Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

jillian;5142838]about what the psycho ted nugent said about the president of the united states and USSC?

just wondering where all the incensed people are who were soooooooo busily distorting what was said by one person about anne romney.

seems to me someone who says they will be dead or in jail if the president is re-elected should be shunned by anyone with any kind of decency...

instead your presidential candidate wants his endorsement???

and you have the chutzpah to complain about one misspeak by someone who doesn't even work for the president?

It's just another indication of how decadent, savage and utterly dispicable these people who self-proclaim to be "Conservatives" and Republicans really are.

They absolutely WORSHIP Chicken Hawks like Ted Nugent, they worshipped Bush, they worship Cheney, they worship Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove...all are bonifide, tried and true Chicken Hawks.

They like to make big stinks out of small peas, but when the truly outrages and reprehensible happens they ignore it, support it and in fact double down on it.

These people are the absolute worse, the GUTTERSNIPE of society.

I have no respect for them, just contempt. It's a waste to even engage with them 95% of the time. They are like savage wildebeast.

Like your racist opinion matters a damn.

We don't worship these people. We accept them.

You're the biased cock+sucker that worships Obama.

I would gladly spend time with decent folks like Ted Nugent, George Bush, Clarence Thomas, Malcolm X, or any free thinker than that phony POS Obama.
Ahhhh....blow it out!
I don't doubt Romney has done his share against the second amendment. But does that give me cause to vote against him... like FOR the kenyan... no way in hell.

obama has to go, period.

Ooops your racism is showing...might want to cover that up. It's ugly.
Apparently, he's a birther.

But, that doesn't necessarily equate to racism. If there were any meat to Obama not being natural born citizen, I would want him out, too; and that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the Constitution.

The birther issue is out there for only two kinds of voters. Ignorant and/or racist. No one else is buying it.
Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama.
That's becaue Romney actually had some job-realted executive experience before running for President..

Obama -voted- for more gun control the Romney.

Really? I think you'd better do a little more research. The Brady Center flunked him. So cling to your guns and religion and STFU:
Obama's First Year (Score: 100%)
President Obamas First Year: Failed Leadership, Lost Lives The President’s concessions to the “guns anywhere” mentality of the gun lobby and lack of leadership for common-sense gun laws has earned him a grade of “F”. President Obama signed legislation letting people carry concealed weapons in national parks and in checked luggage on Amtrak trains, adopted the gun lobby’s empty rhetoric about just “enforcing the laws on the books,” and muzzled Cabinet members who expressed support for stronger gun laws. In addition, the White ...
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence : Obama's First Year
Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.

Ted is the new Rush Limbaugh. The far right comes out with a new poster boy for sheer idiocy every couple of weeks now.
As opposed to the left, who have happily clung to their idiot since He took office in Jan 2009.
Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama.
That's becaue Romney actually had some job-realted executive experience before running for President..

Obama -voted- for more gun control the Romney.

Really? I think you'd better do a little more research. The Brady Center flunked him. So cling to your guns and religion and STFU
I laugh at you. Out loud.
Nothing you posted negates the fact that The Obama -voted- for more gun control than Romney.
Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.


Not Denying your Accusations, but that's fairly Heavy to be Fronting without Substance. :thup:




In that 1990 interview with the Free Press and from information collected from the Chickenhawk Web site, Nugent told about how he avoided the draft: "He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment."

Ted Nugent: Call him Chickenhawk: Rutland Herald Online

As far as the pedophile thing, it comes from a read between the lines, interpret how you will, statement he made on Behind the Music. They use the phrase "young girls" but like I said thats open to interpretation

However, there is Spins top 100 sleaziest moments. Ted comes in at #63

63. Ted Nugent signs on as his teenage honey's legal guardian to make the relationship legit.


So there's that.
That's becaue Romney actually had some job-realted executive experience before running for President..

Obama -voted- for more gun control the Romney.

Really? I think you'd better do a little more research. The Brady Center flunked him. So cling to your guns and religion and STFU
I laugh at you. Out loud.
Nothing you posted negates the fact that The Obama -voted- for more gun control than Romney.

Sorry, my idiot friend. Brady's organization bases their rating on Obama's voting records and bills signed. What do you base yours on? Nugent's latest blast from his pie hole? Is yours as big as his?
She isn't the only underaged girl Nugent had sex with..not by a long shot. Courtney Love said she gave him head when she was 13..something Nugent never denied.

Times that event by a hundred of unknowns.

Still speculation. I wouldn't want Courtney Love as a character witness.

On another note... Yoar Voting for a Person who does not Support Gay Marriage this Fall?...




No, I'm supporting a candidate who would like to repeal DOMA and who DID repeal DADT.

Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite
Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.

Ted is the new Rush Limbaugh. The far right comes out with a new poster boy for sheer idiocy every couple of weeks now.
As opposed to the left, who have happily clung to their idiot since He took office in Jan 2009.

What about you guys? After 3 years of pretending to distance yourselves from Bush, here we see you supporting Romney and I don't think you can tell me one difference between Bush and Romney as far as their policies go.

Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite

One righty asked me to prove Mitt sought out Ted's endorsement and when I proved it to them, :eusa_silenced:
Ted is the new Rush Limbaugh. The far right comes out with a new poster boy for sheer idiocy every couple of weeks now.
As opposed to the left, who have happily clung to their idiot since He took office in Jan 2009.
What about you guys....
.... nothing about 'us guys' changes the fact thay you have happily clung to your idiot since he took office in January 2009.

I don't think you can tell me one difference between Bush and Romney as far as their policies go.
Interesting you say that, given that The Obama has continued or expanded just about every policy GWB put in place, all of which He ran against in 2008.

You hated GWB because of all the policies that made him a terrible President, but you stand in line to suck off The Obama, who has continued/expanded these policies, and thus necessarily making Him an even more terrible President.


Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite
Oh, neat...a blogger typed it so it must be true.

Really? I think you'd better do a little more research. The Brady Center flunked him. So cling to your guns and religion and STFU
I laugh at you. Out loud.
Nothing you posted negates the fact that The Obama -voted- for more gun control than Romney.
Sorry, my idiot friend. Brady's organization bases their rating on Obama's voting records and bills signed
Irony: You calling somemne an idiot.

Reason: Your failure to understand that Romney has never been a legislator, whereas the Obama has, and so it is -impossible- for Romney to have voted for ANY gun control. By virtue of The Obama voting for ANY gun control he has, necessarily voted for more gun control that Romney.

I continue to laugh at you, out loud.
Your masters are proud of their useful idiot- keep up the good work.
Still no supporting information.
Just another rag with another misleading title.

Who initiated this phone call?

Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite

One righty asked me to prove Mitt sought out Ted's endorsement and when I proved it to them, :eusa_silenced:

OMG! You are so special! :clap2:
Still no supporting information.
Just another rag with another misleading title.

Who initiated this phone call?

Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite
Oh, neat...a blogger typed it so it must be true.

So you believe Romney? Just as reliable as a blogger.

O'Donnell railed against Romney for going after Nugent's endorsement, who he called "deranged" and a "gun nut from the craziest segment of the right wing." He said that it was important to Romney to have Nugent as an endorser because the GOP candidate used to be a supporter of certain forms of gun control. "Mitt Romney is now the only candidate to have an endorser that is being investigated by the Secret Service," O'Donnell said, referring to Nugent's aforementioned comments.

Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Ted Nugent And Mitt Romney Have A Lot In Common--They Don't Mean A Word They Say' (VIDEO)
Here you go, but then of course, you will repudiate the validity of the website.

" But while Rosen had no connection to the President whatsoever (and really said nothing wrong), Republican candidate Mitt Romney actively sought the endorsement of serial mouth-bomber Ted Nugent, and ought to be asked if he agrees with him."

Two To Wango Tango: Mitt Romney Sought Ted Nugent’s Endorsement, Should Answer For It | Mediaite
Oh, neat...a blogger typed it so it must be true.

So you believe Romney? Just as reliable as a blogger.

O'Donnell railed against Romney for going after Nugent's endorsement, who he called "deranged" and a "gun nut from the craziest segment of the right wing." He said that it was important to Romney to have Nugent as an endorser because the GOP candidate used to be a supporter of certain forms of gun control. "Mitt Romney is now the only candidate to have an endorser that is being investigated by the Secret Service," O'Donnell said, referring to Nugent's aforementioned comments.

Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Ted Nugent And Mitt Romney Have A Lot In Common--They Don't Mean A Word They Say' (VIDEO)
So O'Donnell said something that he thinks Romney thinks.

That's neat.


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