A whole lot of the moderate Democrats switched and became Republicans and so now the GOP isn't what it used to be either. We need a Blue Dog / Rino party.
Sure I am. Then name me the last presidential administration that didn't inflict us with more environmental costs.
I don't need to name the last administration that cut environmental funding, that isn't my point. Whats the last administration thats cut defense funding? Both are dumb questions as both areas are a big part of our society and economy. We've built an incredible military and defense network for our country and we've led some great efforts to clean up our environment. Nothing wrong with continuing to progress and improve on both fronts. You make it sound like we've done enough so it's time to stop... Thats just not reality.

I said nothing about "cuts" I said name me the last presidential administration that didn't inflict our citizens with more environmental regulations and costs. The point I'm trying to make is that every administration does it.
Yes and I just explained why... it’s not as big of a deal as you make it out to be. It has benefits and disadvantages to our economy and nation depending on the effort

As a truck driver, I happen to think it is a big deal.

You wrote of jobs created by these idiotic regulations, but failed to acknowledge jobs lost at the same time. After all these pollution regulations, many drivers had to sell their trucks and get into another line of work. Companies that employed hundreds of people closed up. Transportation costs that get passed down to customers who have to consider those costs when considering outsourcing and buying products overseas.

I haven't had a raise in quite some time. My employer dropped our healthcare coverage when Commie Care began. When I inquired to other jobs, I found that many in the transportation industry did the same. These costly regulations has employers and companies cutting costs down to the bone. I'm sure my industry is not the only one suffering from costly environmental regulations.
I fear the worst is about to come of your industry, not because of government healthcare and environmentalist but from capitalist... autonomous vehicles, robots, and drones are going to take over the distribution and transportation industry. It’s not going to be pretty for the blue collar workers and laborers

Not worried about it. Light years away. We can't even get a car (that Uber wants so badly) to perform correctly. It frequently stops and the human has to take over. They are going to try to experiment it with the Massholes to see how it operates in complicated situations like heavy traffic, emergency vehicles, many pedestrians.....

However even if they could produce a manless truck, it could only operate on the highway in straight lines. We will never see a manless truck be able to back into a dock, manipulate turns in the city, calculate how to make turns in areas that never structured for trucks (which are many of them) and be able to make such turns without the trailer hitting pedestrians. And even if we could do that, there are insurance issues to deal with.

My coworkers like to use GPS to get them to their stops. Even though they download maps that are supposedly for trucks, they often F up. They take them to routes that are no truck zones or have low bridges that their truck can't get through. It's why I don't have a GPS in my truck although, I do use Google maps to help me out at times.

So don't look for manless trucks anytime soon.
I don't need to name the last administration that cut environmental funding, that isn't my point. Whats the last administration thats cut defense funding? Both are dumb questions as both areas are a big part of our society and economy. We've built an incredible military and defense network for our country and we've led some great efforts to clean up our environment. Nothing wrong with continuing to progress and improve on both fronts. You make it sound like we've done enough so it's time to stop... Thats just not reality.

I said nothing about "cuts" I said name me the last presidential administration that didn't inflict our citizens with more environmental regulations and costs. The point I'm trying to make is that every administration does it.
Yes and I just explained why... it’s not as big of a deal as you make it out to be. It has benefits and disadvantages to our economy and nation depending on the effort

As a truck driver, I happen to think it is a big deal.

You wrote of jobs created by these idiotic regulations, but failed to acknowledge jobs lost at the same time. After all these pollution regulations, many drivers had to sell their trucks and get into another line of work. Companies that employed hundreds of people closed up. Transportation costs that get passed down to customers who have to consider those costs when considering outsourcing and buying products overseas.

I haven't had a raise in quite some time. My employer dropped our healthcare coverage when Commie Care began. When I inquired to other jobs, I found that many in the transportation industry did the same. These costly regulations has employers and companies cutting costs down to the bone. I'm sure my industry is not the only one suffering from costly environmental regulations.
I fear the worst is about to come of your industry, not because of government healthcare and environmentalist but from capitalist... autonomous vehicles, robots, and drones are going to take over the distribution and transportation industry. It’s not going to be pretty for the blue collar workers and laborers

Not worried about it. Light years away. We can't even get a car (that Uber wants so badly) to perform correctly. It frequently stops and the human has to take over. They are going to try to experiment it with the Massholes to see how it operates in complicated situations like heavy traffic, emergency vehicles, many pedestrians.....

However even if they could produce a manless truck, it could only operate on the highway in straight lines. We will never see a manless truck be able to back into a dock, manipulate turns in the city, calculate how to make turns in areas that never structured for trucks (which are many of them) and be able to make such turns without the trailer hitting pedestrians. And even if we could do that, there are insurance issues to deal with.

My coworkers like to use GPS to get them to their stops. Even though they download maps that are supposedly for trucks, they often F up. They take them to routes that are no truck zones or have low bridges that their truck can't get through. It's why I don't have a GPS in my truck although, I do use Google maps to help me out at times.

So don't look for manless trucks anytime soon.
You’ve seen how quickly technology advances. It’s closer than you think. Even if it is only used on highways to take goods to docking stations and people handle the city transport, it is going to deeply cut the labor force. I give it 10 years.
I said nothing about "cuts" I said name me the last presidential administration that didn't inflict our citizens with more environmental regulations and costs. The point I'm trying to make is that every administration does it.
Yes and I just explained why... it’s not as big of a deal as you make it out to be. It has benefits and disadvantages to our economy and nation depending on the effort

As a truck driver, I happen to think it is a big deal.

You wrote of jobs created by these idiotic regulations, but failed to acknowledge jobs lost at the same time. After all these pollution regulations, many drivers had to sell their trucks and get into another line of work. Companies that employed hundreds of people closed up. Transportation costs that get passed down to customers who have to consider those costs when considering outsourcing and buying products overseas.

I haven't had a raise in quite some time. My employer dropped our healthcare coverage when Commie Care began. When I inquired to other jobs, I found that many in the transportation industry did the same. These costly regulations has employers and companies cutting costs down to the bone. I'm sure my industry is not the only one suffering from costly environmental regulations.
I fear the worst is about to come of your industry, not because of government healthcare and environmentalist but from capitalist... autonomous vehicles, robots, and drones are going to take over the distribution and transportation industry. It’s not going to be pretty for the blue collar workers and laborers

Not worried about it. Light years away. We can't even get a car (that Uber wants so badly) to perform correctly. It frequently stops and the human has to take over. They are going to try to experiment it with the Massholes to see how it operates in complicated situations like heavy traffic, emergency vehicles, many pedestrians.....

However even if they could produce a manless truck, it could only operate on the highway in straight lines. We will never see a manless truck be able to back into a dock, manipulate turns in the city, calculate how to make turns in areas that never structured for trucks (which are many of them) and be able to make such turns without the trailer hitting pedestrians. And even if we could do that, there are insurance issues to deal with.

My coworkers like to use GPS to get them to their stops. Even though they download maps that are supposedly for trucks, they often F up. They take them to routes that are no truck zones or have low bridges that their truck can't get through. It's why I don't have a GPS in my truck although, I do use Google maps to help me out at times.

So don't look for manless trucks anytime soon.
You’ve seen how quickly technology advances. It’s closer than you think. Even if it is only used on highways to take goods to docking stations and people handle the city transport, it is going to deeply cut the labor force. I give it 10 years.

Nope, in ten years, nothing will change. There are too many human calculations that must be made when driving a truck unlike a car.

I'm driving down the highway and spot an asshole. I know how assholes drive. You'd be surprised at how many assholes cut off our safety distance. You can't stop a 75,000 lbs vehicle like you can a 2,000 lbs vehicle. So when I spot an asshole weaving in and out of lanes, I have to calculate that yes, he will cut me off. Defensive driving teaches you that you have to back off from the vehicle in front of you to accommodate the asshole that's going to cut you off to exit the highway. Computers can't do that.

The dumbest people in the country are road construction workers. I actually believe your IQ must be under 40 to get such a job. So they close the right lane with little warning. The driver has to quickly get out of that lane (when possible) to avoid coming to a complete stop. A computer cannot calculate that move. 75% of people do not know how to enter a highway. They actually believe that they can get on a highway going 35 mph when the traffic is going at 70 mph. They don't know what a yield sign means. So they are expecting you to get out of their way. They just mindlessly drive down the ramp without looking at where they can safely enter the highway. They don't look at the traffic pattern until the reach the end of the ramp.

It's just too complicated for a computer to figure out. Believe what you like, but I'm telling you as a professional driver for over 30 years, it's just not possible.
"different morals"?


Oh? Never heard of subjective morality? They teach it in the schools now, then scratch their head when kids turn out to be sociopaths.


There's only one set of morals, and one being that defines them, and it's God. ;)
"subjective morality"?


Yes sir! Taught in public schools and colleges everywhere.
wow, did a quick read on that.


For a good practical example, check out JoeB131's defense, in this thread of the drugging and rape of a 13-year-old girl. That is “subjective morality”.
"different morals"?


Oh? Never heard of subjective morality? They teach it in the schools now, then scratch their head when kids turn out to be sociopaths.


There's only one set of morals, and one being that defines them, and it's God. ;)
"subjective morality"?


Yes sir! Taught in public schools and colleges everywhere.
wow, did a quick read on that.


For a good practical example, check out JoeB131's defense, in this thread of the drugging and rape of a 13-year-old girl. That is “subjective morality”.

Thanks, but no thanks. JoeB131 has only been right twice since I've been on this board.
Oh? Never heard of subjective morality? They teach it in the schools now, then scratch their head when kids turn out to be sociopaths.


There's only one set of morals, and one being that defines them, and it's God. ;)
"subjective morality"?


Yes sir! Taught in public schools and colleges everywhere.
wow, did a quick read on that.


For a good practical example, check out JoeB131's defense, in this thread of the drugging and rape of a 13-year-old girl. That is “subjective morality”.

Thanks, but no thanks. JoeB131 has only been right twice since I've been on this board.
leftists are the most evil people in America.
Oh? Never heard of subjective morality? They teach it in the schools now, then scratch their head when kids turn out to be sociopaths.


There's only one set of morals, and one being that defines them, and it's God. ;)
"subjective morality"?


Yes sir! Taught in public schools and colleges everywhere.
wow, did a quick read on that.


For a good practical example, check out JoeB131's defense, in this thread of the drugging and rape of a 13-year-old girl. That is “subjective morality”.

Thanks, but no thanks. JoeB131 has only been right twice since I've been on this board.

Two more times than I've counted. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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