Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Workers are now retiring at older ages because the incentives to retire have changed. Since the mid-1990s, the average retirement age has risen from 62 to 64 for men and from 60 to 62 for women, according to a new Center for Retirement Research at Boston College analysis of Census Bureau data. The trend toward later retirement has been driven by declines in traditional pensions and retiree health benefits offered by employers, changes in the way Social Security benefits are calculated, better education and health, and less strenuous jobs that people are able to perform at older ages.

Average Retirement Age Grows - Planning to Retire (usnews.com)

A quarter of middle-class Americans are now so pessimistic about their savings that they are planning to delay retirement until they are at least 80 years old -- two years longer than the average person is even expected to live.

25% of Americans expect to wait until age 80 to retire - Nov. 16, 2011

Wrong again Ed.
If 1 out of 4 are waiting to retire, how does that change the fact that 3 out of 4 are not waiting???

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.

Yep, and the average is now two years OLDER than what you said was a shringking age to retirement.
And Boomers turned 65 in 2011. I already showed that more workers retired or became disabled in 2011 than the 1.2 million who left the workforce in 2011 that CON$ claim left because they were discouraged. I want to see some numbers that prove that 1.2 million workers became discouraged in 2011.
They are NOT from the labor dept and you already know that. If you had bothered to click on the links you would have seen they were from the Social Security reports to Congress.

And prove, as you claim, that no one has hired replacements for the retirees, let's see your numbers and not from GOP propaganda. And I'm still waiting for your proof that there were 1.2 million discouraged workers in 2011, again with numbers not from GOP propaganda. :lol:

The adjustment increased the estimated size of the civilian noninstitutional population in December by 1,510,000, the civilian labor force by 258,000, employment by 216,000, unemployment by 42,000, and persons not in the labor force by 1,252,000.

Employment Situation Summary

Discouraged workers are recorded as not in the labor force.

btw, that was just the correction ON TOP of the number previously given throughout the year.
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If 1 out of 4 are waiting to retire, how does that change the fact that 3 out of 4 are not waiting???

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.

Yep, and the average is now two years OLDER than what you said was a shringking age to retirement.
And Boomers turned 65 in 2011. I already showed that more workers retired or became disabled in 2011 than the 1.2 million who left the workforce in 2011 that CON$ claim left because they were discouraged. I want to see some numbers that prove that 1.2 million workers became discouraged in 2011.

Numbers from the obama propaganda department?
You have no numbers that you can trust, thus whatever you post is nonsense. You are an extremist who wants America to fail rather than not get his perverted form of Americanism. Not going to happen, wing nut.

The numbers I trust is what I can see from the industry I am in. Construction is the monitor of the economy, when construction is booming the economy is booming, when it's in a dry spell well the economy goes with it. It's been this way for a very long time.
Let's see the numbers that prove your claim, and not from GOP propaganda sources.
They are NOT from the labor dept and you already know that. If you had bothered to click on the links you would have seen they were from the Social Security reports to Congress.

And prove, as you claim, that no one has hired replacements for the retirees, let's see your numbers and not from GOP propaganda. And I'm still waiting for your proof that there were 1.2 million discouraged workers in 2011, again with numbers not from GOP propaganda. :lol:

The adjustment increased the estimated size of the civilian noninstitutional population in December by 1,510,000, the civilian labor force by 258,000, employment by 216,000, unemployment by 42,000, and persons not in the labor force by 1,252,000.

Employment Situation Summary

Discouraged workers are recorded as not in the labor force.

btw, that was just the correction ON TOP of the number previously given throughout the year.
Retirees and disabled workers are also recorded as not in the labor force and they total over 1.37 million. So prove just how many of your 1.2 million were discouraged and not retired or disabled!!!
You have no numbers that you can trust, thus whatever you post is nonsense. You are an extremist who wants America to fail rather than not get his perverted form of Americanism. Not going to happen, wing nut.

The numbers I trust is what I can see from the industry I am in. Construction is the monitor of the economy, when construction is booming the economy is booming, when it's in a dry spell well the economy goes with it. It's been this way for a very long time.
Let's see the numbers that prove your claim, and not from GOP propaganda sources.

Where are those numbers to support what you said.
The numbers I trust is what I can see from the industry I am in. Construction is the monitor of the economy, when construction is booming the economy is booming, when it's in a dry spell well the economy goes with it. It's been this way for a very long time.
Let's see the numbers that prove your claim, and not from GOP propaganda sources.

Where are those numbers to support what you said.
Already posted more than once, your turn, and not from GOP propaganda sources.
Retirees and disabled workers are also recorded as not in the labor force and they total over 1.37 million. So prove just how many of your 1.2 million were discouraged and not retired or disabled!!!

Not in the labor force (Current Population Survey)
Includes persons aged 16 years and older in the civilian noninstitutional population who are neither employed nor unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary. Information is collected on their desire for and availability for work, job search activity in the prior year, and reasons for not currently searching. (See Marginally attached workers.)

Marginally attached workers (Current Population Survey)
Persons not in the labor force who want and are available for work, and who have looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months (or since the end of their last job if they held one within the past 12 months), but were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. Discouraged workers are a subset of the marginally attached. (See Discouraged workers.)

BLS Glossary

I think you need to prove a retired person fits into the "not in the labor force" category. The definition seems to contradict you.
The numbers I trust is what I can see from the industry I am in. Construction is the monitor of the economy, when construction is booming the economy is booming, when it's in a dry spell well the economy goes with it. It's been this way for a very long time.
Let's see the numbers that prove your claim, and not from GOP propaganda sources.

Where are those numbers to support what you said.

You made the original claim, then argued you could not support it.

OK, OP fail, and no other responses are needed until you step up.
Already posted more than once, your turn, and not from GOP propaganda sources.

They are flawed cooked fake numbers. They do not match up with how the economy is reacting.
You have no numbers, only unsubstantiated GOP propaganda.

We are at an impasse, I view the government numbers as skeptical because they have rapidly drop as we close to the 2012 election. You are skeptical of the source I posted because to you it seems like it GOP propaganda. But the truth is my source shows a better view of the economy than your source does in an election year.
A retiring person is not discouraged in looking for work, they are leaving the workforce for retirement. Inserting retirees into this category would not make for very useful data.

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