Unemployment Rate Really 10% ... says Sanders!

I believe the capital gains distinction should end for capitalists whenever wages don't outpace inflation for labor.
Wages have been outpaced by inflation for at least the past 30 years.

Not even the top one percent have kept up.

If even the one percent hasn't kept up, as you say, why do you lefties constantly want to take more from them and claim they are getting richer? Are you saying the richest of the rich are having trouble affording things?
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Can make the percentage pretty much whatever you want. Stand out front of a Home Depot it's probably a lot higher. ;)
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.

Are you saying that only a little over 5% claim benefits? If what you say is true, the unemployment rate is 33% since just shy of 110 million people in the country receive some form of means tested handouts.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Can make the percentage pretty much whatever you want. Stand out front of a Home Depot it's probably a lot higher. ;)

Try asking those standing in front of HD for a social security number so you can 1099 them at the end of the year and see how quickly they could run. Mexico could use these guys in the Olympics and when they're on the starting line tell them that an employers wants that information. Usain Bolt wouldn't stand a chance.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

The truth is, whatever the number, it's still double that of whites. Perhaps you could tell the whole truth.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

The truth is, whatever the number, it's still double that of whites. Perhaps you could tell the whole truth.

this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

The truth is, whatever the number, it's still double that of whites. Perhaps you could tell the whole truth.

The SECOND LINE of my link said that, fuckwit.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

The truth is, whatever the number, it's still double that of whites. Perhaps you could tell the whole truth.


So as long as the black boy could get his own people to vote for him, he doesn't about their situation related to jobs. Apparently the blacks don't care either as long as they get someone that looks like them in office.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

Or, you could tell the truth...

The truth is, whatever the number, it's still double that of whites. Perhaps you could tell the whole truth.

The SECOND LINE of my link said that, fuckwit.

You last answer of "So?" shows you really don't care about it. As long as the Democrats can keep black folks on the plantation, all is good with them.
I believe the capital gains distinction should end for capitalists whenever wages don't outpace inflation for labor.
Wages have been outpaced by inflation for at least the past 30 years.

Not even the top one percent have kept up.
care to cite how you reached your conclusion? wages outpaced inflation during the lowest unemployment in thirty years, during a previous democrat administration.

Top one percent income in 1986: $232,581

Those peaks you see on the chart are stock market bubbles. The top one percent own 50 percent of the stock market and bonds. If you follow the trend line, you see their income reverted to the trend in 2009 when the last bubble burst.

Top one percent income in 2009: $343,927.

Here is an inflation calculator: CPI Inflation Calculator

You will find that $232,581 in 1986 dollars is equal to $455,266.70 in 2009 dollars.

So it is as I said, not even the top one percent have kept up with inflation. They are more than $100,000 away from where they should be just to keep up with inflation. Put another way, they are 25 percent poorer than they were 30 years ago.
Sounds like special pleading, to me.
Special pleading?

Those are the facts he presented.

We don't care about facts anymore

Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer reacts to Hillary Clinton's handling of the House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: That's They knew it was a terror attack. They got it from Gregory Hicks, who was on the ground in Tripoli who told them that. He had ended up demoted in the State Department for having transgressed against the Secretary. And yet, they go ahead, they put Susan Rice on that weekend. And tell a tale that is completely false. Spontaneous demonstration, out of control, et cetera, of the video. I think that's where the emphasis ought to be.

Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.
If that is what you know then you know incorrectly. The unemployment rates are very clearly defined. VERY clearly.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.
Uh-huh... and please ask Bernie where the 94 million "out of work" number comes into play?

Why, does it actually matter?
The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this,
We know that is pure BULLSHIT!
The UE rate has absolutely NOTHING to do with UI benefits.

What matters is being able to compare one era with another. To see how unemployment from now compares to a year ago, 8 years ago, 16 years ago etc.

Whether the Unemployment rate is 5.5 or whatever matters in the comparison. If people understand statistics then they'll understand what is being said. People who don't know won't, and it's their problem.
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.
If that is what you know then you know incorrectly. The unemployment rates are very clearly defined. VERY clearly.

Are you making a point here...?
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.
Uh-huh... and please ask Bernie where the 94 million "out of work" number comes into play?

Why, does it actually matter?
I don't think it does matter when discussing the real unemployment rate, which is why I'm wondering why Bernie brought it up in the first place, either he's completely math challenged (not surprising given the fact that he appears to think resources are infinite) or he put it out there as a deception device to exaggerate the real unemployment situation, in either case his other claims regarding the labor market are suspect.
Unemployment Rate Really 10% ... says Sanders!

...at least ONE Democrat is willing to admit it....
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.

Are you saying that only a little over 5% claim benefits? If what you say is true, the unemployment rate is 33% since just shy of 110 million people in the country receive some form of means tested handouts.

No, that isn't what I'm saying.

I'll be a little clearer. There are part time people who can also collect benefits. But they're not collecting benefits for being unemployed. They're collecting for being under employed.

The unemployment rate of 5.3% or whatever it is right now is the number of people looking for work and available to work.

10.5% includes people who are underemployed, part time workers. They're clearly not unemployed as they do actually have a job, even if it isn't a full time job. This rate is 10.5%.


"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to people who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to count every unemployed person each month, the government conducts a monthly survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940, when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. In 1942, the U.S. Census Bureau took over responsibility for the CPS. The survey has been expanded and modified several times since then. In 1994, for instance, the CPS underwent a major redesign in order to computerize the interview process as well as to obtain more comprehensive and relevant information."

"There are about 60,000 eligible households in the sample for this survey. This translates into approximately 110,000 individuals each month, a large sample compared to public opinion surveys, which usually cover fewer than 2,000 people. The CPS sample is selected so as to be representative of the entire population of the United States. In order to select the sample, all of the counties and independent cities in the country first are grouped into approximately 2,000 geographic areas (sampling units). The Census Bureau then designs and selects a sample of about 800 of these geographic areas to represent each state and the District of Columbia. The sample is a state-based design and reflects urban and rural areas, different types of industrial and farming areas, and the major geographic divisions of each state."

So the percentage figure is taken from a cross section of society to give a relative idea.

This is based on:

"People with jobs are employed. 
People who are jobless, looking for a job, and available for work are unemployed.
The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force."
this HTML class. Value is http://dailycaller.c

Liberals finally can't declare Conervatives & GOP are making up or manipulating the unemployment numbers! Bernie Sanders, one of the 2 DNC nominees/candidates for President, is tired of the Obama administration lies and Obama Spin machine, and he presents Americans with the current FACTS:

94,610,000 Americans are out of work.

10 % Unemployment

Black teen unemployment rate 30%, 6 times higher than Obama's false claim of 5.1%

Illegal job employment rate higher than rate for Americans...

Job creation rate in SEPT lowest since 1977, only 44% when 50% neeed to sustain level of critically needed yet dwindling Middle Class

There are different rates for different things. The unemployment rate is generally those able to claim benefits. We all know this, and it's important. However there's the rate of people out of work who should be working, ie, not rich retired people etc.
Uh-huh... and please ask Bernie where the 94 million "out of work" number comes into play?

Why, does it actually matter?
I don't think it does matter when discussing the real unemployment rate, which is why I'm wondering why Bernie brought it up in the first place, either he's completely math challenged (not surprising given the fact that he appears to think resources are infinite) or he put it out there as a deception device to exaggerate the real unemployment situation, in either case his other claims regarding the labor market are suspect.

The 10% figure is the U6 unemployment figure. It includes people who are underemployed too.

Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons

Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons"


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