US = Country run by the Woke

Coming from a moron like you, that's a compliment!

But continue living in your false reality. If you ever emerged from it, you wouldn't like the real world.
You didn’t answer my question.
Typical dope. So is the police sexist? Yes or no?
PA voted for an inept moron. And before you say Oz was bad, Fetterman has to win his primary. So the party wanted that Frankenstein to run.

New Yorkers complained about crime and inflation and voted for a woman who doesn’t care about either instead of Lee Zeldin. A credible candidate.

AZ Dem Governor has 1mil+ votes and she refused to debate!!! That’s insane.

Gretchen Whitmer won re-election when she was the great dictator with lockdowns and the police unions endorsed her competitor.

MA is 100% blue. Not one Senator, Congressman or now Governor is a Republican. Talk about one party rule. MA approved a millionaires tax and for illegals to be issues a valid MA drivers license.

Cali is a disaster. Even Kathy Hochul said “At least we aren’t San Francisco” and Newsome was easily re-elected and is likely our next president.

Voters 18-30 leaned Democrat 3-1.

To me the GOP is the better platform at this time but I am obviously in the minority. Even TX had a lot of blue votes despite the border crisis.

So America wants to go woke. Gender is a social construct. Equity means less for straight white men. If you are black and don’t support the Democratic Party, you’re a traitor. It’s disheartening but it is the will of the people. When the Dems take control of the House again in 2024, the 2nd amendment will be abolished.

You heard it here first.

I suppose the repugs should present a platform that appeals to more people then. What do they offer now besides fear, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, religious fanaticism, conspiracy theories, guns, and cultlike adoration of Trump?
And you guys couldn’t come up with anyone better than Oz to take him out? Pathetic.

What does that say about you guys trying to run a guy from a tv show, with no experience, who had very little connection to Pennsylvania? Oh yea, and let’s throw Trump on his side because that seems like a good idea.

Terrible. Absolutely terrible.
Blame the PA voters. So we agree that PA voters on Both sides of the aisle are stupid. Great. Explains the Eagles and Steelers fans actually.
I suppose the repugs should present a platform that appeals to more people then. What do they offer now besides fear, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, religious fanaticism, conspiracy theories, guns, and cultlike adoration of Trump?
Will you please STFU. None of that is remotely true.
It was a joke. Goodness. The Rock is a Democrat anyway.
The problem is that the joke is becoming a reality with you guys.

Dr. Oz, Donald Trump, Herschel Walker. Stop electing celebrities who have no experience in politics. It isn’t working.

You guys are just a few steps away from voting for Kim Kardashian and Pauly Shore.
Look closely at the states where Democrats won against ANY measure of sanity.
WHO was in charge and held the reins of power there?

It is pure insanity to elect someone who releases violent criminals and "asks" them to show up for trial at some future date.
Inflation is real and is hurting people. Homelessness in Democrat cities is off the charts.
The nation is being invaded unchecked by unvetted foreigners.
Gas prices are high and can now go back up.

If calling the elections "suspicions" is a conspiracy theory, it still defies logic, reason and sanity.
At the very least, it points to a severely uninformed, ignorant populace absorbed with hedonism. Which is exactly what the Leftist controlled education system (and hollywood) has been clearly designed to produce for decades now.
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The problem is that the joke is becoming a reality with you guys.

Dr. Oz, Donald Trump, Herschel Walker. Stop electing celebrities who have no experience in politics. It isn’t working.

You guys are just a few steps away from voting for Kim Kardashian and Pauly Shore.

To be factual......
A solid grasp of business and economics is a far better qualifier for a US Preident than being a "professional politician". I present Joe Biden.
I suppose the repugs should present a platform that appeals to more people then. What do they offer now besides fear, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, religious fanaticism, conspiracy theories, guns, and cultlike adoration of Trump?

Speaking of "Cults" sound like you write the daily scripts for CNN, Joy Behar, Whoopie Goldberg and MSNBC.
Even if what you said is partially true, the Left is even better at all of those things.

You post and parrot lines as if you are a delusional zombie.
Did you finish HS ?
America disagrees with your assessment that Trump is better than Biden.

America disagrees? lol.
Then as I said, America has become an idiocracy exactly as planned by those enjoying the demise of American culture and prosperity at the hands of Leftists..

Secondly, I don't necessarily endorse Trump. However, your side has never been able to come up with any equitable evidence of the myriad of wrongs you scream he has committed. The media has done a spectacular job of smearing him and the easy to lead Left of course swallows it whole without chewing.

Open borders, criminal injustice and "Green Hysteria" are only good for those who do not care for America.
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Annnnd, these threads are why no one should ever take anyone on the right seriously. What is it with maga wanting reality show celebs in office? lmao
America disagrees? lol.
Then as I said, America has become an idiocracy exactly as planned by those enjoying the demise of American culture and prosperity at the hands of Leftists..
Yes, America disagrees with you and your opinion of what an idiocracy is.
The primary? I don’t know, I wasn’t following it. Fetterman wasn’t a good candidate.

The fact that you guys couldn’t come up with anyone better than Oz to take that seat is an embarrassment to you guys and you seriously need to re-evaluate what you’re trying to do.
Oz was closer to being a RINO who said he would work with Progs! Oz is a man who uses a knife and fork to eat dinner unlike Fetterman. Face it. We live in a land of "freebies" now. Endless ghettos with the same payouts and verbal etching spewed to the citizens of the land. only now the citizens are on the hook for permanent social services or else. And the costs keep rising. The real debts are increasing with this. The current inflation has been engineered to get the sucker citizens to pay for it and stop us from defaulting or causing a world depression. For as long as wecan keep paying the interest on the debts it forestalls it. But more and more people become poorer as we do not want to reduce the social welfare payouts.

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