Unemployment falls to 8.3%

to the few
So sad, so far the American public is not buying the "bag of goods"
the Left is trying to sell this time

Boy, it sure was a lot easier when he had no record or resume to run on...

Feb 1, 2012
Gallup: Obama approval rating down in all but three states in 2011

Nationally, Obama's approval rating in 2011 averaged 44%, down from 47% a year earlier.

New state-by-state data released by Gallup on Tuesday shows that a majority of respondents approved of the president's performance
in only 10 states plus the District of Columbia, down from 13 a year earlier

Meanwhile the number of states where his approval rating was below 40% doubled in 2011, from 10 to 20.
That list now includes New Hampshire, where his approval rating was 38.7% -- the lowest score in any of the states he carried in 2008.

being Gallup, you know it means it is even worse for him
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to the few

Feb 1, 2012
Gallup: Obama approval rating down in all but three states in 2011

Nationally, Obama's approval rating in 2011 averaged 44%, down from 47% a year earlier.

New state-by-state data released by Gallup on Tuesday shows that a majority of respondents approved of the president's performance
in only 10 states plus the District of Columbia, down from 13 a year earlier

Meanwhile the number of states where his approval rating was below 40% doubled in 2011, from 10 to 20.
That list now includes New Hampshire, where his approval rating was 38.7% -- the lowest score in any of the states he carried in 2008.

being Gallup, you know it means it is even worse for him

You are whistling past the graveyard....

the graveyard where useless slogans like, Hope and Change will soon be buried, politically

Good thing, because it really is starting to smell bad

Hey think of it as a "shovel ready" job
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Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

Except that Obama got Gaddafi and Bin Laden, and Reagan sent Bin Laden and Saddam weapons.

Except that

Reagan had GDP growth rates like 5.1 percent, 9.3 percent, 8.1 percent, 8.5 percent, 8.0 percent, 7.1 percent

How many has Papa Obama had over 4%
In fact, he is the first President to not have one

Truth is hard for the Left
in fact it is their worst enemy

And Reagan wasn't fighting two wars and three months after Reagan took office, the North Shore oil started to flow.

Obama is better than Reagan.

Pretty much none of it.

I see. so how long should he be given to help employ these people before it is his failure?

4 more years?

The massive job loss we experienced from the crash will never be his failure.

In regards to getting those people back to work, he isn't failing....the economy is growing jobs now.

I see. so, if I said reagan had to clean up after carter, and none of the poor gdp and high unemployment was his fault because he had to let Volcker pop the inflationary/financial bubble, you'd be cool with that? and the deficit? is that Bushs too?

and you didn't answer my question Art.
just for shits and grins


jan 2009
unemployed 12 million
22.6% out of work 6 months or more

jan 2012
unemployed 12.8 million
42.9% out of work 6 months or more
just for shits and grins


jan 2009
unemployed 12 million
22.6% out of work 6 months or more

jan 2012
unemployed 12.8 million
42.9% out of work 6 months or more

Unemployed as in not working or as in only counting the lookers?
to the few
So sad, so far the American public is not buying the "bag of goods"
the Left is trying to sell this time

Boy, it sure was a lot easier when he had no record or resume to run on...

Feb 1, 2012
Gallup: Obama approval rating down in all but three states in 2011

Nationally, Obama's approval rating in 2011 averaged 44%, down from 47% a year earlier.

New state-by-state data released by Gallup on Tuesday shows that a majority of respondents approved of the president's performance
in only 10 states plus the District of Columbia, down from 13 a year earlier

Meanwhile the number of states where his approval rating was below 40% doubled in 2011, from 10 to 20.
That list now includes New Hampshire, where his approval rating was 38.7% -- the lowest score in any of the states he carried in 2008.

being Gallup, you know it means it is even worse for him

Actually Gallup and Rasmussen always lean Right, like Quinneapac and MSNBC lean Left.

2012 is anyone's ballgame. Right now, Obama is +2% over Romney on RCP (the only real source until October).
If the economy continues on it's current trend, Obama wins. If it stagnates (likely it will at least a bit) or declines, Romney wins.
Unless one of them makes a huge fcuk up...
They are highly suspect. January usually has a downturn due to holiday jobs being terminated. That is why seasonally adjusted is usually mentioned. All I know is employment was down in our area and so were used car sales. That normally signals a slowing national economy for some reason.
What vague notion there skinner? It's precisely what's going on. Sorry you are so fucking blind that you can't see it, and rather Gubmint run your life.

Point is? YOU wouldn't know true liberty if it hit you upside your thick head. YOU prefer the interference because it's ALL you know. You lack education and home training.

Gubmint isn't your friend. Go read the Founders Documents. They warned us long ago. YOU remain numbed to it and dismiss it.

I actually wasn't arguing that point, though I do disagree with it in part. (I do believe government has a place in people's lives, and then I do believe that there are parts that they need to stay out of.)

My point was that there was no link between that and people stopping looking for work.
It's all good. I dismiss my detractors. They aren't worth the time convincining...but worth every bit of my time demeaning for thier lack of education regarding the formation of this Republic away from tyranny...as the same detractors applaud the very same tyranny in a different time.

I want to go on the record here and say that I actually agree with libertarian notions about 60% of the time.

Unfortunately the 40% percent that I don't agree with, I disagree with strongly.

That being said, I have a lot more respect for true libertarians than for conservatives, and have more than a few libertarian friends.
I actually wasn't arguing that point, though I do disagree with it in part. (I do believe government has a place in people's lives, and then I do believe that there are parts that they need to stay out of.)

My point was that there was no link between that and people stopping looking for work.

No link between the government and continued unemployment Vast?

1. Heavy government spending inhibits loans for business.
2. Many folks are taking unemployment benefits while working side jobs.
3. Unemployment taxes are going up in my state and others.
We have fourteen pages of foreclosures in a county of 42,000. We have gained on the jobs front, but they are lower paying jobs. My 401(k) is still down from 2008. Savings seems to be up, but not enough to help people through very long. Where is the rebound going to come from?

But certainly, your 401k is not down from 2009, when Obama took office.

If it is, you need to fire whoever is handling your money.
No link between the government and continued unemployment Vast?

1. Heavy government spending inhibits loans for business.
2. Many folks are taking unemployment benefits while working side jobs.
3. Unemployment taxes are going up in my state and others.

NO, that's not what I said.

The posts that was referring to had to do with a comment I made about people no longer looking for work, and are thus no longer on unemployment.

T's comment was that they weren't looking for work anymore due to government regulation of their personal lives, and loss of funds from going into a higher tax bracket.
I see. so how long should he be given to help employ these people before it is his failure?

4 more years?

The massive job loss we experienced from the crash will never be his failure.

In regards to getting those people back to work, he isn't failing....the economy is growing jobs now.

I see. so, if I said reagan had to clean up after carter, and none of the poor gdp and high unemployment was his fault because he had to let Volcker pop the inflationary/financial bubble, you'd be cool with that? and the deficit? is that Bushs too?

and you didn't answer my question Art.

You can say whatever you want about Reagan. I wasn't even a year old when he was inaugurated and I spent most of his term watching cartoons, playing with GI Joes, and running around outside. You older folks can argue the timeline and intricacies of everything that went on from Carter's term to his. I didn't live it.

But that's all beside the point. What happened from Carter to Reagan doesn't change the fact that the economy went off a cliff in September of 2008 and was still tail spinning when Obama took office in 2009. It doesn't change the fact that the economy was losing 700k jobs a month when Barack took office. It doesn't change the fact that each month of employment doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there was no way that steep slope was going was going to be turned on a dime. And I answered your question. He isn't failing so I reject your premise. The economy is growing jobs and there's no way they are going to grow at the same trajectory (or anywhere close to it) in which we lost them after the crash.

The huge deficit is also a result of the crash. We were already running a $450 billion deficit when the crash hit and the massive unemployment left in it's wake put a huge gash in government receipts (the government took in $600 billion less for FY2009 than it did FY2008) which played a big role in blowing up the deficit.

The economy has turned the corner. He's going to get four more years.
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No link between the government and continued unemployment Vast?

1. Heavy government spending inhibits loans for business.
2. Many folks are taking unemployment benefits while working side jobs.
3. Unemployment taxes are going up in my state and others.

NO, that's not what I said.

The posts that was referring to had to do with a comment I made about people no longer looking for work, and are thus no longer on unemployment.

T's comment was that they weren't looking for work anymore due to government regulation of their personal lives, and loss of funds from going into a higher tax bracket.

I think government played a part. Older workers gave up and took SS. Some claimed SSDI as a way out. Others cheated and took UEI and worked under the table. Tax foreclosures took their homes and will to try.
just for shits and grins


jan 2009
unemployed 12 million
22.6% out of work 6 months or more

jan 2012
unemployed 12.8 million
42.9% out of work 6 months or more

Unemployment is a classic lagging indicator and the economy wasn't done shedding jobs in January 2009. You don't go from -700k one month to positive numbers the next. Each month doesn't exist in a vacuum.

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