Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

There is a correlation.

The more GOVERNMENT gets involved with HEALTHCARE, the more HEALTHCARE costs, and the worse the service gets....
yeah that's why our GOP healthcare scam costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country it's between 9 and 12. Congratulations everything you know is 100% wrong, super duper.

Other countries don't necessarily spend that much.

Who is wrong ?

Stupid question. Which surprises me coming from you, Sun Devil. Franco is a Leftist idiot and is always wrong. If Hillary Clinton told him the Sun was purple and the Earth was flat he would believe her and call you and me morons for disagreeing. He is also a stupid Bills fan. How do you spell Bills?


But it is true that one of our biggest economic problems is that we have trouble competing globally because our products cost more, due to private health insurance overhead.
If we had public heath care, all our products would cost far less, (15% or so), and we could then export a whole lot more.
All the governments that have made public health care, have greatly reduced the costs

That's the biggest "health care lie" there is.


Government NEVER DOES unless it is in front of a firing squad.
Zero to do with the ACA. I have private insurance.
Everything in the health system is controlled by ACA. Your private insurance can no longer cut you off or charge you more than the annual cap etc etc, dingbat. Hyannis is incredibly Rich it's where the Kennedys are in their compound.


Average Salary in Hyannis, Massachusetts
Employees in Hyannis, Massachusetts make an average salary of $47,812. As of Q2 2018, the trend in wages is up 0 percent.

average income hyannis ma - Google Search


Average home price is $315k.

LOL - Hyannis is far from rich.

Look up Brookline MA and see how that compares.

That not only makes Hyannis about twice the norm, but even higher since it is more rural, and rural should be much lower than urban.
The fact you can come up with much worse NE suburbs, does not help.
And we are not talking about the how the residents are treated in a hospital, but how wealthy tourists are treated as being different.

How would they know if I am a resident or a tourist? I walked in with my daughter and my insurance card?

Locals can always tell tourists.
Clothing, familiarity with the locals, address on insurance card, license plates, appearance, accent, etc.
They may also error on the side of catering to the wealthy.
But they also may have so few poor or indigent, they don't care.
If a poor person gets good treatment once in a while, it won't cost them that much.
But in a place like Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., there is an obvious difference how people are treated, based on income.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Its about an hour drive, maybe a little more. There is no such thing as a different accent LOL. Same accent. Why are you so obsessed with the poor and indigent? I live in Boston and we have better hospitals than Cape Cod. You're really clueless about life. Good God.
The ONLY way we ever see "universal healthcare" is if the "healthcare" is devastatingly bad. Leftists don't recognize that, they think money grows on trees, so long as it's someone else's money.
yeah that's why our GOP healthcare scam costs 18% of GDP

Your side has absolutely no credibility on this issue at all. The biggest rip-off ever of the US taxpayer was W and the post 1998 GOP socializing senior drugs, but there you and your side were cheering it on, even to the point of NOT EVEN INVESTIGATING THIS CLEARLY IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE by the uber treasonous W Administration....

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted."

and this in a nutshell is 100% about the Democrats. W helped the Democrats and big government rip off the taxpayer. The Democrats never investigated W's threats to silence that actuary, whose analysis was 100% static, meaning the old timer receiving 3 prescriptions in 2003 would continue to get 3 in 2005. What really happened is the old timer went to 8 prescriptions, and 5 went to grand son to be sold at the local high school...



It is true that the bill that claimed to reduce drug costs for the elderly actually ended up costing them more, but that had nothing to do with the democrats.

The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act,[1] also called the Medicare Modernization Act or MMA, is a federal law of the United States, enacted in 2003.[2] It produced the largest overhaul of Medicare in the public health program's 38-year history.
The MMA was signed by President George W. Bush on December 8, 2003, after passing in Congress by a close margin
According to the New York Times December 17, 2004 editorial W.J."Billy" Tauzin, the Louisiana Republican who chaired the Energy and Commerce Committee from 2001 until February 4, 2004 was one of the chief architects of the new Medicare law.[6][7] In 2004 Tauzin was appointed as chief lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the trade association and lobby group for the drug industry with a "rumored salary of $2 million a year,"[6] drawing criticism from Public Citizen, the consumer advocacy group. They claimed that Tauzin "may have been negotiating for the lobbying job while writing the Medicare legislation."[7][8] Tauzin was responsible for including a provision that prohibited Medicare from negotiating prices with drug companies

Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act - Wikipedia
Everything in the health system is controlled by ACA. Your private insurance can no longer cut you off or charge you more than the annual cap etc etc, dingbat. Hyannis is incredibly Rich it's where the Kennedys are in their compound.


Average Salary in Hyannis, Massachusetts
Employees in Hyannis, Massachusetts make an average salary of $47,812. As of Q2 2018, the trend in wages is up 0 percent.

average income hyannis ma - Google Search


Average home price is $315k.

LOL - Hyannis is far from rich.

Look up Brookline MA and see how that compares.

That not only makes Hyannis about twice the norm, but even higher since it is more rural, and rural should be much lower than urban.
The fact you can come up with much worse NE suburbs, does not help.
And we are not talking about the how the residents are treated in a hospital, but how wealthy tourists are treated as being different.

How would they know if I am a resident or a tourist? I walked in with my daughter and my insurance card?

Locals can always tell tourists.
Clothing, familiarity with the locals, address on insurance card, license plates, appearance, accent, etc.
They may also error on the side of catering to the wealthy.
But they also may have so few poor or indigent, they don't care.
If a poor person gets good treatment once in a while, it won't cost them that much.
But in a place like Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., there is an obvious difference how people are treated, based on income.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Its about an hour drive, maybe a little more. There is no such thing as a different accent LOL. Same accent. Why are you so obsessed with the poor and indigent? I live in Boston and we have better hospitals than Cape Cod. You're really clueless about life. Good God.

Each suburb has its own accent.
Do you think Brooklyn has the same accent as Long Island?
But you miss the point in that when health care is based on profits, then obviously care will differentiate depending on if minimal government subsidy vs deluxe and tax exempt private insurance.
Cape Cod is not going to have as many indigent, so is less likely to work at weeding out the poor.
It is true that the bill that claimed to reduce drug costs for the elderly actually ended up costing them more, but that had nothing to do with the democrats.

This is why your "impeachment" bullshit is so laughable.

Here your side had a sitting GOP President THREATENING a taxpayer funded actuary to SHUT UP OR ELSE about a cost estimate which the White House then hid and

LIED TO THE CONGRESS about the cost of the bill

which your side then PASSED and NEVER INVESTIGATED.

Your side CHEERS when the US taxpayer gets ripped off.

Your side has a spazzy hissy fit any time it is investigated for STEALING.... which is what your side does.
The ONLY way we ever see "universal healthcare" is if the "healthcare" is devastatingly bad. Leftists don't recognize that, they think money grows on trees, so long as it's someone else's money.

In the US we now have devastatingly bad health care, with over 100,000 deaths annually due to medical malpractice.
Almost every other country in the world has better health care for half the cost, by going public.

The reason public health care cost less and is better quality is because you remove the layers of cost who supply nothing, like insurance companies.

Average Salary in Hyannis, Massachusetts
Employees in Hyannis, Massachusetts make an average salary of $47,812. As of Q2 2018, the trend in wages is up 0 percent.

average income hyannis ma - Google Search


Average home price is $315k.

LOL - Hyannis is far from rich.

Look up Brookline MA and see how that compares.

That not only makes Hyannis about twice the norm, but even higher since it is more rural, and rural should be much lower than urban.
The fact you can come up with much worse NE suburbs, does not help.
And we are not talking about the how the residents are treated in a hospital, but how wealthy tourists are treated as being different.

How would they know if I am a resident or a tourist? I walked in with my daughter and my insurance card?

Locals can always tell tourists.
Clothing, familiarity with the locals, address on insurance card, license plates, appearance, accent, etc.
They may also error on the side of catering to the wealthy.
But they also may have so few poor or indigent, they don't care.
If a poor person gets good treatment once in a while, it won't cost them that much.
But in a place like Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., there is an obvious difference how people are treated, based on income.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Its about an hour drive, maybe a little more. There is no such thing as a different accent LOL. Same accent. Why are you so obsessed with the poor and indigent? I live in Boston and we have better hospitals than Cape Cod. You're really clueless about life. Good God.

Each suburb has its own accent.
Do you think Brooklyn has the same accent as Long Island?
But you miss the point in that when health care is based on profits, then obviously care will differentiate depending on if minimal government subsidy vs deluxe and tax exempt private insurance.
Cape Cod is not going to have as many indigent, so is less likely to work at weeding out the poor.

No. That is untrue, LOL. No difference at the Cape or in Boston. Of course its based on profits. My point was our wait was nothing. But anyone could have gone in there. The healthcare system sucks but we still have the best doctors and medical advancements. IDGAF about your "poor and indigent". The poor here live like kings with smart phones, $100 sneakers and cable TV. Stop your bullshit.
The ONLY way we ever see "universal healthcare" is if the "healthcare" is devastatingly bad. Leftists don't recognize that, they think money grows on trees, so long as it's someone else's money.

In the US we now have devastatingly bad health care, with over 100,000 deaths annually due to medical malpractice.
Almost every other country in the world has better health care for half the cost, by going public.

The reason public health care cost less and is better quality is because you remove the layers of cost who supply nothing, like insurance companies.

100k out of 330 million? That is 1/3 of 1%. Thats nothing!
It is true that the bill that claimed to reduce drug costs for the elderly actually ended up costing them more, but that had nothing to do with the democrats.

This is why your "impeachment" bullshit is so laughable.

Here your side had a sitting GOP President THREATENING a taxpayer funded actuary to SHUT UP OR ELSE about a cost estimate which the White House then hid and

LIED TO THE CONGRESS about the cost of the bill

which your side then PASSED and NEVER INVESTIGATED.

Your side CHEERS when the US taxpayer gets ripped off.

Your side has a spazzy hissy fit any time it is investigated for STEALING.... which is what your side does.

The Medicare Modernization Act we are speaking of, was written by Dennis Hassert, a republican.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said,[7]

I think if seniors want to know why the pharmaceutical companies made out so well at their expense, all they have to do is look at this. This is an abuse of power. This is a conflict of interest.

— House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi 2004
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act - Wikipedia
was written by Dennis Hassert, a republican.

I know. The post 1998 GOP has been as bad or worse than the Dems. But it was your side that had W in an impeachable offense situation and did nothing about it because your side LIKED SOCIALIZING SENIOR DRUGS period.

Your side was complicit with the post 1998 GOP and has been all along including about 911...
That not only makes Hyannis about twice the norm, but even higher since it is more rural, and rural should be much lower than urban.
The fact you can come up with much worse NE suburbs, does not help.
And we are not talking about the how the residents are treated in a hospital, but how wealthy tourists are treated as being different.

How would they know if I am a resident or a tourist? I walked in with my daughter and my insurance card?

Locals can always tell tourists.
Clothing, familiarity with the locals, address on insurance card, license plates, appearance, accent, etc.
They may also error on the side of catering to the wealthy.
But they also may have so few poor or indigent, they don't care.
If a poor person gets good treatment once in a while, it won't cost them that much.
But in a place like Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., there is an obvious difference how people are treated, based on income.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Its about an hour drive, maybe a little more. There is no such thing as a different accent LOL. Same accent. Why are you so obsessed with the poor and indigent? I live in Boston and we have better hospitals than Cape Cod. You're really clueless about life. Good God.

Each suburb has its own accent.
Do you think Brooklyn has the same accent as Long Island?
But you miss the point in that when health care is based on profits, then obviously care will differentiate depending on if minimal government subsidy vs deluxe and tax exempt private insurance.
Cape Cod is not going to have as many indigent, so is less likely to work at weeding out the poor.

No. That is untrue, LOL. No difference at the Cape or in Boston. Of course its based on profits. My point was our wait was nothing. But anyone could have gone in there. The healthcare system sucks but we still have the best doctors and medical advancements. IDGAF about your "poor and indigent". The poor here live like kings with smart phones, $100 sneakers and cable TV. Stop your bullshit.

But the POINT is that poor people do NOT go there.
A presumption of wealth likely worked in your favor.
It is silly not to admit that reality.
Again, to tell how bad US health care is, you have to put on old clothes and go to an inner city hospital.
Why are you even arguing about this?
It is what average people experience that counts, not at some vacation resort.
The ONLY way we ever see "universal healthcare" is if the "healthcare" is devastatingly bad. Leftists don't recognize that, they think money grows on trees, so long as it's someone else's money.

In the US we now have devastatingly bad health care, with over 100,000 deaths annually due to medical malpractice.
Almost every other country in the world has better health care for half the cost, by going public.

The reason public health care cost less and is better quality is because you remove the layers of cost who supply nothing, like insurance companies.

100k out of 330 million? That is 1/3 of 1%. Thats nothing!

That is ridiculous.
It is not 100k out of 330 million.
There are NOT 330 million people going to the ER every year.
Only about 4 million a year are admitted to hospitals.
And the point is our rate of malpractice deaths is over twice that of countries with publlc health care.
How would they know if I am a resident or a tourist? I walked in with my daughter and my insurance card?

Locals can always tell tourists.
Clothing, familiarity with the locals, address on insurance card, license plates, appearance, accent, etc.
They may also error on the side of catering to the wealthy.
But they also may have so few poor or indigent, they don't care.
If a poor person gets good treatment once in a while, it won't cost them that much.
But in a place like Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., there is an obvious difference how people are treated, based on income.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Its about an hour drive, maybe a little more. There is no such thing as a different accent LOL. Same accent. Why are you so obsessed with the poor and indigent? I live in Boston and we have better hospitals than Cape Cod. You're really clueless about life. Good God.

Each suburb has its own accent.
Do you think Brooklyn has the same accent as Long Island?
But you miss the point in that when health care is based on profits, then obviously care will differentiate depending on if minimal government subsidy vs deluxe and tax exempt private insurance.
Cape Cod is not going to have as many indigent, so is less likely to work at weeding out the poor.

No. That is untrue, LOL. No difference at the Cape or in Boston. Of course its based on profits. My point was our wait was nothing. But anyone could have gone in there. The healthcare system sucks but we still have the best doctors and medical advancements. IDGAF about your "poor and indigent". The poor here live like kings with smart phones, $100 sneakers and cable TV. Stop your bullshit.

But the POINT is that poor people do NOT go there.
A presumption of wealth likely worked in your favor.
It is silly not to admit that reality.
Again, to tell how bad US health care is, you have to put on old clothes and go to an inner city hospital.
Why are you even arguing about this?
It is what average people experience that counts, not at some vacation resort.

I am an average person. It was not a "resort". Some of the best hospitals in Boston are in run down areas. You know not of what you speaketh and again IDGAF about the fake poor and indigent.
Every state has Medicaid 4 the indigent. Only a few scumbag red states don't have expanded medicaid with Obamacare for those who make less than about $1,400 a month.

Not every state is wealthy enough to encourage freeloading through expanded medicaid. Nothing to do with "scumbag".

What would you suggest Texas cut to do this?

WV, KY, AR, and LA are very poor states...they all expanded medicaid.

Now other states are poorer.

Great job !!!
You dont think folks should have healthcare?

Sure, if they work and pay for it, they should have whatever they are willing to work for.

If you are saying I should give up my money to pay for your health care, no.

Why should I work like a slave, for your benefit? When I went to the hospital, I paid for it. Because that's what a man does. You pay for what you want. That's normal.
Good for you. But I dont buy into your premise that people wh cant afford it are not working just as hard as you.
NHS Waiting List over 4 million Long.
12th August 2019 by Healys

In 2018, official figures showed the waiting list for an NHS operation was over 4.3 million patients long. To put this into context, if we were to print this off, assuming an average of 50 patients per page, and laid end to end, the list would be 23 kilometres long (or 14 miles) – enough to stretch from our office in Brighton to Worthing (via the A27).

NHS Waiting List Now Over 4 Million Patients Long - Healys LLP

Does anyone here know how the NHS is funded?

This is deceptive because the waiting list in the US is much longer.
The implication that emergencies are put off, is false.
It is preventive maintenance like mammograms and colonoscopies that are scheduled far off, just like they are in all countries.
The ONLY way we ever see "universal healthcare" is if the "healthcare" is devastatingly bad. Leftists don't recognize that, they think money grows on trees, so long as it's someone else's money.

In the US we now have devastatingly bad health care, with over 100,000 deaths annually due to medical malpractice.
Almost every other country in the world has better health care for half the cost, by going public.

The reason public health care cost less and is better quality is because you remove the layers of cost who supply nothing, like insurance companies.

100k out of 330 million? That is 1/3 of 1%. Thats nothing!

That is ridiculous.
It is not 100k out of 330 million.
There are NOT 330 million people going to the ER every year.
Only about 4 million a year are admitted to hospitals.
And the point is our rate of malpractice deaths is over twice that of countries with publlc health care.

You're so gullible.

Are medical errors really the third most common cause of death in the U.S.?
NHS Waiting List over 4 million Long.
12th August 2019 by Healys

In 2018, official figures showed the waiting list for an NHS operation was over 4.3 million patients long. To put this into context, if we were to print this off, assuming an average of 50 patients per page, and laid end to end, the list would be 23 kilometres long (or 14 miles) – enough to stretch from our office in Brighton to Worthing (via the A27).

NHS Waiting List Now Over 4 Million Patients Long - Healys LLP

Does anyone here know how the NHS is funded?

This is deceptive because the waiting list in the US is much longer.
The implication that emergencies are put off, is false.
It is preventive maintenance like mammograms and colonoscopies that are scheduled far off, just like they are in all countries.

Knee replacements are put off too. Living with pain is so much fun I am sure.
NHS Waiting List over 4 million Long.
12th August 2019 by Healys

In 2018, official figures showed the waiting list for an NHS operation was over 4.3 million patients long. To put this into context, if we were to print this off, assuming an average of 50 patients per page, and laid end to end, the list would be 23 kilometres long (or 14 miles) – enough to stretch from our office in Brighton to Worthing (via the A27).

NHS Waiting List Now Over 4 Million Patients Long - Healys LLP

Does anyone here know how the NHS is funded?

This is deceptive because the waiting list in the US is much longer.
The implication that emergencies are put off, is false.
It is preventive maintenance like mammograms and colonoscopies that are scheduled far off, just like they are in all countries.

I'm past caring.

You're exhausting.

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