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US bullies UN over breastfeeding initiative

it seems like a simple resolution endorsing breastfeeding as a healthy choice for infants......but not in a Trump America

NYT: US threatened nations over breastfeeding resolution - CNNPolitics

The US delegation threatened retribution on trade and military aid to Ecuador to get the nation to drop the resolution, according to the Times, and said at least a dozen countries also avoided the resolution out of fear of the US. Members of the delegation also suggested cutting US funding for the World Health Organization.
Eventually, Russia introduced the resolution
Religious zealots hate women and hate breasts.

Remember when nutty John Ashcroft covered the statues so they were clothed? These are sick bizarre people.

Do not let them fool you, they love the titties, but their dogma forces them to pretend they do not till they get home and turn on their computer porn.
You know, I know you're desperate and ready to grasp onto any reason to attack Trump, but even you should have paused and thought twice and asked yourself, "Now, gee, could it be that there is more to this story than what CNN is saying? Would the U.S. Government really go to such measures simply to stop or discourage mothers from breastfeeding?"

Now, just using my common sense and knowledge of poorer nations, could it be that mothers in those nations, because of their poor diets, would not have the proper amount of nutrition in their breast milk and that maybe, just maybe, the idea is that those mothers should have easy access to baby formula to ensure their babies get the proper amount of nutrients?

Could it be that the Trump administration had good intentions and valid reasons for their position, assuming the CNN story is accurate?

Please don't apply for any jobs concerning world health...

This is not a left or right issue, this is about world health... The WHO is a guideline for many countries around the world, my wife is a public health nurse in Ireland and WHO guidelines are used all the time...

Baby Formula companies were using hyper aggressive marketing techniques in third world countries... This led to many illiterate confused mothers using Baby Formula when they were too poor to sustain that... Nestle used to give out 2 weeks free trails but fail to tell mother there milk would dry up and they are stuck...
It's difficult to sift through the CNN tripe to get to the real story. It looks like the UN resolution is a direct attack on our baby formula makers. It is a strong enough attack to cause harm to mothers that produce little to no milk of their own. If it hurts the US the UN wants it even if the result is dead babies.

Again, it's God Bless Trump for putting American interests ahead of what the UN wants.

Oh, no! According to "rightwinger," this is a massive conspiracy between Big Infant Formula and Team Trump to line the pockets of Big Infant Formula! Gee, who knew that the "Infant Formula Lobby" had such power?! Talk about a nutty conspiracy theory.

Are you stupid...

No conspiracy, it is call lobbying...

This is the swamp in action but now is more like a sewer...
it seems like a simple resolution endorsing breastfeeding as a healthy choice for infants......but not in a Trump America

NYT: US threatened nations over breastfeeding resolution - CNNPolitics

The US delegation threatened retribution on trade and military aid to Ecuador to get the nation to drop the resolution, according to the Times, and said at least a dozen countries also avoided the resolution out of fear of the US. Members of the delegation also suggested cutting US funding for the World Health Organization.
Eventually, Russia introduced the resolution

Who knew the baby formula lobby was so strong...

It's all about the Benjamins baby...

Think about it this way...

In Europe normal milk is €0.90 a litre, Ready made baby milk is €4.58 a litre and has a self life of a year approx....

Major Benjamins baby...
Get some freaking balls for God's sake lefties. Do you enjoy playing the victim? The U.N. aka the bar scene from Star Wars has been extorting and bullying the U.S. since timid Harry Truman was president. Isn't it refreshing to see the U.S. "bully" the U.N. for a change even if the incident was invented by CNN fake news?

Kill a few thousand babies, but it is all good fun...
I still cannot get a good idea of what went on.

U.S. Delegates Opposed an International Resolution That Supported Breastfeeding

Other than other countries do not want American baby formula sold in their countries but they do want our military there to protect them. I do not understand the outrage against baby food. And these are supposed to be professional journalists. I am here to tell them Columbia borders Equador, it does not boarder Equador! The USA needs to pull American baby food and our military from these countries and let them feed and protect their own children. Me? I refuse to join the Blame America First club. Every single time some country complains about America’s actions America must immediately stop that action. The one thing missing from this report is America’s side of the story!
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Why did we need a UN resolution on breastfeeding?

Because a lot of unethical companies sell baby formula in the third world these women can't really afford.
If they buy it they can obviously afford it.

If they can't afford it they shouldn't buy it
Yes, well, NOW according to that poster BABY COMPANIES ARE UNETHICAL. making formula is unethical. Wowser!
All these morons think people are forced to buy things
Why did we need a UN resolution on breastfeeding?

Because a lot of unethical companies sell baby formula in the third world these women can't really afford.
If they buy it they can obviously afford it.

If they can't afford it they shouldn't buy it
Yes, well, NOW according to that poster BABY COMPANIES ARE UNETHICAL. making formula is unethical. Wowser!
All these morons think people are forced to buy things
The only thing I know we were forced to buy or face consequences was obummercare. So obama was bullying the US citizen.
You know, I know you're desperate and ready to grasp onto any reason to attack Trump, but even you should have paused and thought twice and asked yourself, "Now, gee, could it be that there is more to this story than what CNN is saying? Would the U.S. Government really go to such measures simply to stop or discourage mothers from breastfeeding?"

Now, just using my common sense and knowledge of poorer nations, could it be that mothers in those nations, because of their poor diets, would not have the proper amount of nutrition in their breast milk and that maybe, just maybe, the idea is that those mothers should have easy access to baby formula to ensure their babies get the proper amount of nutrients?

Could it be that the Trump administration had good intentions and valid reasons for their position, assuming the CNN story is accurate?

Please don't apply for any jobs concerning world health...

This is not a left or right issue, this is about world health... The WHO is a guideline for many countries around the world, my wife is a public health nurse in Ireland and WHO guidelines are used all the time...

Baby Formula companies were using hyper aggressive marketing techniques in third world countries... This led to many illiterate confused mothers using Baby Formula when they were too poor to sustain that... Nestle used to give out 2 weeks free trails but fail to tell mother there milk would dry up and they are stuck...

I hate Nestle so much, I don't even buy Quick anymore. They drain whole town's aquifers for their damned bottled water.
Right wingers are offended by the sight of a baby nursing, they think all tits are good for is being shaken in their face at the strip club.

Who wants to see some feminist hag pull out her lung wart to nurse an ugly baby?

Then quit staring at them while jerking off
YOU would be the one who said their only use to a republican would be in titty bars.

jerking off to them would be a 2nd use. so you already admit your initial sarcasm was wrong?

in as much as just stereotypically stupid.
it seems like a simple resolution endorsing breastfeeding as a healthy choice for infants......but not in a Trump America

NYT: US threatened nations over breastfeeding resolution - CNNPolitics

The US delegation threatened retribution on trade and military aid to Ecuador to get the nation to drop the resolution, according to the Times, and said at least a dozen countries also avoided the resolution out of fear of the US. Members of the delegation also suggested cutting US funding for the World Health Organization.
Eventually, Russia introduced the resolution

Over on the Left: how're you going to argue for nursing babies when you don't even want them arriving on Earth in the first place?
That's the argument against breastfeeding? Moral equivalence? What a ham handed argument.

No dufus, he's saying how can LEFTISTS support breastfeeding when they advocate for killing babies in the womb. Why do they need to defend what is not needed?
Conflating a debate on abortion with a position against breast feeding is about the stupidest argument the Right could make. Abortion draws you morons as watermelon rind draws flies. But set that argument aside just this once and tell us all why we should be against breastfeeding! It should be a lay up for you guys, what with your family values argument all these years.

But Trump turned that apple cart over, didn't he? Instead of a full throated defense of motherhood, you lemmings are wearing the hair shirt of the bully. Gone are family values, in is Stormy Daniels. Gone is simple human respect, in is vilifying every human who is not a white American male.

To quote The Donald, sad. Bigly sad.

The thing here is, this is not a Left v Right issue... Both sides who are informed know Breast is Best(it is the motto from new fathers in Ireland)..

This is a case of two things
  • Informed v unInformed
  • What ever pisses off Liberals must be right...
A bit off topic...
To take the second point, it is important... One of Trump's core belief is Zero Sum Games, he thinks for him to win someone else must lose... He doesn't know about Comparative advantage - Wikipedia.
So if Democrats win a Republican must loose, China Wins then US must have lost, Blacks win then Whites loose.... This is a major cornerstone of Trump's thinking...
Get some freaking balls for God's sake lefties. Do you enjoy playing the victim? The U.N. aka the bar scene from Star Wars has been extorting and bullying the U.S. since timid Harry Truman was president. Isn't it refreshing to see the U.S. "bully" the U.N. for a change even if the incident was invented by CNN fake news?
Why does Trump fight against breast feeding?

Why does the sissie left monitor the freaking U.N.'s "initiatives"? The CNN's fake news version doesn't even make sense. Get some balls lefties and stop pretending that the U.S. is the mean bully when you finally have a president that isn't a patsy for the "Star Wars bar scene".
Trump is so in the pocket of big business it is disgusting
When I had my first child I was anemic and my kidlet was underweight - my doc told me I should use formula because that was the better choice for my kido.

When I had my second child everything went fine with the pregnancy - my doc said I should breast feed because that was the better choice for my kido.

When I was born to my mother everything went fine with the pregnancy but my mother smoked and was a career mom - doc said she should do both, give me x amount of breast milk at night and supplement with formula when she was working.

Was the same doctor in all three cases.

I can easily see the argument of malnutrition and not being able to properly nourish a baby - because I was put on a strict diet with the second so I could breastfeed. Something poor folks in the third world may not be able to do. The formula companies were probably offering the formula for free to try to help, not to get them fucking hooked or some drug fantasy like that. No good deed goes unpunished by the left though...

In any event why does the UN feel it needs to be involved in the personal health choices of a mother? It's none of the UN's damned business...
Get some freaking balls for God's sake lefties. Do you enjoy playing the victim? The U.N. aka the bar scene from Star Wars has been extorting and bullying the U.S. since timid Harry Truman was president. Isn't it refreshing to see the U.S. "bully" the U.N. for a change even if the incident was invented by CNN fake news?
It is legal for women to go topless in New York.

It should not be illegal for women to topless.
I mean, LOL. These leftists extremists here poo-hoo any and all "conspiracy theories" when they involve Democrats, but they conjure up a conspiracy between Big Infant Formula and Team Trump to keep Third World mothers from breastfeeding so that Big Infant Formula can exploit them. Gosh, who knew that Big Infant Formula wielded such enormous power!
A mother's milk is better and provides better immune support, and more cost effective.

What happened to Individual Liberty and Natural Rights, right wingers?

Breast feeding is Natural.

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