US Ambassador quits because of Trump.

US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

He is your ambassador.
Not anymore. :)
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Bye! No one is going to miss the little snowflake!
He has served under several Presidents. He sounds like a savvy individual. Smarter than his pig boss at least.
James D. Melville was appointed as ambassador in 2015 by shitstain obama. Thankfully he is gone.
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

Good.... they should make him pay his own way home....
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

Hey....dumb ass....America does pay the frieght on NATO, you doofus...
I'm sure Trump is devastated.

He's not smart enough to understand how he is insulting our allies, and how much his childish behavior is hurting our country.

Yes. He only beat the hilary clinton crime family, the obama chicago democrat machine, 16 professional, republican politicians, built a real estate empire around the world, been a t.v. star for 15 years .... yes, he is the dumb one.....

You are such a moron...
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

Hey....dumb ass....America does pay the frieght on NATO, you doofus...
Who are we fighting ? Its pretty much all a waste of money.
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Bye! No one is going to miss the little snowflake!
He has served under several Presidents. He sounds like a savvy individual. Smarter than his pig boss at least.
He's a whiner. That's obvious. I was wondering why such an individual was even the ambassador to begin with doesn't seem like the kind of tough individual President Trump would pick.
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Bye! No one is going to miss the little snowflake!
He has served under several Presidents. He sounds like a savvy individual. Smarter than his pig boss at least.
He's a whiner. That's obvious. I was wondering why such an individual was even the ambassador to begin with doesn't seem like the kind of tough individual President Trump would pick.
He is educated with a lot of different skills. I can see why he doesnt fit in with the chimps tea party.
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Tommy, why the Columbian flag? What does it mean to you?
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Bye! No one is going to miss the little snowflake!
He has served under several Presidents. He sounds like a savvy individual. Smarter than his pig boss at least.
He's a whiner. That's obvious. I was wondering why such an individual was even the ambassador to begin with doesn't seem like the kind of tough individual President Trump would pick.
He is educated with a lot of different skills. I can see why he doesnt fit in with the chimps tea party.
You obviously know NOTHING about President Trump or the people he has picked for their posts...they are ALL highly educated...
As anti-Trump ambassadors leave, Trump can replace them with pro-Trump ambassadors. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?
Bye! No one is going to miss the little snowflake!
He has served under several Presidents. He sounds like a savvy individual. Smarter than his pig boss at least.
He sounds like a globalist pig. Your type.
so--let me get this straight:
you want America to get screwed over by other countries.....???? !!!!!
I guess you let people screw you over?? if your landlord was making you pay more than others, you would let him give it to you in the A$$???
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

Have you noticed that when a Left-winger complains, he is utterly devoid of facts, or purpose?

"such a pig". Prove he's a pig.

Better yet, discuss the topic.

View attachment 201996
Is that fair, or not? Do you think it's ok for us to be paying so much for a program that mostly protects Europe?

I think we should reduce our defence spending. And so should you. However the US is set up for war and your economy is set up to support this. Cut your defence spendng and spend it on schools and healthcare.

And Trump proves he is a pig every time he opens his mouth.


We already have the most expensive health care system, and the most expensive school system in the world, and our schools do poorly, and our health care system is great, but too expensive.

Your plan is more of the failed system we already have?

We don't need more money dumped into bad systems. We to move to a capitalist system.

As for cutting defense..... did you people learn nothing? You tried that with Nazi Germany. Russia has already invade two countries, and annexed part of one. Are you still this blind?
US ambassador quits 'over Trump comments'

The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America's European allies.

James D Melville said Mr Trump's comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

Imagine having to work for such a pig ?

Yo, Tommyrot! How about taking a break and go slop the hogs?
I'm sure Trump is devastated.

He's not smart enough to understand how he is insulting our allies, and how much his childish behavior is hurting our country.
Meanwhile he praises Kim, Putin, and Dutarte.

Yer right! Trump is an apple polisher on a mission from God.
I think it is a bad idea to be praising authoritarian regimes while attacking those who have long shared our democratic values and goals. It would be like praising Venezuala’s Dictator.

First off, since VE Day,1945, I have considered Russia our enemy. Russia, since that time, has vowed to destroy us. Reagan was instrumental in helping topple Communism but the Ruskies are still the Evil Empire they've been since 1921. Trump is merely employing the tactic of keeping friends close and the enemy closer. Putin is a criminal thug and when he is gone I hope things change for the better. Because of conservative''s stance, JakeStarkey thinks we're Russian puppets. Jake, you couldn't be more wrong.

As far as our friends are concerned, a lot of our friends love us as long as they can suck on Uncle Sugar's boobies. N'est-ce pas?

You're only half right. He's keeping our country's enemies close, but trying his best to get rid of every friend we have.

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