U.S. Press Freedom Plunges To 46th, Behind Former Soviet States...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Nice 'Hope & Change.' Getting harder & harder for the Obamabots to defend the indefensible. How they sleeping at night these days?


In one of the largest drops in the modern era, the United States has plunged thirteen places in the World Press Freedom Index, placing it behind former Soviet states and other countries not typically known for press freedoms.

The massive drop is attributable mostly to the Obama Administration’s effort to crack down on whistleblowers. Obama’s Justice Department has filed suit against more whistleblowers than any other presidential administration in history.

Forty-sixth places it behind the former Soviet republics of Lithuania and Latvia and the satellite states of Romania, Poland and Czechoslovakia (both the Czech Republic and Slovakia). It also puts it behind Ghana, South Africa and El Salvador.

“Countries that pride themselves on being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an example, far from it,” wrote Reporters Without Borders Tuesday. “Freedom of information is too often sacrificed to an overly broad and abusive interpretation of national security needs, marking a disturbing retreat from democratic practices. Investigative journalism often suffers as a result.”

“This has been the case in the United States (46th), which fell 13 places, one of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest,” they added...

U.S. press freedom plunges to 46th, placing it behind former Soviet states | The Raw Story
You and your conservative rags....

Still defending the indefensible ay? I think it's about that time for you to reboot. You don't have to be a programmed Obamabot. Seriously, you don't.
U.S. Press Freedom Plunges To 46th, Behind Former Soviet States...
Reporters Without Borders?

You’ve got to be kidding.

Obviously you’re too much of an ignorant partisan hack to be aware of the fact that this is nothing more than a subjective opinion piece, where the criteria for the rankings are arbitrary and capricious, in no way reflecting accurately freedom of the press in a given country.
U.S. Press Freedom Plunges To 46th, Behind Former Soviet States...
Reporters Without Borders?

You’ve got to be kidding.

Obviously you’re too much of an ignorant partisan hack to be aware of the fact that this is nothing more than a subjective opinion piece, where the criteria for the rankings are arbitrary and capricious, in no way reflecting accurately freedom of the press in a given country.

Boy, you never disappoint. Always the loyal programmed Obamabot. Shame on you.
They consider what Manning and Snowed did as "Freedom of the Press"? :lol:

Read the part that talks about the Obama Administration suing more Whistleblowers than any other Administration in History.
They consider what Manning and Snowed did as "Freedom of the Press"? :lol:

Read the part that talks about the Obama Administration suing more Whistleblowers than any other Administration in History.

Russia has another way of dealing with "Whistleblowers" and wayward Press.

They use bullets.

It's amazing that any study that puts a country like that above the US is taken seriously.
Nice 'Hope & Change.' Getting harder & harder for the Obamabots to defend the indefensible. How they sleeping at night these days?


In one of the largest drops in the modern era, the United States has plunged thirteen places in the World Press Freedom Index, placing it behind former Soviet states and other countries not typically known for press freedoms.

The massive drop is attributable mostly to the Obama Administration’s effort to crack down on whistleblowers. Obama’s Justice Department has filed suit against more whistleblowers than any other presidential administration in history.

Forty-sixth places it behind the former Soviet republics of Lithuania and Latvia and the satellite states of Romania, Poland and Czechoslovakia (both the Czech Republic and Slovakia). It also puts it behind Ghana, South Africa and El Salvador.

“Countries that pride themselves on being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an example, far from it,” wrote Reporters Without Borders Tuesday. “Freedom of information is too often sacrificed to an overly broad and abusive interpretation of national security needs, marking a disturbing retreat from democratic practices. Investigative journalism often suffers as a result.”

“This has been the case in the United States (46th), which fell 13 places, one of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest,” they added...

U.S. press freedom plunges to 46th, placing it behind former Soviet states | The Raw Story
Whistleblowers should be immune from prosecution especially if it means reigning in this government and their betrayal of the people that elected them.
You and your conservative rags....

Click the link and what do I see? A pop up with a picture of Elizabeth Warren, asking me to sign the petition to raise the minimum wage.

I got to tell you, if that makes it a "conservative rag" then they're doing it wrong.
They consider what Manning and Snowed did as "Freedom of the Press"? :lol:

Read the part that talks about the Obama Administration suing more Whistleblowers than any other Administration in History.

Russia has another way of dealing with "Whistleblowers" and wayward Press.

They use bullets.

It's amazing that any study that puts a country like that above the US is taken seriously.

Or that's just you living in denial. You certainly wouldn't be alone on that.
You and your conservative rags....

Click the link and what do I see? A pop up with a picture of Elizabeth Warren, asking me to sign the petition to raise the minimum wage.

I got to tell you, if that makes it a "conservative rag" then they're doing it wrong.

This Organization is not considered to be a 'Conservative Organization.' It's made up of many Journalists from all over the World.
What place we're in depends a lot on how the freedom score is defined and weighted. We're lost noticeable amounts of freedom since 9/11 and censorship is worse than before in my own lifetime, but in some ways the censorship is actually positive as there are many things we simply don't need to see except to appeal to a sick and twisted mind. Consequently, while it's fair and true we're not as free as we once were, that's actually not a bad thing because what we've lost is usually stuff we didn't need in the first place and wasn't do anything positive for us.

Absolute freedom is anarchy and lawlessness.
They consider what Manning and Snowed did as "Freedom of the Press"? :lol:

Read the part that talks about the Obama Administration suing more Whistleblowers than any other Administration in History.

Russia has another way of dealing with "Whistleblowers" and wayward Press.

They use bullets.

It's amazing that any study that puts a country like that above the US is taken seriously.

Actually they didn't put Russia ahead of us even the map shows you that much. Maybe the real situation is that people don't pay attention? :eusa_whistle:
OK, Not sure I agree with Snowden and Manning being paragons of journalistic integrity. Snowden stole passwords and stole secrets. I may be wrong but I think what Manning and Snowden stole is being reported. What if this were WW2 and Manning stole the plans to operation "Overlord?" He then published them, he would have been shot. What if Snowden stole the secrets to the atom bomb he would have been tried and shot also which is what I remember happening.

Now being a whistleblower is different and it is troubling the escalation of prosecution by the Obama administration. Could be that the amount of leakage has increased because Obama is president, I don't know.

In the end there just are some secrets that a country needs to keep from everyone. Such as who are their spies, troop deployment, military strategy, military capabilities..etc. My opinion, when I see Matthew on one end and Beck on the other saying just about any kind of BS they desire I think the press is OK. The whistleblower thing, that is a separate issue.
Attempting to suppress whistle blowers and attempting to suppress the press are two different things....... But you knew that..... right? :lmao:

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