Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

But not for the reason you bloodsuckers say.

Japan's problem is that it's demographically aging, and it's not letting in immigrants to make up the difference.

And debt to GDP of 220%.

You union parasites get part of it.

Again, Japan is still reeling from the housing bust where real estating was selling for a million dollars for a little apartment in Tokyo...

They are still doing better than we are on employment and standard of living, but a large part of it is that they don't think a CEO should get 8 figures for failing...

No, they are reeling from bad economic policies of the last 20 years that seek to preserve existing jobs at the expense of innovation, something you support.
It really all comes down to whether one understands American exceptionalism or doesn't. Those who look longingly at Europe or Japan or some other place as what they think America should be I think have lost sight of what exceptionalism is, as well as not being well schooled in history of what it accomplished when it was allowed to work.

We either believe in unalienable rights or we don't.
We either believe in self-governance or we don't.
We either believe that liberty requires no limits on what a person may ethically and legally achieve, or we don't.
We either believe it that short of violating somebody else's rights, the property owner must be free to do with his property what he wishes or we don't.
We either believe that private property is a right to be protected, or we believe in the principle of the collective and/or a concept of kings.
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It really all comes down to whether one understands American exceptionalism or doesn't. Those who look longingly at Europe or Japan or some other place as what they think America should be I think have lost sight of what exceptionalism is, as well as not being well schooled in history of what it accomplished when it was allowed to work.

We either believe in unalienable rights or we don't.
We either believe in self-governance or we don't.
We either believe that liberty requires no limits on what a person may ethically and legally achieve, or we don't.
We either believe it that short of violating somebody else's rights, the property owner must be free to do with his property what he wishes or we don't.
We either believe that private property is a right to be protected, or we believe in the principle of the collective and/or a concept of kings.

Rather near sighted, foxfyre, and slanted.

We the People believe in inalienable rights.

We the People believe in self-governance and in republican government.

We the People understand that liberty may not violate ethics and values of decency and goodness.

We the People understand that property rights are not absolute.

We the People understand that we are our brother and sister's keeper.
It really all comes down to whether one understands American exceptionalism or doesn't. Those who look longingly at Europe or Japan or some other place as what they think America should be I think have lost sight of what exceptionalism is, as well as not being well schooled in history of what it accomplished when it was allowed to work.

We either believe in unalienable rights or we don't.
We either believe in self-governance or we don't.
We either believe that liberty requires no limits on what a person may ethically and legally achieve, or we don't.
We either believe it that short of violating somebody else's rights, the property owner must be free to do with his property what he wishes or we don't.
We either believe that private property is a right to be protected, or we believe in the principle of the collective and/or a concept of kings.

Rather near sighted, foxfyre, and slanted.

We the People believe in inalienable rights.

We the People believe in self-governance and in republican government.

We the People understand that liberty may not violate ethics and values of decency and goodness.

We the People understand that property rights are not absolute.

We the People understand that we are our brother and sister's keeper.

Well sorry Jake, but American exceptionalism allows people to be "greedy" in earning prosperity. It does NOT allow people to be "greedy" in wanting the government to give them what other people have earned.

And it does NOT expect people to be other people's keepers which assumes that some people need to be kept. (I have long taught that the passage in Genesis is grossly misinterpreted by you folks on the left and being somebody's 'keeper' is not something anybody should aspire to be.)
It really all comes down to whether one understands American exceptionalism or doesn't. Those who look longingly at Europe or Japan or some other place as what they think America should be I think have lost sight of what exceptionalism is, as well as not being well schooled in history of what it accomplished when it was allowed to work.

We either believe in unalienable rights or we don't.
We either believe in self-governance or we don't.
We either believe that liberty requires no limits on what a person may ethically and legally achieve, or we don't.
We either believe it that short of violating somebody else's rights, the property owner must be free to do with his property what he wishes or we don't.
We either believe that private property is a right to be protected, or we believe in the principle of the collective and/or a concept of kings.

Rather near sighted, foxfyre, and slanted.

We the People believe in inalienable rights.

We the People believe in self-governance and in republican government.

We the People understand that liberty may not violate ethics and values of decency and goodness.

We the People understand that property rights are not absolute.

We the People understand that we are our brother and sister's keeper.

Well sorry Jake, but American exceptionalism allows people to be "greedy" in earning prosperity. It does NOT allow people to be "greedy" in wanting the government to give them what other people have earned.

And it does NOT expect people to be other people's keepers which assumes that some people need to be kept. (I have long taught that the passage in Genesis is grossly misinterpreted by you folks on the left and being somebody's 'keeper' is not something anybody should aspire to be.)

Not only near sighted and slanted but also shifted. "Greedy" is fine as long as it does not violate the law. And, yes, the American social compact has been part of our inheritance since the 17th century in America. That you misunderstand Genesis is also apparent.
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And Japan is really fucked if they don't do something dramatic soon.

But not for the reason you bloodsuckers say.

Japan's problem is that it's demographically aging, and it's not letting in immigrants to make up the difference.

There are millions of immigrants in Japan, including many migrant workers. After the tsunami and in light of the economy quite a few have been returning to their home countries lately. There is an on-going training program for nurses from Indonesia being brought in specifically to deal with the increasing need for elder care and other medical services.
Just to keep the record straight re those low unemployment numbers in Germany that JoeB uses to further blugeon American capitalism:

One of the hardest things to get in this world is a truthful, or at least a somewhat realistic, or at the very least a not totally fabricated unemployment number, but every country has its own bureaucratic madness in pursuing obfuscation.
And Germany is no exception. Official unemployment—3,081,706 unemployed and an unemployment rate of 7.3%—dropped to a two-decade low in January, but a recreational dive into the Federal Labor Agency’s monthly report (Monatsbericht) reveals another story. . . .


YOu mean that they find other methods to take care of people..

Oh my gosh. Actually taking care of people. What a horrible concept.

Don't you peasents know you only exist to make Mitt Romney Rich?

You know, you are not obligated to repeat your lefty talking points bullshit every five fucking seconds, you broken record douche.
Again, Japan is still reeling from the housing bust where real estating was selling for a million dollars for a little apartment in Tokyo......

Still reeling from almost two decades of trying to have the government spend its way out of the pits with things like make-work projects and 'stimulus' and raising taxes.
No, I'm against free trade because of this...


That's how much wealth we've been bleeding out since the 1970's.

Free trade hurts nearly everyone.

Mercantilism is a discredited concept in economics.


So says the Wall Street Bloodsucker...

Frankly, I'm just not seeing how running trillions in trade deficits is good for the country.

Just. Not. Seeing. It.

Not to mention completely losing the ability to manufacture certain things at all.

We won WWII because of our ability to manufacture on an unprecedented scale. Today, could we do that, if let's say, China completely lost its mind like Nazi Germany and attempted global domination?

And this is the problem. You aren't even a freakin' American, lecturing to me about what is good for America.

The problem for YOU is that he clearly understands it better than you do.
Mercantilism is a discredited concept in economics.


So says the Wall Street Bloodsucker...

Frankly, I'm just not seeing how running trillions in trade deficits is good for the country.

Just. Not. Seeing. It.

Not to mention completely losing the ability to manufacture certain things at all.

We won WWII because of our ability to manufacture on an unprecedented scale. Today, could we do that, if let's say, China completely lost its mind like Nazi Germany and attempted global domination?

And this is the problem. You aren't even a freakin' American, lecturing to me about what is good for America.

The problem for YOU is that he clearly understands it better than you do.

Uh, yeah, okay.

Except we've been listening to people like him for 30 years, and you drive through a city like Cleveland which looks like a ghost town because all the factories have closed down...

Tell me again how this is a good?

Oh, because a few rich douchebags can get car elevators for their mansions? Really?

The Bourbons probably thought everything was fine until they got their asses dragged to the Guillotine...
Fucking lefty drama queen. Planning your 'glorious revolution,' Precious?

Duly noted yo don't have an answer. We totally understand.

You do realize that largely abandoned cities and empty factories is a bad thing, right?

I mean, put on your thinking cap.

If people can't get good paying jobs, and have to rely on the government, are they going to be more likely to vote for Republicans or Democrats?

You wingnuts (as opposed to sensible conservatives) whine all day that half the population doesn't pay income taxes (not an accurate figure, but let's go with it.)

What possible incentive do these people have to vote for a Republican?

Republicans haven't won the midwest or northeast since 1988.

I mean, Sweet Evil Jesus, you may not be capable of compassion, but you should be capable of self-preservation.
Fucking lefty drama queen is indulging some fantasy of isolationism as the 'solution' to competition and market economics. Hey drama queen, hop a flight over to North Korea and see how a stupid fucking attitude like yours works out.
Let me guess, fucking lefty drama queen wants to nationalize all industries so his central planning committee can monitor all the barriers to trade that will 'save' the oppressed workers until the one world government is ready to take over and the workers of the world can truly unite.
Fucking lefty drama queen is indulging some fantasy of isolationism as the 'solution' to competition and market economics. Hey drama queen, hop a flight over to North Korea and see how a stupid fucking attitude like yours works out.

Why do you pick a totally non-relevent example to make your point?

Never said I was for "Isolationism". I am for doing what every other country in the world does, protect its key strategic industries from lo-cost imports.

Which everyone does- except us.

Now, yeah, I think we should do some things to be more competitive. Like actually invest in education, (Spend smarter, not more) and infrastructure.
Let me guess, fucking lefty drama queen wants to nationalize all industries so his central planning committee can monitor all the barriers to trade that will 'save' the oppressed workers until the one world government is ready to take over and the workers of the world can truly unite.

No, but I think not giving companies huge tax breaks when they move their plants overseas would probalby be smart.

Except in Unky-land... where no doubt he worries someone might not be able to buy a polo pony if he can't cheat his workers.

Cook their polo ponies and serve them with Grey Poupon.

I think it's pretty unreasonable to insist that American businesses should have safe, non-toxic work places and then make them compete with people who don't give a shit, don't you?

Or do you think we should have unsafe toxic work places, too?
Let me guess, fucking lefty drama queen wants to nationalize all industries so his central planning committee can monitor all the barriers to trade that will 'save' the oppressed workers until the one world government is ready to take over and the workers of the world can truly unite.

No, but I think not giving companies huge tax breaks when they move their plants overseas would probalby be smart.

Except in Unky-land... where no doubt he worries someone might not be able to buy a polo pony if he can't cheat his workers.

Cook their polo ponies and serve them with Grey Poupon.

I think it's pretty unreasonable to insist that American businesses should have safe, non-toxic work places and then make them compete with people who don't give a shit, don't you?

Or do you think we should have unsafe toxic work places, too?

What tax breaks does the US government offer companies to offshore production?
Fucking drama queen keeps his dog-eared copy of Das Kapital open while posting.

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