for fear of ridicule and personal destruction by statists.

The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

What war are you trying to win right now? And is it worth brutally murdering and maiming innocent women & children?

To hear you tell it that's all we do. Kill "Innocent woman and kids."

Never mind the killing they do.
God your a bleeding heart of an idiot.

What war are you trying to win? There's so many now, i can't keep up. We shouldn't be murdering any women & children over there. We shouldn't be there. We don't belong there. It's time to come home.

Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

We got into a war with Japan when be became involved in their sphere of influence. The word for that is interventionism.

We had forward deployed troops and we even cut them off of oil at a time when we were supplying them with over 90% of their needs.

We went to war in Kuwait over 20% of our oil imports and then we wonder what the Japs were pissed at us when we cut them off of almost all of their oil?

Then there was Europe. The Japs attacked us but yet we invaded Europe. Go figure. That crap about "well Hitler declared war on us" is BS because he had no way of doing any significant damage to us. He couldn't even establish air superiority over the UK no less pose a threat to the US. He declared war on us in the hopes that it would get the Japs to attack Russia in the East.

Interventionism always brings a heavy price. We saw that on 911, didn't we?

Our war nowadays should be on our borders not in the Middle East fighting other people's wars for them.

Conservatives need to be conservative and not interventionists.

The world is a dangerous place and we will occasionally have to kick some ass and I don't have any problem with that. However, we don't have to be the world's policeman.

By the way we are weak now and "don't have the capability to win wars" because we are so far in debt and have squandered our wealth on useless wars and welfare and have used up the strength of our military protecting Saudi Arabia and Israel and South Korea and anybody else with a high paying lobbyist in DC.
The Globalist Elite Permanent War rolls on.

US-led anti-IS strikes kill family in Syria: monitor

A couple and their five children were killed overnight in Syria's northern Aleppo province in strikes by the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group, a monitor said on Monday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group, said the deaths raised to 148 the number of civilians killed in US-led strikes in Syria since they began in September.

The Observatory said the family was killed in a coalition strike on the village of Daly Hassan, in the northeast of Aleppo province.

Their deaths "bring the number of Syrian civilians killed in coalition air strikes since September 23 to 148, including 48 children and 32 women," the monitor said.

In May, the Observatory reported at least 64 civilians -- nearly half of them children -- had been killed in US-led air strikes in the village of Birmahle in Aleppo province...

Read More:
US-led anti-IS strikes kill family in Syria monitor - Yahoo News

Bet this helps terrorist recruiting.

Hell ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims that should up the recruitment way more than the deaths of five idiots in a war zone.

Those Muslims they killed weren't the right Muslims. So recruitment should hit the roof.

Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
Yeah...lets kill as many women, children, and old people as we can. CRAZY!!!

The blood lusting Americans.
If they live in terrorist ridden countries I couldn't care less. Fuck em

Bombing and killing innocent women & children could cause others to feel the U.S. is a 'terrorist ridden' country. Something most Americans won't dare contemplate.
Yes. Much of the world sees US military actions directed by our idiotic and corrupt politicians, as acts of terrorism and war. But as you say, many Americans consider such talk as blasphemous and anti-American. Those Americans who see the truth and speak out, are ridiculed and condemned. Other than Ron Paul and maybe a few other national figures, no one is willing to speak the truth for fear of ridicule and personal destruction by statists.

The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

There is no win in our wars. Just lots of killing.
We got into a war with Japan when be became involved in their sphere of influence. The word for that is interventionism.

We had forward deployed troops and we even cut them off of oil at a time when we were supplying them with over 90% of their needs.

We went to war in Kuwait over 20% of our oil imports and then we wonder what the Japs were pissed at us when we cut them off of almost all of their oil?

Then there was Europe. The Japs attacked us but yet we invaded Europe. Go figure. That crap about "well Hitler declared war on us" is BS because he had no way of doing any significant damage to us. He couldn't even establish air superiority over the UK no less pose a threat to the US. He declared war on us in the hopes that it would get the Japs to attack Russia in the East.

Interventionism always brings a heavy price. We saw that on 911, didn't we?

Our war nowadays should be on our borders not in the Middle East fighting other people's wars for them.

Conservatives need to be conservative and not interventionists.

The world is a dangerous place and we will occasionally have to kick some ass and I don't have any problem with that. However, we don't have to be the world's policeman.

By the way we are weak now and "don't have the capability to win wars" because we are so far in debt and have squandered our wealth on useless wars and welfare and have used up the strength of our military protecting Saudi Arabia and Israel and South Korea and anybody else with a high paying lobbyist in DC.

If I had my way we would not have gotten involved in WW1, and there wouldn't have been a WW2, at least not the same war.

On one had I agree with you that "we don't have to be the world's policeman."

On the other hand I have to wonder who will fill that void?

What will happen to the billions of people our military might protects?
We got into a war with Japan when be became involved in their sphere of influence. The word for that is interventionism.

We had forward deployed troops and we even cut them off of oil at a time when we were supplying them with over 90% of their needs.

We went to war in Kuwait over 20% of our oil imports and then we wonder what the Japs were pissed at us when we cut them off of almost all of their oil?

Then there was Europe. The Japs attacked us but yet we invaded Europe. Go figure. That crap about "well Hitler declared war on us" is BS because he had no way of doing any significant damage to us. He couldn't even establish air superiority over the UK no less pose a threat to the US. He declared war on us in the hopes that it would get the Japs to attack Russia in the East.

Interventionism always brings a heavy price. We saw that on 911, didn't we?

Our war nowadays should be on our borders not in the Middle East fighting other people's wars for them.

Conservatives need to be conservative and not interventionists.

The world is a dangerous place and we will occasionally have to kick some ass and I don't have any problem with that. However, we don't have to be the world's policeman.

By the way we are weak now and "don't have the capability to win wars" because we are so far in debt and have squandered our wealth on useless wars and welfare and have used up the strength of our military protecting Saudi Arabia and Israel and South Korea and anybody else with a high paying lobbyist in DC.

If I had my way we would not have gotten involved in WW1, and there wouldn't have been a WW2, at least not the same war.

On one had I agree with you that "we don't have to be the world's policeman."

On the other hand I have to wonder who will fill that void?

What will happen to the billions of people our military might protects?
Can you please identify the billions of people our military protects?
The Globalist Elite Permanent War rolls on.

US-led anti-IS strikes kill family in Syria: monitor

A couple and their five children were killed overnight in Syria's northern Aleppo province in strikes by the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group, a monitor said on Monday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group, said the deaths raised to 148 the number of civilians killed in US-led strikes in Syria since they began in September.

The Observatory said the family was killed in a coalition strike on the village of Daly Hassan, in the northeast of Aleppo province.

Their deaths "bring the number of Syrian civilians killed in coalition air strikes since September 23 to 148, including 48 children and 32 women," the monitor said.

In May, the Observatory reported at least 64 civilians -- nearly half of them children -- had been killed in US-led air strikes in the village of Birmahle in Aleppo province...

Read More:
US-led anti-IS strikes kill family in Syria monitor - Yahoo News

Bet this helps terrorist recruiting.

Hell ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims that should up the recruitment way more than the deaths of five idiots in a war zone.

Those Muslims they killed weren't the right Muslims. So recruitment should hit the roof.

Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
If they live in terrorist ridden countries I couldn't care less. Fuck em

Bombing and killing innocent women & children could cause others to feel the U.S. is a 'terrorist ridden' country. Something most Americans won't dare contemplate.
Yes. Much of the world sees US military actions directed by our idiotic and corrupt politicians, as acts of terrorism and war. But as you say, many Americans consider such talk as blasphemous and anti-American. Those Americans who see the truth and speak out, are ridiculed and condemned. Other than Ron Paul and maybe a few other national figures, no one is willing to speak the truth for fear of ridicule and personal destruction by statists.

The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

There is no win in our wars. Just lots of killing.
Makes one wonder if NOT winning wars, is by design. Could it be the power elite wants endless war?

Endless war makes lots of elites, including many bankers who control our politicians, extremely wealthy.
We got into a war with Japan when be became involved in their sphere of influence. The word for that is interventionism.

We had forward deployed troops and we even cut them off of oil at a time when we were supplying them with over 90% of their needs.

We went to war in Kuwait over 20% of our oil imports and then we wonder what the Japs were pissed at us when we cut them off of almost all of their oil?

Then there was Europe. The Japs attacked us but yet we invaded Europe. Go figure. That crap about "well Hitler declared war on us" is BS because he had no way of doing any significant damage to us. He couldn't even establish air superiority over the UK no less pose a threat to the US. He declared war on us in the hopes that it would get the Japs to attack Russia in the East.

Interventionism always brings a heavy price. We saw that on 911, didn't we?

Our war nowadays should be on our borders not in the Middle East fighting other people's wars for them.

Conservatives need to be conservative and not interventionists.

The world is a dangerous place and we will occasionally have to kick some ass and I don't have any problem with that. However, we don't have to be the world's policeman.

By the way we are weak now and "don't have the capability to win wars" because we are so far in debt and have squandered our wealth on useless wars and welfare and have used up the strength of our military protecting Saudi Arabia and Israel and South Korea and anybody else with a high paying lobbyist in DC.

If I had my way we would not have gotten involved in WW1, and there wouldn't have been a WW2, at least not the same war.

On one had I agree with you that "we don't have to be the world's policeman."

On the other hand I have to wonder who will fill that void?

What will happen to the billions of people our military might protects?

Foreign aid, whether it be military or economic, is just another form of welfare. We see where welfare always creates a class of dependents. We don't need that.

We should not have to give the lives our our young men and women to protect other people. It is their responsibility to protect themselves.

I certainly agree with you about WWI. That led to WWII and that led to the Cold War. Other people benefited tremendously from our protection but we lost a lot.

I think our war now is on our borders and not somebody else's borders.
Bet this helps terrorist recruiting.

Hell ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims that should up the recruitment way more than the deaths of five idiots in a war zone.

Those Muslims they killed weren't the right Muslims. So recruitment should hit the roof.

Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
Bombing and killing innocent women & children could cause others to feel the U.S. is a 'terrorist ridden' country. Something most Americans won't dare contemplate.
Yes. Much of the world sees US military actions directed by our idiotic and corrupt politicians, as acts of terrorism and war. But as you say, many Americans consider such talk as blasphemous and anti-American. Those Americans who see the truth and speak out, are ridiculed and condemned. Other than Ron Paul and maybe a few other national figures, no one is willing to speak the truth for fear of ridicule and personal destruction by statists.

The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

There is no win in our wars. Just lots of killing.
Makes one wonder if NOT winning wars, is by design. Could it be the power elite wants endless war?

Endless war makes lots of elites, including many bankers who control our politicians, extremely wealthy.

Permanent War is big money for the few Globalist Elites. They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the People to hate & fear. ISIS is just the flavor of the week Boogeyman. When it's gone, there will be a new one invented.

They have to keep the People in fear. When in fear, most go along. You would think the People would have caught on by now. But fear is such a powerful force. It is what it is.
Hell ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims that should up the recruitment way more than the deaths of five idiots in a war zone.

Those Muslims they killed weren't the right Muslims. So recruitment should hit the roof.

Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
Yes. Much of the world sees US military actions directed by our idiotic and corrupt politicians, as acts of terrorism and war. But as you say, many Americans consider such talk as blasphemous and anti-American. Those Americans who see the truth and speak out, are ridiculed and condemned. Other than Ron Paul and maybe a few other national figures, no one is willing to speak the truth for fear of ridicule and personal destruction by statists.

The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

There is no win in our wars. Just lots of killing.
Makes one wonder if NOT winning wars, is by design. Could it be the power elite wants endless war?

Endless war makes lots of elites, including many bankers who control our politicians, extremely wealthy.

Permanent War is big money for the few Globalist Elites. They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the People to hate & fear. ISIS is just the flavor of the week Boogeyman. When it's gone, there will be a new one invented.

They have to keep the People in fear. When in fear, most go along. You would think the People would have caught on by now. But fear is such a powerful force. It is what it is.
And now Jebby is talking tough about Putin and Russia. Seems he is trying to start WWIII. He is F-ing nuts.

The following from: Jeb Bush Putin Is A Bully

Jeb Bush: Putin Is A 'Bully'

Bush said signaling what further sanctions Russia could face, and reassuring Poland and the Baltic states that the United States would meet its NATO obligations to view an attack on one member state as an attack against the whole alliance could help halt Putin's aggression.

There are things that we could do given the scale of our military to send a strong signal that we're on the side of Poland and the Baltics and the countries that truly feel threatened by the little green men and this new cyber warfare and these other tactics that Russia now is using," Bush said.

He said training exercises in Poland and the Baltic nations needed to be "more robust," adding that while Moscow deployed tens of thousands of troops in areas near U.S. allies, the response from Washington was "far less meaningful."

"If I was president of the United States, I'd clearly take the advice of the commanders on the ground but from the outside, without having any kind of classified information, it appears that we could have a more robust response," he said.
Just because they're not American children, doesn't mean their 'idiots' worthy of being brutally slaughtered. You really do need to think more about what you're saying. You don't sound any better than the average ISIS savage.
The U.S. and Allies have brutally slaughtered more innocent civilians in the last 20yrs alone, than ISIS could ever possibly imagine doing. So it's fair and logical to expect many around the world to view the U.S. as a 'Terrorist State.'
Are you old enough to remember bombing Japan?
Idiots like you are why we no longer have the capabilities to win wars

There is no win in our wars. Just lots of killing.
Makes one wonder if NOT winning wars, is by design. Could it be the power elite wants endless war?

Endless war makes lots of elites, including many bankers who control our politicians, extremely wealthy.

Permanent War is big money for the few Globalist Elites. They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the People to hate & fear. ISIS is just the flavor of the week Boogeyman. When it's gone, there will be a new one invented.

They have to keep the People in fear. When in fear, most go along. You would think the People would have caught on by now. But fear is such a powerful force. It is what it is.
And now Jebby is talking tough about Putin and Russia. Seems he is trying to start WWIII. He is F-ing nuts.

The following from: Jeb Bush Putin Is A Bully

Jeb Bush: Putin Is A 'Bully'

Bush said signaling what further sanctions Russia could face, and reassuring Poland and the Baltic states that the United States would meet its NATO obligations to view an attack on one member state as an attack against the whole alliance could help halt Putin's aggression.

There are things that we could do given the scale of our military to send a strong signal that we're on the side of Poland and the Baltics and the countries that truly feel threatened by the little green men and this new cyber warfare and these other tactics that Russia now is using," Bush said.

He said training exercises in Poland and the Baltic nations needed to be "more robust," adding that while Moscow deployed tens of thousands of troops in areas near U.S. allies, the response from Washington was "far less meaningful."

"If I was president of the United States, I'd clearly take the advice of the commanders on the ground but from the outside, without having any kind of classified information, it appears that we could have a more robust response," he said.

Setting up another 50yr Cold War. Gotta portray Putin as the evil Boogeyman. And unfortunately, most will buy it. Gotta have those Boogeymen. It's all about keeping the People in fear.

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