Unemployment falls to 8.3%

You seem to think I'm a fence sitter. I'm not. Obama definitely inherited a bad economy. I mean it was SERIOUSLY Fcuked up by Bush before he got in. There. Is that definitive enough for you? Good! So here's the part LibDems won't like.
In the face of a financial crisis, what did he do? Same bailouts as Bush - just not quite as bad but still, BAD. History proves as much. Bailout of GM which history proves was a good idea. But where was the vast majority of his attention? Putting together a health care bill that was SO BAD, not one Dem mentioned it in the mid-terms. ObamaCare sucks balls (with the exception of two points in 2000 pages). Instead of saying "Hey you know what? Screw helath care for now, we've got a major crisis on our hands!" But did he? Nope.
He had the WH & congress and he did a whole lot of nothing.
There was much he could have done. For that he is responsible.

Your comments made me think you are a fence sitter. You try to equate the bullshit from the right with the fact-based comments from the left regarding who owns the bad economy and who is steering the ship into better waters.

The health care act is part of the plan for the economy. Just not one that will pay off in the man's first term. And...using it to explain your earlier comments is moving the goalposts. But.....that's what fence sitters do.

No you're wrong. The SEVEN MONTHS wasted on a POS health care bill that was so bad, the only Dems who mentioned in in '10, were the ones bragging they DIDN"T vote for it. It does NOTHING for the economy. Other than the pre-existing conditions & college age parts, there is just nothing good about it. And love the idea of penalizing those too poor to afford insurance companies - the only group that really benefits from it.
So Obama did NOTHING. ZERO.
he could have taken subsidies from Big Oil and poured them into American Small Business (the only real "job creators" and only businesses who pay their taxes 100% in the USA), in the form of full tax credits. He could have offered tax credits or at least breaks for the purchase of certain American products. Instead, the idiot promised a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs from the government. Excuse me Mr. President but there's that little matter about the bidding process and all the other bureaucratic mess before a single person can be hired. And btw, where ARE all those jobs?
Obama is not blameless.
That being said, I do like this recent Obama of the last year. The one with balls. The one who does stuff. This new version is much cooler than the mushy guy who was in the WH for the first two years.

May I say that I believe that you are an interesting person to have this discussion with?

The argument you are making, however, hinges upon some unknown result of what 'could have been" if this or that were done differently. The question of whether Barack Obama is or is not blameless.........must be preceded by a substantiated argument that things are WORSE than they were when he began his term. Since......as has been offered here in many forms by many people......the economy is better at this point than it was then.....assigning blame is a pointless exercise.

And....let me also point out that, if the disloyal opposition were not doing everything it could to spread misinformation and negative spin, those of us on the left would spend less time refuting their bullshit ( which comes off as Obama support ) and more time expressing dissatisfaction with the fact that the POTUS hasn't been even more progressive.
The bailout of GM was not a good idea. That money was wasted. It was the bankruptcy that saved GM and the bailout delayed that, causing MORE damage, not less.
Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

Except that Obama got Gaddafi and Bin Laden, and Reagan sent Bin Laden and Saddam weapons.

Still talking out your ass.

For Reagan's second term, it was given. The dems didn't even mount a threat. The sacraficed Mondale in what was a blowout.

Please be so stupid as to think that Obama is going to have that kind of support from this nation.

And then there will be no doubt you are the board moron.

He'll face either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich, neither of which have positive favorability ratings.

Unpopular challenger running against an incumbent president with an expanding economy, a positive trend in employment, an unassailable foreign policy record...

...when's the last time the challenger won under those circumstances?
Didn't Papa Obama claim the GM bailout would stop bankruptcy?

"The price tag of government bailouts for GM and Chrysler has climbed to more than $60 billion but failed to stop the bankruptcy many of us knew was inevitable six months ago,” DeMint said. “We could have saved the American people a lot of money if we allowed these companies to restructure last year. Instead, special interest politics trumped common sense and billions have been wasted and tens of thousands of jobs have been lost. Now the government has forced taxpayers to buy these failing companies without any plausible plan for profitability. Does anyone think the same government that plans to double the national debt in five years will turn GM around in the same time?”

SOURCE <June 2009



The employment numbers are 'up' only by estimation since the total employment pool has been reduced by millions of jobs and is now at one of its historically lowest participation levels in decades. GDP is up because deficit government spending is up, mostly.

These two charts explain the slight-of-hand pretty well.



And as for the stock market goes that is a bubble driven by quantitative easing programs over the last few years. The time will come when the spigot gets turned off then the whole house of cards will teeter until China or Europe collapse.

Glad you figured out that the stimulus worked, and baby boomers are retiring.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
And taking it the opposite direction and dividing it to conquer it for the sake of big government control.
[The employment numbers are 'up' only by estimation since the total employment pool has been reduced by millions of jobs and is now at one of its historically lowest participation levels in decades. GDP is up because deficit government spending is up, mostly.


You're an idiot. The employment number is a not a percentage. If 243,000 jobs were added in January, that's how many were added, period.
[The employment numbers are 'up' only by estimation since the total employment pool has been reduced by millions of jobs and is now at one of its historically lowest participation levels in decades. GDP is up because deficit government spending is up, mostly.


You're an idiot. The employment number is a not a percentage. If 243,000 jobs were added in January, that's how many were added, period.

Incorrect it is an estimate based on a survey.
The Porkulus package was supposed to keep unemployment BELOW 8%.

The latest figures is just a smoke screen since we've quit counting certain workers that are no longer looking for a job.

Oh, just wait till those 80K military troops are laid off in the next 1-2 years according to Obamination's slice up the military plan. There's some more people for the unemployment line.
The Porkulus package was supposed to keep unemployment BELOW 8%.

The latest figures is just a smoke screen since we've quit counting certain workers that are no longer looking for a job.

Oh, just wait till those 80K military troops are laid off in the next 1-2 years according to Obamination's slice up the military plan. There's some more people for the unemployment line.
Yep. Thier prospects are dim.

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