UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers

If unions go then we must ensure that laws protecting workers from greedy, nasty corporate heads. There is a sizeable percentage of them who would like to see anything that is a benefit to their workers eliminated.
If unions go then we must ensure that laws protecting workers from greedy, nasty corporate heads. There is a sizeable percentage of them who would like to see anything that is a benefit to their workers eliminated.

You mean like George Soros and Warren Buffet?

There are many laws in place, but to the far left any company that makes a profit (unless it gives money to the far left) should be abolished just for making a profit.
It matters not what party... there is a hatred of the middle class by those at the top and if you can't see it then you are blind and stupid.
It matters not what party... there is a hatred of the middle class by those at the top and if you can't see it then you are blind and stupid.

And the far left propaganda comes out again..

But then again to the far left the middle class = unions..
So you are all for forcing your ideals on others. Got it.

Not at all. I don't force anyone to take a job in my department at that company. However, since the company has agreed that the department is 100% Unionized, you can't take the job unless you agree to join the Union.

The company is more than likely a public utility, which means it's a government protected monopoly. That's the only way it can survive paying union wages in a right-to-work state. As a government protected monopoly, employees of public utilities are forcing the customers of the utility to pay their exorbitant wages, and I do mean "force."

And don't gives us this "you don't force anyone to take the job" bullshit. Why should you have any say in the arrangement whatsoever?

He's not in a RTW state.
Ah, well then he's still forcing the public to pay for his union wages and benefits, and he's forcing other workers to either join his union or not allowing them to be employed.
so all you anti-union people here......if you were out of work ....had a family to feed....and a job was offered for a nice wage and nice benefits ... but it was Union....are you guys saying you would not take it.....because its Union?....

That depends on the state one lives in, some areas if you want to work in that field you must join a union. So many do have the choice NOT to work for a union. I am about choice and the unions do not want to change, they want others to conform and change to them. That is why I say unions must go..

If they want to become competitive and also protect the businesses they have contracts with from the bad workers they allow in, then maybe I would change my mind.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....
so all you anti-union people here......if you were out of work ....had a family to feed....and a job was offered for a nice wage and nice benefits ... but it was Union....are you guys saying you would not take it.....because its Union?....

That depends on the state one lives in, some areas if you want to work in that field you must join a union. So many do have the choice NOT to work for a union. I am about choice and the unions do not want to change, they want others to conform and change to them. That is why I say unions must go..

If they want to become competitive and also protect the businesses they have contracts with from the bad workers they allow in, then maybe I would change my mind.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....

I do not need a job as I am self employed.

I was on an plane flying that never made it to it's intended destination as the union wanted the pilots to strike vs taking care of the passengers on the plane. And that was from European Union. The union mentality is not much different around the world, that I have noticed.

And in my area there are many good paying non-union jobs if I chose to go that route. With my background I can get a good non-union paying job pretty easily.

I would not condemn someone for taking a union job if that is all is available, but generally that means they live in a blue area.

That is why I am for real freedom of choice.
You've got to be kidding!!! I work because I LIKE to work and I LIKE to produce. I get a sense of accomplishment. I don't do it to "brown nose" anyone. Just because you believe in being a sloth doesn't mean that everyone else must be as well. I go to work to EARN my paycheck ... not to "brown nose" the union bosses.

I work because I get paid. I have no interest in advancement, becoming a Supervisor or anything like that. I do my contractually obligated job and I go home at the end if the day. Anything beyond that requires additional compensation and will be based on my personal schedule availability.

Again, you put your fellow employees at risk of being forced to live up to YOUR standards rather than the contractual ones. It really sounds to me like you would be happier in a non-union position where your ambition might be seen as a positive rather than a negative.
You've got to be kidding!!! I work because I LIKE to work and I LIKE to produce. I get a sense of accomplishment. I don't do it to "brown nose" anyone. Just because you believe in being a sloth doesn't mean that everyone else must be as well. I go to work to EARN my paycheck ... not to "brown nose" the union bosses.

I work because I get paid. I have no interest in advancement, becoming a Supervisor or anything like that. I do my contractually obligated job and I go home at the end if the day. Anything beyond that requires additional compensation and will be based on my personal schedule availability.

Again, you put your fellow employees at risk of being forced to live up to YOUR standards rather than the contractual ones. It really sounds to me like you would be happier in a non-union position where your ambition might be seen as a positive rather than a negative.

And many Americans could not understand why Japan was kicking our butts in the 80's. This post is perfect example.
And many Americans could not understand why Japan was kicking our butts in the 80's. This post is perfect example.

The Gooks live to work. Their employer IS their God. Most Americans have more interesting things in their lives than just how far we can jam our noses up our employer's ass. Especially when we can easily see that our employer doesn't give a shit about us.

Why would I go an extra inch, never mind mile for a company that would toss my ass to the curb for a cheaper but less competent replacement if they could and who has repeatedly proven they have no common sense?
And many Americans could not understand why Japan was kicking our butts in the 80's. This post is perfect example.

The Gooks live to work. Their employer IS their God. Most Americans have more interesting things in their lives than just how far we can jam our noses up our employer's ass. Especially when we can easily see that our employer doesn't give a shit about us.

Why would I go an extra inch, never mind mile for a company that would toss my ass to the curb for a cheaper but less competent replacement if they could and who has repeatedly proven they have no common sense?

And the far left shows their true nature..
And the far left shows their true nature..

Yet no answer to my question...... Why should I go beyond my contractual obligation? I'm not going to get compensated for it.

I'm also probably one if the most Conservative people you've ever met, so the whole "left wing" stuff is silly
In order to form a more perfect UNION!!!!

You anti union hating fucks are weird. WE LIVE IN A COUNTRY FORMED AS A UNION. It says so in our founding documents.

And of course, with the working mans wages on a steady increase and job stability with retirement benefits increasing, something most all companies provide...........................wait a minute..............that was 1958.

So you anti union fucks, for some reason don't think the working men and women of this country DESERVE to have a moneyed group out there to protect and look out for interest of the working man and woman.

Every other high income, moneyed interest has their unions. Hell the bankers of our country have the union of our Congress to watch out for their interests.

But the working man doesn't deserve one eh? Fuck you anti union folks.

Another example of why people should not drunk post.

You got nothing put a punk ass mouth now do ya? Wanna try and say that the preamble doesn't say; in order to form a more perfect UNION.

Maybe what you need to do is try for some education. With some of those unionized teachers. On here you come off as a stupid fuck. Education of some sort would seem to be in order and MAYBE you wouldn't sound so fucking stupid. But I doubt it. I think you may be proud of being stupid. Is that the case?

You certainly are proud of being anti working man/woman.

Idiots like you are pretty common, where did I say I was against the working man/woman?

And having union in the preamble was not an endorsement of working unions.

If I come off as a stupid fuck, then at least I come off here sounding better than you.

Take your stupid drink posting and go some where else.
You've got to be kidding!!! I work because I LIKE to work and I LIKE to produce. I get a sense of accomplishment. I don't do it to "brown nose" anyone. Just because you believe in being a sloth doesn't mean that everyone else must be as well. I go to work to EARN my paycheck ... not to "brown nose" the union bosses.

I work because I get paid. I have no interest in advancement, becoming a Supervisor or anything like that. I do my contractually obligated job and I go home at the end if the day. Anything beyond that requires additional compensation and will be based on my personal schedule availability.

Again, you put your fellow employees at risk of being forced to live up to YOUR standards rather than the contractual ones. It really sounds to me like you would be happier in a non-union position where your ambition might be seen as a positive rather than a negative.

Ambition in the union is seen as a negative?
I have no problems with unions per se. Labour should be able to organize under the law as capital also organizes in the form of partnerships or corporations. However, intimidation has no place whatsoever.
And the far left shows their true nature..

Yet no answer to my question...... Why should I go beyond my contractual obligation? I'm not going to get compensated for it.

I'm also probably one if the most Conservative people you've ever met, so the whole "left wing" stuff is silly

Yes comrade why should you?

And I doubt that based on your own postings showing and proving that the far left religion lives with in you.
so all you anti-union people here......if you were out of work ....had a family to feed....and a job was offered for a nice wage and nice benefits ... but it was Union....are you guys saying you would not take it.....because its Union?....

That depends on the state one lives in, some areas if you want to work in that field you must join a union. So many do have the choice NOT to work for a union. I am about choice and the unions do not want to change, they want others to conform and change to them. That is why I say unions must go..

If they want to become competitive and also protect the businesses they have contracts with from the bad workers they allow in, then maybe I would change my mind.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....

I do not need a job as I am self employed.

I was on an plane flying that never made it to it's intended destination as the union wanted the pilots to strike vs taking care of the passengers on the plane. And that was from European Union. The union mentality is not much different around the world, that I have noticed.

And in my area there are many good paying non-union jobs if I chose to go that route. With my background I can get a good non-union paying job pretty easily.

I would not condemn someone for taking a union job if that is all is available, but generally that means they live in a blue area.

That is why I am for real freedom of choice.
your dodging the question Kosh.....
so all you anti-union people here......if you were out of work ....had a family to feed....and a job was offered for a nice wage and nice benefits ... but it was Union....are you guys saying you would not take it.....because its Union?....

That depends on the state one lives in, some areas if you want to work in that field you must join a union. So many do have the choice NOT to work for a union. I am about choice and the unions do not want to change, they want others to conform and change to them. That is why I say unions must go..

If they want to become competitive and also protect the businesses they have contracts with from the bad workers they allow in, then maybe I would change my mind.
you need a job Kosh.....and its you take it or not?...i was bad mouthed for taking a job with the PO and...."gasp" joining the Union.....i guess i was expected to stay with the shit job i had at the time....

I do not need a job as I am self employed.

I was on an plane flying that never made it to it's intended destination as the union wanted the pilots to strike vs taking care of the passengers on the plane. And that was from European Union. The union mentality is not much different around the world, that I have noticed.

And in my area there are many good paying non-union jobs if I chose to go that route. With my background I can get a good non-union paying job pretty easily.

I would not condemn someone for taking a union job if that is all is available, but generally that means they live in a blue area.

That is why I am for real freedom of choice.
your dodging the question Kosh.....

AM I dodging a hypothetical question designed in an unrealistic scenario for me?

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