Unemployment falls to 8.3%

We are talking about your lying and duplicitous nature. Your behavior links the threads in which you post. You lie there, you will lie here. If you have posted in the GA thread, you have done it after I popped you here. Every time you lie, I neg rep you. XXXXX-Meister.

It was not in that thread you fucking dumb ass that I respond to your post.

OH here jake
Yesterday, 07:29 PM
You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

I am not going to call for a gang negging of you for lying. I will leave that up to the board members.

Your page that you linked http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/206552-judge-obama-eligible-to-be-georgia-candidate-2.html does not have you saying what you said.

I invite everyone to go to the link and investigate. Don't whine about neg reps when you negged me for telling the truth, and then I got you.

You caught yourself out again, bigreb. You are pathetic, simply a sad sad person.
It's ludicrous to say Obama is the reason for our current economic woes. He had a mess dumped on his lap. Oh well, you wanted to be president.
The notion that Obama has done something that hurt the economy is rarely supported by substantive facts or evidence. It's usually fluff.
However he could have done much to assuage the problems he inherited and instead, he blew the first 8 months of office on a POS health care plan that was so bad, the only Dems who dared mention it in the mid-terms, were the ones bragging they DIDN'T support it.
It is only during the last year he has done much.
2012 is anyone's race.

Here's the problem obama put all his energy and effort towards healthcare when he should have been applying it to the economy. He pushed now the economy is pushing back.

I thought was what I just wrote...

However the big difference between the views of Independents, LibDems and ConservaRepubLitarians is this:

Most Independents don't see Obama's biggest failure on the economy as the result of doing anything wrong, we see it being rooted in doing nothing for so long. We definitely don't buy into the crap that companies haven't hired just because the All-Powerful-Magical Obama exist on the planet. Kool-aid. He just spent months trying to earn political capital and score a victory by being able to say "Look ma, I fixed Health Care!". Too bad what he came up with was crap.
Many LibDems believe nothing is Obama's fault, everything is still Bush's fault and Obama could have done nothing better. Kool-Aid.:cuckoo:
Many ConseraRepubLitarians believe it's ALL or MOSTLY Obama's fault. Companies would never increase profits and hire while the All Powerful Obama exist! :cuckoo: Obama has passed laws or increased taxes! (um no). Oh and of course, if only we'd lower taxes on the rich and corporations, what hasn't worked for years, suddenly would (except payroll taxes! We need to fight that because Obama proposed it!). Kool Aid.

Everyone has skin in the game.
It was not in that thread you fucking dumb ass that I respond to your post.

OH here jake
Yesterday, 07:29 PM
Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

I am not going to call for a gang negging of you for lying. XXXXX-Meister.

Your page that you linked http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/206552-judge-obama-eligible-to-be-georgia-candidate-2.html does not have you saying what you said.

I invite everyone to go to the link and investigate. Don't whine about neg reps when you negged me for telling the truth, and then I got you.

You caught yourself out again, bigreb. You are pathetic, simply a sad sad person.

all they have to do is click the linked quote from BigFuckingLiar1775 in my sig, and they;ll have the whole story.
It was not in that thread you fucking dumb ass that I respond to your post.

OH here jake
Yesterday, 07:29 PM
Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

I am not going to call for a gang negging of you for lying. XXXXX-Meister.

Your page that you linked http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/206552-judge-obama-eligible-to-be-georgia-candidate-2.html does not have you saying what you said.

I invite everyone to go to the link and investigate. Don't whine about neg reps when you negged me for telling the truth, and then I got you.

You caught yourself out again, bigreb. You are pathetic, simply a sad sad person.

Dumb ass I never linked to that page you did. My response can be link to another thread. Remember jake people can view where the post came from

I told you I did not respond to your comment in that other thread. I said I responded to you in another thread.. I did it when you posted it in another thread which was off topic. Hell I'm not even subscribed to that thread. When was the last time I posted to it?

Don't whine about neg reps when you negged me for telling the truth, and then I got you.

Your lying is showing through. I wasn't whining nor did I call for a gang neg of you. You were the one that brought up negging someone. I didn't.

You caught yourself out again, bigreb. You are pathetic, simply a sad sad person.
You are delusional first you said I didn't respond to your post about obama birth certificate. I produce that post where I did. Then you say I am whining about you negging me. I wasn't the one who called for gang neg of you for lying. You're pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.
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Here is that post one more time dumb ass

Unemployment is 8.3 because the government says so.

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

Here is that post one more time dumb ass

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.



bigreb says he posted elsewhere. Give us that exact link, bigreb, so we can check the editing.

The fact you could not admit you were wrong in the original thread says bunch about you.

I don't believe you for a bit, and I doubt anyone else does either.
Here is that post one more time dumb ass

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.



bigreb says he posted elsewhere. Give us that exact link, bigreb, so we can check the editing.

The fact you could not admit you were wrong in the original thread says bunch about you.

I don't believe you for a bit, and I doubt anyone else does either.

Here's the post
Unemployment is 8.3 because the government says so.

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

And here's the link dumb son of a bitch.

posted Yesterday, 07:29 PM busted your lie when you said I didn't post about until now.
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Unemployment is 8.3 because the government says so.

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

This is not posted in the appropriate thread, for starters, the permalink has been deleted in the #638 position. Methinks bigreb is fooling around. I will point this out in the appropriate thread.

bigreb is not man enough to admit he is wrong in the right thread. This goes on file.
You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

This is not posted in the appropriate thread, for starters, the permalink has been deleted in the #638 position. Methinks bigreb is fooling around. I will point this out in the appropriate thread.

bigreb is not man enough to admit he is wrong in the right thread. This goes on file.

This is not posted in the appropriate thread, for starters,

Why did you post the original here in the first place? Don't give fucking excuses . I posted to your comment you lied about it now move on.
You finagled about the posting and did it inappropriately. I challenge you to go to the right thread and apologize for lying from the beginning. bigreb, you are a moral equivalent of a blood-sucking weasel. For shame on you.
A couple more quarters like this and the GOP will have a pretty hard time making their campaign mud stick to anything but their own faces.

A couple more wars, foreclosures, bankruptcies Obama gets into will have a pretty hard time making his campaign mud stick to anything but his own face.

Your boy started both wars, Obama just finished one. Foreclosures and bankruptcies? Aren't you conservatives the ones harping on about personal responsibility. Why is it Obama's fault if people have businesses that are failing or houses that are going into foreclosures? I thought your mantra was all about it being the person's own fault for not being able to afford the house, or run their business? You guys changed the goal posts now?
You finagled about the posting and did it inappropriately. I challenge you to go to the right thread and apologize for lying from the beginning. bigreb, you are a moral equivalent of a blood-sucking weasel. For shame on you.

You brought it to this thread and you're blaming me for replying to your post that you sent to me? Are you for fucking real? You posted it here and lied about me not commenting on it when I did and now it's my fault for you lying?
[You brought it to this thread and you're blaming me for replying to your post that you sent to me? Are you for fucking real? You posted it here and lied about me not commenting on it when I did and now it's my fault for you lying?

Which thread did you say you "accepted" it after lying in the other thread for some time that judge ruled in favor of Taitz? Sonny, you can't get out of this jam.

And go to the right thread and apologize to everybody if you want any chance of rehabilitating your worthless reputation.
[You brought it to this thread and you're blaming me for replying to your post that you sent to me? Are you for fucking real? You posted it here and lied about me not commenting on it when I did and now it's my fault for you lying?

Which thread did you say you "accepted" it after lying in the other thread for some time that judge ruled in favor of Taitz? Sonny, you can't get out of this jam.

And go to the right thread and apologize to everybody if you want any chance of rehabilitating your worthless reputation.
Jake when will you admit you just lied? I did not lie I said the Georgia Secretary of State will have the final say and I would accept the decision. I made a mistake and said the judge had the final say but early in that thread I corrected that comment. The title was a cut and paste from the source. So fuck off and stop blaming me for you lying.
How many days are in February? What is today's date? The line is above the January's 2009 level and it is also above the February 5th 2009 level. So shut the fuck up with your gubermint propaganda bullshit and move along.

What was U-6 in February 2009?
What does the chart show? to get the correct number you would have to go back to Feb 5th not the end of Feb 2009 or go back Jan. 2009 until Jan 2012

For 36 months you count January 2012, not January 2009. jeezus
What was U-6 in February 2009?
What does the chart show? to get the correct number you would have to go back to Feb 5th not the end of Feb 2009 or go back Jan. 2009 until Jan 2012

For 36 months you count January 2012, not January 2009. jeezus
36 months going back will be Jan. 2009 dumb ass. . Hell we are just getting started in Feb. and you want to count it? No data has been completed for Feb 2012.
None of the millions who have given up even looking for work are counted.

None of the millions who are working part-time because there are no real jobs are counted.

None of the tens of thousands of military soon to be out of work as The Apologist-In-Chief beats the drum for weakness and socialism will be counted.

But....don't worry....be happy......
You lied, first, that the judge ruled against Obama. You lied and lied and lied. When you finally were cornered and admitted you lied, you had not the balls to do it in the right thread. You are fail until you do the right thing, son.

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