Update: The Illegal Alien Vote


Yeah well I agree with Justice Sotomayor. You don't lose the fundamental right to marry while incarcerated, why should you lose the fundamental right to vote?

You lose the fundamental Constitutional guaranteed right to keep and bare arms if you are convicted of most felonies so why not the right to vote?

And I don't believe all felonies should lose an individual that right either. The 2nd Amendment has that "well regulated" part you know.

Yeah well I agree with Justice Sotomayor. You don't lose the fundamental right to marry while incarcerated, why should you lose the fundamental right to vote?

You lose the fundamental Constitutional guaranteed right to keep and bare arms if you are convicted of most felonies so why not the right to vote?

And I don't believe all felonies should lose an individual that right either. The 2nd Amendment has that "well regulated" part you know.

Of course you don't because these thugs would mostly vote for Democrats. If the stats had them mostly voting for Republicans then I would bet a dollar that you would be against it.

Why should someone that has been convicted in a court of law of harming society or other individual be given the ability to chose political leaders? They already made choices damaging to our civilization so why allow them to continue to make bad choices?

I would go further than that. I would prevent welfare queens that are receiving government assistant from voting their greed. I would prevent people that don't pay income taxes at the Federal level from voting in national elections. I would prevent people not paying property or income taxes on the state or local level from voting. By the way, that was mostly the way our country was established at the time of the Constitution.

Democracy can suck and be just as oppressive as any other form of government. The problem with Democracy is that it gives the greedy 51% the ability to steal money through the government from the 49% and that is despicable.

Yeah well I agree with Justice Sotomayor. You don't lose the fundamental right to marry while incarcerated, why should you lose the fundamental right to vote?

You lose the fundamental Constitutional guaranteed right to keep and bare arms if you are convicted of most felonies so why not the right to vote?

And I don't believe all felonies should lose an individual that right either. The 2nd Amendment has that "well regulated" part you know.

Of course you don't because these thugs would mostly vote for Democrats. If the stats had them mostly voting for Republicans then I would bet a dollar that you would be against it.

Why should someone that has been convicted in a court of law of harming society or other individual be given the ability to chose political leaders? They already made choices damaging to our civilization so why allow them to continue to make bad choices?

I would go further than that. I would prevent welfare queens that are receiving government assistant from voting their greed. I would prevent people that don't pay income taxes at the Federal level from voting in national elections. I would prevent people not paying property or income taxes on the state or local level from voting. By the way, that was mostly the way our country was established at the time of the Constitution.

Democracy can suck and be just as oppressive as any other form of government. The problem with Democracy is that it gives the greedy 51% the ability to steal money through the government from the 49% and that is despicable.

Welfare Queens receiving government assistance voting their greed....sounds like Trumps Goldman Sachs administration.

Yeah well I agree with Justice Sotomayor.

You would. She is a dumb Libtard extreme Left Wing bitch. She never gets anything right. Obama was an idiot to appoint her to the Court and the Republicans were idiots for allowing her appointment.

Thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't win to continue to appoint idiots to the Court like that asshole Obama did. The two worst Supreme Court Appointees ever in the history of the Court.
Well you mention "Logic and reason."

So how many illegals in this country would have reason to "risk getting caught and deported"--so that they can cast a single vote? Actually walking into a precinct so they can say the ultimate: "Here I am come and get me."

Year after year studies shows that fraudulent voting is very rare. Out of every BILLION votes cast there will be 31 that are fraudulent.
How many votes out of a billion cast were fraudulent? And the number is ...

Donald Trump is wrong. Rigging an election is almost impossible.

There's a reason for it being very rare:

1. You lose your right to vote forever.
2. It is a Felony to vote more than once or use fraudualent I.D. to cast a vote.

3. It also comes with heafty fines--jail time or both.

In 2016 they did catch 2 people that registed in two different precincts--and both of them were Trump voters.


Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Then in Texas anotherTrump voter was caught trying to vote twice.

Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

So my Logic and Reason tells me that since Trump was promoting voting twice--by claiming that dead people voted--& you don't really know if you're mail in ballot was counted or not that it would probably be a great idea to see how manyTrump supporters voted multiple times by registering in different precincts or being registered in more than one state and voting more than once. In fact these two voters stated the reason they tried to vote twice was because of what TRUMP told them.

I'll lay odds right now, that you'll find more Trump voters voting more than once than you would ever find an illegal stupid enough to risk getting caught and deported just so they could cast a vote.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

"Well you mention "Logic and reason."

So how many illegals in this country would have reason to "risk getting caught and deported"--"


Obama told the illegals to go and vote and no one would question it.

Here, his own words.

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

You mean in the same interview where Obama promoted how voters must be U.S. citizens.


I mean this:

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

Thanks for asking.

Yes, that's the same interview where Obama promotes how voters must be U.S. citizens. You know, what you bizarrely refer to as encouraging illegal aliens to vote.


You're a riot, PoliticalHack.

Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths
Last edited:
"Well you mention "Logic and reason."

So how many illegals in this country would have reason to "risk getting caught and deported"--"


Obama told the illegals to go and vote and no one would question it.

Here, his own words.

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

You mean in the same interview where Obama promoted how voters must be U.S. citizens.


I mean this:

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

Thanks for asking.

Yes, that's the same interview where Obama promotes how voters must be U.S. citizens. You know, what you bizarrely refer to as encouraging illegal aliens to vote.


You're a riot, PoliticalHack.

Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.
You mean in the same interview where Obama promoted how voters must be U.S. citizens.


I mean this:

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

Thanks for asking.

Yes, that's the same interview where Obama promotes how voters must be U.S. citizens. You know, what you bizarrely refer to as encouraging illegal aliens to vote.


You're a riot, PoliticalHack.

Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

Last edited:
I mean this:

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

Thanks for asking.

Yes, that's the same interview where Obama promotes how voters must be U.S. citizens. You know, what you bizarrely refer to as encouraging illegal aliens to vote.


You're a riot, PoliticalHack.

Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
Here you go you trolling little bitch,

Once your information has been submitted for registration, it still needs to be approved by your local election official. This official will contact you once your CA voter registration has been approved, or if they need more information from you.

Voter Registration in California | DMV.org

And again, for the severely reading impaired.

No matter how you turn in your registration application – online or paper – when it comes to determining a person's eligibility to vote, preventing duplicate registrations, and adding a person to California's official voter rolls, all the same safeguards are in place. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

And I would absolutely love to hear your proclaimed educational credentials. At least that way I would know what institutions to keep my children and grandchildren away from. Honestly, it has to take a lot of work to be as stupid as you are.

Why are you back????

Didn't we just agree that you're an imbecile?????

No one checks as long as the illegal alien is voting Democrat.

Just ask these guys:


This is the Democrat version of the quote
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

Get it, stupid??????

Looks like two gentlemen exercising their second amendment rights

If they were carrying AK-47s...the right would be celebrating them

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

Blew that one...a prediction of a future event is not a lie

What does that have to do with young men enacting their second amendment right?

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?

Wow....nice try Frau Braun

So any prediction of a future event that doesn't come true is now "a lie"?

And Racer X is not a lie!
Well....I'll have to prove you to be a lying low-life.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Sooo....we agree: you'll lie to support the Democrats?


I neither lied nor supported Democrats.

You just quoted the article saying that what you put in bold is true when completing voter registration. Let me say that again in case you truly don't understand: voters are registered as having no party preference when registering to vote at the DMV. You just posted the quote that says that! The article doesn't say that when you renew your driver's license you are automatically registered to vote, no matter your citizenship status. It says you can complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your license.

You might also notice that the quote says voters have to stop to answer questions. It doesn't say illegal aliens, it doesn't say anyone who enters a DMV, it doesn't say there are no longer any requirements for registering to vote.

I honestly don't know if you realize this and are just trolling, or if you truly cannot understand the very quotes you are posting. :dunno:

Well....I'll have to prove you to be a lying low-life.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Sooo....we agree: you'll lie to support the Democrats?


" It says that those who are registering to vote must answer questions at a terminal or they will be registered with no party preference."

And that means they can vote for any party... automatically registered....you lying dunce.

BTW....you are henceforth forbidden from ever using the word 'honestly' ("I honestly don't know....") ever again.

You sure do like to copy and paste your own posts as though they somehow gain more credibility if you repeat them.

Once again, the article never says that illegals are automatically registered to vote. The article says that you can register to vote at the same time you renew your license. Illegals are not allowed to register to vote.

Now, you have argued that illegals are being registered to vote despite that not being allowed. Perhaps, but you have provided not one shred of evidence that this is happening. Whether it is or is not, you have not shown it to be true.

I still have not lied. Instead, you either continue to lie about what the LA Times article says, or you continue to be incapable of understanding what it says. Voters is not the same as illegal aliens. Being registered as having no party preference is not the same as being registered to vote.

You've been provided links to California state government information regarding voting registration which says both that being a citizen is a requirement to register to vote and that registration applications will be reviewed before the registration is accepted. Despite this, you still go back to the same misinterpreted quote about being registered with no party affiliation as though the repetition will somehow make it relevant.
Of course illegals are not allowed to register to vote. That's stated clearly in California law....

Assembly Bill No. 60

This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

PoliticalHack knows this as she's been shown it a dozen times on several different threads where she keeps repeating this nonsense as though repitition will somehow magically make what she says real. She literally has to ignore the law to maintain her list of lies.

Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....
....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?


Logic as taught by Columbia University
You do better at cut and paste

And don't forget the bold
Why are you back????

Didn't we just agree that you're an imbecile?????

No one checks as long as the illegal alien is voting Democrat.

Just ask these guys:


This is the Democrat version of the quote
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

Get it, stupid??????

Looks like two gentlemen exercising their second amendment rights

If they were carrying AK-47s...the right would be celebrating them

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

Blew that one...a prediction of a future event is not a lie

What does that have to do with young men enacting their second amendment right?

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?

Wow....nice try Frau Braun

So any prediction of a future event that doesn't come true is now "a lie"?

And Racer X is not a lie!

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?
Looks like two gentlemen exercising their second amendment rights

If they were carrying AK-47s...the right would be celebrating them

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

Blew that one...a prediction of a future event is not a lie

What does that have to do with young men enacting their second amendment right?

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you avi to your sig

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?

Wow....nice try Frau Braun

So any prediction of a future event that doesn't come true is now "a lie"?

And Racer X is not a lie!

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?

Damn, Frau Braun

You sound more and more like Joe McCarthy every day
Yes, that's the same interview where Obama promotes how voters must be U.S. citizens. You know, what you bizarrely refer to as encouraging illegal aliens to vote.


You're a riot, PoliticalHack.

Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.
Is this what you can't deny, Ugly?

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.

"#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote."

Well....let's see who is lying.

#3 said this:
3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

But that isn't me averring (better look that up, Ugly)....it's the LATimes.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

So.....turns out you're both ugly and a liar, huh?

This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.

"#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote."

Well....let's see who is lying.

#3 said this:
3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

But that isn't me averring (better look that up, Ugly)....it's the LATimes.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

So.....turns out you're both ugly and a liar, huh?
You poor thing, bless your heart. The L.A. Times is not the law; and the law says illegals aren't registered to vote.
"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.

"#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote."

Well....let's see who is lying.

#3 said this:
3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

But that isn't me averring (better look that up, Ugly)....it's the LATimes.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

So.....turns out you're both ugly and a liar, huh?
You poor thing, bless your heart. The L.A. Times is not the law; and the law says illegals aren't registered to vote.

Soooo.....the LATimes is lying?

Or....,"... they will be registered..." means that these law-abiding illegal aliens wouldn't break the law, and vote?

Or....millions of 'em broke the law...as they did at the border.....and voted.
Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.

"#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote."

Well....let's see who is lying.

#3 said this:
3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

But that isn't me averring (better look that up, Ugly)....it's the LATimes.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

So.....turns out you're both ugly and a liar, huh?
You poor thing, bless your heart. The L.A. Times is not the law; and the law says illegals aren't registered to vote.

Soooo.....the LATimes is lying?

Or....,"... they will be registered..." means that these law-abiding illegal aliens wouldn't break the law, and vote?

Or....millions of 'em broke the law...as they did at the border.....and voted.
No, the L.A. Times doesn't say illegals are registered. The word, "illegals," doesn't even appear in the article.

And again, for the hard of learning, the law says illegals aren't registered to vote and the L.A. Times does not trump the law.
This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you.

Neither one of them campaigned on a rigged election, nor suggested that their supporters committ a FELONY by voting twice. "You don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted--came out of Trump's mouth"
Did Trump encourage his Colorado supporters to vote twice?
Trump Urges Supporters To Vote Twice, Claiming ‘Rigged’ Election [Breaking]

Trump has a lot of stupid supporters that would have taken action on that comment. And if you've ever volunteered at an election precinct you would know the checks and balances that go on--which is why voter FRAUD is so rare.
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths

"This continual trying to spin it backwards onto Obama or Hillary Clinton is not working for you. "

Yeah, it is.

That's why you're here....because I exposed the snake, Obama.

He told illegal aliens to vote for Bill's wife.
The authorized breaking the law.

In your support of him....you share the contumely....better look that up, dunce.

Look lil Einstein you're just trying to prop up the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval Office with his outrageous claim that the reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3 to 5 million illegals voted in this country.

It was Trump that campaigned on a RIGGED election. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to vote more than once. It was Trump that told them to NOT TRUST the system that they're mail in ballots may not be getting counted. It was Trump that stated that if he didn't "win" the election it would be because the election was rigged. It was Trump that encouraged his supporters to commit a FELONY and a couple of them did.



Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Texas Trump Supporter Arrested For Trying to Vote Twice

Both of these people stated that the reason they did it--was because they believed Trump when he said the election was rigged. Most noteworthy they did not find anyone that tried to vote twice for Hillary Clinton.
Woman Arrested For Allegedly Voting For Trump Twice Because Polls Are “Rigged”

No illegal is STUPID enough to RISK getting caught and deported--just so they can cast a vote--DUMBASS.

But--I think it would be a great idea to do a nationwide audit on everyone that cast a vote for the Ass Clown to insure there aren't more of them.

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
31 In A Billion: Election Expert's Report Shatters Right-Wing Media Voter ID Myths


Let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give them IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

Makes sense, huh?
#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote. The reason it's a lie and not merely uninformed is because you've been shown data is not transmitted to the Department of State to request voter registration for folks at a DMV receiving an AB-60 license.

"#3 is a lie, they don't register illegal aliens to vote."

Well....let's see who is lying.

#3 said this:
3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.

But that isn't me averring (better look that up, Ugly)....it's the LATimes.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

So.....turns out you're both ugly and a liar, huh?

You just quoted the LA Times saying that voters will be registered. That is different from the LA Times saying illegals will be registered. You do realize there is a difference between the words "voters" and "illegals", don't you? ;)
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

The fact is, a defining characteristic of the indoctrinated is to reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma of the day.
Case in point: only when illegal alien votes are 'counted' did Bill's wife get more votes than Donald Trump.
Yup: the Left's policies were rejected.....by Americans.

When I noted that, one of the usual suspects wrote this:
"How many illegal votes.....I say that you made that crap up...."
The Left's Assault on America Writ Large.

Well, even the least among us deserve an education....so, here it is:

1. First and foremost is this: Liberals have been well trained never to question the uttering's of their elites, no matter how obvious the fallacious and transparent the fabrications.
If it is day and Liberal establishment says it is night, they have been disciplined to nod and agree the fabrication.

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

....the indoctrinated reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma.

2. Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."

There are far more than 11 million Illegal immigrants residing in our nation.....and they cast millions of votes for the Left's candidate.

Proof....coming right up.
Can't wait. If I was an illegal I wouldn't go with ing 100 miles of voting.
You think they are nuts? I think they have a few more brains than our forum conspirators.
They are all working, not in their doublwides sucking off their VA, SS Medicare socialist benefits
They wouldn't ship them registration forms if they couldn't vote.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in 'refugee welcome baskets'

We all know Hillary cheated in every way she could. She also outspent Trump 2:1 with her Saudi Arabia gay executioner money. She had all the establishment media and favors in her pocket, she even had a vagina.

Yet, she lost against a total political newbie. What a colossal loser!
Did Don the con try to grab her vagina? Or was he too busy peeping in teenage girls dressing rooms?

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