Under Obama in 5 years, the Rich are getting Richer and...

Prosperity Index - http://prosperity.com/

1. Norway
2. Switzerland
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. New Zealand
6. Denmark
7. Australia
8. Finland

Which of those is a conservative country?

Canada and Australia. But we are not talking conservative vs liberal. we are talking capitalistic vs socialistic.

you do know the difference between conservative and capitalistic don't you?

how about the difference between socialist and liberal?

I find it difficult to debate with idiots, please get some education on political systems and economic systems and then come back.

Umm no we aren't. You were ranting against progressive policies. You changed the topic when you realized there are no countries running on conservative policies successfully. You've lost the argument and you just admitted it.
Prosperity Index - http://prosperity.com/

1. Norway
2. Switzerland
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. New Zealand
6. Denmark
7. Australia
8. Finland

Which of those is a conservative country?

Canada and Australia. But we are not talking conservative vs liberal. we are talking capitalistic vs socialistic.

you do know the difference between conservative and capitalistic don't you?

how about the difference between socialist and liberal?

I find it difficult to debate with idiots, please get some education on political systems and economic systems and then come back.

Umm no we aren't. You were ranting against progressive policies. You changed the topic when you realized there are no countries running on conservative policies successfully. You've lost the argument and you just admitted it.

Ok, tell us the difference between 'progressive' and 'socialistic'.

then 'conservative' and 'capitalisitc'

I can't wait for your answer :cool:
fact.......record welfare recipients

fact......record snap recipients

fact...higher disability claims than past two presidents

fact...all minority classes are worse off now - in every economic category than when obama took office

on the other side of life

fact...wall street has had two record earnings years while obama has been in office.

fact...the top 7% wealthiest americans have enjoyed a record 28% earnings increase in the past two years while the remaining 93% of americans have endured a 5% decline in earnings.

for every truthdon'tmatter multi_posting done i will keep reposting this post

Canada and Australia. But we are not talking conservative vs liberal. we are talking capitalistic vs socialistic.

you do know the difference between conservative and capitalistic don't you?

how about the difference between socialist and liberal?

I find it difficult to debate with idiots, please get some education on political systems and economic systems and then come back.

Umm no we aren't. You were ranting against progressive policies. You changed the topic when you realized there are no countries running on conservative policies successfully. You've lost the argument and you just admitted it.

Ok, tell us the difference between 'progressive' and 'socialistic'.

then 'conservative' and 'capitalisitc'

I can't wait for your answer :cool:

Socialism and Capitalism are economic systems. While Conservative and Progressive policies can include anything, including economic policy. You are trying to limit the conversation to a limited, strawman subset of the original question I asked.

You did this because you realize that conservative policies don't work - not the ones you advocate. While progressive policies, traditionally fare better. And there is plenty of data to prove it.

You lose.
Last edited:
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why this is Obama's fault.


For EXACTLY the same reason that the Media and the Left said it was Reagan's Fault in the 80's...

You want to know why they are Analagous?...

1978 to 1983 was the last Generational Correction (WWII) like the current one that just ended that lasted from 2008 to 2013 (Boomer)... Gold has done almost the same thing 30 years later by the way, that's how creepy my prediction that this was coming was...

But I digress...

Carter was W in the late 70's... Reagan was Obama...

Reagan took over a Horrible Economy from Carter... Obama took over a Horrible Economy from W...

I don't Blame ANY of those Presidents for the Corrections.

The Left did and stll does... Inconsistently and Dishonestly.

Reagan never gets Credit from the Left on how great things were in the 80's, instead they then Focused on the "gap between the haves and the have-nots...

Carter never go the Blame for how Horrible it was in 1980...

Bush gets ALL the Blame for how Horrible it was in 2008.

Obama is now getting the Credit for the Correction Correcting and the Economy Improving while the HUGE gap between the haves and the have-nots is not the focus and Obama certainly isn't being pointed at for it like "Reaganomics" was.

Give that some Thought and do some Research. :thup:


I'm still waiting for someone to explain why this is Obama's fault.


For EXACTLY the same reason that the Media and the Left said it was Reagan's Fault in the 80's...

You want to know why they are Analagous?...

1978 to 1983 was the last Generational Correction (WWII) like the current one that just ended that lasted from 2008 to 2013 (Boomer)... Gold has done almost the same thing 30 years later by the way, that's how creepy my prediction that this was coming was...

But I digress...

Carter was W in the late 70's... Reagan was Obama...

Reagan took over a Horrible Economy from Carter... Obama took over a Horrible Economy from W...

I don't Blame ANY of those Presidents for the Corrections.

The Left did and stll does... Inconsistently and Dishonestly.

Reagan never gets Credit from the Left on how great things were in the 80's, instead they then Focused on the "gap between the haves and the have-nots...

Carter never go the Blame for how Horrible it was in 1980...

Bush gets ALL the Blame for how Horrible it was in 2008.

Obama is now getting the Credit for the Correction Correcting and the Economy Improving while the HUGE gap between the haves and the have-nots is not the focus and Obama certainly isn't being pointed at for it like "Reaganomics" was.

Give that some Thought and do some Research. :thup:



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Umm no we aren't. You were ranting against progressive policies. You changed the topic when you realized there are no countries running on conservative policies successfully. You've lost the argument and you just admitted it.

Ok, tell us the difference between 'progressive' and 'socialistic'.

then 'conservative' and 'capitalisitc'

I can't wait for your answer :cool:

Socialism and Capitalism are economic systems. While Conservative and Progressive policies can include anything, including economic policy. You are trying to limit the conversation to a limited, strawman subset of the original question I asked.

You did this because you realize that conservative policies don't work - not the ones you advocate. While progressive policies, traditionally fare better. And there is plenty of data to prove it.

You lose.

Conservative policies worked in the USA for over 200 years, conservative policies (as defined today) made the USA the richest, most successful, most powerful country in the history of the world.

The USA began its downfall when FDR began the liberal (as defined today) movement during his terms.

Conservativism worked, liberalism failed, in the USA.

You lose, the truth wins, as it always will.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why this is Obama's fault.


For EXACTLY the same reason that the Media and the Left said it was Reagan's Fault in the 80's...

You want to know why they are Analagous?...

1978 to 1983 was the last Generational Correction (WWII) like the current one that just ended that lasted from 2008 to 2013 (Boomer)... Gold has done almost the same thing 30 years later by the way, that's how creepy my prediction that this was coming was...

But I digress...

Carter was W in the late 70's... Reagan was Obama...

Reagan took over a Horrible Economy from Carter... Obama took over a Horrible Economy from W...

I don't Blame ANY of those Presidents for the Corrections.

The Left did and stll does... Inconsistently and Dishonestly.

Reagan never gets Credit from the Left on how great things were in the 80's, instead they then Focused on the "gap between the haves and the have-nots...

Carter never go the Blame for how Horrible it was in 1980...

Bush gets ALL the Blame for how Horrible it was in 2008.

Obama is now getting the Credit for the Correction Correcting and the Economy Improving while the HUGE gap between the haves and the have-nots is not the focus and Obama certainly isn't being pointed at for it like "Reaganomics" was.

Give that some Thought and do some Research. :thup:



yeah but, yeah but-----obama can't be responsible for any bad results----he is the kenyan messiah, savior of the USA and the entire world. He can do no wrong.

Oh wait---------------
The Feds are printing money and more money and this is helping the stock market to rise, causing the rich to get richer. Giving businesses a year pass on health care has shift increased costs to the working middle class and creates a divide. Businesses have stopped expansion and are more fiscally responsible than they were 5 years ago. Therefore not as much money is being spent to make sure they don't get caught in near bankruptcy when the next fall out occurs.

All of these are contributors to the widening gap. Add to it that the recovery is almost at a stand still because of added government burdens.

We have no leadership, not on the Democratic side nor on the Republican side, and we elected these idiots.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why this is Obama's fault.


For EXACTLY the same reason that the Media and the Left said it was Reagan's Fault in the 80's...

You want to know why they are Analagous?...

1978 to 1983 was the last Generational Correction (WWII) like the current one that just ended that lasted from 2008 to 2013 (Boomer)... Gold has done almost the same thing 30 years later by the way, that's how creepy my prediction that this was coming was...

But I digress...

Carter was W in the late 70's... Reagan was Obama...

Reagan took over a Horrible Economy from Carter... Obama took over a Horrible Economy from W...

I don't Blame ANY of those Presidents for the Corrections.

The Left did and stll does... Inconsistently and Dishonestly.

Reagan never gets Credit from the Left on how great things were in the 80's, instead they then Focused on the "gap between the haves and the have-nots...

Carter never go the Blame for how Horrible it was in 1980...

Bush gets ALL the Blame for how Horrible it was in 2008.

Obama is now getting the Credit for the Correction Correcting and the Economy Improving while the HUGE gap between the haves and the have-nots is not the focus and Obama certainly isn't being pointed at for it like "Reaganomics" was.

Give that some Thought and do some Research. :thup:



Tighten it up a little.

Seems like you understand that ANY President is contending with all the policies, laws and acts that were already in effect or put into effect, by the previous administration(s).

You mentioned Jimmie. I voted for Jimmie. He was after Ford. Who came by his mess from Richard. The Mess Ford got was the result of the Arab Oil Embargo in 73. That ended up being a problem for the economy, Ford tried to get the economy back, Jimmie tried, prices were up, inflation was WAY up, interest rates skyrocketed. A lot of the issues in the economy that Ford and Jimmie dealt with was the USA going off gold as our currency standard. That was ALL on Nixon.That fucked up the entire worlds economy.

So Jimmie got a mess and couldn't fix it. Reagan comes in and, even though interest rates hit their highest during Reagan's term, there was some stability to oil prices by then and Reagan was able to get Congress to spend a lot of money. Thereby giving himself a nice looking economy backed by a pile of debt. So he passed it on to the next guy. Who didn't do a bad job at all. Caretaker type. Bill was a little more aggressive and got the benefit of an exploding tech/communication sector. And they all spent a little more than the last guy.

Takes us to today. IF Obama is able to take credit for an improving economy, it won't be because the last guy set him up with a good economy.

That's why Bush will always be the worst President in my lifetime. Clinton left him with a pretty good situation. Not great but workable. Don't do anything dumb and the economy would have come back just fine. Without burying us in debt. We even bounced back after 9/11 pretty fast. Bush wanted us to buy stuff and we did. 0% interest on car loans. And the housing market fueled all.

Instead we got un paid for wars, big tax cuts during a time of war, huge increase in Medicare cost and at the end of his term, the housing market collapsed. (George had help from Bill and the Congress on that one.)

That was what Obama inherited. Well that and a portion of Congress fully dedicated to his political destruction. Very unusual that.

IMO, if Obama does ever get credit after our economic turn around happens, he will deserve it. As much as any President deserves credit for jobs. That is the only turnaround we need, more good paying jobs.

But more than likely what we will see is the NEXT President got the benefit of Obama's policies or has to deal with an Obama disaster.

Other than Healthcare, I don't really see what Obama has done that the next President will find is a huge problem. The economy might be a lot better for the next Pres. Hopefully not worse.

So that is why I just can't understand how so many people on here are willing to take a Presidents results and actions out of the context of what situation did the PREVIOUS president leave him.

And it would be really difficult for any President to accomplish very much if a portion of the Congress is dedicated to their political destruction. Obama has tried, I give him that.
The Feds are printing money and more money and this is helping the stock market to rise, causing the rich to get richer. Giving businesses a year pass on health care has shift increased costs to the working middle class and creates a divide. Businesses have stopped expansion and are more fiscally responsible than they were 5 years ago. Therefore not as much money is being spent to make sure they don't get caught in near bankruptcy when the next fall out occurs.

All of these are contributors to the widening gap. Add to it that the recovery is almost at a stand still because of added government burdens.

We have no leadership, not on the Democratic side nor on the Republican side, and we elected these idiots.

Only argument to that is correcting "elected" with RE-elected.
The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer for the last 30 something years. It's called Reaganomics. Thank the Gipper.

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