Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

If for some reason you feel giving everyone healthcare, including free healthcare to illegals, will result is something better than Medicaid your the one thinking with your ass...idiot.

No, the idiocy is our current system.

The problem is our current system if rife with inefficiencies, from every doctor's office having to employ three people to figure out all the different insurance plans, to the uninsured showing up at emergency rooms for treatment at ten times the cost, to Nine Figure Salaries for insurance executives....

It's not an issue of enough money being spent... it's how it's being spent.

The UK spends half of what we do as a percentage of GDP on health care... and yes, the rich don't get private hospital rooms. But they live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate, and beat us on nearly every health metric.

Yep, get the government involved and it'll take care of the money like a well oiled machine. You've got to be the stupidest person on earth to buy that BS.

Obviously yes!
Do you really think that adding layers of for profit corporations to health care could ever be as cheap as the way government can to it?
Just look at where government already does it in the US, like VA and Medicare. Administration overhead is less than 10% that of what private corporations charge.

Each year, health care payers and providers in the United States spend about $496 billion on billing and insurance-related (BIR) costs, according to Center for American Progress estimates presented in this issue brief. As health care costs continue to rise, a logical starting point for potential savings is addressing waste. A 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) estimated that the United States spends about twice as much as necessary on BIR costs.2 That administrative excess currently amounts to $248 billion annually, according to CAP’s calculations.
Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System - Center for American Progress

If you go to any doctor's office, you will see that the insurance form administration staff is far greater than the staff that actually provides medical services.

The easiest way to prove #2 is to remind you that VA and Medicare already hires doctors, and pays them competitive ways.
The current system does not pay doctors any more, but it pays more to the health care corporations that hire the doctors.
What public health care does is eliminate layers of corporations skimming off profits, not by paying doctors less.
Competitive doesn’t equal more. Many doctors go into plastic surgery and LASIK because it’s private pay and they can make way more.

MOST doctors do NOT go into plastic surgery or LASIK because they are not just in it for the money, but want to help people. Public health care pays very good incomes to doctors. Same as most get now after the corporations take all their cuts.

Because they want to help people? Wow, someone has been watching way too much television.

Almost no one works for money.
Once you make over $100k/year, money really does not matter any more.
What people want then is recognition, respect, outlet for creativity, legacy, impact, gratitude, etc.
Money is fairly insignificant once you get past the stage where you don't have enough to be comfortable.

No kidding, did you get that from the Biden family or Clinton family?
The easiest way to prove #2 is to remind you that VA and Medicare already hires doctors, and pays them competitive ways.
The current system does not pay doctors any more, but it pays more to the health care corporations that hire the doctors.
What public health care does is eliminate layers of corporations skimming off profits, not by paying doctors less.
Competitive doesn’t equal more. Many doctors go into plastic surgery and LASIK because it’s private pay and they can make way more.

MOST doctors do NOT go into plastic surgery or LASIK because they are not just in it for the money, but want to help people. Public health care pays very good incomes to doctors. Same as most get now after the corporations take all their cuts.

Because they want to help people? Wow, someone has been watching way too much television.

Almost no one works for money.
Once you make over $100k/year, money really does not matter any more.
What people want then is recognition, respect, outlet for creativity, legacy, impact, gratitude, etc.
Money is fairly insignificant once you get past the stage where you don't have enough to be comfortable.

You're kidding, right? I make 3x and that is still not enough for daily living expenses and tuition costs for my kids. My wife is going back to work next year so we can afford college. Living in Boston is PRICEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100k is NOTHING.

I spent some time in Boston, and would never live there.
There is no advantage, and there is no reason to pay such high prices for anything.
(although I did like the subway)
In fact, I had to pass on the whole northeast.
The Midwest costs peanuts in comparison.
I first picked the west coast because the Asian investments made it vastly better paying than the northeast.
But later I preferred more southern and warmer climates.
College tuition used to be almost nothing at land grant, state universities, for in-state tuition.
I have heard they are going up, but that is another issue to work on bringing back down, not one that requires higher incomes.
I have been to ERs in the US and had to wait an hour and a half, dripping blood on the carpet, before they would stitch up a bad cut.
I have been to ERs in other countries and they are faster, more careful, and no paperwork at all.
I have never seen anyone get US ER service faster than an hour or so.
I was in Hyannis MA with my 10-yr old. Arm infection and cut. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes. It depends where you go and how severe your condition is. Many times people go to the ER when they don’t have to. My friend just had a heart scare. He was seen in literally seconds. You lie, Rigby.

Nope, you are the one lying.
The only way you can get through the paperwork that quickly is if you already are a patient with a particular private doctor or clinic. You did not just to into a strange hospital off the street and get that fast of care.
And what is the average income leval of Hyannis, MA?
We were on vacation. No idea. Google it. In terms of my friend he said he was having chest pains. We did the paper work afterwards. The paperwork for my daughter took less than five minutes. We have these things called computers now.

You were treated differently than most cases.
That was probably due to you being on an expensive vacation, in an expensive area, that led them to believe you were wealthy.
Try wearing old clothes, go to a poor area, and see how you are treated.
The paperwork is mostly financial, like a credit check.
So they usually do NOT allow any procedure before the paperwork is all done.
And computers do NOT speed up the paperwork, but increase the time it takes for all the information to be verbally communicated and then manually typed into the complex, generic, computerized forms.

Cape Cod is not all that expensive. LOL.

Yes it is.
That is a well known fact.
You just can't tell because you are comparing it to Boston, which is also ridiculously expensive.
If for some reason you feel giving everyone healthcare, including free healthcare to illegals, will result is something better than Medicaid your the one thinking with your ass...idiot.

No, the idiocy is our current system.

The problem is our current system if rife with inefficiencies, from every doctor's office having to employ three people to figure out all the different insurance plans, to the uninsured showing up at emergency rooms for treatment at ten times the cost, to Nine Figure Salaries for insurance executives....

It's not an issue of enough money being spent... it's how it's being spent.

The UK spends half of what we do as a percentage of GDP on health care... and yes, the rich don't get private hospital rooms. But they live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate, and beat us on nearly every health metric.

Yep, get the government involved and it'll take care of the money like a well oiled machine. You've got to be the stupidest person on earth to buy that BS.

Obviously yes!
Do you really think that adding layers of for profit corporations to health care could ever be as cheap as the way government can to it?
Just look at where government already does it in the US, like VA and Medicare. Administration overhead is less than 10% that of what private corporations charge.

Each year, health care payers and providers in the United States spend about $496 billion on billing and insurance-related (BIR) costs, according to Center for American Progress estimates presented in this issue brief. As health care costs continue to rise, a logical starting point for potential savings is addressing waste. A 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) estimated that the United States spends about twice as much as necessary on BIR costs.2 That administrative excess currently amounts to $248 billion annually, according to CAP’s calculations.
Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System - Center for American Progress

If you go to any doctor's office, you will see that the insurance form administration staff is far greater than the staff that actually provides medical services.

How do you get thinking that it is any easier or cheaper for medical offices to get medicaid to pay?
I used to own shares in Beverly Enterprises, a nursing home concern.

Their annual reports were proud of how few medicaid patients they had. It was a headache getting the government to pay
Is Medical School Worth it Financially? - BestMedicalDegrees.com

Becoming a doctor is super expensive so they should be able to charge as much as they want to.

You still do NOT get it at all.
The salary paid to the doctor is an INSIGNIFICANT part of what you pay for health care.
Over half of what we pay for health care is just corporate profit.

And the way it SHOULD work is that is costs nothing to become a doctor, so that we get the most and best doctors, and then they won't need to charge as much because there won't be a shortage.

High medical costs are totally artificial, and have nothing to do with doctor's salaries.
MOST doctors do NOT go into plastic surgery or LASIK because they are not just in it for the money, but want to help people. Public health care pays very good incomes to doctors. Same as most get now after the corporations take all their cuts.

LASIK definitely helps people. Those who have had it have their vision improved immeasurably.

My aunt had a couple of face lifts in the 1960's and 1970's and she felt better with it. She died at age 82 in 1984

LASIK is not worth the risk, side effects, etc.
I hardly need glasses, but wear them all the time just because they have repelled objects dozens of times.
Is Medical School Worth it Financially? - BestMedicalDegrees.com

Becoming a doctor is super expensive so they should be able to charge as much as they want to.

You still do NOT get it at all.
The salary paid to the doctor is an INSIGNIFICANT part of what you pay for health care.
Over half of what we pay for health care is just corporate profit.

And the way it SHOULD work is that is costs nothing to become a doctor, so that we get the most and best doctors, and then they won't need to charge as much because there won't be a shortage.

High medical costs are totally artificial, and have nothing to do with doctor's salaries.

I was wondering about the true costs of medicines.

In Arab countries for instance, they are cheaper than on prescription. (For the rest of us)

And well stocked pharmacies are plentiful.
Every state has Medicaid 4 the indigent. Only a few scumbag red states don't have expanded medicaid with Obamacare for those who make less than about $1,400 a month.

Not every state is wealthy enough to encourage freeloading through expanded medicaid. Nothing to do with "scumbag".

What would you suggest Texas cut to do this?

WV, KY, AR, and LA are very poor states...they all expanded medicaid.

Now other states are poorer.

Great job !!!
You dont think folks should have healthcare?

How the fuck did you pull that out of your ass ?

Please share ?
The federal government pays 90% of expanded medicaid. Everything you know is wrong.
If for some reason you feel giving everyone healthcare, including free healthcare to illegals, will result is something better than Medicaid your the one thinking with your ass...idiot.

No, the idiocy is our current system.

The problem is our current system if rife with inefficiencies, from every doctor's office having to employ three people to figure out all the different insurance plans, to the uninsured showing up at emergency rooms for treatment at ten times the cost, to Nine Figure Salaries for insurance executives....

It's not an issue of enough money being spent... it's how it's being spent.

The UK spends half of what we do as a percentage of GDP on health care... and yes, the rich don't get private hospital rooms. But they live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate, and beat us on nearly every health metric.

Yep, get the government involved and it'll take care of the money like a well oiled machine. You've got to be the stupidest person on earth to buy that BS.

Obviously yes!
Do you really think that adding layers of for profit corporations to health care could ever be as cheap as the way government can to it?
Just look at where government already does it in the US, like VA and Medicare. Administration overhead is less than 10% that of what private corporations charge.

Each year, health care payers and providers in the United States spend about $496 billion on billing and insurance-related (BIR) costs, according to Center for American Progress estimates presented in this issue brief. As health care costs continue to rise, a logical starting point for potential savings is addressing waste. A 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) estimated that the United States spends about twice as much as necessary on BIR costs.2 That administrative excess currently amounts to $248 billion annually, according to CAP’s calculations.
Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System - Center for American Progress

If you go to any doctor's office, you will see that the insurance form administration staff is far greater than the staff that actually provides medical services.

How do you get thinking that it is any easier or cheaper for medical offices to get medicaid to pay?

When you have private health insurance, it requires a huge staff that has been trained in how to fill out all the different forms for all the different health insurance companies. When you have public health care, there is no profit motive, so you don't even need any forms at all. The doctors are just paid the same hourly salary, whether they actually did anything or not.
I have been to ERs in the US and had to wait an hour and a half, dripping blood on the carpet, before they would stitch up a bad cut.
I have been to ERs in other countries and they are faster, more careful, and no paperwork at all.
I have never seen anyone get US ER service faster than an hour or so.
I was in Hyannis MA with my 10-yr old. Arm infection and cut. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes. It depends where you go and how severe your condition is. Many times people go to the ER when they don’t have to. My friend just had a heart scare. He was seen in literally seconds. You lie, Rigby.

Nope, you are the one lying.
The only way you can get through the paperwork that quickly is if you already are a patient with a particular private doctor or clinic. You did not just to into a strange hospital off the street and get that fast of care.
And what is the average income leval of Hyannis, MA?
We were on vacation. No idea. Google it. In terms of my friend he said he was having chest pains. We did the paper work afterwards. The paperwork for my daughter took less than five minutes. We have these things called computers now.
Also thanks to Obamacare in great part.
Zero to do with the ACA. I have private insurance.
Our computerized health system is due in great part to aca... And would do more without the GOP sabotage. All to protect the rich from paying their fair share...
MOST doctors do NOT go into plastic surgery or LASIK because they are not just in it for the money, but want to help people. Public health care pays very good incomes to doctors. Same as most get now after the corporations take all their cuts.

LASIK definitely helps people. Those who have had it have their vision improved immeasurably.

My aunt had a couple of face lifts in the 1960's and 1970's and she felt better with it. She died at age 82 in 1984

LASIK is not worth the risk, side effects, etc.
I hardly need glasses, but wear them all the time just because they have repelled objects dozens of times.

The alternative to LASIK are eyeglasses, which can be pretty expensive. $350-$400 for my last couple of pair, which last a couple of years. LASIK can be money saving.
I used to own shares in Beverly Enterprises, a nursing home concern.

Their annual reports were proud of how few medicaid patients they had. It was a headache getting the government to pay

You have this backwards.
What was really going on is that the private health insurance companies were happy to over pay, because they were in on the racket. The more providers over charge, the more people buy health insurance because then they can't afford to be without it.

With public health care, the doctors and nurses are paid the same, but there is no paperwork at all because they are hired by the government instead of for profit corporations.
I was in Hyannis MA with my 10-yr old. Arm infection and cut. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes. It depends where you go and how severe your condition is. Many times people go to the ER when they don’t have to. My friend just had a heart scare. He was seen in literally seconds. You lie, Rigby.

Nope, you are the one lying.
The only way you can get through the paperwork that quickly is if you already are a patient with a particular private doctor or clinic. You did not just to into a strange hospital off the street and get that fast of care.
And what is the average income leval of Hyannis, MA?
We were on vacation. No idea. Google it. In terms of my friend he said he was having chest pains. We did the paper work afterwards. The paperwork for my daughter took less than five minutes. We have these things called computers now.
Also thanks to Obamacare in great part.
Zero to do with the ACA. I have private insurance.
Our computerized health system is due in great part to aca... And would do more without the GOP sabotage. All to protect the rich from paying their fair share...

While ACA made some improvements, it did nothing to reduce the overcharges from provider corporations that run for profit. The public option is the only way to get any real competition into the medical monopoly that currently exists.
I used to own shares in Beverly Enterprises, a nursing home concern.

Their annual reports were proud of how few medicaid patients they had. It was a headache getting the government to pay

You have this backwards.
What was really going on is that the private health insurance companies were happy to over pay, because they were in on the racket. The more providers over charge, the more people buy health insurance because then they can't afford to be without it.

With public health care, the doctors and nurses are paid the same, but there is no paperwork at all because they are hired by the government instead of for profit corporations.

Actually, in the nursing home racket, most people don't have insurance that covers it long term.

Its a cash business for a large number of patients.
I have been to ERs in the US and had to wait an hour and a half, dripping blood on the carpet, before they would stitch up a bad cut.
I have been to ERs in other countries and they are faster, more careful, and no paperwork at all.
I have never seen anyone get US ER service faster than an hour or so.
I was in Hyannis MA with my 10-yr old. Arm infection and cut. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes. It depends where you go and how severe your condition is. Many times people go to the ER when they don’t have to. My friend just had a heart scare. He was seen in literally seconds. You lie, Rigby.

Nope, you are the one lying.
The only way you can get through the paperwork that quickly is if you already are a patient with a particular private doctor or clinic. You did not just to into a strange hospital off the street and get that fast of care.
And what is the average income leval of Hyannis, MA?
We were on vacation. No idea. Google it. In terms of my friend he said he was having chest pains. We did the paper work afterwards. The paperwork for my daughter took less than five minutes. We have these things called computers now.
Also thanks to Obamacare in great part.
Zero to do with the ACA. I have private insurance.
Everything in the health system is controlled by ACA. Your private insurance can no longer cut you off or charge you more than the annual cap etc etc, dingbat. Hyannis is incredibly Rich it's where the Kennedys are in their compound.
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Competitive doesn’t equal more. Many doctors go into plastic surgery and LASIK because it’s private pay and they can make way more.

MOST doctors do NOT go into plastic surgery or LASIK because they are not just in it for the money, but want to help people. Public health care pays very good incomes to doctors. Same as most get now after the corporations take all their cuts.

Because they want to help people? Wow, someone has been watching way too much television.

Almost no one works for money.
Once you make over $100k/year, money really does not matter any more.
What people want then is recognition, respect, outlet for creativity, legacy, impact, gratitude, etc.
Money is fairly insignificant once you get past the stage where you don't have enough to be comfortable.

You're kidding, right? I make 3x and that is still not enough for daily living expenses and tuition costs for my kids. My wife is going back to work next year so we can afford college. Living in Boston is PRICEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100k is NOTHING.

I spent some time in Boston, and would never live there.
There is no advantage, and there is no reason to pay such high prices for anything.
(although I did like the subway)
In fact, I had to pass on the whole northeast.
The Midwest costs peanuts in comparison.
I first picked the west coast because the Asian investments made it vastly better paying than the northeast.
But later I preferred more southern and warmer climates.
College tuition used to be almost nothing at land grant, state universities, for in-state tuition.
I have heard they are going up, but that is another issue to work on bringing back down, not one that requires higher incomes.

Where do you live?
Is Medical School Worth it Financially? - BestMedicalDegrees.com

Becoming a doctor is super expensive so they should be able to charge as much as they want to.

You still do NOT get it at all.
The salary paid to the doctor is an INSIGNIFICANT part of what you pay for health care.
Over half of what we pay for health care is just corporate profit.

And the way it SHOULD work is that is costs nothing to become a doctor, so that we get the most and best doctors, and then they won't need to charge as much because there won't be a shortage.

High medical costs are totally artificial, and have nothing to do with doctor's salaries.

I was wondering about the true costs of medicines.

In Arab countries for instance, they are cheaper than on prescription. (For the rest of us)

And well stocked pharmacies are plentiful.

Arab countries don't have alcoholics or drug abusers. Since both are prohibited and punishable by death.

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