Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

So being honest is wrong now???

Sure wouldn't want to piss off the Russians, would we?

Need to remain flexible......or better yet become even more flexible (treasonist) after November.

The more I read posts by conservatives the more I see they have this infantile world view that would have the US as a Pariah.

It's amazing.

If you honestly think Russia is our friend you're the infant.

Yeah Russia definately doesn't have our best interests at heart and are in the top 3 for most powerful nations (USA, Russia, China). They are a geopolitical threat to us as is China. Geopolitical does not mean military per say, economics is a large part of that.
about what the psycho ted nugent said about the president of the united states and USSC?

just wondering where all the incensed people are who were soooooooo busily distorting what was said by one person about anne romney.

seems to me someone who says they will be dead or in jail if the president is re-elected should be shunned by anyone with any kind of decency...

instead your presidential candidate wants his endorsement???

and you have the chutzpah to complain about one misspeak by someone who doesn't even work for the president?

It's just another indication of how decadent, savage and utterly dispicable these people who self-proclaim to be "Conservatives" and Republicans really are.

They absolutely WORSHIP Chicken Hawks like Ted Nugent, they worshipped Bush, they worship Cheney, they worship Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove...all are bonifide, tried and true Chicken Hawks.

They like to make big stinks out of small peas, but when the truly outrages and reprehensible happens they ignore it, support it and in fact double down on it.

These people are the absolute worse, the GUTTERSNIPE of society.

I have no respect for them, just contempt. It's a waste to even engage with them 95% of the time. They are like savage wildebeast.
So being honest is wrong now???

Sure wouldn't want to piss off the Russians, would we?

Need to remain flexible......or better yet become even more flexible (treasonist) after November.

The more I read posts by conservatives the more I see they have this infantile world view that would have the US as a Pariah.

It's amazing.

If you honestly think Russia is our friend you're the infant.

Again..a stark reminder of how infantile the worldview is that most conservatives hold.

I'm reasonably sure George W. Bush wasn't much different when he entered office. Which led to a complete disaster world wide.
The more I read posts by conservatives the more I see they have this infantile world view that would have the US as a Pariah.

It's amazing.

If you honestly think Russia is our friend you're the infant.

Yeah Russia definately doesn't have our best interests at heart and are in the top 3 for most powerful nations (USA, Russia, China). They are a geopolitical threat to us as is China. Geopolitical does not mean military per say, economics is a large part of that.

There isn't a country on the globe that isn't self-interested. It would be a pretty crappy way to govern if you put the needs of other countries over your own. There are exceptions. Turkey..during the cold war. It did almost nothing for them..except to keep them in the sites of a very powerful neighbor. As soon as the cold war was over..they were discarded by the US..and even made a soft enemy. Iraq was a betrayal, as was spook support for the PKK.
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Mal..he's admitting to it.

Gosh man.
What do you think he admitted to?

I'm really curious to see what you believe that link shows he admitted to.

If your the video.

Other then that..I can't help you with your reality issues.
I watched the video over an hour ago when you first posted it and posted the results about it before. I suggest you actually watch it. It seems that you just read a title and believed it to be accurate, rather humorously, too.

Ted admits nothing, except the 17 year old.

I understand why you fail to acknowledge that post.

Nothing about what you post today is based in reality.
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Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.

The girl was 17. 4 years older than roman Polanski's Sodomized friend. And liberals jumped all over themselves to defend him. So fuck off.
jillian;5142838]about what the psycho ted nugent said about the president of the united states and USSC?

just wondering where all the incensed people are who were soooooooo busily distorting what was said by one person about anne romney.

seems to me someone who says they will be dead or in jail if the president is re-elected should be shunned by anyone with any kind of decency...

instead your presidential candidate wants his endorsement???

and you have the chutzpah to complain about one misspeak by someone who doesn't even work for the president?

It's just another indication of how decadent, savage and utterly dispicable these people who self-proclaim to be "Conservatives" and Republicans really are.

They absolutely WORSHIP Chicken Hawks like Ted Nugent, they worshipped Bush, they worship Cheney, they worship Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove...all are bonifide, tried and true Chicken Hawks.

They like to make big stinks out of small peas, but when the truly outrages and reprehensible happens they ignore it, support it and in fact double down on it.

These people are the absolute worse, the GUTTERSNIPE of society.

I have no respect for them, just contempt. It's a waste to even engage with them 95% of the time. They are like savage wildebeast.

Like your racist opinion matters a damn.

We don't worship these people. We accept them.

You're the biased cock+sucker that worships Obama.

I would gladly spend time with decent folks like Ted Nugent, George Bush, Clarence Thomas, Malcolm X, or any free thinker than that phony POS Obama.
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You missed my edit, number 1.

Number 2: you (like jillian did in her OP) fail to make clear wtf you are alluding to.

Number 3: What is it about the use of a figure of speech that is supposed to persuade me that I must express outrage and alarm? I mean, are we now supposed to assume that Ted was being literal? Is there ANY basis to think so?

You don't have to be alarmed. Just say he shouldn't have said it.

I aint alarmed.

Ted should have used a different figure of speech so as not to unduly faux alarm so many liberals.

Regarding the above post of mine:

I believe that I am obligated to AMEND my position.

I heard on the news, this morning, a much fuller recounting of what Ted said. Assuming that NBC didn't engage in any more selective editing, what I heard was pretty different than what I had previously understood Ted to have said.

And I think Ted did cross the fucking line.

Context schmontext.

We, here in this Nation, are supposed to believe in political change by the ballot, not by the bullet. I think maybe we should remind Ted.

By Kia Makarechi, Huffington Post

Rocker Ted Nugent came out strong for Mitt Romney at this weekend's National Rifle Association convention, blasting the Obama administration as "wiping its ass with the Constitution" and demanding the audience rally the troops for the GOP candidate.

In a video spotted by Right Wing Watch, Nugent doesn't mince words when describing the sitting president's administration, which he describes as "vile," "evil" and "America-hating."

Though the wild rhetoric is from the weekend, Nugent had already endorsed Romney in early March. He also once threatened to kill Obama and Hillary Clinton and effusively praised Sarah Palin in the 2010 TIME 100 issue.

Nugent is hardly the only musician to be associated with Romney in recent weeks. After KISS frontman Gene Simmons was quoted as saying he supported Romney's fiscal policy, outlets were quick to say the rocker endorsed Romney. Simmons quickly disputed the accounts, taking to Twitter to tell fans, "I HAVE NOT ENDORSED MITT ROMNEY FOR PRES."

Nugent was more direct. "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he said. "If you can't galvanize and promote and recruit people to vote for Mitt Romney, we're done."

And what's the best way to "galvanize and promote," Ted?

"We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?"

Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney: Rocker Stumps For GOP Candidate At NRA Convention

[ame=]Ted Nugent Stumps for Mitt Romney at NRA Convention: "Chop their heads off in November" - YouTube[/ame]

Just watched the video. Damn, that shit in his pants from the 'Nam era has all migrated to his head. What an absolute jerk.
You don't have to be alarmed. Just say he shouldn't have said it.

I aint alarmed.

Ted should have used a different figure of speech so as not to unduly faux alarm so many liberals.

Regarding the above post of mine:

I believe that I am obligated to AMEND my position.

I heard on the news, this morning, a much fuller recounting of what Ted said. Assuming that NBC didn't engage in any more selective editing, what I heard was pretty different than what I had previously understood Ted to have said.

And I think Ted did cross the fucking line.

Context schmontext.

We, here in this Nation, are supposed to believe in political change by the ballot, not by the bullet. I think maybe we should remind Ted.

Nugent is likely certifiable (not in a good way).

As an aside, on another forum, I posted a thread on April 5th where I postulated that 'crazy' people were increasingly getting a lot of TV air time to expand on whatever overblown petty grievances or loony theories were sticking in their collective craws. I titled the thread 'Crazy in America,' and invited anyone interested to offer their candidate for inclusion. I started the ball rolling by nominating Ted Nugent.
So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -
I don't doubt Romney has done his share against the second amendment. But does that give me cause to vote against him... like FOR the kenyan... no way in hell.

obama has to go, period.

Ooops your racism is showing...might want to cover that up. It's ugly.
Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.
I don't doubt Romney has done his share against the second amendment. But does that give me cause to vote against him... like FOR the kenyan... no way in hell.

obama has to go, period.

Ooops your racism is showing...might want to cover that up. It's ugly.
Apparently, he's a birther.

But, that doesn't necessarily equate to racism. If there were any meat to Obama not being natural born citizen, I would want him out, too; and that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the Constitution.
Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Governorship of Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Excellent post. Stop speaking truth, dammit.
You don't have to be alarmed. Just say he shouldn't have said it.

I aint alarmed.

Ted should have used a different figure of speech so as not to unduly faux alarm so many liberals.

Regarding the above post of mine:

I believe that I am obligated to AMEND my position.

I heard on the news, this morning, a much fuller recounting of what Ted said. Assuming that NBC didn't engage in any more selective editing, what I heard was pretty different than what I had previously understood Ted to have said.

And I think Ted did cross the fucking line.

Context schmontext.

We, here in this Nation, are supposed to believe in political change by the ballot, not by the bullet. I think maybe we should remind Ted.

I've gotta stop repping fuck-all everybody, so I have something left over for the good posts.

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