Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
Calvary Kim has already been turned down. Gay marriage is a done deal, get over it.

Kim isn't the issue. The issue is the 1st Amendment vs the SCOTUS' felonious five adding a "just some deviant sexual behaviors" clause to the 14th Amendment.
Her legal argument will be....God hates fags
That's not at all what Jude 1 says. It says to reach out to individual homosexuals (the sinners), making a difference, but to in no way shape or form promote their behavior (the sin) into the fold of any society.
Of course she already had a lawyer or a team of them before she went to jail. But there seems to be quite a rukkus and misunderstanding of religion when it comes to how her attorneys will frame their argument. Here is a spot to debate Kim Davis' flaws and how they will weigh in on her arguments at trial(s) and on appeal to the US Supreme Court, probably by about late 2016 or early 2017.

The following comment sparked this topic:

Just saw on TV that she was married FOUR FUCKING TIMES and had TWINS out of wedlock. Is that true? I can smell the hypocrisy.
Yes, she is a sinner. And that's why she is a Christian. It's a requirement to walk through the door of a church. You don't approach Christianity from a perspective of perfection, you approach it saying "I am a flawed being, I'm struggling, I need help". That's how it works.

On the topic of adultery and the famous story in the Bible of the stoning incident with Jesus, he said "let any of you who is without sin cast the first stone". His point was twofold: 1. To save the poor stoning victim and 2. To really seat in the minds of the angry mob that we are all sinners and must not judge; judgment is for God.

That being said, Jude 1 spells out that a Christian (who is also a sinner, remember) must reach out to homosexuals with compassion, "making a difference". But that to promote them as a group mentality into the fabric of any society is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. This message exists in the New Testament and in Jesus' teachings as I recall, there are very few examples of of him saying "Oh yeah, you know that Old Testament law and the shit that went down then with God casting people into Hell for eternity? Yeah, this one's like that. It's for realsies." Yet that's what we find in Jude 1.

And it makes sense if you understand sociology. When it comes to human behaviors and mimickry in youth, trends have a way of catching fire in any society. And what do we see today after 30 years of nonstop campaigning by LGBT cult to the youth in media? That's right, hordes of "bi-curious" or "gay" youth popping up like a dandelion-epidemic in a lawn that used to be relatively weed free. God's OK with his lawn having occasional dandelions but not the whole lawn being taken over with time. God remembers Ancient Greece and you don't. So he is wiser than you. God remembers Sodom and you don't. So he is wiser than you.

God teaches us to love the sinner but hate the sin. And that's what Jude 1 is all about. Jesus also extended compassion to prostitutes, thieves and lepers. Does that mean that anyone against or refusing to participate in promoting prostitution, robbery or coming down with leprosy is a "hater"? NO! Of course not! So, Kim Davis is in God's favor. The Bible's New Testament isn't all roses and hippy love fest. There are some hard rules and one of the hardest is not to tamper with God's lawn by helping to seed it with weeds. Otherwise the good grass will be choked out and wouldn't have a chance to grow in that enviroment even if it wanted to desperately. THAT is why the punishment for promoting homosexuality using God's sacred vehicle of the family (marriage) is such a pisser for God. And you will get eternity in the slammer if you fail to heed Jude 1's warning.

So, any lawyer coming forward saying "she's an adulterer! How can she object?!!" is flat out of line. Kim Davis isn't the Bible. Kim Davis is a flawed sinning Christian doing her level best to abide by the Bible in this particular instance. She has read the warnings in Jude 1, presumably. So she knows she must choose between eternal peril or jail. She has chosen wisely. But the people who put her in jail have not chosen wisely. They will be judged twice. Once here on earth in the dank and dusty courtooms. And a second time as they foolishly try to enter the Pearly Gates.

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution protects the exercise of religion. It does so not for a building or a group of people, but for an individual following a known and accepted faith (not a cult). The differences between a sublime religion and a cult are determined by society, not one judge or a small panel of them. Christians were who founded our country. And it's going to be a long day in court for an attorney trying to argue how a Johnny-Come-Lately deviant sex cult has a "right" to force a Christian to their knees to bow at a new rainbow colored altar.

The 9th Amendment of the Constitution says that no law may come along and dilute the potency of the 1st Amendment. So Ms. Davis can use the 9th to drive a big fat nail in the wall and hang her 1st Amendment hat on it. "Public Accomodation" must and will take a back seat to the 1st Amendment. Public accomodation is a brand new concept of forcing people to go along with in this case, behaviors they object to.

There was a flawed premise at the very start of all this. And it was/is "behaviors = race". A waffling group of deviant sex behaviors who don't even understand themselves completely, cannot dictate to our nation's sublime stalwart religion since day one (Christians) that they will now have to essentially tear out sections of the Bible and burn them as newly-irrelevant.
2. To really seat in the minds of the angry mob that we are all sinners and must not judge; judgment is for God.

To really seat in the minds of the angry mob that we are all sinners and must not judge; judgment is for God.

The Bible says we should not judge, judgment is for God. Isn't she making judgments of people where she shouldn't be?
That was a retarded answer. No one is keeping her from practicing her religion or protesting against gay marriage as long as she does her job.
Doing her job WAS keeping her from practicing her religion if she was being forced to participate in gay marriage by issuing two people of the same gender a marriage license. That's precisely the point, silly. Check the OP for the details.
Then she should have resigned if she was honest. Which she wasn't.
The Bible says we should not judge, judgment is for God. Isn't she making judgments of people where she shouldn't be?

She wasn't judging individual homosexuals. She was judging the sin of homosexuality infiltrating society at its core (marriage) in pure violation of Jude 1's mandate. To violate Jude 1 holds the worst punishment imaginable for a Christian: eternal soul death in the pit of fire.

So she was more about saving her soul and less about judging. Get it?
The Bible says we should not judge, judgment is for God. Isn't she making judgments of people where she shouldn't be?

She wasn't judging individual homosexuals. She was judging the sin of homosexuality infiltrating society at its core (marriage) in pure violation of Jude 1's mandate. To violate Jude 1 holds the worst punishment imaginable for a Christian: eternal soul death in the pit of fire.

So she was more about saving her soul and less about judging. Get it?
No. She was judging, plain and simple.
On your poll, sins are forgiven if forgiveness is asked with a pure heart. So, you can still get to Heaven if you have sinned if you repented your sins.
She wasn't judging individual homosexuals. She was judging the sin of homosexuality infiltrating society at its core (marriage) in pure violation of Jude 1's mandate. To violate Jude 1 holds the worst punishment imaginable for a Christian: eternal soul death in the pit of fire.

So she was more about saving her soul and less about judging. Get it?

She could have saved her soul simply by resigning.

But apparently $80,000 a year for doing nothing changes that judgement

I wonder what Jesus would have to say about that

The Bible says we should not judge, judgment is for God. Isn't she making judgments of people where she shouldn't be?

She wasn't judging individual homosexuals. She was judging the sin of homosexuality infiltrating society at its core (marriage) in pure violation of Jude 1's mandate. To violate Jude 1 holds the worst punishment imaginable for a Christian: eternal soul death in the pit of fire.

So she was more about saving her soul and less about judging. Get it?
No. She was judging, plain and simple.
No, she wasn't. Plain and simple. She fears eternal soul death as do all Christians who fail to heed the New Testament's warning label in Jude 1.
The Bible says we should not judge, judgment is for God. Isn't she making judgments of people where she shouldn't be?

She wasn't judging individual homosexuals. She was judging the sin of homosexuality infiltrating society at its core (marriage) in pure violation of Jude 1's mandate. To violate Jude 1 holds the worst punishment imaginable for a Christian: eternal soul death in the pit of fire.

So she was more about saving her soul and less about judging. Get it?
No. She was judging, plain and simple.
No, she wasn't. Plain and simple. She fears eternal soul death as do all Christians who fail to heed the New Testament's warning label in Jude 1.

You are aware that not all Christians interpret things the same way, aren't you?
On your poll, sins are forgiven if forgiveness is asked with a pure heart. So, you can still get to Heaven if you have sinned if you repented your sins.

1. That's not what the poll asked. It asked if God approves of sinful behavior. The Bible I read says God does not. He forgives those repentant ones who engage in them, but he despises the sin itself. And in the case of Jude 1, the forbidden sin is assisting the spread of a homosexual culture througout a normal one.

2. There is no walking #1 back. It is a mortal sin with the punishment of eternal peril. Because the damage done to God's garden cannot easily be undone, if at all. And it's why God had to come to lay waste to Sodom and start over. Your actions condemning that many souls by abetting "innocently" or "passively" or "because it's contemporary secular law" doesn't come with a pass to Heaven. It's basically bitch-slapping God's Earth-plan and shattering it. So, yeah, "do not pass go" "do not collect $200"..

Read the OP for a more expanded & detailed explanation..
You are aware that not all Christians interpret things the same way, aren't you?
I am aware that certain sects of Christianity resemble cults and have turned their backs on part of the Bible. Jude 1 though isn't up for negotiation. Peace loving Jesus as accounted by Jude, his daily companion and personal servant, said that instead of being a loving and forgiving God when it comes to destroying the matrix completely in which good souls are tempted and tested to overcome sin, God gets a little pissy.

You see, when a cult like homosexuals takes over a whole culture as they are doing now, three generations down the line the culture will shift to where heterosexuality is seen as merely a chore to produce more beautiful young boys for men to fuck. That's exactly what happened in Ancient Greece and some other contemporary cultures actually.

Men and women are supposed to be together BECAUSE they are different, motivated by different things. If a soul is to be tested to be more bold and assertive, then that soul is born into a man's body. If a soul has been too brutal in the past, it is born into a woman's body. When you blend genders as homosexuality does , you blend the matrix that used to have clear and distinct lines, that vary culture to culture but not to the point of annihilation, you have a destruction of roles that serve a Devine purpose.

Think of it this way. Adultery is like stepping on God's toes. Yeah, it pisses him off but he'll forgive you. Assisting gay marriage is like putting a stick of dynamite in his morning coffee. Not so big on the forgiveness on that one...


The Sambia Tribe: The Sambia Tribe (of Papua New Guinea) | IPCE

The youths are now the targeted ones who the women want to use to fulfill their sexual desires. The men however, are not concerned about falling for these women. They have been taught well about how women can be dangerous to men, especially the younger adolescent men who can even die from heterosexual intercourse.

The isolationism they encounter not only prevents the youth from having any sexual activities with women, but also from seducing, or being seduced by married women – which would later create chaos by enemies. This certainly teaches the boys that they can indeed live without their mothers and certainly without any females around them.What the boys need is semen in order to mature....

...The Sambia initiatory cycle starts when the boy is between the ages of 6 and 10, and proceeds to 6 stages until he becomes the father of one child, some 10 to 15 years later....

if the initiate tries to escape he will be treated worst then the others – this brutality is certainly overwhelming and astonishing. Older men now tell the boys that the bachelors are going to copulate with them orally in order to make them grow. The whole purpose of this is because several elders testify that boys are unable to mature into men unless they ingest semen and that all men have, ‘eaten the penis’.
After formal ceremonies end, the bachelors make erotic advances to the boys and homosexual activity takes place outside on the darkened dance ground.
  • Not all initiates will participate in this ceremonial homosexual activity, but in about five days later several will have perform fellatio several times. (Herdt, pp. 87-91)
It is quite astonishing to see the men who are known to be so prudish to participate in homosexual activity so openly and welcoming. Boys would even seek out their favorite bachelors by openly stimulating their genitalia. There is no doubt that the first and second stage initiates have developed an erotic attraction toward their inseminators.
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You are aware that not all Christians interpret things the same way, aren't you?
I am aware that certain sects of Christianity resemble cults and have turned their backs on part of the Bible. Jude 1 though isn't up for negotiation. Peace loving Jesus as accounted by Jude, his daily companion and personal servant, said that instead of being a loving and forgiving God when it comes to destroying the matrix completely in which good souls are tempted and tested to overcome sin, God gets a little pissy.

You see, when a cult like homosexuals takes over a whole culture as they are doing now, three generations down the line the culture will shift to where heterosexuality is seen as merely a chore to produce more beautiful young boys for men to fuck. That's exactly what happened in Ancient Greece and some other contemporary cultures actually.

Men and women are supposed to be together BECAUSE they are different, motivated by different things. If a soul is to be tested to be more bold and assertive, then that soul is born into a man's body. If a soul has been too brutal in the past, it is born into a woman's body. When you blend genders as homosexuality does , you blend the matrix that used to have clear and distinct lines, that vary culture to culture but not to the point of annihilation, you have a destruction of roles that serve a Devine purpose.

Think of it this way. Adultery is like stepping on God's toes. Yeah, it pisses him off but he'll forgive you. Assisting gay marriage is like putting a stick of dynamite in his morning coffee. Not so big on the forgiveness on that one...

If your grasp of the law and, apparently, history are any indication, I don't think anyone should be taking your word on religious interpretation. :lol:

In ancient Greece heterosexuality was seen as a chore? As well as some contemporary cultures, which you neglect to name? OK then.....it's amazing how strong your fear of homosexuality is. It takes over cultures and makes people dislike heterosexuality! :lmao:

It's also hilarious that you consider any segment of Christianity that has a different read on homosexuality than you a cult that has turned its back on the Bible. I'm also curious about your reincarnation-sounding ideas regarding souls. Are souls recycled into new bodies in Christianity?

Your arrogance is astonishing, to be wrong so often and so consistently yet still consider yourself an expert on so many subjects. ;)

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