Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Wow! 243,000 New Jobs Created in January | The Economic Populist

First, ever since the credit crisis of 2008, there has been a trend in the unemployment report that shows a declining participation rate in the job market. While a whopping number of jobs were created in January, a far larger number of people left the labor force - 1,752,000 in fact. The percent of the total working population who did not have jobs rose to 36.7%, an all time high. It’s no wonder the unemployment rate fell, when the denominator shrinks so markedly. The total number of people employed fell by 737,000. So what do you want to celebrate – the 243,000 who got jobs, or the million or so people who dropped by the wayside and are no longer counted in the data?

It makes you wonder how much faith you can put in the Labor Department reports. For example, the government, the business press, and Wall Street rarely report on the fundamental ways in which the US labor market is changing, with so many people dropping out of the work force. The press has had a hard enough time getting to grips with the Labor Department’s Birth/Death model, which over time adds to the number of people reported as employed. The model is supposed to compensate for the inability of the government to get good information on the number of new businesses created every month and which presumably add to employment. The problem is the model has been shown in the past to have significantly overestimated the number of jobs created by new businesses. Economists still don’t know if the model is appropriate, and how much of the 243,000 jobs created this month are the result of the Birth/Death model.

The other odd thing about the January report is that it does not coincide with most other evidence about the US labor market. There have been tens of thousands of high paying jobs lost in recent months on Wall Street. American Airlines just announced it is cutting 14,000 employees this year. Challenger, Gray and Christmas, an executive outplacement firm that does job surveys, reported that this January job layoffs increased by 28%. The Gallup survey on business employment indicated a rise in unemployment at the start of this year.

Wow. But Is the Number Real? - NYTimes.com

The Labor Department estimated on Friday that the economy gained 243,000 jobs.

The department also estimated that the economy lost 2,689,000 jobs in the month.

Proving once again that there are lies, damned lies and statistics....

That statistic is a complete fallacy.

They only exist because the new population numbers from the Census were taken into account.

Which means that those numbers always existed, they just hadn't been counted, the employed as well as the unemployed.

And the ratios are the same.
[The employment numbers are 'up' only by estimation since the total employment pool has been reduced by millions of jobs and is now at one of its historically lowest participation levels in decades. GDP is up because deficit government spending is up, mostly.


You're an idiot. The employment number is a not a percentage. If 243,000 jobs were added in January, that's how many were added, period.

Lol, dumbass, I was NEVER arguing that it WAS a percentage.

The unemployment count is calculated by looking at an estimation of how many hirings there were and subtracting from that the estimated number of job losses. The difference is the job gain/loss report. What the Democrats did was to take one and a quarter million job seekers out of the count by deciding out of the blue that these people are no longer legitimately in the work force pool.

If you put even half the number of unemployed back into the work force pool that the Democrats dropped, last month was about another 400,000 job loss month as Obama has been running for the last couple of years or so.

Just like Democrat: if the numbers dont favor you then just twist them till they do.
There are 23.2 Million people that are unemployed.


Whose number is that?

True, Two thumbs, he got you on that.

There are 88 million unemployed that would prefer to be employed, but 7 million have been added to a pre-exiting 81 million under Obama.

So? U-6 is always higher than U-3, anyone with a brain knows that. When Bush had 5.8 unemployment in March of 2004,

U-6 was 10%. About 80% higher.

Now we have 8.3% UE, and U-6 is 15.1%, about 80% higher.

You idiots act as though this is some profound revelation. You're about 2 decades behind the curve.
[The employment numbers are 'up' only by estimation since the total employment pool has been reduced by millions of jobs and is now at one of its historically lowest participation levels in decades. GDP is up because deficit government spending is up, mostly.


You're an idiot. The employment number is a not a percentage. If 243,000 jobs were added in January, that's how many were added, period.

Lol, dumbass, I was NEVER arguing that it WAS a percentage.

The unemployment count is calculated by looking at an estimation of how many hirings there were and subtracting from that the estimated number of job losses. The difference is the job gain/loss report. What the Democrats did was to take one and a quarter million job seekers out of the count by deciding out of the blue that these people are no longer legitimately in the work force pool.

If you put even half the number of unemployed back into the work force pool that the Democrats dropped, last month was about another 400,000 job loss month as Obama has been running for the last couple of years or so.

Just like Democrat: if the numbers dont favor you then just twist them till they do.

The Democrats did no such thing. Stop listening to rightwing talk radio. Go to bls.gov and you can read exactly how the census numbers were revised and exactly what their effects were.

And of course you won't.

That number is U-6, and as I said about 12 times in this thread,

U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.

With more cooked numbers largely the result of dropping the worker participation count.

In terms of how likely it is that a person can find a job, you would look at the ratio of job openings to job seekers, and that is still in historically bad territory.


Most of these are part time job holders and artificial government job creations using government spending to inflate private sector job growth.

When the financial markets tank again, we will be back at 2008 levels of unemployment and worse, and that wont be Obama's fault, largely, but I suspect he will still get blamed by everyone that isnt a libereal Obamanista.
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What did I say above that was inaccurate specifically?

In the graph does the line drop too the 2009 level?

Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU



Lol, only a liberal would brag about this anemic 'recovery', lololol.

Edit: in complete fairness I must point out that it wasnt Obama that got us in this mess, nor Bush really either though the damage was done on his watch.

If you want to blame anyone, blame the Wall Street bankers for playing craps with Americans savings and investment capital.
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In the graph does the line drop too the 2009 level?

Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

The libtard is cherry picking his reference point, trying to make the comparison to late 2009 and not the open of 2009 like you are.

This economy has made some small proggress but it is so anemic I wouldnt brag about it being the result of three years of effort.

Obama has really dropped the ball, but fortunately for him Romney is there to save this election for him.
Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

The libtard is cherry picking his reference point, trying to make the comparison to late 2009 and not the open of 2009 like you are.

This economy has made some small proggress but it is so anemic I wouldnt brag about it being the result of three years of effort.

Obama has really dropped the ball, but fortunately for him Romney is there to save this election for him.

I know he's stupid trying to compare February 2009 with February 2012 It's February the 5th last time I checked there are more than 5 days in a month.
February 5th 2012 the line never goes too February 5th 2009 level.
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In the graph does the line drop too the 2009 level?

Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

He said, specifically, that it is at the lowest level it has been at since Feb 2009.

That does not imply that it is at the same level as in Feb 2009, just that it has not been at a lower level since Feb 2009.
Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

He said, specifically, that it is at the lowest level it has been at since Feb 2009.

That does not imply that it is at the same level as in Feb 2009, just that it has not been at a lower level since Feb 2009.
Nowhat he said was the U-6 WAS AT A 36 MONTH LOW.
February 5th 2012 the line never goes too February 5th 2009 level.
The black community is pissed at Obama because they say it took him 3 years to address unemployment. Before that it was only health care and every other bleeding-heart program he could come up with to make himself look like he gives a darn about the poor.

If you ask the poor they aren't seeing any improvement at all. As a matter of fact many of them have had their benefits cut in the last few months. Nobody got health care during the last 3 years even though the Affordable Health Care Act was passed years ago.
The numbers are good news for all Americans. They need to continue at 250 to 300K to replace the jobs lost.
Yes. To February 2009. This is FEBRUARY. January 2009 is 37 months ago.

Now again, tell what I said that was inaccurate. Or STFU
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

He said, specifically, that it is at the lowest level it has been at since Feb 2009.

That does not imply that it is at the same level as in Feb 2009, just that it has not been at a lower level since Feb 2009.

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate

The numbers are listed below the graph.

Just count back from Jan 2012 and see how many months you have to go before you hit 15.1 again.
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

He said, specifically, that it is at the lowest level it has been at since Feb 2009.

That does not imply that it is at the same level as in Feb 2009, just that it has not been at a lower level since Feb 2009.

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate

The numbers are listed below the graph.

Just count back from Jan 2012 and see how many months you have to go before you hit 15.1 again.
Here's that graph again

You can lie too yourself all you want. But the graph shows that the line never dropped to the 2009 level.

The libtard is cherry picking his reference point, trying to make the comparison to late 2009 and not the open of 2009 like you are.

This economy has made some small proggress but it is so anemic I wouldnt brag about it being the result of three years of effort.

Obama has really dropped the ball, but fortunately for him Romney is there to save this election for him.

I know he's stupid trying to compare February 2009 with February 2012 It's February the 5th last time I checked there are more than 5 days in a month.
February 5th 2012 the line never goes too February 5th 2009 level.

The latest numbers are for January, moron.
The black community is pissed at Obama because they say it took him 3 years to address unemployment. Before that it was only health care and every other bleeding-heart program he could come up with to make himself look like he gives a darn about the poor.

If you ask the poor they aren't seeing any improvement at all. As a matter of fact many of them have had their benefits cut in the last few months. Nobody got health care during the last 3 years even though the Affordable Health Care Act was passed years ago.

I hear you

The delusional promises of Progressivism have decimated the Black community
to one of being dependent on gov't. Plus, the left's dependency on dividing Americans along class and race has left the community unwilling/ fearful
to question Papa Obama, just because he is black. Indeed, one can see the radical reaction of the Left on blacks who are conservative.
One only has to see the recent Leftist reaction to the Susan G. Komen Foundation to see that liberals are really saying,
"Celebrate conformity — or else."

Sadly, the leftist leaders have no vested interest in truly helping the black community or the poor, in general,
become independent. Indeed when men have good non-gov't jobs; pay taxes, they tend to need less, want less and vote for less the politicians
who promote statism and crony capitalism. The Left is only interested in making sure that groups stay dependent on them and thus guaranteeing
them votes. Nothing more than the modern day Progressive version of "panem et circenses".

Johnston's Great Society was suppose to end poverty
We have more today and generational welfare dependence

Another dismal failure of Progressives
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