United Nations City Center removes Free Speech in Human Hamster Zone


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

Sustainable Development Park Violates Artist’s First Amendment Rights
Prison Planet.com » Sustainable Development Park Violates Artist?s First Amendment Rights

Comment: Well here we go. This place is a Sustainable development outlet for UN, ie Elite designs for the future. I come from Santa Cruz and that has been growing their for over 20 years, even before Agenda 21 was signed by Bush in 92.

Then the started propping up these open air human prisons, There is one is San Jose California, their is one is Santa Rosa California, there is one in Salt Lake City and many more...

These are open air prison systems for the masses. Where you, work, live and play in basic block systems of control. Well here is another, where free thought is fought.

UN Agenda 21 is the take over plan from the power our founding fathers fought at our birth, they are popping up all over the world. Your county, doesn't matter where you live, you probably have them or there is a great effort to support them. !!!

In these places international ideas are enforced. And by their masters they will support Satanism, "Notice Yoga" in this example. Yoga is Hindu prayer...basically to the devil via the body. That's ok in these places, but Christian thought is not. Nor, thought against evil. Evil is support though with a fancy coffee drink.

In these designs by the satanic elites...you will be allowed to do everything needed to serve the self proclaimed elite in their design. (In Chains) Anything that is out of their "system of control is banned" See "Committee of 300" book.

UN AGENDA 21 is the plan of the evil elites for this Century, again of who our founders fought at our birth. Their designs mean total control of the masses, which they see as their useless cattle to be done with "as they see wilt." Do you understand this?

These places are popping up all over the place. Don't think you will be left alone. More so your kids.

You need to ask your self, are you a free man or woman, or are you a slave to the system of Earth...who's king isn't very nice. And who's rulers claim everything under the sun, while they have no claim to it.

In the end it will be up to God to make judgement, but for now an evil ruling class who has taken over most of the Earth by their willingness to lie or MURDER or do whatever is needed (WAR) to hold their sick claim of control in a finite ( Dream) world is at work and is at full force.

I didn't have kids because I knew this was coming, but I think I make a mistake, I should of had kids because I knew this was coming. Well, I'm out the the picture now, but you with children should be aware of whats coming for your young. They will show no mercy, they never have, they only want to take.

So when you see these words in your area, (warm and fuzzy) be alert. Global UN AGENDA 21

They don't mean to help you, they mean to KILL you an yours, or at best give yours chains under them.

That is the new world order. A kingdom of total evil over all good.
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This is very important and very active in every ones lives in the USA. AND EVERYWHERE ELSE!

If its not in your town now, it will be and it will take only prisoners. That is all it will take. The rest...DEAD!

NO JOKE, UN AGENDA 21 is no Joke, created by the biggest mass murderers on the whole planet...they aren't kidding!!!!!

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