Unequal distribution of wealth

Does the middle class have a better shot at making a comeback if Obama creates another $2T in debt?

The middle class, oh you mean the new poor. You know the ones whose wealth was so nicely distributed to the poor that are not you.

I think you're missing the point. Our earnings aren't going to be taken from us...

Go rant and rave about Obama and the socialist conspiracies elsewhere
We all understand very well where you are coming from.

The middle class, oh you mean the new poor. You know the ones whose wealth was so nicely distributed to the poor that are not you.

People are saying under George W. Bush, America had the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover. Wages were stagnant, George W. Bush had the worst job creation record of any President in history, concluding in the worst economic catastrophe since the great depression

People are saying????

Wow....that's a reliable source. :gives:

He's following in the footsteps of The One, who always includes the strawman "there are those who want to put widows and orphans out on the street by extending the Bush tax cuts..." nonsense.

There are those...
People say...

It's just rhetorical tripe and treacle.
There is a romanticized notion of "robin hood" going on. Take from the rich and give to the poor. [/COLOR]
Actually what's been going on since the corporatist puppet came to power in 1980 is taking from the middle-class and giving to the rich.

If you happen to be a Libertarian you should know that the propaganda being served to you is financed by those who stand to gain most from your efforts on their behalf. The reality is unless you are among the super-rich a tax increase on the upper income levels will work to your advantage.
The middle class, oh you mean the new poor. You know the ones whose wealth was so nicely distributed to the poor that are not you.

People are saying under George W. Bush, America had the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover. Wages were stagnant, George W. Bush had the worst job creation record of any President in history, concluding in the worst economic catastrophe since the great depression

"People " are saying, huh? Was that with the democratic Congress and Senate?
By the way, I did quite well under Clinton And under Bush financially.
that's nice. It has nothing to do with anything. But thanks for sharing that.
The middle class, oh you mean the new poor. You know the ones whose wealth was so nicely distributed to the poor that are not you.

People are saying under George W. Bush, America had the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover. Wages were stagnant, George W. Bush had the worst job creation record of any President in history, concluding in the worst economic catastrophe since the great depression

Even if that were the case, Obama's even more horrible record is worse than Bush's after only 2 years.

Obama's record of 2 years vs Bush's 8 years?

stop trolling.
The middle class, oh you mean the new poor. You know the ones whose wealth was so nicely distributed to the poor that are not you.

I think you're missing the point. Our earnings aren't going to be taken from us...

Go rant and rave about Obama and the socialist conspiracies elsewhere
We all understand very well where you are coming from.


Fuck you.

I use his own words as a guide.

Explosive dependency on government redistribution is not a middle class.

the unemployed should be given 6 months to find employment

(and should receive NO government handouts!)

after which, if not employed, they should be either
a. kicked out of the country (to swim until they drown in the ocean?)
b. sold into slavery
c. hunted down in the wilderness by rich people in helicopters
d. executed in public as a warning to other lazy, good for nothing bums

denying the top 1% of the population the right and the ability to own ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is typical liberal socialistic balderdash!
People are saying????

Wow....that's a reliable source. :gives:

being part of Right Wing World I can see how you mistake a rational person premising something with 'people are saying' as a source. It is for most peopel a turn of phrase...not meant as a source.

On Right Wing World media "people are saying" is often used as extra proof. As is "more people watch FOX than CNN" is proof that FOX must be more correct.

try refuting the content of a post or an argument. You might just learn something -- about yourself. :eusa_whistle:
Poor Dainty.

He's so sad that the world isn't populated with sparkly unicorns and luck dragons.
People are saying????

Wow....that's a reliable source. :gives:

being part of Right Wing World I can see how you mistake a rational person premising something with 'people are saying' as a source. It is for most peopel a turn of phrase...not meant as a source.

On Right Wing World media "people are saying" is often used as extra proof. As is "more people watch FOX than CNN" is proof that FOX must be more correct.

try refuting the content of a post or an argument. You might just learn something -- about yourself. :eusa_whistle:

The content was crap. My guess is you don't even know what the tactic you're using is called. What term is used for the propagation of a lie passing it off as truth and then assuring it is spread out to as many people as possible.

My suggestion is maybe you try to be less of an ass and then you wouldn't have to deal with getting your silly stereotypical BS thrown back at you.
the right wing trolls have taken over. they always do when it looks like the Middle Class and average Americans get a hearing.

They call wealth, job creation. They ignore that jobs are not created when wealth is thrown at wealth.

Middle Class tax cuts are being held hostage to a $700 billion dollar give away to American's wealthiest and greediest citizens and corporations.
Notice that only lowering the super wealthy's taxes (Capital Gains/Dividends) is OK but lowering the taxes for the working class is wealth redistribution and class warfare?
Those crazy wingnuts just keep shooting themselves in the foot, all for a few crumbs that MAY fall of the wealthy's table that MIGHT fall their way.

No, actually Obama will keep all tax brackets from rising.

But, how can you cut Federal income taxes for the lower 48% of wage earners who pay no Federal income taxes?
The same way you cut taxes for Exxonmobile :eusa_shhh:
This "socialism" hyberbole is the sign of people listening to all the wrong sources. They paint their picture with the old USSR or China in their minds. This is not a way to gain credibility amongst intelligent folks, but it'll do wonders with your right wing peers.
Here's a good article by conservative Andrew Sullivan called "The Big Lie". Read it if you dare.
The Big Lie - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Notice that only lowering the super wealthy's taxes (Capital Gains/Dividends) is OK but lowering the taxes for the working class is wealth redistribution and class warfare?
Those crazy wingnuts just keep shooting themselves in the foot, all for a few crumbs that MAY fall of the wealthy's table that MIGHT fall their way.

No, actually Obama will keep all tax brackets from rising.

But, how can you cut Federal income taxes for the lower 48% of wage earners who pay no Federal income taxes?
The same way you cut taxes for Exxonmobile :eusa_shhh:


Do Wealthiest Corporations Pay Taxes in America?

U.S. Companies Dodge $60 Billion in Taxes With Global Odyssey - as reported in the Communist Bloomberg News :lol:


Exxon Mobil paid no federal income tax in 2009

The joke goes, The economy is so bad Exxon Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.


"If you've ever wondered how it's possible that you pay more to the IRS than General Electric...Microsoft, for example, has its overseas subsidiaries license software to its US parent company in return for handsome royalties that get taxed at lower overseas rates. Exxon limits its tax pain with the help of 20 wholly owned subsidiaries domiciled in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands that shelter cash flow from operations in the likes of Angola, Azerbaijan, and Abu Dhabi....Now quit your carping and get back to filling out that 1040!"

- Slashdot News Story | What the Top US Companies Pay In Taxes


How Multinational Corporations Dodge Taxes


and the Conservative Supreme Court has just allowed these pay-little-to-no-taxes corporations to influence our elections with money they avoided paying into US tax coffers. All while crying American taxes are too high. :eek:
And what does any of that have to do with the "have nots" wanting what the "haves" have?

I understand what you are saying about company towns, but that has nothing to do with wealth distribution. Social "responsibility" is not wealth distribution.
Seems wealth redistribution is a problem only seen by the Right as what the world sees as "Taxation".

The Left sees wealth redistribution as the unfair and exploitative accumulation of wealth by the few for the benefit of the few and not for the benefit of those who actually produced the wealth.

How did so many Conservatives get either so fabulously wealthy they can justify their position or get so duped to think that if only a few people get rich it's a good thing for society?

I am not fabulously wealthy....but the left would still take from me to give to the poor. I work hard for what i have, i don't work so that it can be taxed away for others to enjoy what i earn.

There are abusers in every facet of life. Employers abuse their employees. Employees abuse their employers. The government abuses their citizens. And their citizens abuse their government.

If things were different, we wouldn't have needed to invent courts of law.

Your argument can't be 'refudiated'. Higher taxes do hurt economic growth.

Taxes are necessary. Death and taxes, as Ben said.

You resent your tax dollars being spent on aid to single parent households, the elderly, and the unemployable. You claim such folks are 'enjoying' their way in life. Can you tell me why?
If one monkey has 100 bananas, it matters not to him if his neighbor has 10,000 bananas, if his 100 is more than he or anyone else will ever need and none are in want.

However, if one barely has enough to get buy- let alone if one is starving- while another sits atop bananas he can never eat and giving a monkey in a black gown a few extra bananas to see to it that one is not allowed to get in the way of the rich monkey's banana harvest,,,

ok you have more than I do give me half of what you own and we will call it even.

oh I'm sorry dante doesn't like this reply.

So dante can't put your money where your mouth is? Can't support your belief that everybody should share equally? dante you are pathtic
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