Universal Healthcare in the US


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it

some of your ideas = socialism

bottom line = capitalism is not compatible with everyone being taken care of health wise, or in any other regard
I would be ok with trying something if the constitution gets amended.
It would take a lot of work though.
I think its silly to compare small european countries to america as well.
330m people makes a difference. Especially when almost a hundred million dont pay taxes.
I would be ok with trying something if the constitution gets amended.
It would take a lot of work though.
I think its silly to compare small european countries to america as well.
330m people makes a difference. Especially when almost a hundred million dont pay taxes.

It has to be recognized by everyone then not to abuse the system. If we still have hordes of people in emergency rooms with the flu, drunk homeless people sleeping off the Mad Dog, and government employees wasting millions of dollars in resources we will bankrupt the galaxy in 10 years. HC can be made much more affordable by fixing tort laws and and getting rid of the egregious regulatory scheme that forces medical companies to keep platoons of lawyers on salary just to ensure compliance with every congressional whim.

Unfortunately I don't see that happening, and "medical vacations" to hospital resorts in 3rd world countries will be way more common than they already are.

I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it

some of your ideas = socialism

bottom line = capitalism is not compatible with everyone being taken care of health wise, or in any other regard
except i'm not going one way vs the other. both are viable options for people.

in the end we far more have an insurance problem than healthcare. healthcare is fine, it's paying for it that is an unholy mess. when i was unemployed and had to pay cash, *every single bill* i did that for was cut in 1/2 or more because it *was* paying cash.

that alone was very telling to me.
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it

some of your ideas = socialism

bottom line = capitalism is not compatible with everyone being taken care of health wise, or in any other regard
except i'm not going one way vs the other. both are viable options for people.

in the end we far more have an insurance problem than healthcare. healthcare is fine, it's paying for it that is an unholy mess. when i was unemployed and had to pay cash, *every single bill* i did that for was cut in 1/2 or more because it *was* paying cash.

that alone was very telling to me.

it's called capitalism, free enterprise, ROI, making a profit, etc.

The majority of endeavors in this nation involve the potential for profit; health care included.

No; we can NOT have it both ways.

Sorry; aint gonna happen.
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?

Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it

some of your ideas = socialism

bottom line = capitalism is not compatible with everyone being taken care of health wise, or in any other regard
except i'm not going one way vs the other. both are viable options for people.

in the end we far more have an insurance problem than healthcare. healthcare is fine, it's paying for it that is an unholy mess. when i was unemployed and had to pay cash, *every single bill* i did that for was cut in 1/2 or more because it *was* paying cash.

that alone was very telling to me.

it's called capitalism, free enterprise, ROI, making a profit, etc.

The majority of endeavors in this nation involve the potential for profit; health care included.

No; we can NOT have it both ways.

Sorry; aint gonna happen.
yea, ok. and this is why compromise is so hard to find anymore.

if you're worried about socialistic ideas in our gov - you're too late. we already have some in place and have for a long long time. but hey - rage on. i'm out.
I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?

Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application

Is the education there free for future doctors? What is the average tax rate? What do they spend on the military? Are there lobbyists?
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I get why people want it and I am fine with it but you have to learn to crawl and walk before you run:
  1. In other countries where it exists, they are smaller AND education is basically free or inexpensive. In the US we have the best schools but it costs an average of $400k in tuition to become a doctor. Why would people still do that if they cannot get compensated for it and via Universal Care their compensation would be lower.
  2. We need to ban lobbyists. They are illegal in most of those countries. Lobbyists push for politicians to enable the insurance companies to make $$$. Under the ACA the insurance companies have seen record profits. For you bleeding heart leftists, this should be break even, correct?
  3. You have to raise taxes.
Until you fix the three above, debating Universal Healthcare is not practical. Learn to crawl and walk before you run. You just want to RUN RUN RUN!!!

I agree that our insurance system is broken. Insurance companies are profit driven and there are a ton of administrative costs to boot. There is a better solution but it is NOT Universal Healthcare because we cannot get there until we fix the aforementioned three items listed.

Unless the Left is OK with MDs having a 5% federal tax bracket for the life of their practice?
and therein lies our "problem".

a doctor in germany won't make what a doctor in the US can make. they also don't have all the regulations we have and their hospitals are usually older that we may be used to over here. so comparing price tags is easy and most stop there and just bitch because there's a difference. but unfortunately very few example why we have differences well enough to articulate the problem to others.

we could however simply build a different system for those who can't for whatever reason fully utilize the existing system *and* fund education of doctors as well.

ie -

young person wants to be a doctor, can't afford it.
goes to a gov funded college/program and graduated with his tuition paid. other expenses can be negotiated as needed.
when student graduates, they must work "X" number of years in a government hospital to repay the loan / tuition.
when done, they can stay/go or do whatever they want to do with their career.
if they wish to end their "internship/repayment" early then payout the "loan" to get them the education and be done with it

some of your ideas = socialism

bottom line = capitalism is not compatible with everyone being taken care of health wise, or in any other regard
except i'm not going one way vs the other. both are viable options for people.

in the end we far more have an insurance problem than healthcare. healthcare is fine, it's paying for it that is an unholy mess. when i was unemployed and had to pay cash, *every single bill* i did that for was cut in 1/2 or more because it *was* paying cash.

that alone was very telling to me.

it's called capitalism, free enterprise, ROI, making a profit, etc.

The majority of endeavors in this nation involve the potential for profit; health care included.

No; we can NOT have it both ways.

Sorry; aint gonna happen.
yea, ok. and this is why compromise is so hard to find anymore.

if you're worried about socialistic ideas in our gov - you're too late. we already have some in place and have for a long long time. but hey - rage on. i'm out.

agreed; who with the power to compromise is going to 'give in' when dealing with an extremely lucrative business, that ALSO happens to deal with the issues of life & death?

Yes, the US has a long history of socialism & it is embedded in our society, even as much as those on the right kick & scream about it, as if they were in Hell, the socialist leaning policies that have been in our society for generations are not going anywhere.

Don't look for any improvements in health care/health insurance in the US; it will only become more convoluted & corrupt as time moves forward.
Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application

Do you believe for one second the democrooks will create a system like that?

Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application

Do you believe for one second the democrooks will create a system like that?


well, we certainly KNOW the Republicans will NOT

Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the Nazis already proved that one
Is the education there free for future doctors? What is the average tax rate? What do they spend on the military? Are there lobbyists?

Are you stupid?



All of the above?

Or do you just want someone else to do your work for you so you can sit back and snipe at them.

In the Philippines I went to a very nice hospital with a bad case of the shits after drinking openly fermented coconut wine.

I saw a gastro-intestinal specialist for $35 and got a bottle of Amoxicillin. I could have gone to another one for $5 but it wasn't somewhere I'd want to go. Then they have "free" clinics most of us wouldn't take our pets too. The thing is it's a tiered system. They don't have people dropping dead waiting for services like victims of our VA system or the goat fuck they created in the UK.

Get government out of the industry, and it will be affordable.

That's the bottom line.

well, we certainly KNOW the Republicans will NOT

Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the Nazis already proved that one

Richard Milhouse Nixon made Universal Health Care the main topic of his 1973 SoU speech.

Teddy Kennedy blocked all Republican efforts to get it started.

Republicans offered 5 Health Care bills, two of which were farther-reaching and covered more people than the Lying Cocksucker's ACA.

They were rejected out of hand by dimocrap scum.

These things are historical FACTS. But you aren't aware of them because you're stupid.

And I am not interested in educating stupid bitches like you. Look it up for yourself, loser
Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application

Do you believe for one second the democrooks will create a system like that?


If I'm not mistaken Switzerland has a better handle on Welfare and Social Security, enabling more funds to be directed to their Health Care system.

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