U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

"Felony indictment or conviction".


"State law prohibition".

These are the people being denied the purchase of a gun. Only a retard would be opposed to that.
"Felony indictment or conviction".


"State law prohibition".

These are the people being denied the purchase of a gun. Only a retard would be opposed to that.
Only a retard would post as you do.
Many of those felonies are decades old and people have been responsible citizens ever since. Real criminals know they are prohibited so dont even bother to attempt a purchase through a dealer. Instead they buy from private sellers, including and especially other criminals who have stolen guns.
Thus no convicted felon is denied gettting a gun if he really wants one. Thus the legislation is ineffective.

So what do we see here?

We see only a tiny fraction of denials are successfully appealed. The claim that 80 percent are successfully appealed is blown out of the water. The retards misread and miscomprehended.

I tried to tell them, but did they listen? Oh hell no.

And who do we see being denied? Oh lookee here! Illegal aliens! Fugitives! Felons! Drug addicts.

All the people the Right loves to hate.
I remember one "fugitive" i a place I worked. She came in Christmas eve to buy a gun as a gift for her mom. Not only was she denied but police arrested her because she had some unpaid parking tickets and the judge issued a bench warrant that she knew nothing about.
Yeah, some "fugitive."
"Felony indictment or conviction".


"State law prohibition".

These are the people being denied the purchase of a gun. Only a retard would be opposed to that.
Only a retard would post as you do.
Many of those felonies are decades old and people have been responsible citizens ever since. Real criminals know they are prohibited so dont even bother to attempt a purchase through a dealer. Instead they buy from private sellers

"Instead they buy from private sellers".

TA-DAAAA! That is EXACTLY what this topic is about! Holy FUCK!!!

The police chiefs want private sellers to do background checks. They want that loophole closed.

And you have never shown that all 80,000 go on to buy from a private seller.

You just IMAGINE all of them do, with ZERO evidence to support your fantasy.
"Felony indictment or conviction".


"State law prohibition".

These are the people being denied the purchase of a gun. Only a retard would be opposed to that.
Only a retard would post as you do.
Many of those felonies are decades old and people have been responsible citizens ever since. Real criminals know they are prohibited so dont even bother to attempt a purchase through a dealer. Instead they buy from private sellers

"Instead they buy from private sellers".

TA-DAAAA! That is EXACTLY what this topic is about! Holy FUCK!!!

The police chiefs want private sellers to do background checks. They want that loophole closed.

And you have never shown that all 80,000 go on to buy from a private seller.

You just IMAGINE all of them do, with ZERO evidence to support your fantasy.
Idiot. Total idiot.
Recall I wrote they buy guns frm private sellers including people who are criminals themselves and got the guns by stealing them. Do you really think people who steal guns are going to insist on background checks for their customers, whom they know are criminals too?
You are complete moron.
Many of those felonies are decades old and people have been responsible citizens ever since.

Then change the laws in your state.

How many? Are you assuming again?

I bet you are.
People who are prohibited generally know they are prohibited. Thus they dont go through the check to begin with.
If background checks were effectiee please explain how those criminals end up with guns.
In Tennessee, where Rabbi lives, you have to have had a felony conviction which resulted in prison time for more than one year to be denied a gun.
People who are prohibited generally know they are prohibited. Thus they dont go through the check to begin with.

Clearly they DO go through the check. If they didn't, we wouldn't have that list of people who were turned away, and the reasons they were turned away, fool.
In 2010, about six million people were background checked. About 72,000 of them turned out to be felons, fugitives, illegal aliens, etc.

Almost 14,000 fugitives. Trying to buy guns.

Over 34,000 felons. Trying to buy guns.

572 illegals. Trying to buy guns.


No one has shown they all left the store and went and got a gun anyway.

But we have this:

People who are prohibited generally know they are prohibited. Thus they dont go through the check to begin with.

Clearly they DO go through the check. If they didn't, we wouldn't have that list of people who were turned away, and the reasons they were turned away, fool.
So no felons have guns or commit crimes with them? Good to know!
In 2010, about six million people were background checked. About 72,000 of them turned out to be felons, fugitives, illegal aliens, etc.

Almost 14,000 fugitives. Trying to buy guns.

Over 34,000 felons. Trying to buy guns.

572 illegals. Trying to buy guns.


No one has shown they all left the store and went and got a gun anyway.

But we have this:

So no felons or illegals managed to buy a gun ever.
Good to know.
In 2010, about six million people were background checked. About 72,000 of them turned out to be felons, fugitives, illegal aliens, etc.

Almost 14,000 fugitives. Trying to buy guns.

Over 34,000 felons. Trying to buy guns.

572 illegals. Trying to buy guns.


No one has shown they all left the store and went and got a gun anyway.

But we have this:

So no felons or illegals managed to buy a gun ever.
Good to know.
That's not what I said. Stop being obtuse.

People who are prohibited generally know they are prohibited. Thus they dont go through the check to begin with.

Clearly they DO go through the check. If they didn't, we wouldn't have that list of people who were turned away, and the reasons they were turned away, fool.
So no felons have guns or commit crimes with them? Good to know!
Not what I said.

Jesus Christ, you are such a willfully stupid person.
The dumb shits can't prove the dangerous people who were stopped at the store from buying a gun all went out and bought guns anyway, and this frustrates them into making really stupid statements.
The fascists don't see it as a Constitutional right - its a lot easier to fuck with people if they are disarmed.



I know he is. reason I am looking for black market contacts.


If Obama is coming for your guns, he better hurry. We've been hearing this for seven years now.

Don't worry. The guns and ammo lobby has another ad campaign already in the works: HILEREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ! BUY MOAR!

You rubes really piss me off. You've been hoarding and driving up the cost of guns and ammo for seven fucking years.


Mr Scumbag, Sir:



Hey, dipshit. What's with the obsession with the Godwin fallacy?

A lot of countries have enacted strict gun control, and they haven't gone nazi, dumbass.

Study, learn. Stop parroting the same stupid fallacies.
We are not other countries, thankfully not.
In 2010, there were about 72,000 dangerous people stopped from buying a gun because of background checks.

Did some of them still get guns? Most likely. That in no way invalidates the fact that many thousands, probably most, did not. And that means way less dangerous people got guns because of background checks than would have acquired them without background checks. We know for certain all 72,000 of those dangerous people would have bought guns in 2010 if there were no background checks.

This does not seem to penetrate the skulls of retards, so I am done wasting my time here.


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