Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

Actually a bridge or road enables a quantity of regular people get to work that probably can't even be counted. OTOH I'm pretty sure you could count the oil companies who would be the beneficiaries of Keystone.

What about the people who are employed by the refineries that receive the crude? Are they just chopped liver?

US refineries are running at near maximum capacity.

Oh really? Why are they thrilled to death at the extension of Keystone from Cushing to the Gulf then? And I'm still wondering why the hell no one protested this leg of the XL if they cared so much about the environment.

The answer is simple. The enviro whackos don't really giveshit about the environment in protesting the XL or they would have been going bonkers at this leg being built.

Just political bullshit theatre all the freaking way.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) -
TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer.

"This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

I've noticed that anytime you post a link on this issue, it's from the TransCanada website. You don't think they may be painting a rosy picture?

You've missed my other posts then. Because I'm loaded for bear on this issue. It's become a passion because there is so much bullshit out there and if there is one thing I hate it's lies and deceit. Sets me clean off.

How's this link for a rosy picture with this organization extolling the virtues of the Keystone pipelines and TransCanada?

I don't think that TransCanada could ask for a better letter of recommendation eh?


Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 14, 2008

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest. When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market.

In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States. In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

The permit was signed in the State Department’s Treaty Room by the Undersecretary of State for Economics, Energy and Agriculture Affairs, Reuben Jeffery III, who also serves as the Department’s International Energy Coordinator. Canadian Ambassador Michael Wilson witnessed the signature.

The United States and Canada have a wide array of bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to discuss energy and the environment, and will continue to address the importance of mitigating greenhouse gases from all sources of energy production.

Prior to making its determination to issue the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP, the Department completed an environmental review of the entire project.

All public documents related to the Department’s decision regarding TransCanada Keystone LP’s application can be downloaded at


Released on March 14, 2008

U.S. Department of State

That didn't tell me anything I didn't already know except that Reuben Jeffery III from Goldman Sach's is one of the signers.
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

How many permanent jobs are created building a bridge or paving a road?

Answer: 0

Yet, Democrats are orgasmic over infrastructure spending!

However, when this type of infrastructure spending is available, Democrats think it's "bad."

Thanks, rdean, for another fabulous rdean thread!

Actually a bridge or road enables a quantity of regular people get to work that probably can't even be counted. OTOH I'm pretty sure you could count the oil companies who would be the beneficiaries of Keystone.

What about the people who are employed by the refineries that receive the crude? Are they just chopped liver?
The Keystone pipeline is not the only way of transporting tar sand oil.


True but it is more dangerous.
As long as all the oil is used by the US then it is a good thing. If the oil companies have a say forget about it. Not a drop of that oil should be allowed to leave the US despite a higher profit for the oil companies in selling it elsewhere.

It will be....gasoline and fuel oil will stay here...the ONLY exports to the Orient will be fuels and solvents we no longer use in the USA.
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

How many permanent jobs are created building a bridge or paving a road?

Answer: 0

Yet, Democrats are orgasmic over infrastructure spending!

However, when this type of infrastructure spending is available, Democrats think it's "bad."

Thanks, rdean, for another fabulous rdean thread!

Actually a bridge or road enables a quantity of regular people get to work that probably can't even be counted. OTOH I'm pretty sure you could count the oil companies who would be the beneficiaries of Keystone.

What about the people who are employed by the refineries that receive the crude? Are they just chopped liver?

US refineries are running at near maximum capacity.

Exactly. So they simply continue what they're doing at work. Like any other day.
And they prolly take a couple of roads and bridges to get there. ;)
As long as all the oil is used by the US then it is a good thing. If the oil companies have a say forget about it. Not a drop of that oil should be allowed to leave the US despite a higher profit for the oil companies in selling it elsewhere.

It will be....gasoline and fuel oil will stay here...the ONLY exports to the Orient will be fuels and solvents we no longer use in the USA.

Ah, so you want to nationalize the oil companies. Good luck wit dat.
No PIPELINE ever killed a BIRD....or almost TWO MILLION A YEAR like wind turbines:


“I estimated 888,000 bat and 573,000 bird fatalities/year (including 83,000 raptor fatalities) at 51,630 megawatt (MW) of installed wind-energy capacity in the United States in 2012,” writes K. Shawn Smallwood, author of the study that was published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Feds underestimate how many birds killed by wind turbines The Daily Caller

And then there's solar literally ATTRACTING fowl to be COOKED in midair:


The Associated Press reported last week on “streamers” at BrightSource Energy’s concentrated solar plant -- a futuristic-looking facility that gamers pass as they drive through the desert between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. That’s the name given to birds as their feathers ignite, mid-air, after flying through a concentrated beam of sunlight. Such hapless birds can be burned to death, killed by brute force when they crash to the ground, or eaten a predator swoops in to claim their maimed body. These are just some of the ways that large solar plants can kill birds. It’s not known how many birds are being felled by the groundswell of such facilities, but the numbers are high enough to concern bird and conservation groups -- regardless of the environmental benefits of solar power.

Solar Farms Threaten Birds - Scientific American

Any idea how many red herrings they kill?
As long as all the oil is used by the US then it is a good thing. If the oil companies have a say forget about it. Not a drop of that oil should be allowed to leave the US despite a higher profit for the oil companies in selling it elsewhere.

It will be....gasoline and fuel oil will stay here...the ONLY exports to the Orient will be fuels and solvents we no longer use in the USA.

Ah, so you want to nationalize the oil companies. Good luck wit dat.

Keep walking fool.
As long as all the oil is used by the US then it is a good thing. If the oil companies have a say forget about it. Not a drop of that oil should be allowed to leave the US despite a higher profit for the oil companies in selling it elsewhere.

It will be....gasoline and fuel oil will stay here...the ONLY exports to the Orient will be fuels and solvents we no longer use in the USA.

Ah, so you want to nationalize the oil companies. Good luck wit dat.

Keep walking fool.

How else are you going to do it then? Here's an inside tip: the Exxons and Chevrons of the world are international, capitalist, profit-based corporations. Their allegiance is to their stockholders -- not a national flag. So whatever they do is going to be in pursuit of that profit.

Or didn't you think of that?
Ah, but there was no requirement to buy HC before Obamacare.
And people died and Republicans laughed. Except the ones going bankrupt.

...and THEN dying.
So people needed to be told to buy HC? It was good for them, but they didn't understand?
Most of those pipelines are natural gas pipelines. There are only about two dozen pipe lines that carry crude oil and there are no major pipelines that car tar sand oil in the US. Environmentally, there is a huge difference.

Moving it by train and truck is more dangerous.
You have no way of knowing that because there is nothing comparable to Keystone operating in the US carrying tar sand oil
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.
So??even if true,what relevance does that have. I had 8 people building my house,now they are gone,guess I shouldn't have built it,the job only lasted 7 months.

There's a little more to it than that. I wish it were just about jobs. This has to do with property rights, and the fact that the nasty sludge will be going to the Gulf, then loaded onto tankers, to be sold at market value. It's not like we'll be getting it at a discounted rate. We will get very little in return. It's just not worth it.

We are capable of creating jobs!

So you know, that "Sludge" will still be shipped. Only thing is, the pipeline is the safest way to do it.

Do you really think that Canada will stop production without the pipeline? If so, why hasn't it stopped already?

Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

How many permanent jobs are created building a bridge or paving a road?

Answer: 0

Yet, Democrats are orgasmic over infrastructure spending!

However, when this type of infrastructure spending is available, Democrats think it's "bad."

Thanks, rdean, for another fabulous rdean thread!

Actually a bridge or road enables a quantity of regular people get to work that probably can't even be counted. OTOH I'm pretty sure you could count the oil companies who would be the beneficiaries of Keystone.

What about the people who are employed by the refineries that receive the crude? Are they just chopped liver?

US refineries are running at near maximum capacity. mean that the refineries are not currently refining this Canadian crude?

Do you have a link?

CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?

Here's how I feel about the post ....

it's a damn lie, perpetuated by the ignorant.
Democrats are going to have a very difficult time explaining to their constituents why they said NO to 47,000 construction jobs that would have lasted an estimated (2 years), which is considered a long time for any construction job, from start to finish, while Obama is handing out 5 million green cards.

I imagine the pay back will be in 2016.
35 more permanent jobs than the stimulus package gave us at no expense to the taxpayers.

For Dems this is a bad idea, they want more stimulus money for ZERO permanent jobs.

Not sure what you are trying to say, however, no permanent jobs created with the stimulus money.

We have an opportunity to NOT use stimulus money, created many jobs for a few years by moving the pipeline through, then it will also create 35 very good paying jobs. It will also produce a lot of tax revenue for years to come.

I'm saying it's not worth the risk for sending (nasty sludge) foreign oil down to the Gulf, to be sold on the Global Market. It's not worth the temporary jobs, and it's certainly not worth 35 permanent ones.

You're right it isn't worth the risk.

Republicans prefer to ignore the risks and concentrate on lower fuel prices but since this oil will be sold on the world market, no one will notice the difference at the pump. It's effect on permanent jobs are minuscule. A single Walmart store will create more permanent jobs than the pipeline. However, there are benefits just not to the people of this nation. Canadian oil firms, TransCanada, and International oil shippers will make a lot of money.

The irony is that, after six years of debate and deliberation, the Keystone decision comes when the economics surrounding the pipeline have largely made the issue irrelevant. Oil prices have dropped sharply, an American boom in natural gas and oil production have lessened foreign demand, and companies have proposed alternative pipelines and rail transport to carry the oil from Canada.

The oil is coming to you whether you like it or not. This crude will be transported by rail and truck and /or pipeline.

You only produce 9 million barrels a day. America uses 18 million barrels a day.

Canada has been your number one supplier for many a year now. The trade in crude is not going to stop.

The southern leg of XL is almost completed. It's just the northern section that's up in the air.

And there's the rub. North Dakota has been dying to have access to the Keystone to move their Bakken products. Rail and transport has been killing them.

Bottom line pipeline or not, the crude is going to get to the Gulf. You bringing up exports.

To where? China? We have a west coast, That borders on that big blue thingy called the Pacific Ocean. We already export to Asia from British Columbia.

So even though your own EIA states that 80% of refined product at the Gulf is for domestic use you're going to stick to your bullshit are you?

You said: And there's the rub. North Dakota has been dying to have access to the Keystone to move their Bakken products.

Only Canadian tar sands isn't oil. It's oil mixed with sand that has to be heated and piped under pressure. That's why leaks are so large. See Kalamazoo.

Oil from North Dakota is oil. And Keystone is being built by Americans but paid for by Canada. So it would be nice to have that statement you made backed up.

Canada wants their oil refined here at Koch Refineries which will drive up gas prices for us.
Democrats are going to have a very difficult time explaining to their constituents why they said NO to 47,000 construction jobs that would have lasted an estimated (2 years), which is considered a long time for any construction job, from start to finish, while Obama is handing out 5 million green cards.

I imagine the pay back will be in 2016.
Or as little as a year and a half. Because in most cases, existing pipelines are merely being refurbished. Then there are only 35 or so permanent jobs. And of course, all those truck drivers being laid off. The cost of the leaks to the environment and the cost of gas rising because of competition with American oil at the refineries.

Are you sure you thought this through?
As long as all the oil is used by the US then it is a good thing. If the oil companies have a say forget about it. Not a drop of that oil should be allowed to leave the US despite a higher profit for the oil companies in selling it elsewhere.

It will be....gasoline and fuel oil will stay here...the ONLY exports to the Orient will be fuels and solvents we no longer use in the USA.

Bullshit. Where did you get that bit of silliness from?

Not sure what you are trying to say, however, no permanent jobs created with the stimulus money.

We have an opportunity to NOT use stimulus money, created many jobs for a few years by moving the pipeline through, then it will also create 35 very good paying jobs. It will also produce a lot of tax revenue for years to come.

I'm saying it's not worth the risk for sending (nasty sludge) foreign oil down to the Gulf, to be sold on the Global Market. It's not worth the temporary jobs, and it's certainly not worth 35 permanent ones.

You're right it isn't worth the risk.

Republicans prefer to ignore the risks and concentrate on lower fuel prices but since this oil will be sold on the world market, no one will notice the difference at the pump. It's effect on permanent jobs are minuscule. A single Walmart store will create more permanent jobs than the pipeline. However, there are benefits just not to the people of this nation. Canadian oil firms, TransCanada, and International oil shippers will make a lot of money.

The irony is that, after six years of debate and deliberation, the Keystone decision comes when the economics surrounding the pipeline have largely made the issue irrelevant. Oil prices have dropped sharply, an American boom in natural gas and oil production have lessened foreign demand, and companies have proposed alternative pipelines and rail transport to carry the oil from Canada.

The oil is coming to you whether you like it or not. This crude will be transported by rail and truck and /or pipeline.

You only produce 9 million barrels a day. America uses 18 million barrels a day.

Canada has been your number one supplier for many a year now. The trade in crude is not going to stop.

The southern leg of XL is almost completed. It's just the northern section that's up in the air.

And there's the rub. North Dakota has been dying to have access to the Keystone to move their Bakken products. Rail and transport has been killing them.

Bottom line pipeline or not, the crude is going to get to the Gulf. You bringing up exports.

To where? China? We have a west coast, That borders on that big blue thingy called the Pacific Ocean. We already export to Asia from British Columbia.

So even though your own EIA states that 80% of refined product at the Gulf is for domestic use you're going to stick to your bullshit are you?

You said: And there's the rub. North Dakota has been dying to have access to the Keystone to move their Bakken products.

Only Canadian tar sands isn't oil. It's oil mixed with sand that has to be heated and piped under pressure. That's why leaks are so large. See Kalamazoo.

Oil from North Dakota is oil. And Keystone is being built by Americans but paid for by Canada. So it would be nice to have that statement you made backed up.

Canada wants their oil refined here at Koch Refineries which will drive up gas prices for us.

Actually, the Canadian stuff is bitumen. It's a thick, sticky, gooey substance that is mixed with sand when they mine it. It is treated with steam which strips it from the sand, but it still must be diluted and heated before it will even flow through pipe.
This sounds far more like one of those "green" windfarm projects that are supposed to create hundreds of jobs but then only create 10. What's wrong deanie, it's OK if it's a windmill that slaughters birds but not if it's a pipeline? You must have stock in Buffets company which is why you don't want the competition.

This MOD makes a good point that it's similar to Wind Farms and a movement.

Sadly the fool is focused on "slaughter birds" and ignores that Oil Refineries can be built closer to Canada instead of making a pipeline through the entire nation. One leak and it will be our water sources that are slaughtered. I mean, ever since oil fracking was exposed for killing people they stopped pumping the water back into the soil causing people to have to import their water supply in some area's, including Texas.

Birds are cool. Humans are better.

It seems the party that "doesn't react on emotion" actually just reflects.

Calm the **** down and think things through before you follow your party. :up_yours:

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