U Wisconsin Now Offers a Course Entitled "The Problem of Whiteness"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah it is a clever course on how all white people are racists, why nonwhites are pure and wholesome and white people should be exterminated, and it is steadfastly defended by white male Marxists trying to rev up a racial civil war.

Someone please yank their funding and have the administration fired from top to bottom.

Debate Rages As University Stands By 'Problem Of Whiteness' Course

The course, taught by Professor Damon Sajnani, is part of the African Cultural Studies program at the university’s College of Letters and Science.

“Have you ever wondered what it really means to be white? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably ‘no.’ But here is your chance!,” reads the course description. “In this class, we will ask what an ethical white identity entails, what it means to be #woke, and consider the journal Race Traitor’s motto, ‘treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.'”

The course description says it includes readings from W.E.B. Du Bois, Ta-Nehisi Coates and the professor’s own article analyzing Rachel Dolezal.​
Really dumb

A better course would be
1.. Having sex with follow students
2. Three ways in class
3. Teaching prostitution.,
4. Smoke that pot!
Really dumb

A better course would be
1.. Having sex with follow students
2. Three ways in class
3. Teaching prostitution.,
4. Smoke that pot!
I still wonder why the Venus cult has not been revived under the Freedom of Religion clause.

Aphrodite - Wikipedia

A gentleman could make an offering to the goddess then have a private session with his own personal priestess session.

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