Under Obama in 5 years, the Rich are getting Richer and...

Comrade O's stock in trade is to keep economic conditions as miserable as possible maximizing the human misery as long as possible so he can continually promise to make their life better thereby gaining their political loyalty and votes.
Interestingly 50 per cent of Americans got snookered by these tactics and will continue to get snookered.
As my ten year old grandson says "How do I know when Obama is lying? When his mouth is moving!"

Yes, its the inevitible result of progressivism, liberalism, marxism, or whatever left wing ...ism you choose.

the majority of the people will be EQUALLY miserable and a tiny group of super elites will control all of the power and all of the money.

The sad thing is that a lot of americans are so ignorant that they say that is what they want.

Yet countries that are way more progressive than us are prospering and you can't point out a single country that is prospering running on the conservative principles you advocate. Why is that?

which far left countries are prospering? name them.

prospering under capitalism: China, India, Chile, Russia to name just 4. All are seeing that progressivism/liberalism does not work and are gradually moving towards capitalism.
dear idiot,

The democratic party is a capitalist party.

LYING about what your opponent supports is NOT dealing in facts
Comrade O's stock in trade is to keep economic conditions as miserable as possible maximizing the human misery as long as possible so he can continually promise to make their life better thereby gaining their political loyalty and votes.
Interestingly 50 per cent of Americans got snookered by these tactics and will continue to get snookered.
As my ten year old grandson says "How do I know when Obama is lying? When his mouth is moving!"

Yes, its the inevitible result of progressivism, liberalism, marxism, or whatever left wing ...ism you choose.

the majority of the people will be EQUALLY miserable and a tiny group of super elites will control all of the power and all of the money.

The sad thing is that a lot of americans are so ignorant that they say that is what they want.

Yet countries that are way more progressive than us are prospering and you can't point out a single country that is prospering running on the conservative principles you advocate. Why is that?
Texas vs. California - I know they are not countries, but they are big enough to be!
...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Yeah, and 25 years ago, Obama would have been considered a moderate conservative
PROVE the democratic party is anti capitalist if you are going to make such and IDIOTS claim
...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Explain how this is Obama's fault. Have you forgotten about his min. wage push?

How was it Reagan's fault in the 80?...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
dear idiot,

The democratic party is a capitalist party.

LYING about what your opponent supports is NOT dealing in facts

Yes, the dem PARTY is capitalist, it exists to make a profit. However, most dem party MEMBERS are socialists, marxists, or collectivists.

The lies in this thread are in your posts. You are about 2 stupid posts from being the next on my ignore list of idiots.
there is the clarification you fools are looking for.

You of course will just ignore the real facts like always
...the Poor are getting Poorer...

10 things disappearing from America- MSN Money

^Page 4 on that link:

"Half of U.S. workers made less than $27,519 in 2012, about four bucks less than they earned in 2011 -- but nearly $1,000 off median wages' all-time peak in 2007. Meanwhile, total real wages per American were 6 percent off their 2007 levels.

Of course, the other half of the coin is doing much better, especially as you reach the upper crust. In 2012, there were 27 percent more Americans making more than $5 million than in 2011, and total wages for this group grew by 40 percent."

Isn't that what we heard during virtually EVERY Republican President?...

Why aren't we hearing it now?... And why isn't it being Assigned to this President as it was with Reagan and the STAY OUT THE BUSHES!?...



Explain how this is Obama's fault. Have you forgotten about his min. wage push?

Higher taxes, more 'poor' assistance does nothing?? We thought you fucking leftists kept saying it helped??


And you think raising minimum wage helps poverty??

It increases unemployment, increases inflation, and basically just changes the number at the bottom.. Those making $7.50 now make 10.. you think those who were their supervisors or with more experience and skill who were making $9.50 are now content to make the same $10 as the lazy or inexperienced?? Nope.. they will still want to make more.. and those electricians apprentices who were making $11 while working on the issue in your store are now gonna be content with just $1 over minimum?? Nope, they will be bumped up too.. it's effect is a ripple and the lowest earners are still there as the lowest earners when everything costs more.. you accomplished, NOTHING


On every leve, from the Environment to Jobs the Left is looking to Collapse this System...

Some Deliberately... Others are simply Ingnorant of the Consequences of their Actions.


Yes, its the inevitible result of progressivism, liberalism, marxism, or whatever left wing ...ism you choose.

the majority of the people will be EQUALLY miserable and a tiny group of super elites will control all of the power and all of the money.

The sad thing is that a lot of americans are so ignorant that they say that is what they want.

Yet countries that are way more progressive than us are prospering and you can't point out a single country that is prospering running on the conservative principles you advocate. Why is that?

which far left countries are prospering? name them.

prospering under capitalism: China, India, Chile, Russia to name just 4. All are seeing that progressivism/liberalism does not work and are gradually moving towards capitalism.

Did you really just point at China, India and Russia as examples of what conservative policies can do for a country? Hahahahah

Norway, New Zealand, Sweden are just a few examples countries that are prospering under progressive policies.
dear idiot,

The democratic party is a capitalist party.

LYING about what your opponent supports is NOT dealing in facts

Yes, the dem PARTY is capitalist, it exists to make a profit. However, most dem party MEMBERS are socialists, marxists, or collectivists.

The lies in this thread are in your posts. You are about 2 stupid posts from being the next on my ignore list of idiots.

Umm no you lying fucking dickweasel.

it is not a profit generator.

It is a public poltical party and they are legal in this country you fucking brain dead pablum lapper.

jesus do you people take stupid pills?
Explain how this is Obama's fault. Have you forgotten about his min. wage push?

Higher taxes, more 'poor' assistance does nothing?? We thought you fucking leftists kept saying it helped??


And you think raising minimum wage helps poverty??

It increases unemployment, increases inflation, and basically just changes the number at the bottom.. Those making $7.50 now make 10.. you think those who were their supervisors or with more experience and skill who were making $9.50 are now content to make the same $10 as the lazy or inexperienced?? Nope.. they will still want to make more.. and those electricians apprentices who were making $11 while working on the issue in your store are now gonna be content with just $1 over minimum?? Nope, they will be bumped up too.. it's effect is a ripple and the lowest earners are still there as the lowest earners when everything costs more.. you accomplished, NOTHING


On every leve, from the Environment to Jobs the Left is looking to Collapse this System...

Some Deliberately... Others are simply Ingnorant of the Consequences of their Actions.



dear fucking idiot,

its your right that hates government you fucking dick dragging in the dirt rat brain.

Your the ones who hate government REMEMBER?

you see when your propaganda FAILS you don't get to just go in reverse.

YOU hate government

the left believes in government being the peoples power to make life decent for the most people in the country
Yet countries that are way more progressive than us are prospering and you can't point out a single country that is prospering running on the conservative principles you advocate. Why is that?

which far left countries are prospering? name them.

prospering under capitalism: China, India, Chile, Russia to name just 4. All are seeing that progressivism/liberalism does not work and are gradually moving towards capitalism.

Did you really just point at China, India and Russia as examples of what conservative policies can do for a country? Hahahahah

Norway, New Zealand, Sweden are just a few examples countries that are prospering under progressive policies.

Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand have very small homogenous populations, they are almost like a big extended family, the USA is nothing like those countries.

But lets talk about them. They all have very very high taxation rates, their medical care is average at best, and there is no incentive for innovation, invention, or entreprenuership because financial success is punished by the tax system. Those coutries also have a high debt rate and weak currencies.

China, India, Chile, and Russia are embracing capitalism because they are seeing that it provides a better quality of life for their average citizens. Yes, its a struggle because they are trying to get out from under oppressive socialism, but they are working at it and seeing some success.
dear idiot,

The democratic party is a capitalist party.

LYING about what your opponent supports is NOT dealing in facts

Yes, the dem PARTY is capitalist, it exists to make a profit. However, most dem party MEMBERS are socialists, marxists, or collectivists.

The lies in this thread are in your posts. You are about 2 stupid posts from being the next on my ignore list of idiots.

Umm no you lying fucking dickweasel.

it is not a profit generator.

It is a public poltical party and they are legal in this country you fucking brain dead pablum lapper.

jesus do you people take stupid pills?

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults because you always fail in a civil debate just qualified you for my ignore list, welcome and good bye.

The dem party exists to spread its profit to its candidates. It collects donations, pays its expenses and then disperses the remainder (profit) to dem candidates. BTW, the GOP does the same thing.
which far left countries are prospering? name them.

prospering under capitalism: China, India, Chile, Russia to name just 4. All are seeing that progressivism/liberalism does not work and are gradually moving towards capitalism.

Did you really just point at China, India and Russia as examples of what conservative policies can do for a country? Hahahahah

Norway, New Zealand, Sweden are just a few examples countries that are prospering under progressive policies.

Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand have very small homogenous populations, they are almost like a big extended family, the USA is nothing like those countries.

But lets talk about them. They all have very very high taxation rates, their medical care is average at best, and there is no incentive for innovation, invention, or entreprenuership because financial success is punished by the tax system. Those coutries also have a high debt rate and weak currencies.

China, India, Chile, and Russia are embracing capitalism because they are seeing that it provides a better quality of life for their average citizens. Yes, its a struggle because they are trying to get out from under oppressive socialism, but they are working at it and seeing some success.

LOL, Did you really just say that India, China and Russia are providing better quality of life???? What fucking planet do you live on?

You look at any data around which countries are most prosperous and which countries have the highest quality of life and none of your countries will show up on those lists, while those lists are dominated by countries that embrace progressive policies.

Hahahahaah, you and your ideas are a joke.
Prosperity Index - http://prosperity.com/

1. Norway
2. Switzerland
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. New Zealand
6. Denmark
7. Australia
8. Finland

Which of those is a conservative country?
Did you really just point at China, India and Russia as examples of what conservative policies can do for a country? Hahahahah

Norway, New Zealand, Sweden are just a few examples countries that are prospering under progressive policies.

Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand have very small homogenous populations, they are almost like a big extended family, the USA is nothing like those countries.

But lets talk about them. They all have very very high taxation rates, their medical care is average at best, and there is no incentive for innovation, invention, or entreprenuership because financial success is punished by the tax system. Those coutries also have a high debt rate and weak currencies.

China, India, Chile, and Russia are embracing capitalism because they are seeing that it provides a better quality of life for their average citizens. Yes, its a struggle because they are trying to get out from under oppressive socialism, but they are working at it and seeing some success.

LOL, Did you really just say that India, China and Russia are providing better quality of life???? What fucking planet do you live on?

You look at any data around which countries are most prosperous and which countries have the highest quality of life and none of your countries will show up on those lists, while those lists are dominated by countries that embrace progressive policies.

Hahahahaah, you and your ideas are a joke.

what I said is that capitalism is gradually improving the quality of life in those countries.

I see that you ignored the facts about Sweden, Norway and New Zealand, but thats understandable since those facts defeat your entire "socialism is wonderful " mantra
Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand have very small homogenous populations, they are almost like a big extended family, the USA is nothing like those countries.

But lets talk about them. They all have very very high taxation rates, their medical care is average at best, and there is no incentive for innovation, invention, or entreprenuership because financial success is punished by the tax system. Those coutries also have a high debt rate and weak currencies.

China, India, Chile, and Russia are embracing capitalism because they are seeing that it provides a better quality of life for their average citizens. Yes, its a struggle because they are trying to get out from under oppressive socialism, but they are working at it and seeing some success.

LOL, Did you really just say that India, China and Russia are providing better quality of life???? What fucking planet do you live on?

You look at any data around which countries are most prosperous and which countries have the highest quality of life and none of your countries will show up on those lists, while those lists are dominated by countries that embrace progressive policies.

Hahahahaah, you and your ideas are a joke.

what I said is that capitalism is gradually improving the quality of life in those countries.

I see that you ignored the facts about Sweden, Norway and New Zealand, but thats understandable since those facts defeat your entire "socialism is wonderful " mantra

You provided no facts, just opinion. Share some actual supported facts and I'll respond to them.
Prosperity Index - http://prosperity.com/

1. Norway
2. Switzerland
3. Canada
4. Sweden
5. New Zealand
6. Denmark
7. Australia
8. Finland

Which of those is a conservative country?

Canada and Australia. But we are not talking conservative vs liberal. we are talking capitalistic vs socialistic.

you do know the difference between conservative and capitalistic don't you?

how about the difference between socialist and liberal?

I find it difficult to debate with idiots, please get some education on political systems and economic systems and then come back.

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