Ukraine's Kicking The SNOT Out of Russia, As Politicians Ask Putin To Go

Do lefties really believe that Ukies are winning? Meanwhile Europe stands for a severe winter because the hypocrites depend on Russian fossil fuel.
Are you able to explain what makes them hypocrites?
Are you able to explain what makes them hypocrites?
A hypocrite administration is a regime that pretends to advocate alternate energy sources that don't exist while it actually depends on fossil fuel from a country that they pretend is their enemy.
Do lefties really believe that Ukies are winning? Meanwhile Europe stands for a severe winter because the hypocrites depend on Russian fossil fuel.
Lol, do retards always suck on Puty boy? We believe Ukraine took back a shiit load of land recently. Russia is filled with scum and pigs. So stay there retard and off US boards.
A hypocrite administration is a regime that pretends to advocate alternate energy sources that don't exist while it actually depends on fossil fuel from a country that they pretend is their enemy.
What makes you think that alternative sources don't exist?
I don't play you traitors games, I know better. All you do is lie.
Lol, what a retard. " hu, hu, hu. You lie" It's all ya got let's see that proof retard! What you got retard? Go play with your gun retard. Point it at your head. What's the odds ya hit that single brain cell of yours, retard? All that can happen is a little hole in your head. Don't worry they can take your retarded ass to the gas station and replace the air. All better.
Lol, what a retard. " hu, hu, hu. You lie" It's all ya got let's see that proof retard! What you got retard? Go play with your gun retard. Point it at your head. What's the odds ya hit that single brain cell of yours, retard? All that can happen is a little hole in your head. Don't worry they can take your retarded ass to the gas station and replace the air. All better.
We all know all leftist scum are liars. Your words mean nothing traitor. I hope to be at the wall when you face justice.
We all know all leftist scum are liars. Your words mean nothing traitor. I hope to be at the wall when you face justice.
Lol, the level of your retardation is flat astounding. What a joke. Still waiting for some proof retard! Put up or shut up retard!
You vermin don't accept proof. Ever.
Offer some retard! What a circle jersey. What a retard! Let's see that proof retard. F in commie kgb supporter retard. You do know old Putin was in the commie KGb right retard? Shut the he'll up commie KGB retard. Get off a US message board and talk with your retarded Russia buddies retard. Or offer this proof you speak of retard.
Offer some retard! What a circle jersey. What a retard! Let's see that proof retard. F in commie kgb supporter retard. You do know old Putin was in the commie KGb right retard? Shut the he'll up commie KGB retard. Get off a US message board and talk with your retarded Russia buddies retard. Or offer this proof you speak of retard.
No troll, I don't play your traitor game. I just want to be at the wall when you get what you deserve.
mmm .. I wish you had supplied better sources for your .. so far .. delusional OP..

and btw, the military brass under a Biden regime given the Afghanistan fiasco doesn't inspire confidence in #1.

Dude do you watch the fucking news? It's all over every fucking station.

Do lefties really believe that Ukies are winning? Meanwhile Europe stands for a severe winter because the hypocrites depend on Russian fossil fuel.
Winning? Hard to say but the Ukrainians are pushing the Russians back and gaining big chunks of territory

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