U.S. Marine Banned From Wearing Dress Blues for HS Graduation

The way I am. My family has a near 100% service rate of males in the military going back to WWII. Had direct kin in WWI, Spanish American (good war), and Civil War. Both sides.
Ok..just one more. Military service members protect this nation, it's people ,and our way of life...including your right to your freedoms found in the Constitution. Now, Google search Arlington National Cemetery . Servicemen and vet's have treated different in this society. Different benefits and perks, GI Bill, hospitalization etc. Sure, this high school had it's graduation dress code. Ok...so we all listen to Paul Blart mall cop when we are shopping. Who gets more respect Paul Blart who defending the Bath and Body Shop...or the Marine serving his nation? Exception should have been made for a brave and outstanding young Marine. Bush92 out.
So...you written that sternly worded letter to the local school board yet?
No. To my Congressman and U.S. Senator.

Really? Can you give us their names so that we can also write and explain why your idea is unconstitutional?
I will educate you on the Constitution.

You didn't answer the question, AGAIN!


How will you educate me, when you have failed to get anything right, so far?
Well...you are a typical education administrator...out of touch with reality. You ever actually taught in a classroom? Or are you some desk jockey?
That's because you are wrong. I can look at this from the military side and the education side. You have what perspective?

How many high school graduations have you attended? How long have you been a teacher? How long did you serve as an administrator? When you did you get your Master's degree in educational leadership?
Master's in Ed. 1998 been teaching ever since. Private school. Producing good Americans.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that we don't "produce" good Americans, but rather we help them achieve their potential.
That's when America began to go down hill. Kids say pledge everyday. I promote patriotism as well. Should also have school prayer.

I teach at a public school. We say the pledge every single day (including "under god"). After the pledge is over we have a moment of silence. What's the issue?

How many high school graduations have you attended? How long have you been a teacher? How long did you serve as an administrator? When you did you get your Master's degree in educational leadership?
Master's in Ed. 1998 been teaching ever since. Private school. Producing good Americans.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that we don't "produce" good Americans, but rather we help them achieve their potential.
That's when America began to go down hill. Kids say pledge everyday. I promote patriotism as well. Should also have school prayer.

I teach at a public school. We say the pledge every single day (including "under god"). After the pledge is over we have a moment of silence. What's the issue?
You have a good school. Don't let liberals know or they will go nuts and try to stop it.

How many high school graduations have you attended? How long have you been a teacher? How long did you serve as an administrator? When you did you get your Master's degree in educational leadership?
Master's in Ed. 1998 been teaching ever since. Private school. Producing good Americans.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that we don't "produce" good Americans, but rather we help them achieve their potential.
That's when America began to go down hill. Kids say pledge everyday. I promote patriotism as well. Should also have school prayer.

I teach at a public school. We say the pledge every single day (including "under god"). After the pledge is over we have a moment of silence. What's the issue?
If you have a JROTC or JNROTC...your doing even better.
Standards are what is to be taught and has nothing to do with how it is to be taught. Critics of public education have been confusing the two for years. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, because you are not alone in not knowing the difference. Blaming Common Core is a cop-out.

Common core just happens to be the primary example of the ideology (top down) that I pointed out. What I am looking at is trends in education. And common core happens to fall in the cross hairs of a down trend. A trend just like this is secondary education.

College grade inflation: Does 'A' stand for 'average'?

How does one set standards? They have to be able to test to evaluate their standards. And what happened in the case of common core is teachers had to start teaching to those tests, test that tested the ability to follow instruction vs results. Are you acting like there wasn't a huge shift in curriculum after common core?

Has there been a shift in education? Yes. Is it based on what you're saying? No. I'm in the classroom every single school day, so unless you also are, I'm going to assume I'm more versed on the issues at hand than you are.

Common Core is WHAT skills students are supposed to learn...a curriculum is HOW they learn them, big difference. Also the main test that my students have to pass is their writing test for the state...so I have to teach them reading/writing skills...are you suggesting I shouldn't be teaching them that?
I'm not, but my girlfriend is, as well as most of her friends. And is still administering tests to the severely autistic that can't even speak. That's what I call top down, one size fits all. And not to mention her mom is on the forefront of common core, and before that was a superintendent of 2 different districts.

And no I'm not suggesting the strawman you claim I am suggesting, at all. You pulled that one out of your ass all on your own. And adds credence to my OP if you're a teacher and you think that's an effective technique to use, our students aren't learning how to learn, but what to learn. If you're using such obvious logical fallacies, then why the hell are we trusting you with teaching our kids?

My problem (if I must state it again) is with A. The top down method coming from the government. All kids need one unified method of teaching based on X, Y, and Z standards. B. Is what our secondary education facilities are teaching our teachers...which is pretty much the same thing in A, along with the state is a better vessel of education over parents.

So, what do you propose we do? Have 98,000+ different standards for each public school in the country?

As far as math standards go, years ago we used the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. Then I taught using the Florida State Sunshine Standards (SSS). There was almost no difference. Now, I teach using Common Core. The NCTM basically abandoned their standards because the majority of the country was using Common Core and there was basically no difference.

I am sorry, but you are proposing abandoning a system that works!
Yes and here's why.

The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter than the Few | DiploFoundation

Would you want a few treatment options for a disease you have, or 98,000? Yes I want 98,000 different ways of trying to solve the problem vs a few ways dictated by the few for the many. At best that's service of the majority over the individual. Someone over in Mass, finds a good solution in education, someone else in MD, adopts that. Someone in TX improves upon in, then someone TN combines it with something else, and then someone in NV finds an even better way. So in and so forth. Then maybe something works better with inner city kids than rural kids, or something works better with males, or better with special needs.

Common core is absolutely the tail wagging the dog. The standards "wagging" the curriculum. By the few, to the many.

And we did have a system that worked, for a long time, we were top 3 in the world before the formation of the DOE. In the 1800s our kids were practically giving dissertations, and reciting the constitution in its entirety. Read a letter from 80 years ago from a high schooler, their vocabulary blow pretty much every on USMB out of the water.

How many high school graduations have you attended? How long have you been a teacher? How long did you serve as an administrator? When you did you get your Master's degree in educational leadership?
Master's in Ed. 1998 been teaching ever since. Private school. Producing good Americans.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that we don't "produce" good Americans, but rather we help them achieve their potential.
That's when America began to go down hill. Kids say pledge everyday. I promote patriotism as well. Should also have school prayer.

I teach at a public school. We say the pledge every single day (including "under god"). After the pledge is over we have a moment of silence. What's the issue?
If you have a JROTC or JNROTC...your doing even better.

Yes we do (a retired Army Major leads the program), my principal was in the Marines earlier in life. At graduation we recite the pledge and national anthem, and before sporting events/school functions we do the national anthem. My school isn't special or out of the norm (at least in my district).

My point is posting this is that people have this warped view on education-on a college/university level I actually agree it's become way too liberal, but in the high schools I've taught at (all public) the split between teachers is much closer than the media or other people would want people to believe.

How many high school graduations have you attended? How long have you been a teacher? How long did you serve as an administrator? When you did you get your Master's degree in educational leadership?
Master's in Ed. 1998 been teaching ever since. Private school. Producing good Americans.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that we don't "produce" good Americans, but rather we help them achieve their potential.
That's when America began to go down hill. Kids say pledge everyday. I promote patriotism as well. Should also have school prayer.

I teach at a public school. We say the pledge every single day (including "under god"). After the pledge is over we have a moment of silence. What's the issue?

The issue is that a poster who lives nowhere near a town in Indiana wants to dictate to them what their policy should be --- or why it can be defied. And of course he makes this happen by whining on a message board.
He is a brave and outstanding Marine just for finishing boot camp?

Bowe Bergdahl did the same!

Chelsea Manning finished boot camp too!

Man, you need to raise your standards!

Those who volunteer to serve our country deserve our praise and recognition until they do something disgraceful, if they do, and then they have nullified that respect.

Those who complete boot camp are far above the likes of Bergdahl until they dishonor themselves.

That still does not give them the right to violate the school's dress code for graduation.

Of course not, but if the Marine requested it then the school should grant the permission.

This is not exactly rocket science, dude, those who wear the uniform deserve respect and permission to display the uniform.

It is a handy recruiting tool and that is probably why the yuppy school admins did not want the uniform shown.

I have taught in 5 different high schools in two states and for the DoD. Not not one of these schools would allow anyone to not wear the cap and gown. Notice I said DoD, as all of my students were all military dependents.

I live right outside that same Army post and none of the off-post high schools would allow this either. It is not the yuppy school administrators but the elected boards of education that set these policies. Sadly, you are barking up the wrong tree.

All of these schools have an award ceremony for their graduating students and recruits form all services are recognized. That is the proper forum for these students. No dress code outside of normal school requirements is usually mandated.
I wasn't the one advocating school prayer. Have you ever been in a situation where you were the only Christian? I have had entire classes where I was the only one. Should I be subjected to their beliefs in a daily prayer at school? Of course not, just like I would not impose my beliefs on them.

Listening to someone pray of another religion is not being subjugated, you little drama queen!

Yeah, lets go back to 1965 with all of the segregation, the fact that we ignored all special education children, and many other problems that you just glossed over!

Why cant we restore what worked and avoid what did not? Our educational system was better then despite all its faults.

Better yet, let's require all female teachers to quit when they get married. Wouldn't want all of those impressionable young minds knowing that their teacher might be having sex!

Better than having the teacher demo how a dildo is used in front of the class!


Listening to someone pray and denigrate your beliefs is something the SCOTUS has ruled upon and I as a Christian and teacher agree 100%. It has no business in schools.

As to your other attempts at deflection, why not complain about those to your local school board. You know, those people that I bet you could not name if I held a gun to your head.
So...you written that sternly worded letter to the local school board yet?
No. To my Congressman and U.S. Senator.

Really? Can you give us their names so that we can also write and explain why your idea is unconstitutional?
I will educate you on the Constitution.

You didn't answer the question, AGAIN!


How will you educate me, when you have failed to get anything right, so far?
Well...you are a typical education administrator...out of touch with reality. You ever actually taught in a classroom? Or are you some desk jockey?

I have taught for over 18 years and served as assistant principal of a high school with over 3200 students.

I have a far better grip on reality than some private school teacher who couldn't meet the qualifications to teach public school. I have yet to meet a private school teacher who chose to teach private school unless they were unqualified to teach public schools because of certification requirements. The pay scale of private schools is so inferior that it attracts sufficient unqualified teachers for that reason.
Not the same young man, but good to see, Principal apologizes for banning Army uniform at graduation

BRENTWOOD, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California high school principal on Monday issued a public apology and handed a diploma to an Army reservist who was not allowed to wear his military uniform at his graduation ceremony last week.

Liberty High School Principal Patrick Walsh apologized to a Harland Fletcher, a private first class reservist in the U.S. Army, and took full responsibility for the mishap at a ceremony where many waved American flags.

Fletcher sat out the Friday ceremony at Liberty High School after the principal told him he would have to wear a cap and gown over his uniform if he wanted to participate.

"I made a mistake last Friday night, and I don't mince words. I deeply regret what occurred," Walsh said.

More at link. Major kudos to the principal publically admitting he made a mistake. Also, of interest, further into the article, it was actually a violation of the law. "What was done was completely in violation of the law," Edwards said. California law gives Fletcher the right to wear his uniform during graduation.
Ok..just one more. Military service members protect this nation, it's people ,and our way of life...including your right to your freedoms found in the Constitution.
Well except when you're disagreeing with someone who served in another branch, then it's all disrespect and insults. You set a fine example.
I have taught for over 18 years and served as assistant principal of a high school with over 3200 students.

I have a far better grip on reality than some private school teacher who couldn't meet the qualifications to teach public school. I have yet to meet a private school teacher who chose to teach private school unless they were unqualified to teach public schools because of certification requirements. The pay scale of private schools is so inferior that it attracts sufficient unqualified teachers for that reason.

That's interesting. Down here private high school teachers get paid way more than public, which means they are usually better qualified than public school.
The way I am. My family has a near 100% service rate of males in the military going back to WWII. Had direct kin in WWI, Spanish American (good war), and Civil War. Both sides.
Pshaw, I've got an ancient ancestor who died from a stone tool blow to the head while protecting the tribe's grazing lands during the Middle Pleistocene era 250k years ago, in what is now Ethiopia.

Long tradition of service.
No. To my Congressman and U.S. Senator.

Really? Can you give us their names so that we can also write and explain why your idea is unconstitutional?
I will educate you on the Constitution.

You didn't answer the question, AGAIN!


How will you educate me, when you have failed to get anything right, so far?
Well...you are a typical education administrator...out of touch with reality. You ever actually taught in a classroom? Or are you some desk jockey?

I have taught for over 18 years and served as assistant principal of a high school with over 3200 students.

I have a far better grip on reality than some private school teacher who couldn't meet the qualifications to teach public school. I have yet to meet a private school teacher who chose to teach private school unless they were unqualified to teach public schools because of certification requirements. The pay scale of private schools is so inferior that it attracts sufficient unqualified teachers for that reason.
I beg to differ with you. My MA came with my certification included. I chose not to teach at public school because federal regulations get in the way of education. I would not sent my kid to a public school. The private school I am at is the best school in the area. Tuition rivals the nearest university.
The way I am. My family has a near 100% service rate of males in the military going back to WWII. Had direct kin in WWI, Spanish American (good war), and Civil War. Both sides.
Pshaw, I've got an ancient ancestor who died from a stone tool blow to the head while protecting the tribe's grazing lands during the Middle Pleistocene era 250k years ago, in what is now Ethiopia.

Long tradition of service.
You have brain damage. See a doctor. Lol.
It says that the nearby high school allows uniforms at grad ceremony for those that have earned right to do so.

He doesn't attend the nearby high school he attends this one and they have a different policy.

Stop being a whiny shit every time a conservative doesn't get his/her own way.

Suck it up snowflake!
The way I am. My family has a near 100% service rate of males in the military going back to WWII. Had direct kin in WWI, Spanish American (good war), and Civil War. Both sides.

Do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on?
I want to pin it on your ma's chest...but I would have to shave the hair first.

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