U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!
28000 people have died so far in dui accidents, car to comment on that?

Assuming your number is true - how many would have died without our existing vehicle laws and regulations?
Nothing, absolutely nothing stops a person from getting into a car ready to pass out from a drug induced haze and driving down the highway.
Now what are going to do to stop 28000 deaths from DUI's in AmericKa?
A background check is not confusing or expensive. It's the simplest thing in the world.
And entirely meaningless.
Very effective. Prevents about 80,000 fugitives and felons and the like from buying a gun every year.

You'd know that if you read the topic.

To save time, see post 207.
Your claim has been refuted. The BGC prevents nothing. Not a single crime has been prevented by BGCs.
80,000 felons and fugitives and other undesirables are prevented from buying a gun every year. Only a retard would believe that means background checks are ineffective.

Seriously. You have to literally be mentally retarded.

And none of you have shown they all were able to buy guns after being denied.

Not one of you.
You havent shown any felons were prevented from buying guns. Not a single one. Logic is not your gig.

He is just a government parrot.


This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

"Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators."

Yeah, that sounds like a no biased cross section of police chiefs in America.

What a fucking joke.
Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......
Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......

Is the government trying to grab your vehicle?

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

And you think New York would be safer if handguns were simply sold over the counter like a loaf of bread or a pair of trousers?

As a law abiding citizen I should be able to purchase a handgun after a instant background check, and get a CCW with a few days after getting some quick training and another background check. Not 3-8 months of waiting and some NYPD idiot deciding if I am worthy or not.

So you support closing the loopholes in the background check laws.

The "gun show loophole" is a myth; fabricated to frighten the weak minded.

The Fascist Loophole explained:

1- A fascist or socialist politician decides to run for office ;

2- he knows that he can not get elected as a a fascist or socialist so he identifies himself as a progressive, a democrat or Liberal Republican or similar vegetable;

3- he/she tells the zombified populace that Constitutional rights can be amended by mere political majorities

4. The miserable demagogues will convince the populace that universal background checks and other infringements are constitutional.

Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......

Is the government trying to grab your vehicle?


Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?

Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......

Is the government trying to grab your vehicle?


Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?


Personal attacks don't make you any less retarded.
Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......

Is the government trying to grab your vehicle?


Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?


Personal attacks don't make you any less retarded.

Stop stonewalling. Answer the fucking questions

Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?

Gun grabbers won't be satisfied until all gun are confiscated. It will happen a little at a time. Look for legislation to deny people with bad credit ratings to own a gun. Then, go after high school dropouts. then.......

Is the government trying to grab your vehicle?


Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?


Personal attacks don't make you any less retarded.

Stop stonewalling. Answer the fucking questions

Was the government trying to grab the Lakota Indians Blackhills?

I mean the Lakota Indians had all kinds of WRITTEN treaties stating that whites would stay away from the black hills?

What happened to all those treaties?

How can you use the handle "Lakota" yet be so pussified?

He's a Washington redskin, pretty much says it all.
Are you not reading post 207? Irrefutable proof right there.
Yet it is fully refuted EVERY TIME a prohibited person obtains a gun.

Nope. It is not refuted unless you can show all 80,000 were able to get a gun after being denied.
Nonsense. Gibberish. Logically and factually invalid.

Yet it is fully refuted EVERY TIME a prohibited person obtains a gun.


You have to show every person denied still got a gun.


Take a course in Logic.
Have a reality check.
Gun ownership is a Constitutional Right....like voting. Why should either require an I.D.?

The fascists don't see it as a Constitutional right - its a lot easier to fuck with people if they are disarmed.



I know he is. reason I am looking for black market contacts.


If Obama is coming for your guns, he better hurry. We've been hearing this for seven years now.

Don't worry. The guns and ammo lobby has another ad campaign already in the works: HILEREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ! BUY MOAR!

You rubes really piss me off. You've been hoarding and driving up the cost of guns and ammo for seven fucking years.


Mr Scumbag, Sir:




You and the NRA will lose. It will take a lot of money and time, but you will lose. Your irrational arguments and NRA "one liners" will eventually get old and the voters will turn against you. Just a matter of time....
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?

I am for mandatory insurance as well... Why should taxpayers pick up all of the $229bn cost each year.

We x trillion debt and we are subsidizing gun owners, stop the freeloaders.

Simply another way to price out gun ownership. Why do you hate poor people?

So you don't believe in paying your way....

Gun ownership is a right but do you support free guns or free housing?

I don;t believe in end runs around the constitution that do nothing but infringe on law abiding gun owners.

The cost of a gun is not an infringement, you are paying for a product. Insurance schemes your side comes up with are only designed to make it harder to get guns in general for law abiding citizens.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

because we know you twats won't stop there. It's telling that these pleas come from police chiefs in cities that do every single thing they can to make sure law abiding people have as difficult of a time as possible getting a gun.

He can go pound sand.
Imagine if the US tried to pull an England and took guns away from the cops. I bet he'd sing a different tune.

it's the same in NYC. Cops can CCW off duty, even when retired. Why do they get a right I am denied?

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