Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Here, from your link:

"A plan by Senate Democratic leaders to reform the nation’s immigration laws ran into strong opposition from civil liberties defenders..."

Clearly, you statement
"The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this."
was a lie.

You are, and will always be, a low-life lying scum.
Nobody cares about the ACLU duhhh. It was the GOP that blocked it DUHHHHH.

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card
Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card
Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card

Now....let's see you find a quote that says this:
"The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this."
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
‘Skinny repeal’ of Obamacare would leave 16 million more people uninsured in a decade
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
BTW, I'm 6'4, 210. lol. You can't help it if you're ignorant and misinformed. The giant BS/hate GOP propaganda machine is scary...
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
you dont even know what a dupe is, you punk. Im about sick and tired of you following me around and harassing me, making personal attacks against me. If you want some trouble, bring it on. otherwise, go ut your dick beaters to buttons with someone else.
you didnt ask any real question
you didnt make a statement
you simply made a post to attack me personally, unprovoked.
leave me the fuck alone, or back up your bullshit, punk. I served this country, I pay taxes, own a business, and Im not going to stand for some little shitstain like you, following me around like a rabid poodle, nipping at my heels.
go the fuck away.
dont address me
dont quote me.
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
‘Skinny repeal’ of Obamacare would leave 16 million more people uninsured in a decade
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
BTW, I'm 6'4, 210. lol. You can't help it if you're ignorant and misinformed. The giant BS/hate GOP propaganda machine is scary...
Im not a republican
and I dont give a fuck how fat you are....I dont date guys.
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
you dont even know what a dupe is, you punk. Im about sick and tired of you following me around and harassing me, making personal attacks against me. If you want some trouble, bring it on. otherwise, go ut your dick beaters to buttons with someone else.
you didnt ask any real question
you didnt make a statement
you simply made a post to attack me personally, unprovoked.
leave me the fuck alone, or back up your bullshit, punk. I served this country, I pay taxes, own a business, and Im not going to stand for some little shitstain like you, following me around like a rabid poodle, nipping at my heels.
go the fuck away.
dont address me
dont quote me.
Angry white dupe.^^^ Keep voting for the GOP screwing you, then...WHY are national ID cards a bad idea? They would END illegal immigration and make voter id and med id no problem. Don't be a fear mongered scaredy cat... I'm a retired teacher and businessman and don't need stupid personal attacks eith. Dupe is a political term, the most important one of the last 30 years. GOPers are either greedy scumbags or dupes nowadays.
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
you dont even know what a dupe is, you punk. Im about sick and tired of you following me around and harassing me, making personal attacks against me. If you want some trouble, bring it on. otherwise, go ut your dick beaters to buttons with someone else.
you didnt ask any real question
you didnt make a statement
you simply made a post to attack me personally, unprovoked.
leave me the fuck alone, or back up your bullshit, punk. I served this country, I pay taxes, own a business, and Im not going to stand for some little shitstain like you, following me around like a rabid poodle, nipping at my heels.
go the fuck away.
dont address me
dont quote me.
Angry white dupe.^^^ Keep voting for the GOP screwing you, then...WHY are national ID cards a bad idea? They would END illegal immigration and make voter id and med id no problem. Don't be a fear mongered scaredy cat... I'm a retired teacher and businessman and don't need stupid personal attacks eith. Dupe is a political term, the most important one of the last 30 years. GOPers are either greedy scumbags or dupes nowadays.
Im not even a republican, asshole. Dont call me dupe and I will be happy to answer your question. I will engage anyone, agree or disagree, as long as they give me the proper respect I deserve. So if you want an answer, ask in a respectful manner.
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
‘Skinny repeal’ of Obamacare would leave 16 million more people uninsured in a decade
national ID cards are a horrible idea......but then again, open borders and unchecked immigration might just be the government creating a crisis so us peasants will be willing to give up more of our liberty in order to "solve" the problem.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
BTW, I'm 6'4, 210. lol. You can't help it if you're ignorant and misinformed. The giant BS/hate GOP propaganda machine is scary...
Im not a republican
and I dont give a fuck how fat you are....I dont date guys.
6'4" 210 is hardly fat. But you believe all the GOP BS and don't vote Dem. So you're duped.
WHY, dupe?
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
you dont even know what a dupe is, you punk. Im about sick and tired of you following me around and harassing me, making personal attacks against me. If you want some trouble, bring it on. otherwise, go ut your dick beaters to buttons with someone else.
you didnt ask any real question
you didnt make a statement
you simply made a post to attack me personally, unprovoked.
leave me the fuck alone, or back up your bullshit, punk. I served this country, I pay taxes, own a business, and Im not going to stand for some little shitstain like you, following me around like a rabid poodle, nipping at my heels.
go the fuck away.
dont address me
dont quote me.
Angry white dupe.^^^ Keep voting for the GOP screwing you, then...WHY are national ID cards a bad idea? They would END illegal immigration and make voter id and med id no problem. Don't be a fear mongered scaredy cat... I'm a retired teacher and businessman and don't need stupid personal attacks eith. Dupe is a political term, the most important one of the last 30 years. GOPers are either greedy scumbags or dupes nowadays.
Im not even a republican, asshole. Dont call me dupe and I will be happy to answer your question. I will engage anyone, agree or disagree, as long as they give me the proper respect I deserve. So if you want an answer, ask in a respectful manner.
I respect everyone, but not their misinformed brainwashed beliefs. Thus, calling someone a dupe is a POLITICAL insult, whereas shitstain and asshole, not.
who the fuck are you calling dupe, shitstain little sissy?
You, hater dupe. Nobody's for open borders etc except in dupe world...
you dont even know what a dupe is, you punk. Im about sick and tired of you following me around and harassing me, making personal attacks against me. If you want some trouble, bring it on. otherwise, go ut your dick beaters to buttons with someone else.
you didnt ask any real question
you didnt make a statement
you simply made a post to attack me personally, unprovoked.
leave me the fuck alone, or back up your bullshit, punk. I served this country, I pay taxes, own a business, and Im not going to stand for some little shitstain like you, following me around like a rabid poodle, nipping at my heels.
go the fuck away.
dont address me
dont quote me.
Angry white dupe.^^^ Keep voting for the GOP screwing you, then...WHY are national ID cards a bad idea? They would END illegal immigration and make voter id and med id no problem. Don't be a fear mongered scaredy cat... I'm a retired teacher and businessman and don't need stupid personal attacks eith. Dupe is a political term, the most important one of the last 30 years. GOPers are either greedy scumbags or dupes nowadays.
Im not even a republican, asshole. Dont call me dupe and I will be happy to answer your question. I will engage anyone, agree or disagree, as long as they give me the proper respect I deserve. So if you want an answer, ask in a respectful manner.
I respect everyone, but not their misinformed brainwashed beliefs. Thus, calling someone a dupe is a POLITICAL insult, whereas shitstain and asshole, not.

Have you picked up the tome I've recommended for your edification?

This one:



You will find yourself mentioned prominently, blanko.
Anyone believe illegals (or far more likely, their handlers) or the Russians have co-oped our political system? It's possible, and not so far fetched as it seems.Why are some cities so over concerned with protecting illegals outside of what their constituency wants?.Seems like over stepping a boundary and more like pandering. Denver's mayor Mike Hancock, for instance seems he is more concerned with pandering to illegals than the wishes of the voters. All we want is the the city and county to follow Federal immigration laws. We want Denver to follow federal laws, like pollution or car safety or OSHA , What is is wrong with deporting illegal aliens all of a sudden?

California, the most populous and economically robust state in the nation has not only been co-opted by illegal aliens, but in fact takes orders from Mexico City, We are but a vassal of Mexico. The allegiance of the Assembly and Senate is to the Nation of Mexico, not the USA.. The whole Calexit shit started long before Trump and has as the goal to secede from America to become part of Mexico, whom the democrats in California actually serve.
Anyone believe illegals (or far more likely, their handlers) or the Russians have co-oped our political system? It's possible, and not so far fetched as it seems.Why are some cities so over concerned with protecting illegals outside of what their constituency wants?.Seems like over stepping a boundary and more like pandering. Denver's mayor Mike Hancock, for instance seems he is more concerned with pandering to illegals than the wishes of the voters. All we want is the the city and county to follow Federal immigration laws. We want Denver to follow federal laws, like pollution or car safety or OSHA , What is is wrong with deporting illegal aliens all of a sudden?

California, the most populous and economically robust state in the nation has not only been co-opted by illegal aliens, but in fact takes orders from Mexico City, We are but a vassal of Mexico. The allegiance of the Assembly and Senate is to the Nation of Mexico, not the USA.. The whole Calexit shit started long before Trump and has as the goal to secede from America to become part of Mexico, whom the democrats in California actually serve.

This, from Coulter's "Adios, America:"
"In Mexico, every transaction between a citizen and a government official involves a cash bribe." Coulter, Op.Cit.

I just finished two of Don Winslow's books...



If this is where California and illegal aliens are taking us.......

Anyone believe illegals (or far more likely, their handlers) or the Russians have co-oped our political system? It's possible, and not so far fetched as it seems.Why are some cities so over concerned with protecting illegals outside of what their constituency wants?.Seems like over stepping a boundary and more like pandering. Denver's mayor Mike Hancock, for instance seems he is more concerned with pandering to illegals than the wishes of the voters. All we want is the the city and county to follow Federal immigration laws. We want Denver to follow federal laws, like pollution or car safety or OSHA , What is is wrong with deporting illegal aliens all of a sudden?

California, the most populous and economically robust state in the nation has not only been co-opted by illegal aliens, but in fact takes orders from Mexico City, We are but a vassal of Mexico. The allegiance of the Assembly and Senate is to the Nation of Mexico, not the USA.. The whole Calexit shit started long before Trump and has as the goal to secede from America to become part of Mexico, whom the democrats in California actually serve.

This, from Coulter's "Adios, America:"
"In Mexico, every transaction between a citizen and a government official involves a cash bribe." Coulter, Op.Cit.

I just finished two of Don Winslow's books...



If this is where California and illegal aliens are taking us.......


Eric Bauman, the head of the fascist California democratic party boasted that Jerry Brown will be the last Anglo Governor of the state, ever. The bilingual shit that so many of us fought against in the 80's is back with a vengeance. Be aware that this has nothing to do with education and in fact establishes Spanish as the official language of the state.


At least they have the PLO flag with them as well, what are democrats without their Antisemitism?
Yup, Nazis are socialists, hater superdupe.

Hitler did indeed nationalize all heavy industry.

You should sign up for a night school history class, you will be amazed at what actually happened in the past.
"Hitler did indeed nationalize all heavy industry"....Krupp would be surprised to hear that. Provide the proof.

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