Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Ron Paul says unemployment is 20%

CNN's Alex Zuckerman

(CNN) – A week after proposing his economic recovery plan, Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul said Sunday that the true unemployment rate in the United States is higher than the 9.1% estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"I think the downturn in the economy occurred in the year 2000," Paul told CNN, adding that there have been no new jobs since then "and yet we've had a 30 million increase in population."

Ron Paul says unemployment is 20% – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
gas is cheap
sure it is

I did

the answer is no

I even revisited the Cash for Clunkers
Still I can't not see your way

Perhaps, if we shared the same kool aid, it might help


but I will have to stand with the majority on this one

Just a FYI

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness and 20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

just saying

Now you are being silly.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

That is why the right wing Chamber of Commerce supported the stimulus.

They knew it had to be done, or we would go into a depression.
Deflationary spiral....

That's why gasoline is still well over $3.00 in most places.

That's why gold is chasing $1,800 and silver $40.00.

That's why the DOW is being pumped up to nearly 14,000, though production is well below the level of the last time it hit that number.

Yeah, deflation....That's the ticket....:rolleyes:
The last 6 months of Bush:

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
- United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
gas is cheap
sure it is

I did

the answer is no

I even revisited the Cash for Clunkers
Still I can't not see your way

Perhaps, if we shared the same kool aid, it might help


but I will have to stand with the majority on this one

Just a FYI

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness and 20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

just saying

Now you are being silly.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

That is why the right wing Chamber of Commerce supported the stimulus.

They knew it had to be done, or we would go into a depression.
Deflationary spiral....

That's why gasoline is still well over $3.00 in most places.

That's why gold is chasing $1,800 and silver $40.00.

That's why the DOW is being pumped up to nearly 14,000, though production is well below the level of the last time it hit that number.

Yeah, deflation....That's the ticket....:rolleyes:

The stock market had dropped in half.... $9 trillion dollars of value wiped out.

And the housing market collapsed.

Housing and stocks the two most valuable items in the economy, dropping in value like a rock....

That's called deflation.

You never took economics in college did you?
The last 6 months of Bush:

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
- United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

Democrats took over congress in jan 2007. This was their boy. Not Bush.
The last 6 months of Bush:

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
- United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

Democrats took over congress in jan 2007. This was their boy. Not Bush.

No one believes that.

Not even you.
"WIN", ring any bells? How about "Stagflation"?

President Carter inherited an economy in 1977 which was in shambles. Ford's WIN (Whip Inflaton Now) program had failed to ameliorate a nation which for the first time was experiencing hyper inflaton, a slow and slowing economy and high unemployment.

Only liars or the truly ignorant continue to blame Carter for the economic malaise which he inherited. The same can be said for those who blame Obama for our economic problems today.
The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade meltdown over good economic news continues.

did you bother to count the workers that gave up? the working pool class is not increasing based on the numbers but your to dumb to realize it. just continue to be spoon feed lies and one legged prop ups...like pavlov's dog...bark...heel...droool...good boy.
The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade meltdown over good economic news continues.

did you bother to count the workers that gave up? the working pool class is not increasing based on the numbers but your to dumb to realize it. just continue to be spoon feed lies and one legged prop ups...like pavlov's dog...bark...heel...droool...good boy.

Good news for America really bothers you. I can tell.

You seem pretty hurt since Obama became President.

From birther, to your avatar, to your now famous broken record line "57 states" that you're obsessed with, to your blatant disregarding of any and all facts that you don't like.....

you're perhaps Obama's #1 fanboy. all you need is the tattoo.

obama is the gaffe master that keeps on giving

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv_ms93dzX4]Obama's Greatest Gaffes Vol.1 - YouTube[/ame]

resist we must and we will much about that committed
Gaffe master part 2:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-AKcH3eC8]UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Confusion - YouTube[/ame]
need a new teleprompter, cinco de quatro
Don't worry, nutters, I'm sure this is just the market reacting to Romney's guaranteed win in November.
I can tell this good news is really bothering you.

I am delighted with the progress of DEVALUE my home has achieved over the last few years. It tickles me to death as it's worth drops - like every other home in America. I also enjoy it when my 401K tanks. It's a fantastic sensation.

And of course you blame Obama for that... Just goes to show how delusional and pathetic you are. The Financial collapse happened before Obama took office, and your Messiah King George bailed the fuckers that caused it out. He went on TV and pleaded with America....screaming that the sky was falling...for them to write their congressmen to pass the TARP bill. After the second time through Congress... it passed and HE signed it into LAW.

So. The devaluation of your home is because of YOUR party and the agenda it supports Capitalism without Regulation. But that's OK... keep voting them in, just that when the NEXT time it happens? I'll blame pansies like you, hiding behind their Harleys and acting tough, voting for assholes that talk tough...but then bend over and get pile driven by big money....like the little whores they are(and yes, there are some on my side of the fence that do the same damned thing...I know).
Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

Huh? 1.2M have not given up looking for work.
The figures they released are a fraud. Government is lying to make Obama look good.
So the unemployment numbers have fallen to a number the adminstration said we were never going to get too from the beginning? 8% was going to be the worst. Now 8.3% is great!
The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade meltdown over good economic news continues.

did you bother to count the workers that gave up? the working pool class is not increasing based on the numbers but your to dumb to realize it. just continue to be spoon feed lies and one legged prop ups...like pavlov's dog...bark...heel...droool...good boy.

Good news for America really bothers you. I can tell.

There is news and there are fairy tales. It is unfortunate that the left needs the latter to prop up the loser they gave us in 2008.

8.3 is good when the stimulus was supposed to keep it below 8 to begin with (Obama never said that by the way....one of his minions did....unlike you reprobates....I know the difference).
The last 6 months of Bush:

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
- United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

Democrats took over congress in jan 2007. This was their boy. Not Bush.

No one believes that.

Not even you.

Still speaking out your ass.

Are you saying that the dems didn't take over congress in Jan 2007 ?

You can blame it all on Bush.....but if we dare to give Obama credit 3 years (3/4 of his term) for the fact this mess hasn't gotten any better....all you do is bring up Bush.

You are pathetic only on your good days.
Democrats took over congress in jan 2007. This was their boy. Not Bush.

No one believes that.

Not even you.

Still speaking out your ass.

Are you saying that the dems didn't take over congress in Jan 2007 ?

You can blame it all on Bush.....but if we dare to give Obama credit 3 years (3/4 of his term) for the fact this mess hasn't gotten any better....all you do is bring up Bush.

You are pathetic only on your good days.

Things have been getting better.

We were losing 700k jobs month and 5% GDP a quarter when Obama took office. The economy was in a tail spin.

Now look.

This is why you people are getting laughed at and mocked.
No one believes that.

Not even you.

Still speaking out your ass.

Are you saying that the dems didn't take over congress in Jan 2007 ?

You can blame it all on Bush.....but if we dare to give Obama credit 3 years (3/4 of his term) for the fact this mess hasn't gotten any better....all you do is bring up Bush.

You are pathetic only on your good days.

Things have been getting better.

We were losing 700k jobs month and 5% GDP a quarter when Obama took office. The economy was in a tail spin.

Now look.

This is why you people are getting laughed at and mocked.

By all means, show me who is laughing.

The economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Oh...and by the way....in 2008, the pundits were saying that the GOP was dead and buried. That it would never be the same again...that it would have to change a lot to ever get back in power. They were also saying that the dems had the house and senate for at least 10 years.


Didn't take you guys long to fumble that one. I, for one, thank you.

In 2012 we'll get the senate. And even with a load of whimps in the primary, we might still get the WH.

Keep laughing. It works wonders for us.

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