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UN-Privatize Baseball Now. PLEEEASE!!

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Here are some quotes of agreement with the OP from another forum, that the same OP is posted in >>

1. "It is no longer about the game. It's all about the money."

2. "Baseball sucks. Thug athletes suck, baseball unions suck, juice boxing sucks, TV markets suck, slow gameplay sucks, fascist building of ballparks against taxpayer/voter's demands suck. Every single fucking thing about baseball sucks. Everything."

3. "I don't watch baseball anyway. It seems like a painful endeavor for a non big market fan anyhow, with no salary cap and all. Don't some small market teams go 15+ years sometimes without even making the playoffs?"

4. "Born and raised in Pittsburgh, tell me about it."

5. "It's not worth the money to try to watch anymore. Tickets are so outrageous, no one can afford to go to the games, and now you can't even watch many teams play on TV without paying extra to get the channel. High paid salaries and greediness has doomed National sports. and just think, all to become a used car salesman ala John Elway...."

6. "Being a Pirates fan seems like a masochistic endeavor."
"We call them The Irates."

7. " Basically all professional sports have become big business and they are all suffering for the same reason. Meh, I don't watch except during the Olympics when players are acting out of pride rather than for money."

8. "I played almost daily sandlot sports as a youngster and had some of the best times of my life. As a lifelong sports fan I have come to realize that the sandlot is the only pure form of sports , where they are played for pure and simple love of the game.
Two things ruin sports
1) Adults
2) Money and the more money the more the ruin"

I hate to say it, but often I find a distinct lower level of intelligence in this forum. Sometimes we have to go to another forum just to get even a modicum of intelligent posting. Then we also have whiny boys like Uncletard and Wintergreen who have had their asses handed to them by me so many times that they feel compelled to troll-harass me, just to save face, or muster up some self-respect. Sad. So sad. Bwa ha ha ha ha.

You have run from me in every thread we were in together.

And your posting quotes from another forum may make you feel better. But finding more childish rants and temper tantrums does not change the facts.

Tell us what is unsafe about MLB??

I have run from you, huh ? HA HA HA. I rub from you, cigar face, like I run from a ladybug. My posting quotes from another forum does make me feel a little better. But it also shows what an idiot you are, and a few of your pitiful cheerleaders who showed up here, who have even less of a clue that you.

And what should I tell you what is unsafe about MLB? That's off topic. I don't go around posting off topic. Mostly just trolls like you do that.

You don't go around posting off topic? lmao

Exactly what part of the topic involves my cigar? You mentioned that 2 or 3 times.

And yes, you should tell me what is unsafe about MLB. You claim the citizens of the USA are suffering "major harm". How can that not be a safety issue?
Get the fans together and put up the money to buy the team and pay the players.

Then it will belong to the fans. Until then......

Hey, the Packers did it.

That's what I've been suggesting to him. Then he suggests it back to me (as in your quote), and then complains that I don't have a good idea. This is what trolling looks like.

That is a lie. You have not been suggesting anything even close to what happened with the Packers. You have been demanding that the gov't take over baseball.

The Packers got fans together and each fan put up money to buy the team.

Fans are not the same as the gov't. At least not in this reality. Now the reality where you live may be different on this topic too.
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No, I'd like to see govt step in and TAKE BACK what MLB owners have stolen from the fans. The game of pro baseball. And where do you get off calling a citizen consortium "half-assed" ? What is "half-assed" is this whole mish-mash that baseball has turned into, by being run by baseball ignorant greed freaks.

Yes, I want to nationalize the leagues, I think you heard me right, but it's not because I "don't like the way they are playing the game now". YOU KNOW why. It's because they've made a shambles out of it, and everyone knows it.
And it's not a temper tantrum. It is form following function (as they used to tell us in college, remember ? :D)

Owners stole baseball from the fans?
Really? When did the fans own and bankroll the teams that the owners stole?

Nah, he's right. Baseball Inc. has stolen the spirit of the game. I literally cannot watch so much as an individual play highlight without being forced to sit through a commercial. And as far as buying a ticket, forget it -- I could buy a set of tires for less. It's become all about greed, and that's not what the Game is.

Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.
Why do you advocate the enslavement of athletes?

What the hell is that goofy question supposed to mean ? :lol:

Because one of the things you are pissed off at MLB about is players moving from one team to another and free agency. You keep ranting about players playing their entire career on one team, as if that means anything. You buy a few tickets and watch some games on tv and think you should have a say in whether a player can move to another team or not???

Perfect example of how clueless you are on this issue. "As if that means anything" ? :lol: You obviously don't know what millions of fans know. That of course it means something. It means that the players aren't being tossed around like a bunch of baseball cards. They stayed with one team, where their loyal fans could keep enjoying watching them and rooting for them. And it means that right when their team was in contention for a spot in the playoffs, that wasn't ruined by some money hustler making deals that significantly WEAKEN the team. And that guy is who you think should have the say about moving players around ? Sheeeeesh!!

You obviously don't know what you're talking about here.
Owners stole baseball from the fans?
Really? When did the fans own and bankroll the teams that the owners stole?

Nah, he's right. Baseball Inc. has stolen the spirit of the game. I literally cannot watch so much as an individual play highlight without being forced to sit through a commercial. And as far as buying a ticket, forget it -- I could buy a set of tires for less. It's become all about greed, and that's not what the Game is.

Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.

As you would say.... OFF TOPIC!!!

But let me challenge you, what other thread have I "followed" you to? See? Yet another lie. If lying to flatter yourself is what you have to do, you are a sad example.
What the hell is that goofy question supposed to mean ? :lol:

Because one of the things you are pissed off at MLB about is players moving from one team to another and free agency. You keep ranting about players playing their entire career on one team, as if that means anything. You buy a few tickets and watch some games on tv and think you should have a say in whether a player can move to another team or not???

Perfect example of how clueless you are on this issue. "As if that means anything" ? :lol: You obviously don't know what millions of fans know. That of course it means something. It means that the players aren't being tossed around like a bunch of baseball cards. They stayed with one team, where their loyal fans could keep enjoying watching them and rooting for them. And it means that right when their team was in contention for a spot in the playoffs, that wasn't ruined by some money hustler making deals that significantly WEAKEN the team. And that guy is who you think should have the say about moving players around ? Sheeeeesh!!

You obviously don't know what you're talking about here.

I know that YOU talked about free agency as if it were part of the problem.

And yes, when you pay the salaries of the players, you get to decide which ones you want and which you want to trade.

Keep lying. It is the only way you have anything to post.
Some demented old fool on this thread is posting like a disappointed 7 year-old child.
Exactly what part of the topic involves my cigar? You mentioned that 2 or 3 times.

Careful, he may be 'fixating' on you, if you know what I mean. Sometimes a cigar is...


He is delusional and a compulsive liar, nothing more. His rants about reporting people for stalking are only to get them to quit posting. He does that when he has no argument. If he thinks he has an argument he will respond to the same questions over and over, and he will continue to rant.

I should be more sympathetic to his issues, but I have a low tolerance for people who throw fits to get their way and I don't suffer fools lightly.
Owners stole baseball from the fans?
Really? When did the fans own and bankroll the teams that the owners stole?

Nah, he's right. Baseball Inc. has stolen the spirit of the game. I literally cannot watch so much as an individual play highlight without being forced to sit through a commercial. And as far as buying a ticket, forget it -- I could buy a set of tires for less. It's become all about greed, and that's not what the Game is.

Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.

WinterBorn is no troll; he's one of the most intelligent, logical and even tempered posters we have. You're picking your own scab here.

You start out with a fair point about the commercialization of Baseball, with which I agree. But your way of dealing with it has all the impact and accuracy of a Ryne Duren fastball if you get my drift.

So you lost David Price. BFD. Get used to your new rotation; you don't own David Price. He was going to free agency anyway. Look at it this way; some rookie just got an opening. And he could be better than David Price. Get over it already. You're making your team look like the Tampon Bay Whiners.
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Nah, he's right. Baseball Inc. has stolen the spirit of the game. I literally cannot watch so much as an individual play highlight without being forced to sit through a commercial. And as far as buying a ticket, forget it -- I could buy a set of tires for less. It's become all about greed, and that's not what the Game is.

Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.

WinterBorn is no troll; he's one of the most intelligent, logical and even tempered posters we have. You're picking your own scab here.

You start out with a fair point about the commercialization of Baseball, with which I agree. But your way of dealing with it has all the impact and accuracy of a Ryne Duren fastball if you get my drift.

So you lost David Price. BFD. Get used to your new rotation; you don't own David Price. He was going to free agency anyway. Look at it this way; some rookie just got an opening. And he could be better than David Price. Get over it already. You're making your team look like the Tampon Bay Whiners.

Thank you, Pogo. I am flattered.
Exactly what part of the topic involves my cigar? You mentioned that 2 or 3 times.

Careful, he may be 'fixating' on you, if you know what I mean. Sometimes a cigar is...


He is delusional and a compulsive liar, nothing more. His rants about reporting people for stalking are only to get them to quit posting. He does that when he has no argument. If he thinks he has an argument he will respond to the same questions over and over, and he will continue to rant.

I should be more sympathetic to his issues, but I have a low tolerance for people who throw fits to get their way and I don't suffer fools lightly.

YOU are "delusional and a compulsive liar". If I thought you were worth it, I'd spend some time listing all you lies and simple inabilities to perceive common sense ideas, although some of it is deceit and some is stupidity. Bottom line is, you're a jerk and just not worth spending time with. But you can keep on trolling and stabbing at me, with the knowledge that this worthless forum will allow fools like you to do that. :D
Nah, he's right. Baseball Inc. has stolen the spirit of the game. I literally cannot watch so much as an individual play highlight without being forced to sit through a commercial. And as far as buying a ticket, forget it -- I could buy a set of tires for less. It's become all about greed, and that's not what the Game is.

Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.

WinterBorn is no troll; he's one of the most intelligent, logical and even tempered posters we have. You're picking your own scab here.

You start out with a fair point about the commercialization of Baseball, with which I agree. But your way of dealing with it has all the impact and accuracy of a Ryne Duren fastball if you get my drift.

So you lost David Price. BFD. Get used to your new rotation; you don't own David Price. He was going to free agency anyway. Look at it this way; some rookie just got an opening. And he could be better than David Price. Get over it already. You're making your team look like the Tampon Bay Whiners.

NO. I most certainly DON'T look at it that way. The way I look at is is the same way I looked at it in the the 1950's and 1960's before free agency idiocy took hold, and before the money hustlers hijacked the game of MLB, which you are either not old enough to comprehend the difference, or if you are old enough, you're just not focused in.
Whatever the case, you're programmed to play right into the hands of the owners who are wrecking the game, from what it always was before they got their greedy hands into it. Look at what you're saying. "free agency" ? "Some rookie" ? "could be" ?

EARTH TO POGO: You don't deal away a Cy Young award winning All Star for a losing pitcher (6 and 10) and a .128 hitter. You don't talk about "could be" alongside a player like David Price (unless you're a mouthpiece for the money hustlers)

So if you're comfortable with rooting for a team whose owner takes actions that weaken/harm the team (cause it to lose more games), and as you root and strive to see the team get better, the owner is making it worse, then you're free to keep on being a fan for that team. I see that as stupidity, which does no one any good except those greed freak owners, which is why I have turned my attention now to my local minor league team (Tampa Yankees). To each his own.

As for WinterBorn, I don't need coaching to know what kind of poster he is. I know exactly his angle, and it's a far cry from what you said.

As for my way of dealing with the commercialization of Baseball, it is for it to be UNcommercialized, and reorganized under a community control scenario, which benefits the fans, instead of a few greedy money hustlers. I'd say that is perfectly accurate. If you don't, I can live with that. Not my problem. And I laugh at you calling it inaccurate, and YesterdayBorn calling it "no argument". And I don't mind if I look like a "whiner", to those who appear to look like suck-ups to the money freak hijackers of MLB.
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Of course. Exactly right. Ignore YesterdayBorn. He's just a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, and trolls me.

WinterBorn is no troll; he's one of the most intelligent, logical and even tempered posters we have. You're picking your own scab here.

You start out with a fair point about the commercialization of Baseball, with which I agree. But your way of dealing with it has all the impact and accuracy of a Ryne Duren fastball if you get my drift.

So you lost David Price. BFD. Get used to your new rotation; you don't own David Price. He was going to free agency anyway. Look at it this way; some rookie just got an opening. And he could be better than David Price. Get over it already. You're making your team look like the Tampon Bay Whiners.

NO. I most certainly DON'T look at it that way. The way I look at is is the same way I looked at it in the the 1950's and 1960's before free agency idiocy took hold, and before the money hustlers hijacked the game of MLB, which you are either not old enough to comprehend the difference, or if you are old enough, you're just not focused in.
Whatever the case, you're programmed to play right into the hands of the owners who are wrecking the game, from what it always was before they got their greedy hands into it. Look at what you're saying. "free agency" ? "Some rookie" ? "could be" ?

EARTH TO POGO: You don't deal away a Cy Young award winning All Star for a losing pitcher (6 and 10) and a .128 hitter. You don't talk about "could be" alongside a player like David Price (unless you're a mouthpiece for the money hustlers)

So if you're comfortable with rooting for a team whose owner takes actions that weaken/harm the team (cause it to lose more games), and as you root and strive to see the team get better, the owner is making it worse, then you're free to keep on being a fan for that team. I see that as stupidity, which does no one any good except those greed freak owners, which is why I have turned my attention now to my local minor league team (Tampa Yankees). To each his own.

As for WinterBorn, I don't need coaching to know what kind of poster he is. I know exactly his angle, and it's a far cry from what you said.

As for my way of dealing with the commercialization of Baseball, it is for it to be UNcommercialized, and reorganized under a community control scenario, which benefits the fans, instead of a few greedy money hustlers. I'd say that is perfectly accurate. If you don't, I can live with that. Not my problem. And I laugh at you calling it inaccurate, and YesterdayBorn calling it "no argument". And I don't mind if I look like a "whiner", to those who appear to look like suck-ups to the money freak hijackers of MLB.

You know my angle?? LMAO!! My only angle is to call you on your lies and to ridicule your plan for the gov't to steal private property for your entertainment.

But you keep flailing around trying to find a point. So far, you have none. Yes, I get that you aren't happy with MLB. If that is the worst problem you have, your life must be some kinda cakewalk.
Some demented old fool on this thread is posting like a disappointed 7 year-old child.

Get back in your attic, crazy uncle. And get your relatives to supply some new chains for you, to replace those old rusty ones you broke out of. I could supply quotes, from the many posters who have told you what you are in this forum, but that's already quite well known, to all but the most ignorant around here.
Because one of the things you are pissed off at MLB about is players moving from one team to another and free agency. You keep ranting about players playing their entire career on one team, as if that means anything. You buy a few tickets and watch some games on tv and think you should have a say in whether a player can move to another team or not???

Perfect example of how clueless you are on this issue. "As if that means anything" ? :lol: You obviously don't know what millions of fans know. That of course it means something. It means that the players aren't being tossed around like a bunch of baseball cards. They stayed with one team, where their loyal fans could keep enjoying watching them and rooting for them. And it means that right when their team was in contention for a spot in the playoffs, that wasn't ruined by some money hustler making deals that significantly WEAKEN the team. And that guy is who you think should have the say about moving players around ? Sheeeeesh!!

You obviously don't know what you're talking about here.

I know that YOU talked about free agency as if it were part of the problem.

And yes, when you pay the salaries of the players, you get to decide which ones you want and which you want to trade.

Of course it's part of the problem, YesterdayBorn. And why repeat to me the current idiotic scenario of money-based baseball ? Sure, that's how it works. Exactly what we need to replace with something that absolutely does NOT work that way. Get it ?
WinterBorn is no troll; he's one of the most intelligent, logical and even tempered posters we have. You're picking your own scab here.

You start out with a fair point about the commercialization of Baseball, with which I agree. But your way of dealing with it has all the impact and accuracy of a Ryne Duren fastball if you get my drift.

So you lost David Price. BFD. Get used to your new rotation; you don't own David Price. He was going to free agency anyway. Look at it this way; some rookie just got an opening. And he could be better than David Price. Get over it already. You're making your team look like the Tampon Bay Whiners.

NO. I most certainly DON'T look at it that way. The way I look at is is the same way I looked at it in the the 1950's and 1960's before free agency idiocy took hold, and before the money hustlers hijacked the game of MLB, which you are either not old enough to comprehend the difference, or if you are old enough, you're just not focused in.
Whatever the case, you're programmed to play right into the hands of the owners who are wrecking the game, from what it always was before they got their greedy hands into it. Look at what you're saying. "free agency" ? "Some rookie" ? "could be" ?

EARTH TO POGO: You don't deal away a Cy Young award winning All Star for a losing pitcher (6 and 10) and a .128 hitter. You don't talk about "could be" alongside a player like David Price (unless you're a mouthpiece for the money hustlers)

So if you're comfortable with rooting for a team whose owner takes actions that weaken/harm the team (cause it to lose more games), and as you root and strive to see the team get better, the owner is making it worse, then you're free to keep on being a fan for that team. I see that as stupidity, which does no one any good except those greed freak owners, which is why I have turned my attention now to my local minor league team (Tampa Yankees). To each his own.

As for WinterBorn, I don't need coaching to know what kind of poster he is. I know exactly his angle, and it's a far cry from what you said.

As for my way of dealing with the commercialization of Baseball, it is for it to be UNcommercialized, and reorganized under a community control scenario, which benefits the fans, instead of a few greedy money hustlers. I'd say that is perfectly accurate. If you don't, I can live with that. Not my problem. And I laugh at you calling it inaccurate, and YesterdayBorn calling it "no argument". And I don't mind if I look like a "whiner", to those who appear to look like suck-ups to the money freak hijackers of MLB.

You know my angle?? LMAO!! My only angle is to call you on your lies and to ridicule your plan for the gov't to steal private property for your entertainment.

But you keep flailing around trying to find a point. So far, you have none. Yes, I get that you aren't happy with MLB. If that is the worst problem you have, your life must be some kinda cakewalk.

YOU KNOW what my point is, as I've been posting all through the thread in including my previous 2 posts right before this. I now call on you to show ONE single instance where I have lied about anything (and do it without lying). But even if you don't lie in this challenge I'm giving you, I might just look up some of your lies, and present them to you, if you would like that constructive criticism. At your service.
You have run from me in every thread we were in together.

And your posting quotes from another forum may make you feel better. But finding more childish rants and temper tantrums does not change the facts.

Tell us what is unsafe about MLB??

I have run from you, huh ? HA HA HA. I rub from you, cigar face, like I run from a ladybug. My posting quotes from another forum does make me feel a little better. But it also shows what an idiot you are, and a few of your pitiful cheerleaders who showed up here, who have even less of a clue that you.

And what should I tell you what is unsafe about MLB? That's off topic. I don't go around posting off topic. Mostly just trolls like you do that.

You don't go around posting off topic? lmao

Exactly what part of the topic involves my cigar? You mentioned that 2 or 3 times.

And yes, you should tell me what is unsafe about MLB. You claim the citizens of the USA are suffering "major harm". How can that not be a safety issue?

HA HA HA!! What an absolutely dumb question. Good lord. I actually feel a bit silly lowering myself to dignify it with a response.

EARTH TO YESTERDAYBORN: There are scores of ways of defining "harms", all having nothing to do with safety. Safety refers to physical injury harm to people.

Here's a few examples of major harm, not involving safety >>

1. being sued and losing

2. being burglarized and losing valuable things

3. having your home or car vandalized

4. illegal aliens taking millions of jobs in the US, while millions of Americans are unemployed

That's enough talking to you (too much in fact). I now turn my attention to other threads involving more serious matters (ISIS, Hamas, etc)
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I have run from you, huh ? HA HA HA. I rub from you, cigar face, like I run from a ladybug. My posting quotes from another forum does make me feel a little better. But it also shows what an idiot you are, and a few of your pitiful cheerleaders who showed up here, who have even less of a clue that you.

And what should I tell you what is unsafe about MLB? That's off topic. I don't go around posting off topic. Mostly just trolls like you do that.

You don't go around posting off topic? lmao

Exactly what part of the topic involves my cigar? You mentioned that 2 or 3 times.

And yes, you should tell me what is unsafe about MLB. You claim the citizens of the USA are suffering "major harm". How can that not be a safety issue?

HA HA HA!! What an absolutely dumb question. Good lord. I actually feel a bit silly lowering myself to dignify it with a response.

EARTH TO YESTERDAYBORN: There are scores of ways of defining "harms", all having nothing to do with safety. Safety refers to physical injury harm to people.

Here's a few examples of major harm, not involving safety >>

1. being sued and losing

2. being burglarized and losing valuable things

3. having your home or car vandalized

4. illegal aliens taking millions of jobs in the US, while millions of Americans are unemployed

That's enough talking to you (too much in fact). I now turn my attention to other threads involving more serious matters (ISIS, Hamas, etc)

Funny that you can list all those harms, but you still have not defined anything in modern baseball that constitutes "major harm" to the citizens.
NO. I most certainly DON'T look at it that way. The way I look at is is the same way I looked at it in the the 1950's and 1960's before free agency idiocy took hold, and before the money hustlers hijacked the game of MLB, which you are either not old enough to comprehend the difference, or if you are old enough, you're just not focused in.
Whatever the case, you're programmed to play right into the hands of the owners who are wrecking the game, from what it always was before they got their greedy hands into it. Look at what you're saying. "free agency" ? "Some rookie" ? "could be" ?

EARTH TO POGO: You don't deal away a Cy Young award winning All Star for a losing pitcher (6 and 10) and a .128 hitter. You don't talk about "could be" alongside a player like David Price (unless you're a mouthpiece for the money hustlers)

So if you're comfortable with rooting for a team whose owner takes actions that weaken/harm the team (cause it to lose more games), and as you root and strive to see the team get better, the owner is making it worse, then you're free to keep on being a fan for that team. I see that as stupidity, which does no one any good except those greed freak owners, which is why I have turned my attention now to my local minor league team (Tampa Yankees). To each his own.

As for WinterBorn, I don't need coaching to know what kind of poster he is. I know exactly his angle, and it's a far cry from what you said.

As for my way of dealing with the commercialization of Baseball, it is for it to be UNcommercialized, and reorganized under a community control scenario, which benefits the fans, instead of a few greedy money hustlers. I'd say that is perfectly accurate. If you don't, I can live with that. Not my problem. And I laugh at you calling it inaccurate, and YesterdayBorn calling it "no argument". And I don't mind if I look like a "whiner", to those who appear to look like suck-ups to the money freak hijackers of MLB.

You know my angle?? LMAO!! My only angle is to call you on your lies and to ridicule your plan for the gov't to steal private property for your entertainment.

But you keep flailing around trying to find a point. So far, you have none. Yes, I get that you aren't happy with MLB. If that is the worst problem you have, your life must be some kinda cakewalk.

YOU KNOW what my point is, as I've been posting all through the thread in including my previous 2 posts right before this. I now call on you to show ONE single instance where I have lied about anything (and do it without lying). But even if you don't lie in this challenge I'm giving you, I might just look up some of your lies, and present them to you, if you would like that constructive criticism. At your service.

When Pogo posted "Hey, the packers did it", meaning having the fans buy the team, you posted:

"That's what I've been suggesting to him.". That was a lie. Since the beginning of the thread you have been calling for the gov't to take over baseball. That is most certainly NOT what the packers did, and you know it.
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