Uh-oh! Terrible news for Hillary in new poll

I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
And you have the clown car, who will kill each other off trying to win. Sometimes you put all your eggs in one basket, and then protect that basket.
The time to put all your eggs in one basked is after the Primaries... not automatically assuming that some tired old worn-out rich dishrag has been annointed in advance.
If there's anyone else on the radar, no one can see them...
Indeed... nobody else on the radar... that could end-up proving problematic in the coming months... I'm not sure that she is going to survive the scrutiny of the next year or so.
Hillary has no personality, just like Obama, and she also needs cue cards for her speeches, none of the leading GOP candidates need a teleprompter, cause if they did, it would be all over the news!
We aren't electing her to make speeches. That's a GOP thing.

Hillary is old?

That is the best you got?
No... Shrillary and Bubba are widely perceived to be corrupt... and America is a little tired of Democrats and Executive Orders and Dynasties.

Both Bill and Hillary have very high favorability ratings........unless all your news comes from the rightwing media

And this is because both are money machines. Both Jeb and Hillary are the darlings of corporate America.

They will crush all those who oppose them.
Hillary is old?

That is the best you got?
No... Shrillary and Bubba are widely perceived to be corrupt... and America is a little tired of Democrats and Executive Orders and Dynasties.

Both Bill and Hillary have very high favorability ratings........unless all your news comes from the rightwing media

And this is because both are money machines. Both Jeb and Hillary are the darlings of corporate America.

They will crush all those who oppose them.

The dems are stuck with the hildebeast, the GOP has several good candidates, Jeb is not one of them.
like i mentioned in another thread, I will be looking forward to her debates with Ted Cruz, and being wired up to a lie detector for all three debates.
Good god

Hillary debating Captain Creepy?

It would be like Nixon all over again
Hillary is old?

That is the best you got?
No... Shrillary and Bubba are widely perceived to be corrupt... and America is a little tired of Democrats and Executive Orders and Dynasties.

Both Bill and Hillary have very high favorability ratings........unless all your news comes from the rightwing media

And this is because both are money machines. Both Jeb and Hillary are the darlings of corporate America.

They will crush all those who oppose them.

The 2016 slate is already in place.....conservatives just can't admit they will lose again
like i mentioned in another thread, I will be looking forward to her debates with Ted Cruz, and being wired up to a lie detector for all three debates.
Good god

Hillary debating Captain Creepy?

It would be like Nixon all over again
Hillary is ethically challenged like Nixon, true. I wonder if she'll sweat under the lights like him.
I am worried if one of Hillarys ears will fall off while answering questions like, Hillary, can you find IRAQ on a World Map?
Hillary is old?

That is the best you got?
No... Shrillary and Bubba are widely perceived to be corrupt... and America is a little tired of Democrats and Executive Orders and Dynasties.

Both Bill and Hillary have very high favorability ratings........unless all your news comes from the rightwing media

And this is because both are money machines. Both Jeb and Hillary are the darlings of corporate America.

They will crush all those who oppose them.
Steve Forbes could give advice on money in elections and being the darling of corporate America.

Hillary's age doesn't matter except to young Americans already done with old people. It isn't even the number of years so much. Hillary looks old, tired, overweight. She has the look of an old woman who has given up and let herself go.
you guys wouldn't be going bonkers or bat poop crazy.... over Hillary if she had no chance to win big... and you know it....

you'd be begging for her to be the Dem candidate if you really thought she would lose, no?

I think we have all said the same about Sanders, Ron Paul, Obama, Palin, Romney, McCain, Bachmann, Cain, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush and on and on. It is the nature of politics.
I'd prefer some other Democrats for the job, but she'd do if need be.
And that's the trouble... ya'll have nobody else warmin' up in the bullpen... the Dems are a One Trick Ponly this time around.
What difference does it make to have so many candidates running when they're all saying the same thing and pandering to the same constituents?
like i mentioned in another thread, I will be looking forward to her debates with Ted Cruz, and being wired up to a lie detector for all three debates.
With all those damn lies that Senor Cruz has been spewing everytime he opens his filthy mouth you'd have to strap on 3 detectors on that bastard.

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