UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Jerusalem is the Jewish/Christian holiest land. Muslims should concede that.

Then you need to get your treasonous rear end out of the US which you clearly do not care about and GO MOVE THERE and TELL THE "Muslims" YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's how i feel. Muslims have their holiest lands. They should concede Jerusalem to Jews and Christians. That would lead to a real peace.

Exactly all they want to do is be barbaric, like spoleid children similar to the left in America who can't get their way ..
Jerusalem is the Jewish/Christian holiest land. Muslims should concede that.

Then you need to get your treasonous rear end out of the US which you clearly do not care about and GO MOVE THERE and TELL THE "Muslims" YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's how i feel. Muslims have their holiest lands. They should concede Jerusalem to Jews and Christians. That would lead to a real peace.

You behave as if Jews, and Christians are a singular organism.

Well, how about this?





Jesus was born Jewish.

He and his co-conspirators, the "disciples," read that the Old T had predictions for a divine visit.

Judea already had a law on the books, because Jesus was not the first deliberate fraud to attempt to exploit the BS in the Old T.
Jerusalem is the Jewish/Christian holiest land. Muslims should concede that.

Then you need to get your treasonous rear end out of the US which you clearly do not care about and GO MOVE THERE and TELL THE "Muslims" YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's how i feel. Muslims have their holiest lands. They should concede Jerusalem to Jews and Christians. That would lead to a real peace.

You behave as if Jews, and Christians are a singular organism.

Well, how about this?





There can be no doubt that the pro-Israel US based "Christians" are the dumbest life forms in the universe.
Jerusalem is the Jewish/Christian holiest land. Muslims should concede that.

Then you need to get your treasonous rear end out of the US which you clearly do not care about and GO MOVE THERE and TELL THE "Muslims" YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's how i feel. Muslims have their holiest lands. They should concede Jerusalem to Jews and Christians. That would lead to a real peace.

Exactly all they want to do is be barbaric, like spoleid children similar to the left in America who can't get their way ..

It's 'Conquered Lands' as far as Islam is concerned. But it's not Islam's holiest land. That would be Mecca and Medina. Jews and Christians consider Jerusalem their holiest land. Muslims should concede that. It would lead to a real lasting peace.
Jesus was born Jewish.

He and his co-conspirators, the "disciples," read that the Old T had predictions for a divine visit.

Judea already had a law on the books, because Jesus was not the first deliberate fraud to attempt to exploit the BS in the Old T.

what law was that?
and when Christians pray they pray to a Charlatan liar and fraud who had no power and was considered a fraud by most of the residents... who voted for BARABBAS over him because he didn't heal anyone.

Jesus wasn't a Christian, first you have to know what the word Christian

Means ..I will give you a hint a follower or Christ

Jesus was not a muslim either. He was closer to Buddhist than to muslim

Where in the hell was their Buddhist in the middle East 2,000 years ago?

Jesus was born and raised as a Jew
Why don' t you give up your house and car and give them to me?

THAT would lead to PEACE!!!!!
and when Christians pray they pray to a Charlatan liar and fraud who had no power and was considered a fraud by most of the residents... who voted for BARABBAS over him because he didn't heal anyone.

Jesus wasn't a Christian, first you have to know what the word Christian

Means ..I will give you a hint a follower or Christ

Jesus was not a muslim either. He was closer to Buddhist than to muslim

Where in the hell was their Buddhist in the middle East 2,000 years ago?

Jesus was born and raised as a Jew

Who killed Jesus?

According to the New Testament, Jews killed Jesus.
and when Christians pray they pray to a Charlatan liar and fraud who had no power and was considered a fraud by most of the residents... who voted for BARABBAS over him because he didn't heal anyone.

Jesus wasn't a Christian, first you have to know what the word Christian

Means ..I will give you a hint a follower or Christ

Jesus was not a muslim either. He was closer to Buddhist than to muslim

Where in the hell was their Buddhist in the middle East 2,000 years ago?

Jesus was born and raised as a Jew

Who killed Jesus?

According to the New Testament, Jews killed Jesus.

you read the NT in Polish?
The Rabbis/Levites knew that the Old T is BS and that Moses was murdered by Joshua on top of Mt Sinai.

That is why anyone who claimed to be "son of God" was a fraud, since "God" was always a fraud, and the authors/Rabbis know that...

"Judaism is not a religion, it is a conspiracy against all other races"

someone who spent decades spying on synagogues....
The Rabbis/Levites knew that the Old T is BS and that Moses was murdered by Joshua on top of Mt Sinai.

That is why anyone who claimed to be "son of God" was a fraud, since "God" was always a fraud, and the authors/Rabbis know that...

"Judaism is not a religion, it is a conspiracy against all other races"

someone who spent decades spying on synagogues....

who was that?
what law was that?

The law he was charged with breaking.... "blasphemy" I believe...

who charged him?

The New Testament and Christian antisemitism[edit]
Main article: Christianity and antisemitism
A. Roy Eckardt, a pioneer in the field of Jewish-Christian relations,[15] asserted that the foundation of antisemitism and responsibility for the Holocaust lies ultimately in the New Testament.[11] Eckardt insisted that Christian repentance must include a reexamination of basic theological attitudes toward Jews and the New Testament in order to deal effectively with antisemitism.[16]

According to Rabbi Michael J. Cook, Professor of Intertestamental and Early Christian Literature at the Hebrew Union College, there are ten themes in the New Testament that are the greatest sources of anxiety for Jews concerning Christian antisemitism:

  1. The Jews are culpable for crucifying Jesus - as such they are guilty of deicide
  2. The tribulations of the Jewish people throughout history constitute God's punishment of them for killing Jesus
  3. Jesus originally came to preach only to the Jews, but when they rejected him, he abandoned them for gentiles instead
  4. The Children of Israel were God's original chosen people by virtue of an ancient covenant, but by rejecting Jesus they forfeited their chosenness - and now, by virtue of a New Covenant (or "testament"), Christians have replaced the Jews as God's chosen people, the Church having become the "People of God."
  5. The Jewish Bible (the so-called "Old Testament") repeatedly portrays the opaqueness and stubbornness of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God.
  6. The Jewish Bible contains many predictions of the coming of Jesus as the Messiah (or "Christ"), yet the Jews are blind to the meaning of their own Bible.
  7. By the time of Jesus' ministry, Judaism had ceased to be a living faith.
  8. Judaism's essence is a restrictive and burdensome legalism.
  9. Christianity emphasizes excessive love, while Judaism maintains a balance of justice, God of wrath and love of peace.
  10. Judaism's oppressiveness reflects the disposition of Jesus' opponents called "Pharisees" (predecessors of the "rabbis"), who in their teachings and behavior were hypocrites (see Woes of the Pharisees).[17]
Cook believes that both contemporary Jews and contemporary Christians need to reexamine the history of early Christianity, and the transformation of Christianity from a Jewish sect consisting of followers of a Jewish Jesus, to a separate religion often dependent on the tolerance of Rome while proselytizing among Gentiles loyal to the Roman empire, to understand how the story of Jesus came to be recast in an anti-Jewish form as the Gospels took their final form.[18]

Some scholars assert that critical verses in the New Testament have been used to incite prejudice and violence against Jewish people. Professor Lillian C. Freudmann, author of Antisemitism in the New Testament (University Press of America, 1994) has published a study of such verses and the effects that they have had in the Christian community throughout history.[need quotation to verify] Similar studies have been made by both Christian and Jewish scholars, including, Professors Clark Williamsom[need quotation to verify] (Christian Theological Seminary), Hyam Maccoby[need quotation to verify] (The Leo Baeck Institute), Norman A. Beck (Texas Lutheran College),[need quotation to verify] and Michael Berenbaum[need quotation to verify](Georgetown University).

Jewish-Christian conflict in the New Testament[edit]
There are some verses in the New Testament that describe Jews in a positive way, attributing to them salvation[John 4:22] or divine love.[Romans 11:28] In the story of the crucifixion, meanwhile, Jews prompt Jesus' execution and say "His blood be on us, and on our children", [Matthew 27:25] referred to as the blood curse. In the Gospel of John, Jesus calls certain Pharisees "children of the devil".[John 8:44]

According to the New Testament Gospels, Jesus, on his fateful entry into Jerusalem before Passover, was received by a great crowd of people. Jesus was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin. After the trial, Jesus was handed over to Pontius Pilate, who duly tried him again and, at the urging of the people, had him crucified.

The New Testament records that Jesus' disciple Judas Iscariot,[Mark 14:43-46] the Roman governor Pontius Pilate along with Roman forces[John 19:11][Acts 4:27] and the leaders and people of Jerusalem were (to varying degrees) responsible for the death of Jesus.[Acts 13:27-28]

Antisemitism and the New Testament - Wikipedia
Who killed Jesus?

According to the New Testament, Jews killed Jesus.

and these complete and total SUB HUMAN Jesus freaks just love Israel... because they have a JDAAC (Jew disguised as a Christian) preacher who does nothing but tell them every Sunday that they exist to serve ISRAEL... and PARROT they do...

SUB HUMANS = a huge problem in the US
and when Christians pray they pray to a Charlatan liar and fraud who had no power and was considered a fraud by most of the residents... who voted for BARABBAS over him because he didn't heal anyone.

Jesus wasn't a Christian, first you have to know what the word Christian

Means ..I will give you a hint a follower or Christ

I quoted you and you said they pray to a Christian liar and fraud .

So that can only mean you impled that Jesus was a fraud and liar, you better not have implied Christian's pray to mega church pastors ..

Because you're crazy
Muslims should be pragmatic and allow the Jewish and Christian People their holiest land. Muslims have their holiest lands in Mecca and Medina.

It would be righteous and just for Muslims to relinquish their claims to Jerusalem. While true they did conquer those lands, it's also true it is the Jewish and Christian Peoples' holiest lands. If they relinquish their claims, it could lead to a true lasting peace.
There is nothing that Europe, muzzland or democrats can do except scream helplessly at the sky. Too bad the UN can't get their feelings hurt enough to leave the US.

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