Untold crimes: expulsion, rape and murder of millions of Germans after WWII

Why not? Where are the millions of documentations about that? Anyone told you before? No? So why don´t they count?
Count for what, war dead? Inhumane actions only results in more inhumane actions..

the Russian soldiers were REALLY PISSED ------ what did the Nazi dogs
expect?. millions? not likely
I am well aware it happened but he doesn't ever say what they count for......Damn it's damned..
The Germans reaped what they sow.

Much as will Russia and Syria receive the same measure and extent for their villainy.
Your time of dominance is running out. You neglect your country while maintaining hegemony elsewhere.

oh gee------capt blei A BITTER DISPLACED NAZI DOG. ----well....back to
personal anecdote. As I have mentioned innumerable times, I grew up in
a town replete with Nazis. There was one jerk who never tired of CURSING
the BRITISH ROYAL AIRFORCE (RAF) ------back in the 1950s and 60s.
He did so in german accented "English" I was a kid and therefore clueless as
to what he was cursing about -----so my mother explained. He was in Berlin
when the British bombed. -----of course he is forgetting what the british did to
LONDON. The same guy went MANIC in 1967 with the "CRISIS IN
THE MIDDLE EAST" when Baathist pig Gamel Abdul Nasser was describing his
HAPPY. well---king Solomon was right-------THERE IS NOTHING NEW
UNDER THE SUN. Capt blei AGAIN brings me back to my childhood

Cool rant.

thanks Blei -------you could be a bit more eloquent in your
Nothing like that. I doubt the upcoming China will be any better in the future.
The Germans reaped what they sow.

Much as will Russia and Syria receive the same measure and extent for their villainy.
Your time of dominance is running out. You neglect your country while maintaining hegemony elsewhere.

oh gee------capt blei A BITTER DISPLACED NAZI DOG. ----well....back to
personal anecdote. As I have mentioned innumerable times, I grew up in
a town replete with Nazis. There was one jerk who never tired of CURSING
the BRITISH ROYAL AIRFORCE (RAF) ------back in the 1950s and 60s.
He did so in german accented "English" I was a kid and therefore clueless as
to what he was cursing about -----so my mother explained. He was in Berlin
when the British bombed. -----of course he is forgetting what the british did to
LONDON. The same guy went MANIC in 1967 with the "CRISIS IN
THE MIDDLE EAST" when Baathist pig Gamel Abdul Nasser was describing his
HAPPY. well---king Solomon was right-------THERE IS NOTHING NEW
UNDER THE SUN. Capt blei AGAIN brings me back to my childhood

How come you have more nasty things to say about Poles, rather than Germans?
The Germans reaped what they sow.

Much as will Russia and Syria receive the same measure and extent for their villainy.
Your time of dominance is running out. You neglect your country while maintaining hegemony elsewhere.

oh gee------capt blei A BITTER DISPLACED NAZI DOG. ----well....back to
personal anecdote. As I have mentioned innumerable times, I grew up in
a town replete with Nazis. There was one jerk who never tired of CURSING
the BRITISH ROYAL AIRFORCE (RAF) ------back in the 1950s and 60s.
He did so in german accented "English" I was a kid and therefore clueless as
to what he was cursing about -----so my mother explained. He was in Berlin
when the British bombed. -----of course he is forgetting what the british did to
LONDON. The same guy went MANIC in 1967 with the "CRISIS IN
THE MIDDLE EAST" when Baathist pig Gamel Abdul Nasser was describing his
HAPPY. well---king Solomon was right-------THERE IS NOTHING NEW
UNDER THE SUN. Capt blei AGAIN brings me back to my childhood

How come you have more nasty things to say about Poles, rather than Germans?

not true------I have FAR more nasty things to say about germans than I do about
poles. ---------I have lots of nasty things to say about a WHOLE LOT of ------things
I have sympathy for anyone who falls under the heel of Marxists.

But let me try to understand your thoughts here. The Soviets were fresh off dividing up Poland and the Baltics with their erstwhile ally Hitler and unleashing a war of conquest with Germany per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. They had begun wars of conquest by invading Finland, Lithuiania, Latvia and Estonia and Poland.

All the territory they took after Ribbentrop Molotov had rightfully belonged to Russia before 1917. So that's no argument. What else you got?

They were still engaged in systematic mass murder of anti-leftists in their gulag system of concentration camps having passed 1,000,000 victims by 1938. link
They had systematically ethnically cleansed and practiced genocide against ethnic nationalities from the Cossaks, Decossackization - Wikipedia, to prosperous farmers,Dekulakization - Wikipedia, to Ukrainians, Holodomor - Wikipedia, to crimean tatars, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars, an almost endless list of victims.

And nearly all these groups had fought with the Whites or other factions in the Russian Civil War. Civil wars are kind of a bitch.

Up until their fall the Communists had unleashed war on over a third of the globe. Count the Chinese for their invasions and war exports as well.

So my question to you is...when should we start raping Russian women and Chinese women as payback?

somehow, I doubt you served when we still considered Russia an enemy.
I have sympathy for anyone who falls under the heel of Marxists.

But let me try to understand your thoughts here. The Soviets were fresh off dividing up Poland and the Baltics with their erstwhile ally Hitler and unleashing a war of conquest with Germany per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. They had begun wars of conquest by invading Finland, Lithuiania, Latvia and Estonia and Poland.

All the territory they took after Ribbentrop Molotov had rightfully belonged to Russia before 1917. So that's no argument. What else you got?

They were still engaged in systematic mass murder of anti-leftists in their gulag system of concentration camps having passed 1,000,000 victims by 1938. link
They had systematically ethnically cleansed and practiced genocide against ethnic nationalities from the Cossaks, Decossackization - Wikipedia, to prosperous farmers,Dekulakization - Wikipedia, to Ukrainians, Holodomor - Wikipedia, to crimean tatars, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars, an almost endless list of victims.

And nearly all these groups had fought with the Whites or other factions in the Russian Civil War. Civil wars are kind of a bitch.

Up until their fall the Communists had unleashed war on over a third of the globe. Count the Chinese for their invasions and war exports as well.

So my question to you is...when should we start raping Russian women and Chinese women as payback?

somehow, I doubt you served when we still considered Russia an enemy.

Uh, first the Soviets massacred over 100,000 Poles, in the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, then Soviets invaded Poland in 1939.
I have sympathy for anyone who falls under the heel of Marxists.

But let me try to understand your thoughts here. The Soviets were fresh off dividing up Poland and the Baltics with their erstwhile ally Hitler and unleashing a war of conquest with Germany per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. They had begun wars of conquest by invading Finland, Lithuiania, Latvia and Estonia and Poland.

All the territory they took after Ribbentrop Molotov had rightfully belonged to Russia before 1917. So that's no argument. What else you got?

They were still engaged in systematic mass murder of anti-leftists in their gulag system of concentration camps having passed 1,000,000 victims by 1938. link
They had systematically ethnically cleansed and practiced genocide against ethnic nationalities from the Cossaks, Decossackization - Wikipedia, to prosperous farmers,Dekulakization - Wikipedia, to Ukrainians, Holodomor - Wikipedia, to crimean tatars, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars, an almost endless list of victims.

And nearly all these groups had fought with the Whites or other factions in the Russian Civil War. Civil wars are kind of a bitch.

Up until their fall the Communists had unleashed war on over a third of the globe. Count the Chinese for their invasions and war exports as well.

So my question to you is...when should we start raping Russian women and Chinese women as payback?

somehow, I doubt you served when we still considered Russia an enemy.

Pretty long non answer. Just as I thought.
did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

There were no big words or original ideas...which was all I wanted to see. Just the same communist party line. Soviets good..german people bad. Exterminate them! American leftists have contributed to this since 1917.

All the territory they took after Ribbentrop Molotov had rightfully belonged to Russia before 1917. So that's no argument. What else you got?

How about Crimea? Rightfully belonged to Russia?
Actually they kept meticulous records. That is why holocaist denying scum have such a hard time

Yes the Germans were very thorough. But I can see here they were as fallible as anyone else and fell short their goals. Not supermen as they claimed.
All the territory they took after Ribbentrop Molotov had rightfully belonged to Russia before 1917. So that's no argument. What else you got?


Well, my little communist apologist. Not quite right. Of course the Soviets always claimed they were "invited in" or "entered to help". I dont recall they ever used "this used to be ours" though. In you zeal to defend Hitler's mass murdering allies you got a little ways from the party line. You arent only a communist apologist (and a liberal democrat..but i repeat myself)...you are a dumb one.

If the Soviets had told the world that Poland rightfully belonged to them, and their Nazi co-invaders, the world would have laughed at them (but the joeb131's would have shouted "yes it did poland belongs to the communists and the Nazis").

Not what happened. On Septmber 16, 1939, this is the excuse the communists themselves gave as their pretext to the world...

"the Polish State had collapsed and no longer existed; therefore all agreements concluded with Poland were void; third powers might try to profit by the chaos which had arisen; the Soviet Union considered itself obligated to intervene to protect its Ukrainian and White Russian brothers and make it possible for these unfortunate people to work in peace."
The Soviet Government intended to publicize the above train of thought by the radio, press, etc., immediately after the Red Army had crossed the border, and at the same time communicate it in an official note to the Polish Ambassador here and to all the missions here.
Molotov conceded that the projected argument of the Soviet Government contained a note that was jarring to German sensibilities but asked that in view of the difficult situation of the Soviet Government we not let a trifle like this stand in our way. The Soviet Government unfortunately saw no possibility of any other motivation, since the Soviet Union had thus far not concerned itself about the plight of its minorities in Poland and had to justify abroad, in some way or other, its present intervention.
Telegram #371

In another telegram the communists and nazis continued to debate a fake reason for their invasion. The Nazis vetoed the first Soviet try...

"We assume in proposing such a communiqué that the Soviet Government has already given up the idea, expressed by Molotov in an earlier conversation with you, of taking the threat to the Ukrainian and White Russian populations by Germany as a ground for Soviet action. The assignment of a motive of that sort would be out of the question in practice. It would be directly contrary to the true German intentions...Telegram 360

And still more argument as the communist/Nazi forces debated what lie to be told to the world. (Again I will point out "this used to be ours" never came up)

Stalin received me at 2 o'clock at night in the presence of Molotov and Voroshilov and declared that the Red Army would cross the Soviet border this morning at 6 o'clock along the whole line from Polozk to Kamenetz-Podolsk...Stalin read me a note that is to be handed to the Polish Ambassador tonight, to be sent in copy to all the missions in the course of the day and then published. The note contains a justification for the Soviet action. The draft read to me contained three points unacceptable to us. In answer to my objections, Stalin with the utmost readiness so altered the text that the note now seems satisfactory for us...Telegram 372

Yes indeed you communist propagandist...note that the communists you defend made changes "satisfactory to us".."us" being the Nazis they worked with unleashing wars on the world.

I wont sink into your slime with proving that the invasion of Finland was not for lost territory but strategic advantage in preparation of their next conquests. I wont waste time telling a soulless red like yourself that even if the USSR DID have some claim to the Baltics, which they didnt, the 34,250 Latvians, 75,000 Lithuanians and almost 60,000 Estonians deported or killed didnt deserve it.
And I doubt explaining that the Gestapo-NKVD conferences on the partitioning of Poland were where they hashed out the joint execution of 25000 plus Poles.

So when would you suggest raping Russian women to pay them back for their atrocities?
Uh, first the Soviets massacred over 100,000 Poles, in the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, then Soviets invaded Poland in 1939.


Pretty long non answer. Just as I thought.

did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

So, I guess genocide is "Cool" to you?

I can think of no other way to understand "so". He is still mad the Nazis stabbed their communist allies in the back.
After the war, up to 16 million Germans were expelled, up to three million Germans were killed and at least 2 million raped. Do they not count?

Flucht und Vertreibung Deutscher aus Mittel- und Osteuropa 1945–1950 – Wikipedia

That is what happens to the country that starts a world war that kills tens of millions of people and starts a campaign to eliminate an whole innocent religious group and others they deemed as undesirables.

Although I have great admiration for the German people now, that for the ones in ‘45 I say fuck them.

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After the war, up to 16 million Germans were expelled, up to three million Germans were killed and at least 2 million raped. Do they not count?

Flucht und Vertreibung Deutscher aus Mittel- und Osteuropa 1945–1950 – Wikipedia

That is what happens to the country that starts a world war that kills tens of millions of people and starts a campaign to eliminate an whole innocent religious group and others they deemed as undesirables.

Although I have great admiration for the German people now, that for the ones in ‘45 I say fuck them.

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Do you realize that cultist can gain power over the masses, and if highly persuasive they can encapsulate a people almost in a spell like fashion ?? Do you realize that only the most key element's of the society need be persuaded in order to lead the others unsuspecting into their personal hell ? There were millions of Germans in 45 who didn't agree with Hitler after he showed his true agenda, but stopping him then was an impossible task even though they began dying while trying. It might be said that in some cases if it hadn't have been for the defectors, then Hitler and his demons might have won enough battles to prolong the Hell for years longer. I want to thank the brave German souls who brought Hitler to his end, and may God bless them forever and ever Amen.
FARM (Fake Alt Right Media) tripe by beagle9.

The Germans did almost nothing to bring down Hitler. A few tried and died.

That you USSR, UK, USA, and the free nations of the world who did end Hitler.

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