Uh oh! Trump says the radical left is in control of Facebook and Twitter and he’s going to regulate!

It’s about damn time.
So what was the illegal activity you are now conveniently claiming has been going on all this time?
1st Amendment is being abused
I don’t think you even understand the first amendment. No crime is being committed if a Tweet is being deleted by the company itself. His first amendment right would only be being violated if he was being charged with a crime for the Tweet.

The a private company isn't the government.

The government can't stop free speech.

A private company can block all the speech they want.

There is no law or regulation that requires a private company to respect anyone's right to free speech.
Facebook & Google have become the modern day public square. They MUST be regulated as such.

I know most of you won't watch it but if you want to see why these companies need to be regulated watch this video of an interview with one of the heads of YOUTUBE.
You'll need to skip ahead to get to the meat of the interview 10 or 15 minutes.

Trump wants to control our internet like they do in china. He’s just using the dems as an excuse to do it.
You realize that has nothing to do with regulating content, right?
Umm wut???

Breaking up Facebook is not regulating them? You smoking crack?
Read, drunkard. What Warren proposed did not regulate the CONTENT.
Trump wants to control our internet like they do in china. He’s just using the dems as an excuse to do it.
You realize that has nothing to do with regulating content, right?
Umm wut???

Breaking up Facebook is not regulating them? You smoking crack?
Read, drunkard. What Warren proposed did not regulate the CONTENT.
Breaking them up is regulating them, dyke
That’s right the whiny little bitch is going to try and stop tech giants! Stop what you ask? No one knows. Neither does Trump. His dumb ass will forget he even said this by next week.

Is this fascist? No not in my opinion. Perhaps if someone smart and effective was in charge I would call it that. This is just bullshit noise that intimidates no one and we’ll be quickly forgotten.

Meanwhile, the US death toll from COVID is at 90,000.
FINALLY! Let’s get some anti-trust laws in there let’s get conservatives again! Hell yes FREEDOM!!
Right lord knows you all love big government when it fits your agenda! The agenda in this case is simply to justify Trump whining about these companies. Of course, Trump said nothing about anti-trust laws in his post so you just wasted your time posting this.
Government is supposed to protect our free speech when it’s being banned. HELL YEA!
So, you'd be for faux, breightbart, the federalist, redstate, daily wire, gateway pundit, and all the rest of the alt-right crap having to post both sides as well?
Trump wants to control our internet like they do in china. He’s just using the dems as an excuse to do it.
You realize that has nothing to do with regulating content, right?
Umm wut???

Breaking up Facebook is not regulating them? You smoking crack?
Read, drunkard. What Warren proposed did not regulate the CONTENT.
Breaking them up is regulating them, dyke
You aren't all that smart, are you.
Why haven’t they banned Trump’s fatass?
Because such an overt, deliberate action would confirm what we all know it's true.

Facebook and the like want to be seen as fair. They all know good and goddamn well they're not. But they have to appear fair for idiots into believing they are. So, they can't just ban Trump. Even if they want to (they do).
My god I wish they would.
Exactly. You, like them, want to shut down speech you don't like.

All sides are guilty of that shit.

The true measure of one's commitment to free speech is when one is willing to defend the type of speech that makes their blood boil with anger and hatred.

Just admit that you hate free-speech, and you are a commie fuck twinkle-toed cocksucker. You will feel better once you do.

That’s right the whiny little bitch is going to try and stop tech giants! Stop what you ask? No one knows. Neither does Trump. His dumb ass will forget he even said this by next week.

Is this fascist? No not in my opinion. Perhaps if someone smart and effective was in charge I would call it that. This is just bullshit noise that intimidates no one and we’ll be quickly forgotten.

Meanwhile, the US death toll from COVID is at 90,000.
FINALLY! Let’s get some anti-trust laws in there let’s get conservatives again! Hell yes FREEDOM!!
Right lord knows you all love big government when it fits your agenda! The agenda in this case is simply to justify Trump whining about these companies. Of course, Trump said nothing about anti-trust laws in his post so you just wasted your time posting this.
Government is supposed to protect our free speech when it’s being banned. HELL YEA!
So, you'd be for faux, breightbart, the federalist, redstate, daily wire, gateway pundit, and all the rest of the alt-right crap having to post both sides as well?
They are alt right? Huh breibart is an alternative to the right? Um ok and I have no idea what your talking about ..
This issue shows which people actually support business rights and private property rights from those merely pay lip service. You don’t need a gobmint solution if you feel like you’ve been treated unfairly, simply forsake your account and a start rival platform where you’re not so bitterly oppressed.
Anyone seen that Malkin vid that's in question--the one Trump forwarded that got taken down by Facebook?

That's why he's mad today.
Yes – it’s the same idiotic nonsense conservatives have been propagating for years: the ridiculous lie that social media are conspiring to ‘silence’ conservative voices, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
That's absolutely true. Large digital media corporations need to be regulated. They are benefiting from tax breaks while at the same time engaging in mass coordinated censorship.

Great news! :clap:

Hope regulation comes very very soon for these tech tyrants fascists/socialists scum!
And this is an example of the rightwing idiocy propagating that lie.

Such is the authoritarian conservative: advocate of big government regulation, purveyor of compelled conformity, enemy of diversity and dissent.
It’s about damn time.
So what was the illegal activity you are now conveniently claiming has been going on all this time?
Places like YouTube,Facebook and Twitter acting like publishers when they are benefitting from government protections for claiming they are a public platform.

Benefiting from “government protections” – like the First Amendment.

Too funny.
Teddy Roosevelt was one of our greatest presidents for two reasons...national parks and his battle against the trusts.

Relevant reading...

The national parks are not America's greatest idea. They are the super-rich's greatest idea . . . for themselves.

The super rich love nature. Anyway, they love owning big chunks of nature. But they face competition. The masses can buy property right next door. Land developers buy up acreage and build condos or even worse, time-shares. Then Mr. and Mrs. Sack Lunch buy the condos and move in. They litter the area with themselves. The super-rich want privacy. [...]

So, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. devised a plan to get this. He began this just after the turn of the century in 1900. He bought up property in Maine. So did his peers — the younger super-rich. Then they gave the surrounding land to the National Park Service...This was for The People. The People could come and visit, but they could not come and stay...They have run this restricted-access land scheme over and over since 1906.
True idiocy.
That's absolutely true. Large digital media corporations need to be regulated. They are benefiting from tax breaks while at the same time engaging in mass coordinated censorship.
I doubt that part concerns him.
"The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle!"

I think so. I think there are very real rumblings and very legitimate legal arguments for the regulation of large digital media corporations.
In modern society there can be a legal equivalency to utilities. A serious legal challenge is coming.
“…legitimate legal arguments for the regulation of large digital media corporations.”

No, there aren’t.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy; social media entities are nothing like utilities.

The internet is infinite – there is more than ample opportunity for all views and opinions to be expressed.

Indeed, millions of Americans express those views and opinions absent a Facebook account.

Any legal ‘challenge’ would be completely devoid of merit, a prima facie violation of the First Amendment, and dismissed by any court accordingly.
Trump wants to control our internet like they do in china. He’s just using the dems as an excuse to do it.
You realize that has nothing to do with regulating content, right?
Umm wut???

Breaking up Facebook is not regulating them? You smoking crack?
Read, drunkard. What Warren proposed did not regulate the CONTENT.
Breaking them up is regulating them, dyke
Yes and? I specifically said CONTENT, lush.
need to be regulated.

Regulations be damned.
I thought trump and trumpians loved the recent stretch of regulations being slashed,
and NOW you support regulations that benefit your agenda. lol.

This shit isn’t complicated...Trump deregulates biz to help good real Americans and he regulates biz to help good real Americans.
Remember, he intends to ONLY govern for good real AMERICANS.
Sucks for you huh?

Remember, he intends to ONLY govern for good real AMERICANS.
Sucks for you huh? "

let me fix that for you

"herr trump only intends to govern for rotten stinking conservative human scum"

"Remember, he intends to ONLY govern for good real AMERICANS.
Sucks for you huh? "

presidents should be presidents for ALL Americans.

else they are naught but human scum

"Remember, he intends to ONLY govern for good real AMERICANS.
Sucks for you huh? "

if you are ok with this then you are NOT a real American and you are NOT "good"

if you are ok with this then as soon as we get a real American president again I am going to lobby for him or her to ONLY govern for decent people.

in fact....I'll be spearheading the "lock them all up" campaign.....
It’s about damn time.
So what was the illegal activity you are now conveniently claiming has been going on all this time?
Places like YouTube,Facebook and Twitter acting like publishers when they are benefitting from government protections for claiming they are a public platform.

Benefiting from “government protections” – like the First Amendment.

Too funny.
Like not being liable for comments made in a public platform environment ( which they hide behind when it’s convenient). By censoring opinions related to politics, and/or entertainment etc...they are no longer a public platform. They are a publisher and should not be exempt from such scrutiny.
Trump is just pissed off because Facebook is no longer going to allow him or his cult to post COVID-related conspiracy stuff that is not vetted (i.e., is fake news).
By censoring opinions related to politics, and/or entertainment etc...they are no longer a public platform. They are a publisher and should not be exempt from such scrutiny.
What does that mean? Publishers are not required to publish materials they don't want to publish. If they came out tomorrow and said all posts on 17th century french poetry are banned forever, there isnt a damn thing anyone can do about it. If Random House came out tomorrow and said they are no longer going to use their owned resources to publish books about the utter nonsense that is homeopathy, there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

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