UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers

Education, enjoyment of career, family, religion and money help enhance mine. So I'm good right now.

Good for you. My needs are more basic than that. Money, my wife, a place of our own for us to live unbothered by others. If/when we get it all you folks will never hear from us again.
Education, enjoyment of career, family, religion and money help enhance mine. So I'm good right now.

Good for you. My needs are more basic than that. Money, my wife, a place of our own for us to live unbothered by others. If/when we get it all you folks will never hear from us again.

Good for you, looks like our needs are both pretty basic, peace.
And many Americans could not understand why Japan was kicking our butts in the 80's. This post is perfect example.

The Gooks live to work. Their employer IS their God. Most Americans have more interesting things in their lives than just how far we can jam our noses up our employer's ass. Especially when we can easily see that our employer doesn't give a shit about us.

Why would I go an extra inch, never mind mile for a company that would toss my ass to the curb for a cheaper but less competent replacement if they could and who has repeatedly proven they have no common sense?

And the far left shows their true nature..

He's not far left...just psychotic.
Hey, you're lying again and still...but you know that.

What would the "prevailing wage" be for the dude acting as lookout while three other thugs torch a guy's house?
lying? Look up Ohio state break laws. You dont get one unless the company allows you. I believe PA is also the sameway as well.
Of course im not lying at all, but i only worked in these why would i know?

You will have to provide proof to this silly claim.
are we supposed to be heartbroken about you disappearing?

Not at all. In fact, I think that most of you would celebrate such an event, and hope that whatever was necessary for it to happen occurs as soon as humanly possible.
That depends on the state one lives in, some areas if you want to work in that field you must join a union. So many do have the choice NOT to work for a union. I am about choice and the unions do not want to change, they want others to conform and change to them. That is why I say unions must go..

If they want to become competitive and also protect the businesses they have contracts with from the bad workers they allow in, then maybe I would change my mind.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....

I do not need a job as I am self employed.

I was on an plane flying that never made it to it's intended destination as the union wanted the pilots to strike vs taking care of the passengers on the plane. And that was from European Union. The union mentality is not much different around the world, that I have noticed.

And in my area there are many good paying non-union jobs if I chose to go that route. With my background I can get a good non-union paying job pretty easily.

I would not condemn someone for taking a union job if that is all is available, but generally that means they live in a blue area.

That is why I am for real freedom of choice.
your dodging the question Kosh.....

AM I dodging a hypothetical question designed in an unrealistic scenario for me?
Kosh i dont care if your a fucking Millionaire....its a simple question for anti-Union people....if you needed a job,had a family to feed,would you take a good paying good benefit UNION job?....or would you pass just because its UNION..... .but dont feel bad,if you notice none of the anti-union people here have said anything.....i asked this before in a Union thread were i was being pushed around a circle by the anti-union one answered the question in that one.....which told me....they would,but were waiting to see who would be the first one to i least you said something....
If I needed the job, yes I would take it. When you have a great need, you do a lot of things that you would otherwise not want to do.

What is your point with this question?
Chicago is no longer big enough to supply the demand for new thugs in sufficient number to meet union needs.

That's why they're all in favour of open borders.
who the hell are you anyway?....

I'm the sort of individual who tends to piss people off because I am a closed-minded, set-in-my-ways, Traditional, Ultra-Conservative who does not engage in Debate. I'm the sort of person who doesn't believe in political correctness and who is willing to say that loudly and proudly. The guy who doesn't give a rat's ass what you think because it's never going to change my mind on anything.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....

I do not need a job as I am self employed.

I was on an plane flying that never made it to it's intended destination as the union wanted the pilots to strike vs taking care of the passengers on the plane. And that was from European Union. The union mentality is not much different around the world, that I have noticed.

And in my area there are many good paying non-union jobs if I chose to go that route. With my background I can get a good non-union paying job pretty easily.

I would not condemn someone for taking a union job if that is all is available, but generally that means they live in a blue area.

That is why I am for real freedom of choice.
your dodging the question Kosh.....

AM I dodging a hypothetical question designed in an unrealistic scenario for me?
Kosh i dont care if your a fucking Millionaire....its a simple question for anti-Union people....if you needed a job,had a family to feed,would you take a good paying good benefit UNION job?....or would you pass just because its UNION..... .but dont feel bad,if you notice none of the anti-union people here have said anything.....i asked this before in a Union thread were i was being pushed around a circle by the anti-union one answered the question in that one.....which told me....they would,but were waiting to see who would be the first one to i least you said something....
If I needed the job, yes I would take it. When you have a great need, you do a lot of things that you would otherwise not want to do.

What is your point with this question?
you have to ask?.....there are people here bad mouthing unions....but when you need a job....a union job dont look to bad does it?...i was in a thread about unions were a bunch of people got on me about 2 things.....1...i took a Govt job.....2 ...i had the gall and audacity to join the Union....this thread was in the old forum and was bigger than this thread way more people in it....when i asked the same question to all the anti-union people in that thread.....not one of those fuckers answered me.....because if they would have said no,they knew they would a lying sack of shit.....i was called a leech a teet sucker....someone to stupid to get a real job.....but yet not one fucking reply from all those assholes.....and on top of that i was neg repped a few times that hurt....
who the hell are you anyway?....

I'm the sort of individual who tends to piss people off because I am a closed-minded, set-in-my-ways, Traditional, Ultra-Conservative who does not engage in Debate. I'm the sort of person who doesn't believe in political correctness and who is willing to say that loudly and proudly. The guy who doesn't give a rat's ass what you think because it's never going to change my mind on anything.
i did not ask what sort of person you are.....i asked...."who the hell are you"?.....
Regular employees can be assholes, too.

Union or not.

Come to think of it, being an asshole really isn't predicated on job position.


I beg to differ. I think there must be a job requirement for program managers in the defense industry to be assholes. Big ones preferably.
Corporations aren't interested in keeping their best employees around because they can simply hire someone cheaper to do the job. Their best workers are the biggest threat to the company and its profits. Tireless workers are a scourge.
Hey, you're lying again and still...but you know that.

What would the "prevailing wage" be for the dude acting as lookout while three other thugs torch a guy's house?
lying? Look up Ohio state break laws. You dont get one unless the company allows you. I believe PA is also the sameway as well.
Of course im not lying at all, but i only worked in these why would i know?

You will have to provide proof to this silly claim.
already did in the thread...UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

go ahead make some bullshit excuse

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