Unemployment falls to 8.3%

The arithmetic is quite easy, 1.2 million dropped off the rolls and 1.7 million were added yielding a net increase in the labor force of 500 thousand. CON$ only report the 1.2 million dropping but not the 1.7 added.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

That makes zero sense. Why don't you show the actual math? Oh because you can't.
Still the minority

Don't worry
The MSM will put in a good fight for him

and the Left still has the race card and class envy to use

You are starting to sound even sillier.

Al Qaeda defeated, the economy coming back, you have no bullets left.

Yes, the GOP is fearful of losing the house in 2012. Things are looking great.

A failed stimulus that faked Obama into claiming the economy was turning in the summer of 2010 only to have that shoved down is throat when it tanked again.

I am so worried that we will lose the house....not that anyone in the world is saying that...in fact, it looks like we will make more gains.

And we get back the senate. Then we defund obamacare.

I guess you are right...things are looking up.
The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade meltdown over good economic news continues.

did you bother to count the workers that gave up? the working pool class is not increasing based on the numbers but your to dumb to realize it. just continue to be spoon feed lies and one legged prop ups...like pavlov's dog...bark...heel...droool...good boy.

Good news for America really bothers you. I can tell.

Depends on what good news means.

If it means that obama slipped in the shower while porking Harry Reid (who also fell) and they both witll be in the hospital...that might be good news.

I never thought I'd see the day, I would actually want Joe Biden to run things.

We have arrived.
The stock market had dropped in half.... $9 trillion dollars of value wiped out.

And the housing market collapsed.

Housing and stocks the two most valuable items in the economy, dropping in value like a rock....

That's called deflation.

You never took economics in college did you?

That is called a market correction. Deflation takes time. This was rupture.

You should fire your economics teacher.

Never mind the overheated economy because of the subprime mortgage issues.

Are you really this stupid or do you come here just to be annoying ?>
Still speaking out your ass.

Are you saying that the dems didn't take over congress in Jan 2007 ?

You can blame it all on Bush.....but if we dare to give Obama credit 3 years (3/4 of his term) for the fact this mess hasn't gotten any better....all you do is bring up Bush.

You are pathetic only on your good days.

Things have been getting better.

We were losing 700k jobs month and 5% GDP a quarter when Obama took office. The economy was in a tail spin.

Now look.

This is why you people are getting laughed at and mocked.

By all means, show me who is laughing.

The economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Oh...and by the way....in 2008, the pundits were saying that the GOP was dead and buried. That it would never be the same again...that it would have to change a lot to ever get back in power. They were also saying that the dems had the house and senate for at least 10 years.


Didn't take you guys long to fumble that one. I, for one, thank you.

In 2012 we'll get the senate. And even with a load of whimps in the primary, we might still get the WH.

Keep laughing. It works wonders for us.

You listen to what the pundits say and take it with anything other than a girnormous grain of salt?

Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

That makes zero sense. Why don't you show the actual math? Oh because you can't.
Point is...the workforce has shrunk.
BTW I love how you went from "things aren't getting any better" to "things are getting better in spite of Obama" in back to back posts.

Well done!

Things have been getting better.

We were losing 700k jobs month and 5% GDP a quarter when Obama took office. The economy was in a tail spin.

Now look.

This is why you people are getting laughed at and mocked.

By all means, show me who is laughing.

The economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Oh...and by the way....in 2008, the pundits were saying that the GOP was dead and buried. That it would never be the same again...that it would have to change a lot to ever get back in power. They were also saying that the dems had the house and senate for at least 10 years.


Didn't take you guys long to fumble that one. I, for one, thank you.

In 2012 we'll get the senate. And even with a load of whimps in the primary, we might still get the WH.

Keep laughing. It works wonders for us.

You listen to what the pundits say and take it with anything other than a girnormous grain of salt?


So you expected to lose the house in 2010 ?

I don't think so.

When Bahy first said it might happen, Pelosi told him to start taking drugs.

You guys lost it big time.

Hope and Change got tossed out the window. The only reason the economy is coming back (and I know this is the case for my international multibillion dollar company) is because people saw that there was a roadblock to Mr. Socialism and there was enough confidence he would not spend us into oblivion...that they got off their piles of cash and started investing in America.

Even thought it is still no where near enough.

When the day comes that 8.3 is something to get excited about....we have arrived.

BTW: I noticed you had a great comback for the fact that the GOP did take the house in historic fashion two years have Mr Hope and Change (Spend and Apologize) took over.

Good job.
BTW I love how you went from "things aren't getting any better" to "things are getting better in spite of Obama" in back to back posts.

Well done!


Please inlcude the quotes.....it is always good to see the facts instead of wondering what else you are making up.

And did you expect to lose the house in 2010 ?

Your big victory in 2010 was NOT losing the senate.

You've come a long way baby.

The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012
Lets all hope it continues; regardless of party or affiliation.
2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

That makes zero sense. Why don't you show the actual math? Oh because you can't.
Point is...the workforce has shrunk.

It' at its highest level since feb 2009.
BTW I love how you went from "things aren't getting any better" to "things are getting better in spite of Obama" in back to back posts.

Well done!


Please inlcude the quotes.....it is always good to see the facts instead of wondering what else you are making up.

And did you expect to lose the house in 2010 ?

Your big victory in 2010 was NOT losing the senate.

You've come a long way baby.


Post 538, this mess isn't getting better.
Post 540, the economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Do you see why I don't take you nutters seriously now?


But yes, I did think the Dems were going to lose the House in 2010 because I didn't think things were going to improve much for a while after such a major meltdown. Frankly, I expected whoever got elected to be a one-termer too but the GOP is doing a great job blowing their chances and the economy has turned a bit of a corner.
BTW I love how you went from "things aren't getting any better" to "things are getting better in spite of Obama" in back to back posts.

Well done!


Please inlcude the quotes.....it is always good to see the facts instead of wondering what else you are making up.

And did you expect to lose the house in 2010 ?

Your big victory in 2010 was NOT losing the senate.

You've come a long way baby.


Post 538, this mess isn't getting better.
Post 540, the economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Do you see why I don't take you nutters seriously now?


But yes, I did think the Dems were going to lose the House in 2010 because I didn't think things were going to improve much for a while after such a major meltdown. Frankly, I expected whoever got elected to be a one-termer too but the GOP is doing a great job blowing their chances and the economy has turned a bit of a corner.

Thanks for providing the posts....I am not going to bother to explain the subtle differences from what you claim...you obviously swim in the kool aid.

Speaking of not taking things seriously, maybe you should get a job as a democratic strategist. If you really had that kind of vision, they could utilize it as they certainly denied that there was any chance they would lose the house:

From Time......\\

Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over? - TIME

These days, Republicans have the desperate aura of an endangered species. They lost Congress, then the White House; more recently, they lost a slam-dunk House election in a conservative New York district, then Senator Arlen Specter. Polls suggest that only one-fourth of the electorate considers itself Republican, that independents are trending Democratic and that as few as five states have solid Republican pluralities. And the electorate is getting less white, less rural, less Christian — in short, less demographically Republican. GOP officials who completely controlled Washington three years ago are vowing to “regain our status as a national party” and creating woe-is-us groups to resuscitate their brand, while Democrats are publishing books like The Strange Death of Republican America and 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation. John McCain’s campaign manager recently described his party as basically extinct on the West Coast, nearly extinct in the Northeast and endangered in the Mountain West and Southwest.

So are the Republicans going extinct? And can the death march be stopped? The Washington critiques of the Republican Party as powerless, leaderless and rudderless — the new Donner party — are not very illuminating. Minority parties always look weak and inept in the penalty box. Sure, it can be comical to watch Republican National Committee (RNC) gaffe machine Michael Steele riff on his hip-hop vision for the party or Texas Governor Rick Perry carry on about secession or Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann explain how F.D.R.’s “Hoot-Smalley” Act caused the Depression (the Smoot-Hawley Act, a Republican tariff bill, was enacted before F.D.R.’s presidency), but haplessness does not equal hopelessness. And yes, the Republican brand could benefit from spokesmen less familiar and less reviled than Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich, but the party does have some fresher faces stepping out of the wings. (Read seven clues to understanding Dick Cheney.)

The Democratic critiques of the GOP — that it’s the Party of No, or No Ideas — are not helpful either. It’s silly to fault an opposition party for opposition; obstructionism helped return Democrats to power. Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.

That’s the problem. The party’s ideas — about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else — are not popular ideas. They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base. A hard-right agenda of slashing taxes for the investor class, protecting marriage from gays, blocking universal health insurance and extolling the glories of waterboarding produces terrific ratings for Rush Limbaugh, but it’s not a majority agenda. The party’s new, Hooverish focus on austerity on the brink of another depression does not seem to fit the national mood, and it’s shamelessly hypocritical, given the party’s recent history of massive deficit spending on pork, war and prescription drugs in good times, not to mention its continuing support for deficit-exploding tax cuts in bad times.
That makes zero sense. Why don't you show the actual math? Oh because you can't.
Point is...the workforce has shrunk.

It' at its highest level since feb 2009.

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Yep back to work...

...at a much lower paying job with a house in foreclosure and no health insurance.

Due to government policy, not the 1%.
Last edited:
I like how Time Magazine equals "the Democrats" now.

I think we know who is swimming in the kool aid. Maybe someone with throw you a life preserver.

Subtle differences :lmao:
Still speaking out your ass.

Are you saying that the dems didn't take over congress in Jan 2007 ?

You can blame it all on Bush.....but if we dare to give Obama credit 3 years (3/4 of his term) for the fact this mess hasn't gotten any better....all you do is bring up Bush.

You are pathetic only on your good days.

Things have been getting better.

We were losing 700k jobs month and 5% GDP a quarter when Obama took office. The economy was in a tail spin.

Now look.

This is why you people are getting laughed at and mocked.

By all means, show me who is laughing.

The economy is getting better in spite of the loser we put in the White House.

Oh...and by the way....in 2008, the pundits were saying that the GOP was dead and buried. That it would never be the same again...that it would have to change a lot to ever get back in power. They were also saying that the dems had the house and senate for at least 10 years.


Didn't take you guys long to fumble that one. I, for one, thank you.

In 2012 we'll get the senate. And even with a load of whimps in the primary, we might still get the WH.

Keep laughing. It works wonders for us.


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