Under Obama in 5 years, the Rich are getting Richer and...

Ok, tell us the difference between 'progressive' and 'socialistic'.

then 'conservative' and 'capitalisitc'

I can't wait for your answer :cool:

Socialism and Capitalism are economic systems. While Conservative and Progressive policies can include anything, including economic policy. You are trying to limit the conversation to a limited, strawman subset of the original question I asked.

You did this because you realize that conservative policies don't work - not the ones you advocate. While progressive policies, traditionally fare better. And there is plenty of data to prove it.

You lose.

Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.

So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.
Socialism and Capitalism are economic systems. While Conservative and Progressive policies can include anything, including economic policy. You are trying to limit the conversation to a limited, strawman subset of the original question I asked.

You did this because you realize that conservative policies don't work - not the ones you advocate. While progressive policies, traditionally fare better. And there is plenty of data to prove it.

You lose.

Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.

So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.

Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.
The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer for the last 30 something years. It's called Reaganomics. Thank the Gipper.

And California is broke thanks to years of liberalism.
Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.

So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.

Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.

I don't know what is funnier. The fact that I said examples in the world TODAY and you rattle off a list of examples from before WW2 or the fact that you ignored my entire post about the success stories that Sweden, Norway and other progressive countries are and pretend like I didn't provide proof for my statement when you provide literally nothing to back up your claims.

I'd guess that you are a failure in real life based upon how miserably you've failed here but then again I really don't need to guess, do I?
So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.

Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.

I don't know what is funnier. The fact that I said examples in the world TODAY and you rattle off a list of examples from before WW2 or the fact that you ignored my entire post about the success stories that Sweden, Norway and other progressive countries are and pretend like I didn't provide proof for my statement when you provide literally nothing to back up your claims.

I'd guess that you are a failure in real life based upon how miserably you've failed here but then again I really don't need to guess, do I?

:lol: you make me :lol: RDD, you are such an idiot. I explained why your scandinavian examples are not appropriate and do not prove that socialism works.

As to success in life, I will put my portfolio up against yours any day, I will put my successes in every phase of life up against yours any day. I worked long hard days for what I have and I have never taken anything from the govt or any charity.

Unlike you who sit at your keyboard waiting for you next EBT card and unemployment check to arrive.

The USA became the most successful country in the history of the world due to conservative capitalism. To deny that is the height of either ignorance or brainwashing, which is it?
Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.

I don't know what is funnier. The fact that I said examples in the world TODAY and you rattle off a list of examples from before WW2 or the fact that you ignored my entire post about the success stories that Sweden, Norway and other progressive countries are and pretend like I didn't provide proof for my statement when you provide literally nothing to back up your claims.

I'd guess that you are a failure in real life based upon how miserably you've failed here but then again I really don't need to guess, do I?

:lol: you make me :lol: RDD, you are such an idiot. I explained why your scandinavian examples are not appropriate and do not prove that socialism works.

As to success in life, I will put my portfolio up against yours any day, I will put my successes in every phase of life up against yours any day. I worked long hard days for what I have and I have never taken anything from the govt or any charity.

Unlike you who sit at your keyboard waiting for you next EBT card and unemployment check to arrive.

The USA became the most successful country in the history of the world due to conservative capitalism. To deny that is the height of either ignorance or brainwashing, which is it?

You gave your opinion, which is not based in fact...which is how you conduct all of your arguments. You have NOTHING to support anything you claim. Why? Because it's all bullshit.

Go ahead, lie about your achievements in life. Lying is all you have but we both know you're a miserable failure.
Obama has not been able to do anything since Dems lost control of the House. There is no doubt that little to nothing has been done by the government since then to help the economy. Obama was able to pass a stimulus package and Obamacare before Dems lost the House but that is about it.

The stimulus package is generally considered to have had a positive effect but it was not as positive as it could have been and didn't really fix the underlying problems in the economy.

Obamacare wasn't really made to fix the economy and is just starting now.

You can blame Obama for failing to pass legislation but equal blame lies on Congress which has been historically dysfunctional.

As for the US economy in general we have to look at trends over the last 100 years or so to really get an idea of how things are changing and what may need to happen to correct our course as a nation. I was hoping to see Obama pass tax reform that would help US labor but I am not hopeful.
Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.

So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.

Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.

Europe pre-WW II?
I really hate using ad hominems but are you on crack or just plain ignorant?
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why this is Obama's fault.


And we are all waiting for someone to say, besides lip service, what specifically has he done to make it better all the while it is getting worse.

bump :eusa_angel:

Part of Obamacare is an extension of Medicaid which helps a lot of people.

The stimulus also helped prop up demand during the downturn.

Overall though the problem is massive and Congress has not been able to pass any significant legislation that would impact the problem. You can blame Obama for Congress I suppose.
And we are all waiting for someone to say, besides lip service, what specifically has he done to make it better all the while it is getting worse.

bump :eusa_angel:

Part of Obamacare is an extension of Medicaid which helps a lot of people.

The stimulus also helped prop up demand during the downturn.

Overall though the problem is massive and Congress has not been able to pass any significant legislation that would impact the problem. You can blame Obama for Congress I suppose.

Wow...I am so surprised...you blame Republicans.
Here is my surprised look --> :neutral:
And we are all waiting for someone to say, besides lip service, what specifically has he done to make it better all the while it is getting worse.

bump :eusa_angel:

Part of Obamacare is an extension of Medicaid which helps a lot of people.

The stimulus also helped prop up demand during the downturn.

Overall though the problem is massive and Congress has not been able to pass any significant legislation that would impact the problem. You can blame Obama for Congress I suppose.

Obama is extremely selective when it comes to pursuing his objectives...
He sees solutions where there are only band-aids.
He won't touch bad foreign trade relations, business visas or illegal immigrants.
Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.

So to summarize. There are no examples of conservative policies showing success in the world today while there are plenty of examples of successful progressive policy based nations.

Are you on drugs? The USA is not a country in the world? But here are a few more where conservative capitalism has worked: The UK prior to WW2, Germany prior to WW2, Italy prior to WW2, France prior to WW2, Japan prior to WW2, Switzerland today, The Cayman Islands today, Canada prior to the 1960s, There a lots of past and present examples where conservatism and capitalism have been successful.

Now, other than the failed examples of Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand where else has liberalism been successful? How about ancient Rome, Egypt, the Aztecs, the Incas----------liberal ideas destroyed those civilizations.

You really need a class in world history taught by someone other than a brainwashed lying liberal.

LMAO. Your first group of nations were either trying to rebuild from WWI or were getting ready for WWII. And conservatives are big on wars. Canada prior to the 60ties. Like us, they didn't get destroyed by war and could still build items. I am sure their economy benefited. Cayman Islands and Switzerland. You picked two countries that make their money on secret banking. Yes, conservatives are big on secret banking.

But I am sure that it was a liberal that led up through WWII and Eisenhower was never a "conservative". Matter of fact, he would be a Democrat today. With populist policy. Remember his warning of the Military/industrial complex.

So yea, those two Presidents and their liberal policies were pretty fucking successful. One won a world war and the other oversaw a tremendous expansion in the prosperity of the country. Rebuilding the world from those conservative wars.

Part of Obamacare is an extension of Medicaid which helps a lot of people.

The stimulus also helped prop up demand during the downturn.

Overall though the problem is massive and Congress has not been able to pass any significant legislation that would impact the problem. You can blame Obama for Congress I suppose.

Wow...I am so surprised...you blame Republicans.
Here is my surprised look --> :neutral:

How about we blame everyone?

There is no point pretending that Congress is not historically bad these days.

EDIT: I would also point out that I think it is entirely intentional on the part of Republicans to let the economy try and grow itself out of this mess by itself.
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Part of Obamacare is an extension of Medicaid which helps a lot of people.

The stimulus also helped prop up demand during the downturn.

Overall though the problem is massive and Congress has not been able to pass any significant legislation that would impact the problem. You can blame Obama for Congress I suppose.

Wow...I am so surprised...you blame Republicans.
Here is my surprised look --> :neutral:

How about we blame everyone?

There is no point pretending that Congress is not historically bad these days.

EDIT: I would also point out that I think it is entirely intentional on the part of Republicans to let the economy try and grow itself out of this mess by itself.

It is our fault.
We got what we asked for.
As a whole - America wants a government that promises to solve problems without making any changes - or better yet promise to solve problems while lowering costs. (sound familiar?)
Wow...I am so surprised...you blame Republicans.
Here is my surprised look --> :neutral:

How about we blame everyone?

There is no point pretending that Congress is not historically bad these days.

EDIT: I would also point out that I think it is entirely intentional on the part of Republicans to let the economy try and grow itself out of this mess by itself.

It is our fault.
We got what we asked for.
As a whole - America wants a government that promises to solve problems without making any changes - or better yet promise to solve problems while lowering costs. (sound familiar?)

Both sides want to make changes but compromising has gone out of style. Compromises made by the right in the past have lead to the right becoming more extreme and electing politicians that refuse to compromise. The left has also grown tired of compromising but the change is far more pronounced amongst Republicans.
Both sides want to make changes but compromising has gone out of style. Compromises made by the right in the past have lead to the right becoming more extreme and electing politicians that refuse to compromise. The left has also grown tired of compromising but the change is far more pronounced amongst Republicans.

I agree compromise is out of style.

I think the real problem is we continue to think we are making monumental decisions by supporting and voting for "our side," whether rep or dem.

All this two party system does is pronounce differences and negate, I mean entirely negate similarities.

What are some similarities...we are human and we live on the same planet. That's a good start. We better stop there for now while some over-heated 450 block heads let it sink in.

The rich are richer and the poor suffer more as time goes on because REP or DEM, you are voting for more or less the same. One only perceives grave differences because when you choose between plutocracy and plutocracy, it isn't a choice. What changes REALLY occur between presidencies? Seriously. What monumental policy change happens!?

We've continued the war under Obama. Obama accepts huge financial backing from Big Business as do ALL presidents (till we public finance campaigns). We've continued massive spending and borrowing trends while the deficient climbs higher. We've neglected the poor on the whole by letting corporate business folks reap billions upon billions in government subsidies while we flounder over a seemingly questionable decision of spending ANY money on the poor.

In fact, I am poor as shit and it's because I was born into a poor family. I have two college degrees so I'm no slacker but I can tell you that raising the minimum wage WOULD FLIPPING MAKE MY LIFE SO MUCH EASIER. PERIOD. I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DECIDE BETWEEN PAYING THE WATER OR THE ELECTRIC. Or skip a meal so I can feed my pet. By earning more for the same work I would be able to focus less on survival strategies and spend more time on being productive and doing more.

No, this is considered stupid so I guess I should be forced to work for barely more than peanuts a day while corporate subsidies in the hundreds of billions go to big oil and business rolls without any dissent.

Once it was honorable but now it's a haven for the wealthy to shake their penis at us poor while we slave for them.
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...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Explain how this is Obama's fault. Have you forgotten about his min. wage push?

Yeah, big push.

We've seen what his priorities were, and we've seen what he pays lip service to. Minimum wage wasn't one of his priorities.
...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Shouldn't right wingers be "thrilled"? Isn't this what they want?
...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Shouldn't right wingers be "thrilled"? Isn't this what they want?

yeah. I though Repubs re-branded the super-wealthy as "job creators" as opposed to the obscenely rich.

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